《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 16: Rena vs Aero


“It’s time for the test to begin. If you will please create the arena, Aero.” John shouted to quiet down the applicants.

I walked into the center of the field and punched the ground. This was tested in during the trip to see if I could build anything from construction magic. I seemed to be able to create large structures with no problems. My aggregate amount of magic really seems to be above god class because I never seem to run out. First, I flattened out the ground and raised it a few feet.

I used about the size of a basketball court to make the arena. It basically looked like I had created a small plateau just a few feet from the ground. I raised my arms and built large bleachers on either side of the arena. I go to step off the arena floor but realized I had forgotten to make stairs going to the arena floor. I walk over to the crowd of people and push my hands down and make stairs descending from the arena floor to the ground. I walk down the freshly created stairs and raise my hand on last time and make a blank sign. I return to and stand next to John and look at the arena I had created with slight dissatisfaction. Although it’s the correct size and structure it is all the same reddish brown color. I haven’t figured out how to change the color of the structures I build but I guess if I paint them it might turn out surprisingly good.

“Now for the as for the testing you will each fight one of us. If we find you strong enough you will be accepted if not you will be asked to leave. You allowed to pick from any of my group to fight including this one.” John added as a joke while he slaps me on the back.

The crowd laughed nervously at his joke. As a few of them line up to sign up for fights with Kaya and Elena but most of them line up in front of the men. However Rena walks over to me and smiled.

“I choose you!” She said brightly

“If you think I’m going easy on you because of the fact I find petting you enjoyable you should pick someone else.” I said as plainly as I could

“Hmm… so you like petting my ears huh?” Rena said smiling flirtatiously

“Yes, I do but your life is going to be on the line so if you’re not strong enough I’ll send you and your cute tail packing.” I said once again letting my desires shine through.

“Cute tail? Oh… well I don’t need you to go easy on me.” Rena waved off my concerns.

“Okay, now everyone here is the order of the fights. I have posted them on the board first up is the people who wanted to fight me.” John shouted over the dull roar of voices.

The list had me fighting last so I decided to watch from the stands until it was my turn. Rena plopped down next to me and looked at me until I started to pet her. She smiled as she laid down right on the bench. I looked towards the arena only to watch john crush every one of his opponents one by one. I had told them to fight but it seems that the people of John’s group could just be weak. John gets to the last person in his group and they seemed to hold up better against him and became the first person to pass. Everyone who failed bowed and thanked John for the chance to fight him.


Next was George’s group that was filled with burly men with huge swords. They must have assumed that he was slow and they would have a better chance against him since they also were slow. To their dismay George is was amazingly quick and after all of his fights no one was strong enough to pass his test. I started to get slightly worried as Tom and Elena also beat everyone and passed no one. Kaya passed two people but failed the rest without even fighting them. Halt fought a few but he only passed one. I guess that not many people has enough strength in this village but at least we have four new guards so far. Rena had fallen asleep again so I have to nudge her awake. She looked up with a thin line of drool on her chin. She noticed it and quickly wiped it off and smiled embarrassedly.

“You’re the only one fighting me so come on.” I said in my most aggressive tone possible

“Okay. You’re on! Don’t be surprised if you lose though…” Rena said lightly

This cat is looking down on me even after seeing what I could do with magic. She seems to be pretty confident in her abilities though. We head down to the arena and I hear some catcalls from my cheering section.

“Don’t win, girls like it when you let them win!” Kaya shouted

“Aero, she’s a girl don’t go too hard on her.” Elena shouted

“Aero, she’s pretty so be a man and lose so you can win later!” Tom shouted

Those three are going to get soaked again if they keep this up.

“Aero, fight seriously. She is strong so go all out or you won’t win.” George told me as I walked past.

We enter the arena and move to our sides. Rena still has a bright smile on her face and I am sure my face looks less bright.

“It’s just a match so relax. We aren’t fighting to kill or anything. You’re trying to grasp my skill level correct?” Rena asked

“True, but I get the feeling that you’re just teasing me.” I said

“Nope… I just like your petting and as a job perk it’s a pretty good one. I am Rena, 30th heir of the Night-style sword school.” She said proudly as she charges towards me.

She pulls out a small short curved short sword and with her open hand throws a dagger at me. I draw one of my swords and deflect the dagger but Rena has already closed the distance between us. She goes for a low swing aimed at my leg but I turn my blade to send it skidding into the arena floor. I attempt to draw my other short to hit her solar plexus with the hilt but she jumps back and dodges the attempt.

“Oh… you’re surprising good for a magician.” Rena said surprised

“I train to become as strong as possible. If a magician’s body is weak it should be made strong. Oh and I just won. ” I said while flashing a smile.

“Won? How so I’m still standing?” She laughed

“Look at your feet!” I said while using my sword to gesture toward the arena floor.

Her feet are held down by a shoe of hardened earth. She tries to lift her feet but I didn’t see any movement from her restraints.

“You charged forward without any strategy of course you lost. Did you forget who built this arena using only magic?” I said


“True… but you didn’t get my arms!” She said as she started striking the earth around her feet.

Cracks began to form in her restraints as she hammers them mercifully. I honestly think she’s plenty strong to be a guard I felt that after our first exchange but I am actually enjoying fighting her. I let her break the foot restraints and she flashes me a vicious smile.

“Here I come!” she shouted playfully with a fierce smile

Rena disappears from my view but I can sense her intent behind me swinging for my head. I duck and sweep at her legs. But she jumped over my head and landed in behind me again and with a downward stroke she hits me on the head. Not with her sword her hand in like a karate chop. We both spring back and put distance between us but it was clear who won that bout.

“So I’m approved then right?” Rena asked suddenly

“Yes, your speed is quite something.” I said.

“Hmm… I see, then this is over then right?” Rena said with a disarming smile.

I sheath my swords as does Rena. She approaches me and offers her hand and we shake.

“Good to have you.” I said

“Thanks… um…can you let go of my tail it feels good but not right now.” Rena blushed

I had grabbed and started the pet it when it landed in my outstretched hand. I think I have a problem with the beast race. Even with George I rubbed his tail and scratched his ears if it didn’t feel good could this be considered rude.

“Sorry, my hand just moves on its own.” I apologized

“No, it’s okay. But how did you do that magic? I didn’t hear a chant?” Rena asked really close to my face.

“Um… I don’t need to chant to use magic… It just sort of comes to me?” I tried to answer

“Hmm… I see. Just out of curiosity what was the final move of the capture method if your goal is to kill your enemy.” she asked stepping back from my face.

I create a sphere of dirt and have it float above my hand. I create tiny spears of earth and send them though the ball.

“Something like that appears around them and the spears of earth all get shot at them from all directions.” I said

“Oh… that seems rather effective.” She said nervously

She was probably trying to think of a way to escape it. Tom and everyone else could break the shackles with just one swing of their sword but the next phase was so fast they said that most people would have died. I also have considered just crushing the ball but the spears have a greater impact on other enemies so I might have to kill less. I have learned that strength comes from the legs so you can take quite a lot of power if you immobilize your opponent.

“I felt like you were holding something back though what was it?” Rena asked again.

“I wonder… Everyone has a few secrets even I could tell you have a few.” I responded

“Oh, I was found out then?” She said with a smile

I was holding back on the teleportation magic but not on much else. This world has a lot of strong people I need to keep training or I’ll die when I come across one. As we exit the stage and remove all of the people I return the land to how it was before I built the arena. Rena whistles and a small horse comes up and nuzzled her. The rest of the chosen people line up to say goodbye to their friends but Rena just stands beside me with her horse watching the rest of the people.

“Don’t you want to say goodbye to anyone?” I asked her trying to be sensitive.

“Nope, I’m not from around here after all. My master told me to go out and make my place in this world. I saw the crowd and thought it looked interesting so I listened to that man over there and he said some interesting things so I decided to do it.” She explained

“Oh… so the promise of petting was that good was it?” I said sarcastically

“Hmm… it’s hard to find someone who is good at it or even willing to do it. Most people are scared of beast people.”

Rena said something ridiculous

“Really? People don’t know what they are missing…” I said surprised

“It’s even harder to find someone who speaks beast language. And you’re actually very fluent in it who taught you?” Rena asked

“Oh… um Fi taught me. She was my teacher when I was younger. She actually traveled this way when she left so you might meet her someday. Please treat her well if you give her sweets she’ll do whatever you ask.” I lied while slipping Fi’s secret weakness into the conversation.

I pictured a man giving her sweets and then saying now I’ll eat you up but there is no way that would happen. Fi’s quite strong in magic and she taught me the ways of this world so she’s pretty stocked in common sense.

“Oh… I hope to get to meet her one day.” Rena said

“So what about your master?” I asked rather curious as to who taught her those sword skills.

“She’s just an old lady that lives on a mountain in the Beast realm. She’s probably still alive…” Rena said with a rather light tone.

“Oh, I see. I hope she’s well then.” I said slightly caught off guard by the uncaring attitude of Rena. I decided to not force the issue and go to help load the wagon.

After loading the wagon the four other recruits introduce themselves. Two are women and two are men. One of the men has a large claymore strung over his back and the other has a single sword strapped to his waist. The women both have thin rapiers hung at their waists. All of them seem to be swordsman and not a single magician among them. Rena only has a short sword but she apparently also uses magic but not to my degree. The man with the claymore is named Clay and the other man is named Single. The women are named Lucy and Lara. Both of them are constantly looking at Tom and giggling until Kaya sends out an overwhelming killing intent that makes both of them change their minds about going after Tom.

We set off with most of us in the wagon. After a while I start to feel ill but I am slowly improving at wagon riding. I don’t want to deal with the atmosphere in the wagon which has become slightly uncomfortable since Kaya crushed her competition for Tom’s affection. I hop out and started walking next to Rena and her horse.

“We should make camp before nightfall so we are stopping early today.” John shouted from the front.

The wagon is pulled over next to the road and the new member start to make a tent.

“Ha-ha that’s not necessary after all we have Aero!” He said happily

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