《When I was old》Book 2 chapter 5 and water dragons


Ch 25

After QuingXu finally calmed down, the duo went on their way upclose to the waterfall. With unsteady steps, QuingXu walked through the distance between the most right extremity of the source and the waterfall.

Upclose, QuingXu was englufed by the scenery. The sheer volume of water crashing down, and the successive loud booms made him rethink if he really wanted to do it.

"So, it's pretty easy, right?" Trolled Yin Xian. He liked taunting QuingXu* as that showed more and more of his hidden personality.

"Of course that it's pretty eaass... no, who am I kidding? Hey, damn you, why did you do that? Taunting me like that, you knew that my bragging personality will kill me. Are you trying to get me killed" exclaimed QuingXu as he put all the blame on his master. QuingXu was usually your random normal boot licking person, but Yin Xian pushed him to the extreme. This young master in front of him was shrewd, too shrewd. He just had him pushed beyond the boundaries of his capacity once, and QuingXu's true personality was shown. At this point what was the use of boot licking, everything was already seen through.

"haha, okay. Let's stop teasing you, else you might blow up from the stress. Damn, wow, you really don't have that much resistance." Said Yin as he approached QuingXu slowly.

"Haha, thanks for the compliment. Oh well, now, what should I do?" Said QuingXu relieved that his master will finally stop annoying him.

"Ah well, nothing really. Just try not to die" said Yin Xian as he pushed QuingXu from behind.

"Ahh!!" Screamed as he was thrown, only that an another shriek sounded out as he made contact with water.

"TOOO DAMMMN COOLLLDDD!!!!!" Screamed QuingXu.

"Hahahaha, if it's just cold then you're pretty lucky. Wait for the devil qi to come in and you'll see hahahaha" Yin's sinister laugher would send shiver down the spine of the devil. As his eccentric, ecstatic laugher sounded out, QuingXu was starting to panic. The poor boy wasted no time cursing his master for he had better to do. With all the power he could muster, he tried channeling his qi with haste in his vein. He had to counter the devil qi while it still didn't propane, else he is in some real trouble.

As QuingXu finally located where the devil qi was mostly concentrated, he tried pushing it with his own qi out of his body throughout his pores. The devil qi was still englufing him from outside while it slowly ravaged its way through his channels. He tried narrowing as much as he could his pores, but the process was nerve stirring and heart wrenching. The devil qi outside his body had hard time penetrating it, seeing this QuingXu was overjoyed. He tried pushing as much as he could the devil qi stuck on his veins. The process was slow and tedious, but it was everlasting and invariable. This made him sigh mentally in relief as he can as time pass get this atrocity out of his body.


Time passes and two hours are in the blink of an eye wasted. QuingXu reached the final process of having the devil qi kicked out through his pores. But then, he noticed a problem.

'I can't open my pores'

Yeah, QuingXu can't possibly open his pores. The reason for that is the surrounding devil qi. If by some chance QuingXu decide to open his pores, all the surrounding, accumulated devil qi will engluf him, destroying him from the inside. But if he don't do something and fast, all the devil qi that the lake hold will surround him and carve a poth through his narrowed pores. The result of that would be his death.

As time passed, the surrounding devil qi made more and more pressure on QuingXu. To relieve that, he used a bit of the mass of qi he used to push the focused devil qi to stop the the surrounding qi from entering. He started pushing every little bit of cold qi that entered by his own, thus he tired out very easily.

Seeing his doom near, QuingXu started thinking of ways to save himself.

'Think, what can you do QuingXu in this situation? If I open my pores then I will be automatically destroyed, there is no other possibility. The devil qi surrounding me became so dense that it started creating forms. Is that a blue dragon that I'm seeing? Oh, damn. What to do, what to do. Wait.. hey, I already stopped the devil qi from entering. How did I do that again? Yeah, I just counter balanced it with my own qi, right? What if I do that outside my body? Wouldn't that stop the incoming devil qi from even getting close. Okay, let's try that.'

After organizing his thoughts and reaching a conclusion, QuingXu started channeling his qi once again. He made sure to only save enough for keeping the devil qi inside him in check. As he had his qi egress from his body, the expected phenomena didn't happen. The qi just puffed in a smoke. He tried focusing more on having it keeping a stable form, and it worked. He could stop a small mass of qi from becoming a puff of smoke. As time passed, his control over it became better and he could handle bigger masses.

In the meantime, Yin Xian was just sitting diagonally on the ground watching his apprentice englufed by the water dragons. These were but the forms and images the devil qi take, but that was the scariest thing about it. From immemorial times, dragons were the epitome of strength and ferocity. The images that the qi form never lies, this devil qi is weird. Does that mean that this qi is the epitome of ferocity, no qi is that arrogant. There is also the fact that since it could form an image, it's that it hold a part of consciousness. No qi that hold even a rough part of a consciousness's dust isn't dangerous. No matter if it was holy, cursed or anything, it's synonym of death.


As time passed, he noticed some golden dots forming around QuingXu's body. At first it was but a tiny little one, but as time passed, it became bigger, afterward a second dot was created. After seeing what's happening, Yin Xian finally stopped lazing around and focused on what's going. 'So you finally got it' or so he thought.

Yin Xian seeing that QuingXu was in a juncture, started preparing himself. He started channeling his qi and making it form a blue fire membrane around the water dragons. He had to make sure to get the timing right with QuingXu, else the devil qi will overpower any kind of defence that Xu-chan might create. That's why Yin Xian only surrounded the water dragon as to weaken them afterward. He also had used a chaining technique he learned in god's library to support the membrane. Everything will be unleashed whenever QuingXu is ready.

As time passed, QuingXu finally got complete control over his own qi. He created a membrane around his body that would block the surrounding devil qi for a while. This membrane was close to his pore so it was supported by them. The devil qi's only way of entering was through QuingXu's pores, so it was concentrated there. And since the pores were tight to the extreme, they relieved the stress the qi membrane would have had to go through and by such it didn't break. QuingXu calmed himself down, he had to make sure that nothing would go wrong. He repeated in his mind the process that he would go through countless times, everything was perfect. QuingXu didn't spare any half particle of dust worth of qi as he pushed the surrounding devil qi, an oval shaped membrane enlarged as it pushed the roaming dragons. Contrary to his expectation, the dragons easily overpowered it. As QuingXu was giving up all hopes, and as the membrane weakned, Yin Xian gave a helping hand by chaining the beasts. As the shriek of the water dragons sounded out, QuingXu's membrane regained its strength as it pushed the abnormalities farther away. Seeing that he surprisingly and abruptly got the upper hand, the young boy opened up his pores as he pushed with whatever qi was left in him the satanic devil qi inside him.

"Craaaa wwhahwa!!!!" Dark blue dragonic figures appeared out of his body as they cried in agony, dissipating seconds after.

Seeing that his apprentice got rid of the devil qi inside him, Yin Xian rapidely used a pulling array to get him out of the devil's den. A gold lion sign appeared in front of him as the poor young boy was pulled out of the lake.

"Huff... hufff.." mumbled Xu-chan tired. He took deep breaths to recover his energy. "Thank you for helping me out" The attitude QuingXu gained in these few days stopped showing as he felt gratitude toward this master of his. But he immediately collapsed afterward with a 'tud', certainly because of exhaustion.

"Sigh, sleep well. You'll need all the energy and rest you can possibly get for what's to come. We're way past the stage of waterfall training, hahaha, you will know the terror of a waterfall after you wake up, little kid" laughed Yin Xian. His sinister laugher resounded with the everlasting booms of the waterfall on the background creating an eccentric mix.


QuingXu basically mean hiding emotions.


Author Note : here is the chapi as promised. Now give me comments, I feed on them!!! Hunger!!!

Also, I got two reviews since last time so I'll do a week of bing writing (not this week), so yeah, isn't that great.

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