《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 14 : Vera Wynndite


Note : Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter, I have been reading LLS for the past 2 days and it really got me hooked, good thing I finished it. If you haven't read it, I really recommend it lol. It's a xianxia novel : Long Live Summons.

“ you’re something born out of miracles huh.. “

Rave smiled while looking at the little creature

“ Species name ? Hmm…what about Silvred Dwhite Wolx ? “

His laziness in naming sense !

“ No, no that's just mixing up the colors… “

It's very rare for him to notice his laziness in names

“ Dwhite..dwhite..what about Dwight ? “

Still, he's just that lazy.

“ Alright, Dwight Wolx..yup that's good “

Ps : if it's still bad I'm sorry, I just suck.

Congratulations ! You Have named a new species !

The Miracle Wolf-Fox Hybrid : Dwight Wolx !

Fame + 25 !

Do you want to name your new bond ?

Yes | No

Note : You can also name it at any other time

“ Yes “

What Do you wish to name your new bond ?

“ miracle..no that's bad. Let's see..something close to miracle….blessed ? Faith ? “

“ if I'm not wrong, Wynn is the welsh for blessed..and..for faith..the latin for faith is Vera “

Remembering the times when he was known as Vera, Rave could not help but feel nostalgia

“ Well, Faith huh..old me is so innocent “

He laughed bitterly.

“ Alright ! You’ll be Vera Wynn “

Another hideous name ! This time it has crossed limits.

If the 3 girls heard what he named him, they would be so mad they would demand him to change it.

Congratulations! Your Bond has been named Vera Wynndite.

The Godess of Love, Aphrodite has blessed your bond and added a part of her name on your bond.

Should you bring him to the church of Aphrodite,

There will be respect and honor for you to be bonded with a creature blessed by their godess.

Ps : okay guys, if this one sucks too, tell me.

The Goddess Aphrodite has blessed Vera with her divine powers !

Vera Gained a new stat : Faith

Gained a blessed skill : Reign

Faith rises by 100 points

Luck rises by 50 points

All stats rises by 7 !

“ No way.. “

Before Rave could think of anything else, another message bombarded him.

In according to your bond’s power,

You gain +7% in strength, +7% in agility, + 3% in health, +3% in attack.

Should your bond develop in strength your benefits would rise accordingly

Rave was speechless, this was just the beginning of the benefits for someone who is able to bond with a monster. Even the additional stats he gained from Vera is considered very low as it was still a child Wolx, imagine the benefits he would get when Vera matured.




Vera howled loudly into the sky.

The other Dire Wolves and White fox followed him.

Congratulations! Your Bond has become the Alpha of the surrounding wolves and foxes.

Since you are the alpha's bond the wolf and foxes will also listen to you to a certain extent.

Once your bond is strong enough, it nay be able to summon some of it's kin along it.

“ I knew this would happen “

Rave saw the event occurring upon him. In fact he's not that happy actually.

“ It would be a different story if they were werewolves or something else, but they are ordinary dire wolves and white foxes at best. There were even some normal wolves and foxes “

If he traveled with them, he would have troubles feeding the whole pack and they wouldn't be so useful against higher leveled monster.

“ Tch..what should I do ? “

He is currently in a state full of confusion, his bond with Vera benefited him a lot but the entire pack would just bring misery to him.

“ Great, I have no way out of this “

Even him didn't know a good solution to this situation.


Po Xiao Long was watching his student from afar, hidden by the darkness.

“ Raul sure have gotten stronger, that was a magnificent battle. If that old fart had seen how he utilized utter disaster he would have been so proud at him “

He watched Rave's battle with the Dire Wolf Leader and guessed that he had managed to get the little creature as his companion or something close to that.

“ I don't think he needs my protection here “

Po decided to venture this amazing world on his own and leave his disciple to improve on his own. He messaged Rave to not worry about him and venture on his own.

“ The chatting system here is really useful “

He had only known about it when Rave explained to him basic gaming system and play 3 weeks ago.

Rave went even as far as to explain gaming terms like aggro and kiting so that he would be able to explore the game on his own.

“ If I kept staying with him any longer I wouldn't be long before he surpassed me “

He knew that although EverWorld is a 99% virtual reality realism, gaming experience and tactics apply just as much as real skills here, especially in the later stages.

“ First I should find a class that fitted me “

Rave had thoroughly installed gaming knowledge in Po.


The sun rose and EverWorld entered the 1st day today. Rave inside the old man’s hut that gave him the quest.


If it wasn't for the benefits he gained from beating the Dire Wolf Leader and Ferceus’ bottomless strength, he would have beaten the guy to death already.

“ That Bastard, where did he go ?! “

The only occupant in this hut was him alone.

And all he see is a paper on the table written : Come to the cave of transparency

You Have received a new quest !

Search the Cave of Transparency [ D ]

Do you wish to accept ?

Yes | No

“ No reward whatsoever huh “

“ I accept “

With a hint of anger in his voice, he accepted the quest.

You have accepted the quest : Search The Cave Of Transparency!

“ Oh well, if he's there at the end of that cave waiting for me with no rewards, he'll get one “

With not even a single copper as a reward for finishing his quest, Rave felt that he was shammed.


“ Hey, hey Kaede how was EverWorld “

A boy approached her. She is currently attending school.

“ Well..it's great, it's really good. Everything will be good if it were not for him. “

A tint of anger is mixed in her voice as she remembered that guy

“ Who are you talking bout ? “

“ Ehehe it's someone reallyy cool Rou, Kaede might have fallen for him. “

Listening to their conversation Lily interrupted.

“ Wh-what ?! Come on Lily there's no way I would have fallen for that guy ?! “

Kaede flustered, even thinking about him makes her blood rise.

“ Who are you talking about ? “

Rou Tenoshiya, the boy talking to Kaede earlier on asked.

“ Ara ? What's this ? Has our school princess finally fallen in love ? “

Another guy approached the 3 of them.

“ W-whattt there's no way I would have fallen for that creep !! “

Kaede retorted in anger.

“ I can't believe it ! Who is it ? “

A girl hearing the commotion decided to join in. While the other guys in the class could only perk their ears up to listen.

“ Ehehe, you won't believe who it is ! It's the Legendary Ronin ! “

Lily blurted it out, quite loudly too.

“ Ugh.. “

Kaede knew that there was no more way out of this and decided to stay quiet instead.

“ He is my fated enemy ! I've waited for 2 long years to have revenge, there's no way I would fall for him. “

She could still remember vividly. no matter how many times she challenged him, the result would always be the same.

One – Two slash and she's out of the picture. Not even a third was needed. That deeply hurt her pride.

“ What ? Ronin ? Are you saying you met the Cold Bladed Ronin ? “

Izumo Tanaka quickly deduced. Although there were some that had Ronin as their class in famous games, there was none that reached the fame of The Cold Bladed Ronin.

At that time, Rave could be said to be the most prominent figure in the 2nd age of Lost Continent. The top 3 were not actively playing anymore, and there was no one as brazen as Rave.

“ Yup ! You could ask Saichi if you don't believe us ! “

The person in question, Saichi is just behind Kaede trying to comfort her.

“ Eh ? Eh..Y-ya, we did meet him. And he saved us a lot of times. “

Startled at suddenly being the group’s attention, the naturally timid Saichi answered.

“ Wooow ! You guys just met a legend ! How was he ? Is he tall and handsome ? “

The other girl, Chikusa Akari became very excited when she heard who her friends had met.

After all, although she had not played EverWorld, Everyone on her age literally knew that EverWorld doesn't allow gender change and only allowed a maximum of 10% in adjusting one's appearance. So if the player is good looking inside the game, there's a very high chance he/she is good looking in the real world too.

“ He's reaaally hot ! And very cool ! And and he’s very very strong too ! “

Lily could not hide her impressment in Rave.

“ You're exaggerating Lily “

Kaede turned her face to the right, finally showing her face.

“ Aww c'mon Kaede, he was really cool ! Right Saichi ? “

“ Eh ? Eee..Un “

Ps : Un is kinda like a yes if you didn't understand .

The shy Saichi just nodded in response, in fact she honestly thought that the figure of Rave fighting against the wolves was really cool.

And although Rave isn't someone one would call overly handsome or something like that, he's still ( somewhat ) attractive.

“ Heeeh “

The other 3 responded in amazement, after all Ronin Rave is a legendary figure among Lost Continent players, and they too played it.

Ps : If the naming suck I'm sorry -_-“ . And by the way, I'm going for a trip tonight for two weeks.

If I'm bored at the airplane then I would probably type a chapter or two as I type it in my iPad.

But for the next days until New Years I can't promise a chapter a day.

Oh, and by the way. From the poll it's concluded, Rave would be traveling alone from now, well not exactly alone as he will have vera alongside him..

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