《The Legend Of Rave [ Hiatus ]》Chapter 12 : Dire Wolf and White Fox


Note : I added 5 points to Rave’s vitality, after the training he had done. There's no way his vitality doesn't rise doesn't it ?

Your Quest Have Been Updated ! Rank : D

The Dire Wolves and White foxes that came from the mountains.

This is the true reason why Ferceus was worried, find out why they have migrated here and clear their dangers !

“ Wha..what the..Old Mannn ! “

Rave shrieked at the top of his lungs

“ You damn bastard, you knew this would happen won't you ?! “

But there was no time for him to curse any longer as the Dire Wolf Leader, with a size 2 times larger than a normal one rushed towards him.

“ Hey you 3, I'm counting on you to block the other wolves for a while “

Rave dashed too, but instead of meeting the wolf head on he dashed to the side.

The Dire Wolf leader stopped it's momentum after rave moved sidewards. It's eyes focused on Rave

“ I knew it, he is only targeting me “

“ And that fox, it stood still right there as if it does not want to participate in this battle…wait it's injured ! “

The Fox, after Rave identify it is only left with 5% of it's Hp but it stood there as if it was fine. Not to mention, It also has a status effect : badly damaged.

“ Hey wolf ! What's your plan ? I know you lured us here, what do you want ? “


“ Heeh.,..let's see your eyes are telling me to fight ? “

Rave reached his sword

“ Then let's do it “

His eyes sharpened and killing intent spread everywhere


The Leader Dire Wolf sharpened it's sense too, it knew the one that stand before him is very strong.


Just then, the other dire wolves that chased Rave here arrived and only stood at the entrance howling.

“ It's like they planned this to happen, does this wolf seek a strong opponent to fight ? But it's eyes..it looked like it has something else in store. “

Rave calmly looked around his surroundings, the cave is quite wide and tall with swords, shields and all kinds of weapon and armor on the ground.

The white fox from earlier stood at the back as if it was just a spectator in this battle.

“ Fine Then, you want a one on one ? You got one. “


The sound of Rave drawing it's sword by a bit could even be heard vividly. The entire cave was soundless,the wind blowing from outside making the only sound in the silence.. it stayed like that until..


Rave drawed his sword and dashed towards the beast

Swinging it horizontally, it was met by the wolf’s thick hide. His swing was stopped.

The Wolf Charged at his body and knock him back. Hitting the wall of the cave.


You Have Been Critically Hit ! Hp – 70

You Have Crushed into the walls. Hp – 80

One hit from the Dire Wolf made his hp go down by almost half.

It looked slightly disappointed, as if saying “ is that all you got”.

“ H-hey are you okay ?! “

Kaede asked him, the dust obstructing her view by a little.

Rave got up, instead of a grimace that appeared on his face, he smiled.

Bloodlust flowing even more than before

" well, well I haven't meet someone who could make my blood boil in so long i almost forgot this feeling "

With a smirk he walked closer to the wolf

" looks like I won't be able to beat you unless i exert my all here "

With a smirk he walked closer to the wolf

As he is closing at the wolf he picked up a Long Silver Sword on the ground

Silver Broadsword [ Durability 19 / 31 ]

A silver sword made by an in training blacksmith

Effect : Atk + 7-9

" Size seems fine, weight good, durability ok "

The sword he used a while ago fell into the ground far from him.

But, he opened his inventory and summoned another sword.

Crevicle’s Sword [ durability 42/51 ]

A sword used by the blacksmith Crevicle to protect himself during his younger days as a blacksmith.

Requirement : Level : 24, Strength : 40, Vitality : 15

Effect : Atk + 17-24 , Strength + 12

Crevicle's Sword. A sword he gained from Brukshgig's wagon, it was the best thing he had but the level requirement means rave is not yet able to use it.

You are unable to equip more than one sword

" I didn't think i would use this skill so early in game.. "

Rave stood still for a while as he remembered the skills he got from dwindling around

" Dual Wielding Activate "

Dual Wielding [ Sword ] [ 2.4% ]

Dual wielding is not normally obtainable in EverWorld, only by years of practice and high chemistry with dual wielding can one has the ability to wield 2 swords at once with no relation to the other

Skill effect : allows user to dual wield swords but maximum power in the other weaker hand is 50% and the second sword's stat will not apply to the wielder. As skill level rises, the maximum power may increase and the other sword’s stat may become applicable

A Rare Skill ! Rave was a dual sword user in the real world. And he was very proficient at it.

" Well, every time i use this i would be unable to move later on but I won't be able to beat this thing normally "

" One With The Sword Activate "

One With The Sword [ 1.4% ]

Only a swordsman who have trained in the way of the sword could be one with the sword.


Effect : allows full synchronization with the sword, dealing maximum damage. Attack with a sword + 50%, Strength + 20%, stamina will be used accordingly.

Side Effect : allows the equip of a sword 5 levels higher than you

“ Crevicle's Sword Equip “

With your current skill level One With The Sword only allows you to be one with one sword. Which sword do you wish to be one with ?

“ Crevicle's Sword “

It was a clear decision for Rave

" let's go "


The Dire Wolf charged at rave with a furious dash

Rave dashed too, but then slides on the right side of the wolf and slashed it's body.

Even with his sword’s power and the skills he just used, he could not damage the wolf by much.

The wolf swung his claw, trying to hit Rave. But Rave was one step faster than him, he already left his place and jumped trying to cut the wolf by above.


It damaged the wolf a little but it quickly retreated. Rave did the same too.

“ I cannot damage him little by little, One with the sword eats up my stamina by a lot “

he held the 2 swords behind his back just like a baseball player waiting to hit a strike

" Whirlwind Twister Style, Power Form "

Whirlwind Twister Style ! A style he had rarely used, developed by his other master.

It has 2 forms, the Furious form and the Power Form.

In Furious form, The user twists it's body imitating a twister that continuously spin, barraging it's opponent with countless slashes before retreating to launch another twister.

While the other, more rarely used form. Power Form, The user exerts more power into each of their swings, dealing more heavy and lethal blows. But, it decreases the amount of slashes it could make, making the user more open to hits.


[ Rave's Pov ]

I leapt up to the air, twisted my body around and slammed my swords into The Dire Wolf


You Have used your swords harshly! Durability – 1 !

It blocked my swords with it's claws. But my momentum did not stop, i spun myself again

* Clang !! Clang !! *

You Have used your swords harshly! Durability – 1 !

This time it blocked my swing with it's other claw.

It continued on until the 4th spin. Where I have to drop into the ground and prepare another twister.

Leaping Up, I started another twister. Slashing my swords to him once again.

The wolf kept on using it's claws to stop my swords but my momentum pushed it back little by little.

I kept on spinning for the 3rd time and swung my swords once more

* Clang !! Clang !! *

This time, the wolf raised it's two claws to completely stop my attacks

I immediately pulled my swords back in response, dropping into to the ground.

When i landed, i twist my body slightly, preparing for another twister.

The wolf, knowing what i was going to do , slammed it's paw in an instant.

I leapt off before it could hit me, it's the moment i was waiting for. Infusing 30 Chi into my swords, i twist myself and slammed my swords at the same spot with a minuscule difference in timing. right at it's paw, cutting it off.

The wolf howled in pain and slashed it's other claw at me.

Knowing I could not defend this one, I just lowered the damage by using my knees to shove the claw up by a bit

You Have Been Critically Hit ! Hp – 170 !


I gruntled in pain, but the very moment it's claws slashed me, it sprung up it's jaws ready to bite me off.

Too bad for him, i already landed into the ground, twisted my body, and spun it around in the air, starting off another twister.

Slashing into the creature's neck, but without chi, my swords was not able to cut it.

Although luckily, it looked like it has troubles getting used to be losing a paw.

It didn't counterattack and I was able to spin one more time. But..

“ If this keeps on, I would lose “

Stopping my twister in the air, i held my two swords and pushed it forward, infusing 120 Chi in this shot.


Different from the one i used earlier on the subordinate wolfs, i aimed it in a single spot, Blowing off a hole in the wolf's body.

You Have used your swords harshly! Your Silver Broadsword’s durability reached 0 !

The silver broadsword broke at the same time the wolf howled, it howled even more than before, it knew whoever won in this battle, he would die.

But as i landed to the ground it used it's remaining strength to slash me, probably to ensure we died together at the very least.

But, I've been waiting for this.

I swung my sword, looking like a desperate act to try repel the wolf's claw. But no

Just before my sword and his claw clashed, I slowed my swing’s momentum. activating the sword style I'm most proficient in. whilst infusing my remaining chi into it.

[ Flowing Water ]

Flowing water, the number one parrying technique ever known. When the opposing force hit, retreat the sword by a little, just like the movement of water. Then slightly disturb the path it's going by circling the sword to the sides of the opponent’s sword / force. Just like the movement of water, when the force hitting it died down, it immediately pushed back.

It's claw changed direction and slammed to the ground instead.

Using the strength i have left, I tried to stab him.

But I couldn't, my sword stopped in the air.

My stamina was gone. It had been used up.

“ I have lost.. “

Is what I thought, but the wolf slammed to the ground too, it does not have strength to continue standing up.

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