《Breakthrough》Chapter 022 - Tiers


Chapter 022 - Tiers

Opening up his eyes Cyan checked his phone, it was already a new day.

Checking out his notifications Cyan reviewed his own grow from yesterday training.

Notification [Midas]: “Player grow 3 STR”

Notification [Midas]: “Player grow 3 DEX”

Notification [Midas]: “Player grow 3 END”

Notification [Midas]: “Player grow 3 STA”

Unlike the day before, he didn’t have grown his INT stat this time, but all his other stats had grown by 3 points, making an increase of 12 points in total, and making his [Status] look like this.



Type: Player Name: Cyan Status: Normal Location: [Training Tower] Level: 0 Profession: None Sub-Profession: None


Strength (STR): 26 Dexterity (DEX): 26 Endurance (END): 26 Stamina (STA): 26 Intelligence (INT): 13 Free Points: 15

With the 2 Free Points of yesterday, Cyan now has 15 free points, however, for now, it was better to save them for later.

Cyan also took the chance to check out the progress of his [Quest] before leaving his room.


Start your training (Completed) … Become a Player Tutor (In progress) (4 day’s remaining) … [Start your training II] (In Progress) [1] Run 1 km, in 10 minutes (Cleared) [2] Run 10 km (Cleared) [3] Run 20 km (Cleared) [4] Run 30 km (Cleared) [5] Run 50 km (Cleared) [6] Run 80 km (Cleared) [7] Run 130 km (Cleared) [8] Run 210 km (1/210) Locked (unlocks after clearing the previous task)

Cyan also remembered he has the Player Tutor Quest but right now the one being tutored was him more than anything else, for now, it was better for leave that Quest alone. As for his status, it was the obvious results after doubling his training routine, making his stats grow more, however, increasing his stats like this shouldn’t be the norm.

Cyan thought to himself he should be asking Karga today about this.




Alice opened her eyes, unlike Cyan her grew has been… slower.

Alice took out her phone and read through her notifications.

Notification [Midas]: “Player grow 3 DEX”

That was it, her Dexterity has increased by only 3 points, and her only saving grace was that she had managed to finish the Quest before Cyan.

[Quest - Alice]

[Become a Player Student] (In Progress) … [Start your training] (Completed) …

Message [Midas]: “Quest [Start your training] Completed, Player is rewarded with 10 DEX Point, 10 FP, and 10.000 Credits”

But unlike Cyan that got a massive reward of 10 Points for almost each of his stats, she only got 10 Points for her DEX, 10 Free Points, and 10.000 Credits, Alice thought that after completing the Quest she would get same stats Cyan had received but that wasn’t the case, and in the end her status looked like this.



Name: Alice Status: Normal Location: [Training Room] Level: 0 Profession: None Sub-Profession: None


Strength (STR): 12 Dexterity (DEX): 27 Endurance (END): 12 Stamina (STA): 15 Intelligence (INT): 12 Free Points: 27

Her dexterity was higher than Cyan but the rest of her stats were half of his, making her groan, even though she has Free Points that she can use, Karla has already told her that learning to control stats comes first then the Player own grown, so does that mean her grow was slow because she could not control her stats the way she should? Of course, it was slow only if you compared against Cyan, Alice let out a sigh, and exited her room.




Alice arrived at the Food area, however, unlike other times when she was early, today she was late, she was not feeling tired but she had that nightmare again, one that she didn’t want to remember nor she could forget.


In the food Area, Cyan and the twins were already having their breakfasts.

[Cyan]: “Good Morning Alice, did you oversleep?”

Cyan could not help but to ask Alice that was always the first one to wake up and the first one to be ready in the mornings, why she was late today.

Alice just nodded her head and took a seat next to Karla, leaving a worried Cyan hesitating into what else to say, but in the end, he opted for not saying anything else, as Alice was not in a good mood today.

As the weird atmosphere was put over the table Karla thought of something they could talk about.

[Karla]: “Right Alice and newbie, how many points did you gained over the night?”

Cyan went “Oh right” and took his phone out, Alice did the same even though she was less willing. Cyan showed his stats to Karla first then it was Alice turn.

Karla in the other hand was shocked, the food in this place was good and it was supposed to give a good boost for Players grown, but to earn 12 points in a single night, that was putting her own grow into shame, Alice’s grow was more normal, still, she was also growing well with her stats.

However Alice bites her lips as she saw her status and compared against Cyan status, she has realized that their stats were growing apart and that at this rate she would be left in the dust very soon.

Karla took a look at Alice’s face and could tell already what was in her mind, she could guess Alice thoughts like an open box, after all, she was trained to read peoples mind, and to manipulate them for the sake of completing the mission, of course, Karla never thought of using this kind of techniques into two kids, making her brain groan in displeasure

In the end, Cyan was left in the dark about this matter and after a while Boss had shown up in the table and ordered something to eat with his phone.

[Karla]: “Boss it is ok if I don’t enter the [Fighting Arena] today?”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “I am not running away, I just want to train with Alice alone for a little bit”

Boss didn’t say anything else, signaling he didn’t have any problem with that request.

[Alice]: “Senior what kind of training are you thinking of?”

On the other hand, Alice could not hold her curiosity as she could see a smile being drawn into Karla’s face after Boss had accepted to her request.

[Karla]: “You don’t need to worry Alice, you wouldn’t die while training inside the Tower you know?”

Alice could only start sweating as she forgot the problems that were clouding her mind, and started to feel in danger instead, prompting Karla to laugh with villainous sounding, as this was what she wanted.

On the other hand, Karga seeing that his sister was planning to run away from Boss training, he also took the chance.

[Karga]: “Right Boss I also want to train with the newbie alone for a little bit”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “Boss asks if you are planning to skip the training also?”

[Karga]: “It is nothing like that Boss I am not skipping training at all!”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “Boss asks for the reason”

[Karga]: “Of course there is a reason Boss, they said they wanted to enter the [Fighting Arena] next week, so we need to train them even harder now if we slip up in their training now it is going to be hard for them to enter the Floor next week”


Boss put down his fort and stare the duo for a bit, the twins started to feel the pressure of Boss’s gazed but neither of them wavers, prompting Boss to nod with his head and returning back to his breakfast, the twins let out a sigh of relief.

When they thought it was everything over, it was time for Cyan to throw a buck of cold water on them.

[Cyan]: “Boss… can you show me your stats?”

Karla and Karga face changed from an easy going to a deathly serious expression.

[Karla]: “Did someone else asked you for that?”

[Cyan]: “Eh? Not it is just…”

[Karga]: “Did they offered you something in exchange?”

[Karla]: “Did someone threaten you?”

[Cyan]: “That’s not it!”

[Karla]: “Then?”

[Cyan]: “I… just want to know how strong are you are all, even just a little bit…, I want to know how weak I really am”

Every time Cyan saw his stats grown he felt stronger, he felt full of strength and confidence, but then when he went to sleep a nightmare where he was helplessly weak and powerless keep digging into inside of his brain, he wanted to know how weak he really was right now, and how strong Boss was, so he wouldn’t think himself as strong.

Karla and Karga sighed

[Karla]: “Remember what I told you kid, the stats for a Player are something to keep a secret, they are Player weakness, in the future, you shouldn’t ask other people’s stats like that you know?”.

[Alice]: “But Miss Karla we had been showing our stats to you all the time, shouldn’t we also be able to see your stats?”

Alice was also curious about this regard. Karla could only frown as she felt a headache incoming

[Karla]: “That’s unrelated, we were in the need for a training plan for you two, and for checking out your grown and to see if the plan is working or something needs to be changed, and the best way for doing that is by knowing your stats, but if you don’t want our help then…”

However, Boss that has been quiet this whole time interrupted her.

[Boss]: “Show it to them”

[Karla]: “But Boss...”

[Karga]: “Are you sure Boss?”

[Boss]: “We are in the same Faction”

Karla and Karga could only sigh as they take out their phones, Boss also did the same thing.

[Karla]: “Take a look this newbie and see how weak that you are”

[Karga]: “hehe you ask for it kids, so I will show you what a strong person stats are”

[Boss]: “…”



Name: Karga Status: Normal Location: [Training Tower] Level: 0+ Profession: None Sub-Profession: None


Strength (STR): 97 Dexterity (DEX): 75 Endurance (EN): 77 Stamina (STA): 75 Intelligence (INT): 19 Free Points: 0

Total = 343 Points



Name: Karla Status: Normal Location: [Training Tower] Level: 0+ Profession: None Sub-Profession: None


Strength (STR): 74 Dexterity (DEX): 98 Endurance (EN): 73 Stamina (STA): 73 Intelligence (INT): 26 Free Points: 0

Total = 344 Points



Name: No name - Boss Status: Normal Location: [Training Tower] Level: 0++ Profession: None Sub-Profession: None


Strength (STR): 99 - MAX Dexterity (DEX): 98 Endurance (EN): 98 Stamina (STA): 98 Intelligence (INT): 15 Free Points: 0

Total = 408 Points

Cyan thought he had done something wrong by asking Boss to show his stats, but he was really curious about what a strong people stats are like, in the end, he got his wish granted.

Karla and Karga had been training with them for the past days so he could see now from where their confidence came from, after all, they had the stats to back it up.

While Cyan reading through Boss’s stats, Karla was showing up her stats to Alice.

[Karla]: “As you can see here, I am the smartest of all here, look my intelligence stats is the highest of all! kukuku”

Cyan took the change to confirm something and asked what it was in his mind.

[Cyan]: “Seniors why the intelligence is so low compared to the other stats?”

Karla glared Cyan before letting out a sigh.

[Karla]: “The Intelligence can’t be trained or at least we don’t know how”

[Cyan]: “You don’t know how?”

[Karla]: “Well, it is not like we don’t know a way to increase it, if you use your Free Points you can increase it, but that’s all we know, there is no training, nor Player grow, or another method we do not know of, and [Midas] rewards are never in the Intelligence department”

[Cyan]: “Then wouldn’t be better just to dump all your Free Points into Intelligence? It isn’t getting smarter a good thing?”

[Karla]: “Even though we don’t how to increased it using normal means that doesn’t mean we don’t know what it does, and getting smarter is not one of them”

[Alice]: “Then what’s the Intelligence stat exactly for?”

[Karla]: “Listen up kids, the Intelligence stat doesn’t make you smarter”

[Cyan]: “It doesn’t?”

[Karla]: “Even though we thought that it did at first, that was proven wrong later on, the intelligence stats effects are, increase memory and thinking speed”

[Cyan]: “it isn’t that the same as getting smarter?”

[Karla]: “That’s why kids… listen up newbie, you would remember things better and your thoughts would speed up a little, but you would be having the same thoughts you had before, even though your IQ will increase, that’s only because you can remember things better, intelligence, true intelligence, comes from the ideas and thoughts you from inside that brain of yours that nobody else had, understand now? Intelligence comes from experience, knowledge…, and of course genes”

[Cyan]: “I think I can understand now…”

[Karla]: “Good, I don’t want to repeat myself, like I was saying using your Free Points it is not the best way to use them”

[Alice]: “Why not?”

[Karla]: “Because even though we haven’t found a way of increasing the Intelligence stats that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, using your Free Points in Intelligence when there could be a perfect way for incrementing that stat with training it is just will be waste of your free points then, and there is a second reason”

[Karla]: “As you increment you stats the harder it gets, going from 10 to 11 is easier than going for 98 to 99, which is amazingly hard, even when the difference is just a single point in both cases, and there must be way to increase the Intelligence stat without using Free Points anyway”

Cyan had the thought that if he used all his Free Points in Intelligence then he would become smarter so he had the impulse to just use all his free points in this, but Karla has stopped him from doing so thanks to her explanation, for now, that they that didn’t know a natural way of incrementing that stat, it was better to leave like that, maybe he could ask Willy later on how to increase it with training.

[Alice]: “Boss… why it there says MAX in your Strength stat?”

[Boss]: “…”

[Karla]: “I am glad that you have pointed that out Alice, first of all, you know what Tiers are?”

Cyan and Alice looked at each other before turning back shaking their heads.

[Karla]: “Tiers are the divisions that Players used and there are 9 Tiers, each tier has a Lower Limit and an Upper Limit, Tier 0 Upper Limit is 99, and this how Tiers are divided”

Karla took a drawing she had made on her spared time, in the drawing was listed all of the Tiers together with their MIN-MAX stats,


Human Level: 0 Name: Normal Min: 000 Max: 099 Level: 1 Name: Super Min: 100 Max: 199 Level: 2 Name: Perfect Min: 200 Max: 299 Mutant Level 3 Name: Normal Min: 300 Max: 399 Level 4 Name: Super Min: 400 Max: 499 Level 5 Name: Perfect Min: 500 Max: 599 Alien Level 6 Name: Normal Min: 600 Max: 699 Level 7 Name: Super Min: 700 Max: 799 Level 8 Name: Perfect Min: 800 Max: 899 Being Level 9 Name: Imperfect Min: 900 Max: 999

Tier 0 - Human 000 to 099

Tier 1 - Super Human 100 to 199

Tier 2 - Perfect Human 200 to 299

Tier 3 - Mutant 300 to 399

Tier 4 - Super Mutant 400 to 499

Tier 5 - Perfect Mutant 500 to 599

Tier 6 - Alien 600 to 699

Tier 7 - Super Alien 700 to 799

Tier 8 - Perfect Alien 800 to 899

Tier 9 - Imperfect Being 900 to 999

[Karla]: “As you can see we are here in the Normal Human Tier, or Tier 0”

[Alice]: “Senior these names…”

[Karla]: “What you don’t like them? Well that’s too bad, but that’s what I could come out after Boss gave me the task, you can call them by using their numbers if you prefer”

Karla puffed out her cheeks showing her angry expression.

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