《Journey into My New Life》Chapter 5: Magic? Let's experiment! Who cares about safety anyways!


To me, someone who comes from a world where magic has long since passed, the things recorded in the magic book was of great interest. After reading through it I have arrived at a basic understanding of the layout of magic in this world. Magic can basically be divided into four different categories; Attack magic, Healing magic, Support magic and Summoning magic. These are fairly easy to understand but there was mention of a few other kinds that don’t seem to fit in these four categories. For example teleportation can be considered a form of summoning magic but instead of summoning you are sending so they are not quite the same. According to the guidebook magic is primarily used for war or hunting and not many people had figured out how to use it outside of fighting

In order to use magic you have something called Mana particles on the other hand as long as you have mana you can use magic. There are two ways of finding mana to use, use the mana contained in your body or use an object containing mana. It must be one of these two ways, I assume that means that you can still use magic if you have no mana as long as you have an object that has mana in it.

A long time ago, mana was only found in people but due to much research it was discovered that mana was also in objects such as crystals and that it could be placed into objects and used by people who had no mana. With this magic could be used by everyone but not all magic could be used certain powerful spells could only be used by powerful magicians.

There are two ways to actually use magic; chanting a spell or using a magic circle. Magic circles were very common until the Great War broke out. They took too long to draw and in order to use them in battle you had to have them drawn in the dirt and then guard the magician while they poured mana into it. Needless to say this was quickly discovered to be difficult to do in the heat of battle. Then someone discovered chanting instead of drawing they could just speak an incantation and off the magic shot. Over time chants came down from minutes of chanting to only a few seconds. However the more complicated the magic the longer the chant so they still used magic circles for complex spells.

The final thing about magic is that your mana amount or how gifted you were was set at birth. The amount was hereditary and would only increase in very small intervals as you aged. Since both my parent seem to use magic quite often and I have the gift of magic I feel rather confident that I will be okay in this regard.

In any case I decided to try a little of the magic I had read about. Since I had no place to draw a magic circle I decided to try out chanting. In the book it had said a skilled magician could use magic without chanting. Silent Chanting I think or shortened chants could be used but was it that only skilled magician could do that or anyone could. The amount of mana used and the amount of mana you had don’t change or was it that as you gained skill you could use less mana.


I decided to stop thinking and just try using magic. I grabbed the magic book and flipped to the first spell I could find. I set the book on the floor and outstretched my right arm and read the words in my head. “Water come forth and be commanded, Water Arrow.”

I feel something moving down my arm. It feels as if all the blood in my arm is heading towards my hand. As if it is was always there a ball of water appears floating a few inches above my hand. I pull my hand back and the water ball plummets to the ground towards the book and a thrust my hand back to try and catch in when the water hovers over the book. I look back down at the ball and will it to rise back to my hand and it does. I move towards the window and away from the book and the water continues to hover above my hand. I touch it with my left hand and the water ball collapses and water soaks the floorboards.

The book said that it was supposed to shoot out but instead I had almost dropped it and when I tried to touch it, it had simply collapsed on the floor. Maybe I had lost concentration and that had caused it to fall. Once again I concentrate and remember the feeling that I had when the magic activated. The blood rushing to my hand that kind of feeling as I close my eyes I feel that feeling and when I open my eyes a ball of water is floating above my hand. Once again I reach out to touch it and the ball collapses again. Even though I don’t know how much mana I have I doubt I can stand here all day doing this. After a very frustrating hour of dropping water bullets I had finally had figured out how to actually use water bullet. I needed to first focus then form the bullet then fire it out.

Using this method I hold my arm out and form the ball, once again using the blood like feeling, I then extended that feeling as if I was shooting out blood. The ball then flies forth but in my surprise I lose focus and it drops to the floor a few feet in front of me. At first I feel very happy but suddenly confusion moves in just then I hadn’t chanted or even thought of the chant I just did it. Could it be that magic actually could just be controlled with will and not by actually saying these ridiculous chants in your head or otherwise?

I decided to test it out I hadn’t learned any fire magic as of yet so I pictured a fire ball and suddenly a fireball popped out from my hand. Not only was chanting no involved but the feeling of blood flowing had disappeared as well. All I felt was the heat from the ball of fire I quickly imagine it gone and it disappears. I then proceed to flip to the middle of the book and look at something called melded magic. It explains that if you combine two or more elements you can create other things like rain and lighting. I really want to try this stuff out but apparently the destructive level of these things is too high for me to do at home.


I flip towards the back of the book and find a chart on mana capacity. A normal magician that can use advanced ranked magic has about 200 mana particles. This equates to about 10 advanced rank spells that they can use back to back. A master ranked magician that can use master ranked spells has about 2000 mana particles. This roughly translates into 10 master ranked spells or 100 advanced spells without a break. A hero ranked magician has about 200,000 mana particles. This translates into around 10 heroic ranked spells. A god ranked magician is the highest class of magician and they have over a million mana particles. They apparently don’t run out of magic no matter how many spells they can cast even god ranked magic can be repeatedly without stress.

A simple spell will display a number in front of you that will tell how many mana particles you have. I look at the chant and then think of what my mana capacity is and a number appears floating before me. 10 million… that is the number that has appeared before me. At first I thought I did the spell incorrectly and chant it and check but every time I get that ridiculous number. I knew that I would be gifted in magic but this is ridiculous more powerful than god class is just crazy.

I continued my training in secret for almost 2 months until a rather unfortunate accident takes place in my practice room. While I was experimenting with projectile magic I was curious how hard I could fire it. I decided to use water so I could contain the damage and I opened the window but I missed. The water bullet slammed into the wall and it shot straight through it creating a large hole and soaking the room in the process. As I sit on the floor in shock my mother comes up stairs and opens the door. I am sure from her eyes all she sees is her son sitting in a puddle of water holding a book with a dumbfounded look upon his face. Her eyes grow wide and she walks across the room and looks at me.

“Um Aero, Did you perhaps read from that book?” she asks glancing at the whole

I stare at her for a moment and say my first full sentence in this world.

“Mom, yes I did.” I said doing my best to sound dejected

I don’t know if using magic is normal at this age and I don’t want to get throw out of the house yet. I look rather worriedly at my mother who to my surprise is positively beaming at me.

“Dear, Mother come look!! Aero has done magic!!” She shouts proudly

I can hear a clattering of footsteps coming up the stairs and turn towards the door as I see my father and grandmother looking through at me.

“Wow… Did he do all of this already?” Grandmother said with pure delight in her voice

“Ha-ha as expected of my son!” Father proclaims proudly

“Aero, What spell did you use?” Mother asks

“Water bullet?” I said questionably

All three of them look at each other in shock. I don’t think that what I did was bad I think that it had finally hit them that not only could I use magic but I could talk.

“Wait, you just said your first sentence and performed your first spell. How did you know the chant?” Mother asks

All three of them look at me with great pride and anticipation.

“Well, he must have read it of course but since when did he learn to read?” Grandmother asks

“Well mother he did always pay attention when we read to him maybe that’s how he learned.” Mother answers

“Ha-ha that’s my boy reading, talking and using magic at only two years old.” Father said proudly while patting me on the head.

“Aero do you know what these words mean?” Mother asks while holding the book in front of me

“Yes, Book of magic right mom?” I answered rather smugly

“Yes, yes you're right simply amazing. You must be a genius!” Mom smiles

“We should send for a teacher shouldn’t we?” Grandmother ask excitedly

“Hold on! I have nothing against Aero learning magic but he should also learn swordplay as well. Remember Kaya we decided if our baby was a boy he would be a swordsman and the girl would be a magician.” Father said

Kaya moves closer to him and smiles.

“But dearest Aero is really talented… Please he can learn both but he will need a magic instructor too…” She said flirtatiously

“But Kaya…” Father trails off as Kaya runs her hand up his neck and leans in to nibble his ear.

“Okay, Okay. You win, he can do both.” Tom surrendered

Kaya spins away happily and Tom chases after her. Grandmother looks at me and smiles.

“Those two are simply perfect aren’t they, Aero. Be sure to find a good woman like your mother. Now then come with me and let’s see about sending out word for a teacher for you.” Grandma said

Grandmother grabs my hand and walks me outside the room but then turns around and exclaimed.

“Those two forgot to fix the wall. Aero, can you fix it?” Grandma ask slyly

Without thinking I fix the wall and grandmother smiles at me brightly.

“Ho-ho Genius indeed… Well you’re going to need a rather good teacher aren’t you?” Grandmother said cleverly.

Shit... I was exposed...


AN: I'm currently dropping the chapter length to more manageable levels around 2500 words. It's not because I'm lazy it's just more manageable to proof read by myself in smaller sections.

Thanks for reading the next chapter should be up in about 10 minutes. Fufufu this is easy when you already wrote it on microsoft word. "Copy and paste then space" - ME 3/2/2015 11:45 pm

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