《RE: DIVINE》Chapter 2: A world where I rule


I opened my eyes to be greeted by an unusual sight. Before me lay a fluffy white expanse, Greek style architecture was everywhere, none in ruins. However it seemed deserted, as it was utterly silent from the sound of my own breathing and heartbeat. At least they were signs that I was of the living. I was unsure what to do, however I felt my gaze pulled to a single point. A top of a hill coated by this white fluff, was a mansion. It had no special styling like the other buildings that were noticeable from a distance. I felt myself drawn to it, and began walking. As I took my first step I looked down and noticed my feet, or rather lack of. I looked for my hand and arms to find nothing there, however I felt them. Though I couldn’t see them I knew they were there. Though I was terrified when I saw the lack of appendage, the fact they were just invisible reduced it to unease. I decided to ignore it and took step for step to this house on a hill.

I reached the top of the hill to not only confirm it had no special design, but rather no design at all! It was a block of pure white with windows and doors. The surface seemed to be just a mirror, of course due to my lack of visible limbs showed nothing but a faint outline of me. Like I was looking at a character creator. I began to think of how I looked before, but it was like I didn’t remember. To be truthful I wasn’t vain and little cared of my own image, but it was strange I couldn’t think of what I looked like. I decided to pass it off as a side effect of dying and coming back. After standing there in thought, I turned and approached the front door of the house. It, like the rest of the house, was seamless. The only difference was the door frame and the noticeable seem giving way of it being possible to open, and a bright golden doorknob that greatly contrasted to the white. My hand grasped the know firmly and a deep sense of excitement and...homecoming overtook me. Homecoming? Was this home? I tried to remember my past but the more I tried the more it was wiped away. I thought that should be awful, but rather it gave me a sense of peace. In my mind came the thought of “a new slate, a new me” and it was comforting to think. I didn’t quite understand why but I felt this was...necessary? All I remembered of my past was I died and won a prize by doing so. Of course, I also remembered my prize was becoming a god of my own universe. I was indifferent, as the me that would have given a response had died in another world. That body would soon rot in a grave in some cemetery. I was however glad that only my personal memories, and not my learned knowledge was erased. I still knew great events in history, the various countries, current events, things of factual nature. I broke out of my train of thought from staring at the doorknob and turned it, slowly opening to the room within.

Inside the house was a well lit living room. Three white couches sat around a glass coffee table, the table itself had nothing on top of it. In front of this sitting area was an unused fireplace. It protruded ever slightly out of the wall. Above it was a small shelf like mantle to hold picture frames and other memorabilia as was common. The room itself had a carpeted floor. Unlike the white walls, the carpet was a faint gray color. Suddenly a voice appeared.


“Are you satisfied with your accommodations my lord?” I spun around towards the direction of the voice but saw nothing. “Forgive me my lord, you have yet to give me visible form, as such there is nothing to see.” I was confused, the voice was feminine and the source of the voice was very much there.

“What do you mean by that?” My eyes looked around a bit, looking for the faint trace I had noticed outside on the wall of the house. I eventually found it standing about four feet away or so. “I am to look as you so desire, if you wish to bestow me a viewable form I would be honored to have such.” I began to realize what the voice meant. My imagination began to wonder ever so slightly. Different women appeared in my head till a specific one stayed. A bodacious slender redhead with snow white skin and brown hazel eyes cropped into my head. I began imagining her smiling at me, and formally bowing as well.

“Is something the matter my liege?” I snapped back and realized the bowing and smiling weren’t of my imagination, rather the voice had taken form of what I had pictured. When I say pictured, I mean in its entirety. I felt my face warm exponentially, I adverted my eyes.

“Uhm, you’re not wearing any clothes, like at, um, all.” The women cocked her head to the side.

“Is the form you granted not to your liking at all?” I swallowed tightly and I felt a special pal begin saying hello.

“No, quite the opposite in-fact, however I would be ever so pleased if you would put on some clothing.”

“I do not posses that, you have not granted me anything to adorn my new form with.” This women had no sense of shame or subtlety with her body. In response to this I pictured a plain white t-shirt and blue jean covering the respective places on her body. “I am honored by your generous gift my lord.” I finally return my eyes to find her in another formal bow, her head faced slightly forward so I could still see her facial features, her very well endowed area pulled the shirt forward so a slight gap was viewable at the collarbone. This woman, which one could with high plausibility say was from my own mind, was gorgeous. Though in my head she was already, in person it was a beauty cataclysmic difference. As she stayed hunched over my eyes began devouring her looks, as I continued a single word popped in my head “pervert” my already still prevalent, if not invisible blush, probably covered my face.

“You don’t have to bow before me, I don’t even know who you are.” The woman raised herself back up.

“My apologizes, I have no name as my entire existence is up to your desire. This is your realm of rule as you are the god here. The realm currently looks as this from your thoughts upon receiving godhood. You may change anything, including myself and the world below, as you wish at any moment.”

I frowned “World below?”

“We currently reside on a divine cloud sitting on top of the highest mountain. Similar to the Greeks of your world belief that the god’s resided on Mt. Olympus.”

It was understandable, if my thought of how a gods realm would look was influenced by the Greeks than it was understandable to think other things was also influenced as such. However something else occurred to him as he thought about it. “What else was influenced by my thoughts?”


“A sort of ‘skills’ system exists in this world similar to the many VRMMORPG stories you have read for the mortals down below. Perform certain actions, do certain tasks, etc and you earn a skill pertaining to such. However this does not affect you as you are god, you have access to all skills and can bend the laws of this world as you wish as you are law. This world is also similar to stereotypical ‘fantasy’ worlds like you have seen in various games and books. There are different races, magic, and no ‘modern’ weaponry. The most common and basic weapons are swords, bows, and others that one would expect to find in such a realm.”

I raise my eyebrows in shock “You know a lot about my old world.”

“I have been given knowledge to better serve you and aid you in adjusting into your new role as a god.”

“What is my ‘role’ exactly?” I fold my invisible arms

“Anything you wish it to be. You can be a mere spectator, an avid influence on the realm, or you can go down there and enjoy yourself amongst the mortals as you deem fit, or you can do nothing and simply enjoy yourself in your realm. If you so wish it is possible to acquire items from your old world for yourself, however the god of that realm has requested if you do so do not take them out of here since he likes to keep a monopoly on his universes creations.”

“Is there a ‘religion’ about me then?”

“Yes, the various races know of your superior existence and have worshiped you from the beginning of this world.”

I was confused, I didn’t make this world why do they know of me? “But I never made this world?”

“As I had mentioned, you influenced this world. In-fact had you not influenced it, you would have come to a blank slate. You have made everything here, myself included. This realm has never had influence from outside beings save the god of your former world to send you here. You are the artisan and this world is your painting my liege.”

I nodded, not completely understanding but understanding enough to get by. “Well considering I don’t actually have to do anything, might as well goof off down there.” I was about to just walk out of the house I only stepped into the living room of when I realized I had no clue where I was going. “By chance do you know how to get down there?”

“I do, but may I suggest you give yourself physical form first?”

I smile embarrassed and reply sarcastically “No I was just going to go around yelling BOO and pretending to be a ghost, how do I give myself physical looks?”

“Same as you gave me mine.”

I frowned slightly. All I had done was use my imagination-oh. I chuckle slightly and begin imagining a body. Since this was a fantasy world I decided looking human was boring and overused, yet so was being an elf, and a dwarf, and an orc. Pretty much anything would be considered overused, so it was lose-lose on the initial coolness factor of things. I decided I would go dwarf, mostly because they were more Elder Scrolls dwarf style than Tolkien dwarf style. After gaining the base template, I decided to have long blonde hair because stereotypical elf-like character is always the best choice. Also deciding to be vain and make my character look more statuesque and other-worldly beautiful, I decided I would be one the best looking dwarfs ever because I’m god and I can. That probably sounds childish, which it is, but it was just what felt good at the time. I kept altering my looks till I was satisfied and ‘adorned’ the form. Immediately I noticed I was taller than before by at least one foot. My arms and legs were longer making them harder to control, or at least they should have because they felt completely natural. I cooked it up as just a god thing instead of wasting my mental power on internally debating it. I then imagined myself in a green Skyrim style tunic as clothing with fur boots and gloves to top it off.

“Now how exactly do I reach the ground?”

“Simple my lord, you imagine yourself in the place you wish to go.”

I furrowed my new made brow. Imagine myself there? How do I do that if I don’t I know where or what ‘where’ would be?

As if she knew the answer to my question “My lord forgive my rudeness but you know every nook and cranny of this world, you just to think about opening your divine ‘map’ if I were to put it into a term.”

I did as she said and it popped up into my head, I explored this mental map and found that not only it showed me every location in the world, but I could see it in real time. I could see everything in 3D, people selling things in a large city in the south, a hunter in the north loosing an arrow towards an elk. A monster taking a nap in a deep cavern in the east. Nothing was out of sight! It was like the largest scale reality TV show ever made. I close the mental map and looked at my servant who I realized I had yet to name. I already had a name I always liked in mind. “Your name shall be Elyisia by the way.” If I were to be honest, I probably should have thought about it longer than I did, however considering I kind of ‘made’ her she was pretty much my daughter in a weird sense.

She smiled greatly, obviously liking the name “By your will my lord. Since you are going down, do you wish me to accompany?”

I shrugged, considering she knew the ins and outs of everything and she was attractive, not that beauty had anything to do with it of course, she’d probably make a great traveling partner. “Sure, let’s go together.”

She smiled warmly “Well since I’ll be going with you, make sure you imagine me being there with you as well otherwise I’ll have to find another route down.”

“Wait a minute you’re the groundskeeper right?”

“Yes, that is my role for your realm is a caretaker.”

“Who’s going to take care of the realm if you and I aren’t here?”

“Remember how you had to search to see my outline?”


“The town isn’t empty at all my lord.”

I smiled a bit embarrassed and look down slightly. I than put the fact that I walked by a whole lot of people with out realizing away, including the fact none of them made a sound which was sort of disturbing. I decided to forget this strange fact and instead on traveling, wanting subtlety, my first location would be on not very auspicious. It was a border town between the kingdoms of man and dwarf, thus seeing both races together was normal there. I thought of us being in an empty part of the forest and the green foliage suddenly appeared before my eyes.


I hope you enjoyed this second chapter! Once again please give any criticism you have I’ll gladly take it. On a side note, if you read the description you’d notice I mentioned how its partially a parody. In truth this is just me saying where the story’s inspiration came from. Since people complained about an mc’s development being to quick in power progression I decided to make a story about a character without power progression since he has it all from the start. On a side note I have no real plot at this time, for now it’ll just be our Gods antics in the mortal realm as I flesh it out (I have an idea but I don't know if it'll work well enough) Once again I hope you enjoyed!

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