《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 15: How to tric... recruit the masses


During dinner the three recruiters returned with yet another empty catch of troops. They all sat down wearily and started to eat in silence.

“So how do you even recruit soldiers for the royal guard?” I asked not directing the question at anyone specifically.

“We just go into town and ask if anyone would give their lives to protect their king.” George answered in a bored tone.

If that is their amazing recruitment pitch it’s no wonder that there hasn’t been a rush to sign up for the royal guard. I guess I’ll share some of my wisdom on the human psyche to help them get more recruits. It will also help me out in the long run of when I have to guard the princess so it’s a win-win situation.

“How do you insure that they aren’t actually planning to kill the king instead of protecting him?” I asked curiously. In response George lifts his shirt to show me a magic seal over his heart and then pulls his shirt down to cover it.

“It’s a form of the same seal that it put on slaves to prevent them from running. It’s called the Protect seal and it is stamped on each Royal guard. If anyone with this mark directly or indirectly attacked the Royal family it crushes their heart and kills them.” George explained

“If it’s that great why don’t you stamp all of the nobles with it and then this whole matter of a possible revolt would be settled.” I asked

“It has to be put on willingly… otherwise it doesn’t work.” Halt explained

“As dumb as some of those nobles are they wouldn’t allow that to be placed on them. If the royal family decrees it then a few might but most would use it to force the issue and we would lose even more support.” John sighed as he stared into the fire.

“About your recruitment… Why don’t you focus more on the benefits of being on the royal guard rather than the fact that you could die?” I asked

“Benefits?” John asked

“Yes, like how much money you’ll make, training and such.” I explained


“Oh… we do get paid 3 silver pieces a month and we stay in the palace.” Halt said his eyes opening with shock

“We eat food from the Royal kitchen and are allowed to sit in on classes for Royals.” George said with a smile

“We receive specialized training from many of the world’s best sword and magic instructors.” John said happily

For a few minutes they told us of some more benefits that they had received die to their positions as Royal guards. Apparently the king has even set up a pension plan for them.

“Those are the things that you should be telling people you’re trying to hire. After hearing all of those benefits you shouldn’t be looking for recruits you should be trying to thin out the herd of applicants.” I laughed.

“I see, we’ll still need to mention the danger of the position as well.” John said

“Of course, but save it for last. People won’t mind the risk as much if you explained the benefits properly. You should also test the skills of those who wish to sign up and make sure they can be useful.”

“I see… you are very clever. We’ll try that in the next town we enter.” John said with anticipation

“There are only 3 more towns left but it seems like it might work.” Halt said happily

The next day we arrived in a small village and began to try my new method of recruitment.

“You live in the palace with the king and get to eat the same food as they do.” Halt shouted to the small crowd.

“2 silver a month but all living expense paid by the royal family. Step up and demonstrate your skill!” John shouted to another crowd.

Even George was talking to a few of the Beast race that lived in town. It was going well especially since I had asked John to send the people over to the wagon to sign up. My family is quite good looking so I took advantage of that. Kaya and Elena sat at the signing table to help the men and Tom helped the women. I also helped the women but I wasn’t as effective in my position as Tom. Tom is quite popular with the women of this world and as his son I hope that I gain his looks as I grow older.


After a few minutes of this we get our first applicant. A young beast race women just a little older than me. She is pretty attractive with a slender build. She has dark black hair with a long black tail. She approaches the table and walks right up to me, passing Tom who looks slightly dejected as she passes.

“Hmm… so you’re the one then. You can speak Beast language right?” She said looking at me with her slit pupils.

“Yes, I can help you?” I asked politely trying to resist the urge to pet her ears that popped up as she started talking.

“That man over there said as an added benefit you can get petted by a boy with magic hands if you sign up.” She said with a smile

George, how dare you call me a job perk. No petting for a month, maybe a week because you did compliment me.

“Ha-ha I can see that you weren’t told. I’m Rena, I look forward to my added benefits…” Rena teased.

She quickly signed the paper and sat down next to me. She looked at me expectantly and flashed me a smile as she snuggled up to me. Unable to resist I start to pet in between her ears and a look of elation crosses her face as she relaxed. I look at Tom, who is already talking with another potential applicant, as he give me a thumbs up. Kaya and Elena also smile and give me a thumbs up. What is wrong with my family I am almost 9 year’s old what exactly do are you expecting from a 9 year old.

Luckily, for me, no other beast race applied for a Royal guard position. Tom had signed up a few women but less than expected, probably because Kaya sent out strong killing intent if a woman got too close. The same was true for Kaya because Tom’s killing intent scared off a lot of the men. Elena signed up the most men and women for some reason she was popular with both crowds.

“Now if all the applicants will follow us outside of the village we will now start the interview process.” John shouted to the small crowd of recruits.

Due to my petting Rena had fallen asleep with a very pleased look on her face. I almost didn’t want to wake her but I nudged her gently wake.

“Hmm… what is it?” Rena yawned

“Miss Rena, it’s time for the matches to show your strength and abilities.” I explained

“Just Rena is fine after all I’m only a few years older than you.” She said as she stretched out exactly like a cat. She then

stands up and looks at me expectantly.


“Rena.” She said while staring at me

“Rena.” I said staring right back

“It’s good you understand… Wish me luck, Aero!” Rena said satisfied as she ran to catch up with the crowd of applicants.

“Good luck, Rena.” I shouted after her. Tom plopped his hand on my head and watches her run off.

“She’s pretty cute huh?” Tom said with a stupid happy look on his face

“Could I already have a grandchild on the way?” Kaya joined in the teasing

“I’m too young to be a great-grandmother!” Elena wailed in a joking manner

All three of them look at me for a reaction waiting with anticipation in their eyes. I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Yes, she is very attractive. I didn’t do anything that could result in a child all I did was pet her.” I explained

“Yet…” All three of them said together.

In response to this I created three large water balls above their collective heads and dropped them. Even though they had become soaking wet it didn’t stop them from laughing all the way to the small field where the matches were to take place. In order to keep up appearances I used magic to dry them out.


AN: Sorry for the shorty chapter! I'm going to cut out this Author's note section unless I have something I really need to say.

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