《Demon Prince Familiar》Chapter 5: Demon mode


Uhh, This is longest chapter I wrote. It took time.

I think it quite good, so, enjoy if you like the chapter. If you don't say it, but don't expect too many to change, because almost nothing will change except my mistakes.


Chapter 5: Demon mode

After they showed me my room, I went to sleep.

Next two days, I spent them rather uneventfully and was extremely bored, well except for few spar with Gerard. We are on par with each other when I don't use magic.

So, this morning was the day we were leaving for academy. Me, Anna, Lucas, Angelina and even Ronald were present outside the castle gates. There was a carriage and a squad of ten knights, leading the group was Gerard. Other knights except Gerard were 5th or 4th tier warriors. Except them there were two 6th circle mages as well.

"Do well with studies and become an excellent mage Anna and make us proud. Also protect Anna well Lithius." said Lucas.

"Take this bracelet, Anna. It has function of storing things and your luggage has been places in it. I have omitted my mana signature from it so infuse small amount of mana to bind it. It has a space of about 10 ×10 feet, so there is relatively large space. you can store things necessary for you and don't have to burden yourself carrying them. Also it can fit the owner when worn so, you don't have to worry it falling from your hands. It is also extremely sturdy even Immortal will find it hard to destroy it." Said Angelina, giving a silvery bracelet with small blue gem studded in it.

Anna accepted the bracelet and infused small amount of mana in it. Then wore the bracelet with tightened to fit perfectly in her white wrists. Then she smiled and said:

"Don't worry, father, mother I will study hard and become a powerful magician." She turned to Ronald who was still yawning as it was relatively early in morning and said:

"Little brother, Sister has to go to academy now. Be good and study hard when you join school next year. So, goodbye for now."

"Will sister not visit when it is time for me to go to magic school?" asks Ronald.

"Maybe, maybe not. so I am saying early on." said Anna, and proceeded inside carriage.

"Okay sister, bye." waves Ronald.

As I was turning to go inside carriage, Lucas calls out to me.

"Lithius, you have to protect her well."

'Ah, overprotective parents are annoying.' I thought. But said with beaming smile to assure him:

"Of course, I will."

I entered the carriage. The knights and mages were on horses. After we were inside carriage, Gerard ordered carriage to move. So, we waved behind to Duke's castle and left it behind.

Ho ho ho adventure begins. Will it bandits, assassins or beasts? Anything is fine. But no use getting hyped over it on the start of journey. So I opened the curtain of carriage to look at town. There are many roads, people are running around the streets, many vendor are selling foods, fruits, weapon shops are also there, restaurants etc.


While I was looking around I remembered something.

"Anna, Can I ask something?"

Anna who was also looking outside the window looked towards me.

"Yes." she said.

"Um what is the name of this city?" I asked.

"Eh?" She was really surprised when I asked the question. After a while she replied:

"Rose Lawn city. What were you doing these two days to not even know city's name?"

"Well, I was extremely busy. My schedule was fully packed." I said.

"*sigh* This is Rose Lawn city, the capital of Zenith empire. Hmm Now that you mention it. I didn't see you much of these two days. I heard you were sparing with Gerard and besides breakfast, dinner and lunch I never saw you so, I thought you were visiting city. Now it is clear you were not, so What exactly were you doing?" says Anna.

Should I say it or not. Hmm I may get some info so, it will be useful for next time.

"Well, I was waiting for you mother to use bath, so I could pe- uh spy on her."

Whoa she look like she will eat me alive. I smile as if clueless of her anger.

"Don't worry, she never came to the bath. By any chance, is your mother infected by a disease where she cannot take bath?"

"She did not but I did go for bath." says Anna.

'hehehe' She looks like ripe tomato now. She is too furious.

"Oh don't worry about that, I have no desire to watch cleaning lotion being applied to the just budding breasts."

Hmm she looks little less angry but she is still angry with displeasure mixed in it. Oh it's that isn't it? disappointment for not being attractive to opposite gender.

"Don't worry, Your breasts are promising too. I will be forced to spy on you in a year or two." Well, This is the most I can say.

She was even more angry for a time being. But after sometime she seemed confused whether to laugh or be angry. She just sighed after a while.

"Well, you will never find mother in bath and I will be cautious too."

'You can try but I will still sniff you out.' I thought.

After saying that she peered outside. It seems we have already crossed the city in some sort of road and city walls could be seen slight distance away.

We travelled whole day that day and camped at night. The second day was also uneventful but this night we slept at an inn in small town called Fera. Rest of days were spent travelling and camping. After five days of travel I grew anxious because there were no bandit attacks, no assassins and not even single magical beast. At this rate this will be a boring journey. So, I looked out the window and saw Gerard. So, I asked:

"Are there no bandits or magical beasts in this region?"

He looked at me for a while before answering:

"This is main road so, there is extremely less chance to encounter bandits, and magical beast near this road are cleared mostly by adventurers so, there are extremely less magical beasts."


'che, party poopers.'

The journey was really boring. There was nothing to do all along the way except to watch forest plains, or a town or city in a two or three days. These professional knights were all too serious so, it was no fun talking with them. And road was too smooth to hit a bump and for me to utilize that chance to grope Anna's butt.

But after 15 days of uneventful travel came a change. We entered a big forest along the road which was twenty minutes distance from a small village. And after traversing along the road for almost an hour an angry roar could be heard form deep within the forest. After looking for few minutes where the angry roar came from a silhouette of a woman with a child in her hands can be seen. She was shouting for help. I went outside the carriage to look at the situation.

When middle aged woman came near, we could that she was wearing poor clothes which were torn due to running in forest. In her hands was a boy around age of ten. Gerard asked woman:

"What happened?"

The woman frantically replied:

"My son and I are from village before this forest. We came to collect firewood near forest but he ran off and got lost. After searching for five hours, I finally found him near this edge of road in forest but a cub tiger was trying to attack him so, I panicked and hit the cub with rock I found but it hit cub's head and got a serious injury and roared in pain. Then, came that angry roar.So, I ran for help. please help us." She begged while crying.

At this moment I could sense a beast and extremely strong one at that. We have no time for chat. I thought beasts attack would be fun but this time I have to be serious and I am still not sure I would win.


Another angry roar, it must have found the cub it will be upon us in 3-4 minutes.

"Gerard take this woman and go back to village. I will take Anna away. I can only buy you at most 10 minutes, then I have to take Anna away. So, leave and fast. Even if we all fight it, it will still annihilate us before we can kill it."

"But-" Gerard hesitated. I understand why? but I cannot have his way. I am already bored and I don't want to ride five more days in carriage because it is boring. The fact is I can save them in an instant if I want. But I don't want to. So, I absolutely cannot have his way. You may think I am evil for using this situation for my fun selfishly. But, I am demon and demon are supposed to be somewhat evil, still I am not totally abandoning them.

"GO. You know I can fly. So, it is easy for me to stall for time and also to escape. So, why risk anyone's life. And only five days of journey is remaining and I can travel it in a day." I reasoned.

He still hesitated.

"We don't have time. I and Anna can escape but you all will die."

"Go Gerard. Lithius is right." said Anna while walking down the carriage.

"Okay, Be safe little miss." Gerard said after a little hesitation. After all he knows that this beast is frightening. I mean we can feel it's power all the was here. It was 9th tier beast. So, one knight took the woman and other the child and rode toward the village fast.

Now, I can finally have some fun. But I have to be cautious otherwise I will die. Time to release Depp mode and enter demon mode.

Anna's POV:

This is the first time I have seen Lithius so serious, but still there is some excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

After Gerard and others left Lithius turned toward forest where angry roars were coming from. But I am still looking at him. He looks cool when he is serious.

Right in front of my eyes he starts to change. First to change was his hair, it turned purple slowly, then his foreheads skin color changed from reddish white to milky white. Then small red horn could be seen in each edges of his forehead. But they did not remain small, the horn started to grow. It was pitch black, it grew skyward nearly 8 inches, and that half inch of red tip looked slightly curved. Then upper corner of both his ears grew slightly tipped. His eyes turned golden. His skin was turning milky white. His nose became slender, his lips thinned. Then protruded small black wings on his back, but it grew until it became at least 3 feet long outstretched. They perfectly contrasted his white skin. Then out came a red tip of a tail then grew into five feet long black tail with red tip. His height also became little tall, at least 6 feet and inch. He looked powerful.

'Hmm his black robes with golden lining are magical. They adjusted to his change?' I thought.

He took at least a minute to transform slowly, truly mesmerising me. At this moment a roar could be heard and that too, near. He turned to look at me and smiled before saying:

"You are my ticket to this world so, stay safely in my portable house."

"Eh?" I was too confused by his word to even say *I can help*, when the scenery abruptly changed. I was standing in a green plain. I could vaguely see that this plain was stretched for a kilometer, and after that there was nothingness. It was not black but I could sense it was nothingness. And I was near a medium sized house. This must be portable home he mentioned so, I entered the house. There is nothing I can do other than wait.


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