《Marbelous》5. Delicious
I don’t remember the first twitch that sparked life into me, only the vague sensation of floating in a viscous gel. Every successive twitch stirred me in my place. Until I could perform what I intuitively knew as my first wiggle.
It was exhausting at first, yet I kept wiggling, for it was all I could do. Every shake of my butt strengthened me. Slowly I became more aware of the shape and size of my body. I didn’t yet know what everything was for. Except for the hardening part of my head, an integral part of me, something to take pride in. Even if it was still short and stubby.
I could hinge the lower part up and down. Every time I did so, some of the gel that surrounded me, entered my maw. It was then that I experienced the sensation of taste for the first time, it was glorious, and overwhelming at the same time. the goo was swallowed into me, I could feel it being absorbed. It was in that moment, a deep distinctive craving awoke in me, an intoxicating feeling turning me mad with frenzy. I don’t remember much else from this period of my life. Just the repetition of opening my jaw and closing it.
I worked through the soreness that accumulated with each bite, and the discomfort of rapid growth. After eating my fill, the moment arrived for me to open my eyes. I found myself in a transparent sphere, The shell was hard and tough. Only some diffused light breached through. Showing hints of the outside.
I was getting too big for the space that I was in. With great effort I broke through. All that wiggling, and eating had made me strong enough to unleash myself to the wider world.
The first thing I noticed, when I had wiggled out of my shell, was the warm, rich air flowing through me. It washed away a veil in my mind. Introducing me to the brethren around me. We had all shared the same struggles of our birth. In that instance we were all connected to each other. One with the same purpose.
Instinctively we knew what to do: Eat, and Grow. So that’s what we did. We consumed the flesh of our ancestors first. It was the greatest honour to absorb those that came before us. Their sacrifice would not be in vain as long as we, the newborn, continued their legacy.
We marched together to the offered flesh. To join up with the privileged brethren that were born inside. It was like a pilgrimage of sorts, an arduous trek over large boulders ten times our size, and through overgrown mega foliage that challenged our progress. During our walk we encountered several mangled corpses of our predecessors. Ripped apart by something unfamiliar to us. Nervous smells of shock, outrage and fear, stifled the taste of the air. We felt a strong collective anger towards the being that had desecrated the final resting place of our ancestors. With great grief we ate what was left of their flesh. In honour of the dead.
The sands shifted. We all felt the ground vibrate under our stubby feet. Something very large, and incredibly heavy was approaching. Every thundering step mortified us. Left with no choice we turned to face the giant that was towering over us. It was covered underneath woven fibres, four lanky limbs of varying size stuck out of the ragged garments, with one oval head judging us from far above.
Why did this colossal creature even notice us? Weren’t we but small specks of nothing to it? The giant could carelessly crush us with its absolutely humongous feet. Dread filled our collective carapace. Would we meet our end here at the hand of this titan? Before we even had the chance to mature and evolve? Maybe so, but as long as some of our brethren could make it. Then we would make a worthy sacrifice.
Resolve stirred us in motion. Wasn’t it our destiny to become slayers of giants ourselves? Then what is this but an early challenge to test our courage and determination in the face of annihilation? So we charged!
As fast as our stubby legs could carry us. “For the ancestors! For the next generation! For the swarm!” The pheromones we all unleashed were all of singular smell, the determination was shared by all! Courage filled our collective carapace.
I was one of the first of our brethren to make it to its armored feet. The material proved to be too tough to bite through. So I kept climbing. Eyes set on softer tissue exposed at its ankles. The being took a step back. The momentum, and force of the swing was so great that I only narrowly managed to hold on. I saw the fate of some of my brethren. Some went flying, others had been crushed by its weight. There was no time to mourn. This monster had to be stopped at all cost.
So I climbed with every ounce of strength left in me. I arrived at a soft but fibrous part of its armor. I had to bite through. Too much was on the line here. I opened my maw, and chewed for the life of us all. Every bite mattered. I could feel the weight of the swarm behind it. “For the ancestors! For th-” A silvery white spike impaled me through and through. My last transmission of pheromones was cut short. I did my duty, may you all struggle on… My consciousness was waning. One of the last things I saw was the face of calamity looking straight at me. “Ew!” With unmasked contempt its voice blasted through my very being, before I faded out from existence.
“Tarah! this ugly bug nearly bit a hole in my sock.” Thulla said. The grub, about the size of her thumb, had stopped wiggling. She looked at it with curiousity. six stubby legs carried a rubbery segmented body, with a hardened head. There were more of them swarming the ground towards her. An army of slow marching grubs. Out for blood. She jumped backwards a couple steps. Big boulder boy remains were completely infested at this point. The outer shell was crawling with the little buggers. Thousands, and thousands of them were feasting on its rotten flesh.
Thulla looked at the spectacle with mixed feelings. They grew up so much faster than she had anticipated. How long would it take until a new swarm would be airborne? Half a centimeter of hair growth maybe? It was hard to tell. She hadn't fully established her metric of time keeping yet.
Inadvertently she touched her fuzzy scalp. “How about some bug squash for breakfast though? Hmm, sounds like a treat to me!” She bit the dead bug of her spear-arm. The outside carapace was tough and chewy, The gooey insides burst out in her mouth. “Uegh that mouthfeel.” She wanted to spit it out immediately, but didn’t. A hard swallow later, and the grub had disappeared completely. She smacked the slimey saliva in her mouth. The icky taste still lingered. “Hopefully they’ll taste better spiced and grilled.”
Her spear-arm turned into a thin skewer. “Time to stabby stab some grubby grubs.” She said with a predatory smile on her face.
A while later Thulla had eaten her fill for the first time in a while. She had even collected a whole bug load of grubs to dry out near her water charm. She had hesitated whether that was a good idea or not. What if it attracted scavengers? What if she lost her water-charm to that? In the end the rewards were greater than the potential risks. As a precaution she secured the place with extra rocks stacked around it. “I really need to learn some good old water manipulation,” she thought. “That is just way too useful to not know… I really should have bothered that broody water mage that traveled with us to Varwick. He made it look so easy.” She sighed thinking of all the opportunities she had missed. Alas looking back with regret never changed anything for the better.
Enough food was secured for now. The beaked beast hadn’t returned yet, with her metal armor she felt confident enough to explore. She could always return to the cave even if it was compromised. Thulla was hoping to find another empty boulder shell. One that she could move in to, as a replacement for the half open cave. Finding a different source of water, and food was also a priority. With her new goals in mind she set out to explore the place a bit further.
Exploration log. Hair length: 2 mm~
I left the confines of my old cave for now. I didn’t feel like waiting for the beak to come back.
Got to be a little more proactive about staying alive and such. so I said my goodbyes. It feels a little strange somehow. The first place where I could lay my head, with some sense of safety. I never spend much time there, yet I’ve developed some attachments to it.
So I did what every sane person would do: I got myself a pet rock from the stone wall. The nicest pebble I could find is now coming with me on my exploration. Meet Pebelot, my traveling companion. My rock, and confidant. Always willing to listen to my woes. Now I don’t have to talk to myself anymore. Wow, such a great friend to have. # feeling blessed.
So yeah. I’ve had to make another excruciatingly hard decision. This one really tore me apart: I had to toss my fruity syrup.
Well obviously I didn’t just discard it. I drank it with tears in my eyes. I’m NOT about to waste any of that divine nectar. Thank you very much. Sigh... It was, as you’ve guessed, disgustingly sweet. And I fully regret chugging it. But It had to be done: afterall that flask is my only container that can contain liquids… It was a necesseray evel; if I want to expand the radius of my activities then I really need to carry some refreshments with me.
The upside is that the water in the flask still has a lingering hint of fruity flavour to it. I’m going to have to savour that.
Anyhow, I have decided to go check out the toothy rock formations first. Might prove to be a good vantage point. They do look quite intimidating. Let’s hope they don’t bite my butt, while I climb on top of one of ‘em.
Okay that’s it for now: Read my next log to find out how Pebelot and Frederic are doing, and if yours truly is still alive! Exciting!
Ramon popped another pill in his mouth. He gestured the casing to Genik. “Want another one?” - “Yeah, man.” Genik accepted the medicine. “You look like absolute crap by the way.” Ramon said just before he swallowed his dose. “So do you.” Genik retorted. Too tired to come up with something sharper - “Aye I know, I feel like crap. but looking at you makes me feel better at least.” Ramon cracked a grin on his stupid face.
He stretched his arms behind him, and let out a primal groan: “Uungh,” He clapped his hands together: “Ok let’s get kicking, man. You said you knew someone who knows a flipping space wiz. Let’s pay him a visit.” - “I know her personally as well, just don’t know how to get in contact with her.” Genik said while he massaged his temples. His headache was still going strong; even after the third hangover cure.
He tried to crack his neck. But it didn’t budge. “fuck.” he whispered under his breath. That was surely going to bother him for the rest of the week. He noticed a sly smile on Ramon’s face. “What are you looking at me for?” - “Just admiring your regal posture my man, well to be honest; I was just really curious about you and that space mage.” Ramon winked: “If you know what I mean.”
“You are insufferable, did anyone ever tell you that? It must be linked to those morning rituals of yours.” Genik said back. Ramon laughed: “I don’t think anyone ever did, no.” A stern look replaced the smile on his face. His voice became flat and threatening: “you are never to speak of my bathroom busyness again, after we leave this house allright.” - “Or what?” Genik teased. -“Hey, I got plenty of embarrassing material on you, my dude. You wouldn’t want me to spill those beans to missus universe, now would you?” Ramon replied.
“Go ahead, I don’t really care what people think about me.” Genik said with as much stoicism as possible. “yeah? we’ll see about that.” The mischievous grin on Ramon's face said it all. Genik chose to remain quiet; he knew better than to reveal all his cards to the Bardeamon.
Ramon got up to rumble through some drawers. “We travel light ye?” he asked. -“bring a heavy purse though. Don’t need Alvide’s omniscience to know that we’ll need that.” Genik said. He himself had grabbed his coat, and what little else he had brought along.
“What are you even looking for?” Genik asked. “Oh, eh, just a cute picture of my little gremlin. You know, for sympathy points, giving a face to a missing person might just be enough to convince a stranger to give a fuck. That, and enough payment of course.” Ramon said off handedly.
Genik massaged his temples before he dropped his question: “How are you so calculative about this man? shouldn’t you be more emotional or something?” He kinda regretted voicing his curiosity, knowing that it probably wouldn’t be appreciated. Ramon didn’t bother turning around; he just calmly replied. “Oh, don’t misunderstand, I am emotional. I just know people, and they don’t really care about my feelings. Ok I got it. Let’s bounce.”
The two moved outside. Ramon closed the door behind them. The squigly note was still hanging on the window. Genik Breathed in the fresh mountain air outside. It was late in the morning. Still enough light in the day left to make a good distance.
“It’s going to be a long walk to Varwick, then we have to grab a ship to Mirginnis. Shouldn’t take us longer than two weeks by my estimates.” Genik surmised.
“I’m not going to walk my dude, fuck that.” Ramon stated defiantly. Genik raised his right eyebrow to that: “You got a wooden horse in that shed of yours? - “No, I got something far better.” Ramon grinned, rune formations under the skin of his ankles started glowing. Gray smoke burst out, and when the air finally cleared; a pair of black leather sandals were now adorning his previously bare feet. A fierce decorative sprite spread its wings at the heel of the footwear. The studded leather wrapped all the way up to a dark metallic shin guard. Embellished with cloudy engravings.
“You soul-bound a pair of fancy sandals? What the fuck is wrong with you!” Genik exclaimed.
“Ha! just watch, you are going to wish you were me.” Ramon replied with his usual nonchalance. Enchantments lit up. Wind began to swirl, Ramon’s feet came off the ground. He started floating around. “See, I can glide all across Farhelm If I wanted to with these bad boys.”
Genik pinched the bridge of his nose: “You are just going to run out of mana real quick, Besides I don’t have something to keep up with you.” - “You are right! That is a big problem. I forgot that you are a slow, old man now.” Ramon smirked: “don’t you worry I got something for you.” he floated smoothly to his workshop where he almost banged into the heavy wooden door. “Whoops still not that used to them. I’ll be right back.” he disappeared briefly into the shed before he came out with a slick curved wooden board. It had two foot straps on top of it. “Here, try this.” Ramon said happily. “It’s an old prototype, but don’t worry it should work just fine. I just wanted more flexibility with the loose shoes.” He looked at Genik expectantly. “Are you pulling my leg?” Genik asked. -”Oh Come on. I’ve seen you surf your waves. You inspired me to make this, you know.” Ramon said, a little embarrassed.
“You made some kind of hoverboard, because you were envious of my wave riding?” Genik asked incredulously. Ramon scratched his stubble. “Yeah I’m not afraid to admit that. Look, you know that I don’t have any mobility options with my mana attunement. I just wanted to zip around as well.” he said sheepishly.
“I don’t just zip around either, man, do you have any idea how draining that skill is?” Genik said a little flabbergasted. “I do now.” Ramon winked. “For fuck sake, mate. You are actually mad... Ok, pass me that piece of wood. I'll give it a try” Genik finally caved to the ridiculous choice of transportation his friend had provided. “Sure thing champ, don’t trip.” Ramon quipped. “I won’t.” Genik replied. “Okay, I believe in you.” Ramon tried to sound supportive, but failed. Genik just gave him a glare.
He got on the narrow, streamlined piece of wood. Strapped his feet in tight and directed his mana into the runic engravings. The enchantments came to life with a low hum.
Genik immediately noticed the lift it was giving off. He bent his knees to lower his centre of gravity, and slowly started hovering above the ground. Ramon started clapping: “You are a natural, As you might have noticed the more mana the more lift. You mostly steer with your feet. You gain momentum by leaning forwards. Lean back to slow down. Pretty intuitive right? He explained briefly. “Try a lap around the house.”
It wasn’t that easy. Genik fumbled with his attempt, but managed to keep the fickle board under control. “It’s actually kind of fun.” he said when he returned. -“Honestly I had secretly hoped you would lose control and smash against a tree. That would have been a sight to see. Oh well, let’s get going now, you can get used to the board while we’re on our way.” Ramon said. He was getting a bit impatient.
“I bet you would have found that funny, lucky for me I'm not some physically impaired degenerate that falls over while taking a piss, unlike someone I happen to know.” Genik fired back. -“I really don’t know who you are talking about.” Was the unabashed answer Genik received in return. "Come on now, no more dilly-dallying around." Ramon had already started the journey to Varwick, not wanting to waste anymore time. Genik sighed, as he followed suit.
Being around Ramon was already having a bad influence on him. Normally he’d be a lot more cautious about what he’d say, and do. This devil-may-care attitude of his was infectious, and generally opposed to his own more serious, reserved self. Perhaps that’s why they had become friends in the first place. He looked at the quiet village life that passed them by. Many of the residents shook their heads as they zoomed past their homes. Ramon probably chose this backwater place to be his unadulterated self. Free of the hierarchy of the army. or the stifling echelons of the magic societies. Genik looked at the back of his flying friend, who looked strangely enough; more grounded in this town so far away from the big cities.
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