《When I was old》Chapter 2 god's library


Sorry for the jarring changes of pov and styles you guys will experience. I tried editing and I messed up. Check last post to understand.

Ch 2

As all the gas like forms in front of Oniyama flailed around randomly, shouting in panic while the random blurred god was standing high in the sky after dropping the bomb on everyone, Oniyama was thinking.

Okay, let's organize our thought process-

"What's going on?!"

Everyone is in a state of panic, dammit. Wait, this guy called himself god before, right? He also said something about the summoning, is this the legendary hero summoning every novel in existence write about-

"Mommy" A little girl cried, as everyone was but a blurry deformed gas figure, one couldn’t see here. But from her cries and unsteady, hasty steps one could imagine her frantically crying rivers of tears as she searched for her mom.

No, in here there is people of all ages. From what I can see, there is at least a couple millions of them as I see no end. So this is not a hero summoning, unless every creature in earth was one. So wait, why did this guy-


Maybe, just maybe this is a test. Wait, what are the other possibilities, I can't corner myself with just one idea and be stuck with it. There is the possibility of being some sort of problem in our universe, but then... why would god even care, there is countless other than ours if I believe the black hole theories-

"What kind of joke is this?!!" An angry large man shouted.

Ah, everyone is in a state of panic. I can't even see their faces as we're all just random gazes meshed together. For some reason, no one is merging with anyone. Oh well, wait... wait, wait, wait. If this is a test, no, it doesn't matter if it isn't. This god guy already said that we are given a new chance. A new chance to what, to live? If that's the case, aren't the probabilities of this being the prologue of a reincarnation extremely high right now. Then, ah dammit. Those fuckers will come.

"Maybe this is the so called community dream. "

"That's harsh bastard. They're already dead, no need for further help." said Oniyama under his breath.

Ah, humans are always like this: greedy, ugly and selfish. They would destroy you even if it means their doom. Sigh, dammit. Now, whoever heard him is sure to be hypnotized. Another "quality" of these creatures we call humans is that they are so fragile, they can easily be emotionally swayed. I too, was that way...

"Maybe he is right. I also heard about that."

And here goes nothing.

"Guys, please do as this god say and choose a leader. We need someone to guide us so that we keep our rights"

The bullshit is coming. Here we go once again.

"Guys, we just need to go with the flow. We'll eventually wake up."

Is this a plagiary of the first guy? Haha, stupid humans.


Wow, that was pretty good. A religious faction now, I'm impressed.



"Silence!! I, your god have given you a new chance. Earthlings!! You, have lived thousands of years believing you're unique. That there is no other sentient being in existence other than you. Some of you even denied the fact that divinity exist. But the Almighty one and only god decided to give you another chance. His almighty self decided to reincarnate you. But not only that, he also gave you unlimited access to the godly library for 30 years. Strive for power, and shock the worlds!! For now, you're dismissed."

As the pseudo god finished speaking, everyone was utterly confused. The mist surrounding them in this white space was finally lifted to let everyone see a magnificent, immense golden white dome. For some reason the misty floor stayed the way it was, blank and dirty white. In front of the impossibly huge mass of gazes was the impossibly big dome and behind them was but white nothingness. But Oniyama didn't care about that much. As he and another couple thousand people rushed inside, leaving the other dumbstruck idiots still believing they are in a dream. Some might think that if one stayed close to that god, he might get some benefits. Plus when everything is said and done, everyone still have a whole 30 year to get done with the info search thingy.

Well first: If you were to try starting a conversation with that bastard god, you'll only get your ass kicked and soul shattered. As it's obvious that he is only a steward for a greater entity. Probably some kind of godly organization or sect. Couple that with his inferiority complexes and you got yourself a perfect example of a fucker.

Second: while the stay in here will be 30 years for everyone. We don't know if there are several copies of the same book in the library. If by chance it wasn't the case, the situation that will arise is pretty obvious. The truly useful ones will be picked up first, and will stay on the possession of the first owner the whole stay. No one want the others to have the same advantages as him. This is how humans always were, selfish, greedy and hypocritical.

Well for Oniyama, he is mostly doing this because it's gonna be a rare currency in after some time pass, thus it will give him multiple benefits. So being the first to start the search is a must. He also need to leave the rest by a large gap. I mean, hey, this is a dome meant for 7 billion people to fit in comfortably, one can only imagine how big it must be. So it's extremely easy for one to just lose his time being lost. If he just ignored this opportunity, how will he face himself in the future. Plus, he like being solo. So trying to get as much stuff as he can is a must. No one know when an economy will actually be "created", so he need to get as much material as he can.

As the leading pack entered through the door. The several kilometers wide, half moon shaped entry caught Oniyama's breath. Endless charm and prestige was given to it by a holy luster. In fact, just this one door's charm was so divine, that even the heavenly palace from the legend will pale in comparison. Probably the work of this one true god's aura.


"Hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen, I'm the a.i. created by god master, type: info giver, code name: Yuki"

'The references here have been so obvious and forced, that I can only sigh in disappointment at this one true god'

"Master created me for the sole purpose of serving you chosens. I have been waiting for you! If you need any kind of information, you only need to think about it and I'll give you what you need" the voice could be heard from everywhere, so no one could pinpoint where it came from. But from the tone, I could tell that it was a female's

'What kind of infos are you eligible to give me' Oniyama formulated his thoughts as fast as he could. 'I already wasted so much seconds gasping in awe. Can't waste anymore.' Or so he thought.

'Everything but infos consisting of the working of the system, or things that I don't know'

'Ok. Can you please give me some basic information about the world we will be reincarnating into.'



"So, the world you, and the rest of the chosens are going to reincarnate into is called, as easy as it might sound "The World", not really too fancy right. Well that's kind of misleading. "The world" is the name of the whole universe. But for your planet's name, that can be left for later.

And as you might or not have guessed, it's a world where the strong is right, and the weak is wrong. A martial cultivation world that your kind surprisingly predicted. The rank are as follow

Baby stage 1 ->10

Adult stage 1->10

Martial practitioner stage 1->10

Martial expert stage 1->10

Fundamental Building stage 1->10

Core holder stage 1->10

For the rest of the ranks it doesn't really matter too much as you'll know when you get there. There is also another way to get stronger other than qi cultivating, and that's by being a mental formation master. The levels here are less complicated than before as there is no real cap. You can just go from lvl 1 to infinity, but that doesn't really mean anything as the best formation or array master is only at level 50, and that's after living for 2 million years. Of course these information are only specified to your universe. In other ones there is obviously stronger array masters.

There is also many other way of cultivation. But those are too mysterious, and more importantly, incomplete. So you could just not consider them if you want."

"... is that all?" Said Oniyama a little bit disappointed.

"Well, I could go on forever talking about the politics of this world. How the world is divided, and whatever historical event that happened for the past whatever millenniums you want. But are you sure? You're gonna know about this either way when you reincarnate"

"Hmm true, it's gonna take long, so please tell me where the soul related techniques are first. And if I need to satisfy some requirements before practicing them. Only then can you continue with the history lesson. Or is it that there is no actual technique in that world"

"In fact, they do exist. As for the soul secret technique department, it's 100 kilometers from here to the left. And for the needing to satisfy some prerequisites part. Well you can do that there. As those are mostly just the “needing to master a certain technique” type of prerequisites, or be powerful to a certain degree type of requirements."

"Thanks, but that doesn’t say anything as there are hundreds of floors, so which one"

"All of them"

"... Well that explain quite a bit of things"

As Oniyama ran through the endless corridors subdividing the dome, while she endlessly talked about the history of my to be homeland, he recalled the information I got from that discussion earlier. He usually do it this way so that he get a complete final conclusion.

'So first, this a.i. isn't simply an info giver, but also an info holder, what do I mean by that? Well it's pretty simple. If it was but an info giver, every answer she would have can be summarized in four words "this book is there". But she gave information on the world that I will be reincarnated into, infos that she normally shouldn't have had, meaning she is not just a library a.i., but either a game master or a copy of a game master.

Second, she has free will, I asked her to give me infos about "The World", and she chose to stop when she wanted. Not because of the system apparently, as she continued when I told her to do so.

Third. One should never ask direct question like "Can you please give all the infos about the fire techniques", that would just lead to a bug, that will on its turn result in a warning and a system update. I will experiment on that afterward. As for how did I know that. It's pretty simple. If it were me, I would have done it this way.

Fourth. Slip tongues aren't counted on the red zone, as she gave me information about the cultivation world without me telling her to do so.

Fifth. Using questions like "would it be wrong if you help me understand this?" is best when trying to get infos about the system without triggering a bug. but they can't be overused as this place is created by god, and not normal developers.

And so, we can conclude that this one true god give ways to bypass the system without being lazy. As it will be no challenge. Here is a new info about OTG.'

As Oniyama's inner monologue continued, the duo approached the soul department, Yuki was still talking about how the loyal general Asgard turned to be a treacherous enemy spy who killed thousands of people dethroning the king and dumping the power behind him. He gained the "loyalty" of the numerous organizations such as the assassin's and merchant's guild given to him by the other country.


Well, it seems that even after all the editing I made, word still found enough to cover the whole page LOL.

Well, i'll be having all these chapters go through word check for now. For the more complicated mistakes which word can't notice......we'll leave that until later

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