《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 66. Finale.


As the convoy heads straight towards the enemy capital that I found during my flight, a strange occurence happens when we are half of the way there.

"Hayden. The Troops are sending an 'assistance' signal. From up here it seems like a big tree appeared infront of them all of a sudden causing them to halt. The cause of them not moving forward not known. I suggest we go down and investigate, you all need to stretch your legs anyways." Ion says really quickly and I barely catch all of it.

I take Ion's advice and land near the convoy and shut down the helicopter.

The moment I walk out of the helicopter I notice it.

"What... Is that? Is that a person?" I ask but nobody in my immediate area knows the answer.

"It could be one of the legendary Dryads. This used to be their island anyways if the Legend of the Dryad's Fall is to be believed." Yofie, the quietest of the bunch, suddenly speaks out and when I look at her, I think I saw a sparkle in her eyes.

"You are correct. I am informed you are the leader of this group, Master Igbhan. I am the Dryad Cyrilla, the others are hiding in the tree still but they are Clovara and Cottonae. They are very shy so excuse them. I am one of the remaining Four Great Dryads. If I had to count all the Dryads left on this land, it would be twenty five. And I know that little girl would like to know such a tadbit of information." Cyrilla says as she suddenly appears right infront of me.

Once she finishes speaking she grabs my head and puts her forehead on mine.

After about half a minute of this awkward situation, she finally releases me and I finally see her in her full glory.

(A woman, it's just that she has no legs, those are replaced with roots... Her hair is tree branches by the looks of things but everything else is... Human... At least she knew that she had to cover herself up before revealing herself...)

"Do not worry, I just made a connection with you. I know why you are here. You want to get to the castle right? I can help you with that. I can call all the Dryads together to help you with your final push into the castle if you want to, it's just that..." She is about to say before Ion cuts her off.

"It is too dangerous for the Dryads. That is what you are going to say right? I am sorry that I cut you off but I did some computing and the success rate for this army is 99.9% due to dissapearance of the Wyverns and Dragons. Adding them into the count would mean our success rate would drop to a mere 20%. If all of them are guarding the castle, having the Dryads with us will all die meaningless since the success rate is... 0%. We can never breach a castle guarded by dragons and wyverns seeing as our military currently does not possess a weapon strong enough and cannot create one strong enough." Ion finally speaks up since I noticed he was computing something the entire time we were flying.

The Dryad sighs and chuckles a little bit.

"That is true. It's just that... After eternities of running, we, the Dryads, want to fight back! The instant you appeared here, Master Igbhan, all of the Dryads knew our chance has appeared! At the very least... Let us help heal your wounded! We all want to help you!


The torture and pain we had to go through due to those damn beasts in that castle can never dissapear! We want revenge! That new king of theirs, we know what he is like. He is not to blame for this war.

But those generals of his? ALL of them MUST be massacared! Not a single one left alive! They are beasts of war! They only know war! They only want war! They shouldn't exist in this world! They are the ones that decided to scorch the land near the castle so they can expand it! They are cruel and they MUST BE MASSACARED!" The Dryad drops her act and starts shouting.

It is clear that she means everything she says as the air around her changed the moment she started talking about the generals.

Once she calms down a little, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You can help us, I won't say no to help. It's just that... We don't need more needless casualties. Just stay in the back and support us. If we know that even if we get injured, we can heal and come back that will help our morale more than enough. See that convoy that is organizing itself? All of them want to end this war. Help them end it." I say in a calm tone and once I finish, the Dryad nods and dissapears.

Suddenly, I see the tree shrinking and then it starts moving at an unnaturaly fast speed.

(Phew... Well, at least we know we aren't alone on this scorched rock. But I wonder what she meant by that the king is innocent... Well, I'll see once we get there and hopefully met zero dragons and their lesser beings, wyverns.)

I go up into the air once more and direct the convoy towards the castle.

The rest of the way is clear and by the time we see the castle, we notice the gates are open and a non-hostile welcome party has been arranged.

I order the convoy to halt and set up defensive positions whilst I land my helicopter behind the convoy.

I get out of the convoy and notice a single horseman with a letter in his hand ride towards us.

Once he reaches to the convoy and hands the letter to me, he goes back into the castle.

I open the sealed letter and to my surprise, I see a familiar name at the end of it.

The surprise was big enough that I almost started crying.

"Jayd..." I say that under my breath but Alicia catches it.

"Jayd? Jayd is here?" Alicia says with surprise.

I nod as I slowly read the letter.

"Jayd is the king apparently. He wants us to help him break free, that's why all the wyverns and dragons are already dead.

He explained their death to the generals as 'materials to create the perfect weapons'. Just as you'd expect of Jayd.

It also says here that the gates are open so we can go in and kill everything from the inside, like an Excellion Ship."

I say with a smile on my face.

(Author's Note: Excellion Ship is basically my future version of the Trojan Horse.)

"Convoy! Get ready for battle. We are heading in. The moment we reach the keep, fortify our positions and take the walls. Close the gates and massacare everything outsie of the inner wall!" I say with extreme confidence in my voice since Jayd used his power to empty the inner walls of troops to make a 'pathway' for us into the keep.


He also included a map for us so we know what locations we need to look out for.

(Jayd. I should've taken you and Alicia to this trip from the beginning.)

I enter into the helicopter and start it up.

The convoy gets into a line and drives on the red carpet prepeared for us at a decent speed.

Apparently Jayd knew we had cars and informed his troops of them so they thought they were our variation of a 'horse carriage'.

I landed my helicopter in the inner wall and I notice my troops acted quickly as they closed the gates and immediatly opened fire on the line of soldiers that were clearly hostile towards us.

I open the doors to the keep and see Jayd sitting on the throne, looking at a man to his right.

(Ah, so that's why Jayd couldn't just meet us outside the keep.)

I walk forward with a smile and my 'entourage' follows suit.

We walk very close to Jayd and I smile.

Jayd knows what I mean and just as I was about to bow, I took out my pistol and shot the unknown person.

"Jayd. Long time no see." I say as I get up once more.

"I presume those are your troops outside shooting everything I rule?" Jayd quickly makes a joke.

"Yup. Where are the generals the Dryad spoke of? I need to 'dispose' of them apparently. They are cruel and such." I ask Jayd and he points toward the door to my right.

"In there. They are having a war gathering. They don't know you are in here since that is a sound-proof room. They can't hear anything." Jayd says and then looks at Alicia.

Alicia looks at Jayd, bows, and then looks at me.

(Jayd and Alicia still are kind of cold to eachother when I'm around... I know they get along like friends when I'm not but they only are like friends and nothing more. Well... What would I expect if Alicia has rumors spreading back at the lab that she only has eyes for me.)

I think about such things as I walk to the door and open it.

Inside I see eight people surprised to see the door open.

"Bye bye." I say as I pull the trigger nine times, one more than needed since one of them was pretty fast in his effort to get up from the chair and got a bullet in his gut and now in his head.

"You really made things easy for me, Jayd. I expected a massive battle with half of my troops dying and me losing an arm or two." I say jokingly.

"I can still arrange that." He says as he takes a sword from behind the throne.

"I'd rather not have to replace my arm with a prosthetic one." I say and Jayd throws the sword behind the throne once more.

Once the gunshots finish, we head outside and see that my troops had massacared the troops guarding the castle.

"Aaand that's another ten thousand or so dead." I say as I look over the top of the wall.

After we finished off everything in the castle, we headed outside and met with the Dryads.

They were ecstatic to hear they had their island back and immediatly bowed to us as their new 'High Lords', whatever that means to them.

The Dryads promised to send something to us once we say where our home would be and I am kind of afraid to find out what that will be.

During the sail back to the mainland, I told Jayd all about my adventure and we had a grand time sailing back.

On the mainland, we met up with the kingdoms at war and formed an 'eternal alliance' with them since they were a little too grateful.

On the way back, we headed to the Empire as well and visited Emilia. The moment she heard of our arrival, she ran out of the keep without guards and jumped the moment she saw me, almost breaking my back with the impact from her headbutting my stomach.

In the end, we had to stay an entire two days in Emilia's castle since she wouldn't let us go no matter what and only after two days we got out with me promising we would come back here and make our home here.

I never knew Emilia was this possessive of me...

The trip back to The Humans was quite uneventful since most villages hadn't heard of the end of the war yet so they were still on edge.

Once we got back to Landar's place, we were met with more than just a tiny army. We were met with the entire Human Kingdom now knowing how to shoot a gun and the main chieftains said they would work with us as long as we were willing to work with them, essentially sealing a mutual benefit pact or an alliance.

I let my convoy go and they headed home after the trip and I told Landar to bring the vehicles to the Empire's capital once he could and he said he would personally come over as well.

The trip back to the Capital was exciting as I saw that damn turtle again. This time, it was looking at me and I think I saw the damn thing smile at me when I passed by.

I tried to land near the Turtle but it was frankly impossible, it was pure forest. In the end I gave up and swore to find that turtle and all its friends.

Back in the Capital, a big mansion had already been arranged for us due to Emilia.

It was also suspiciously close to where Emilia's bedroom is in the keep.

Me, Ion, Jayd, Alicia and the Six Guards: Yofie, Laurette, Brenelle, Daphiel, Esther and Lailah all started living together in the mansion that was clearly too big for us nine.

I started bringing new technologies to light, slowly but surely and making proper arrangments so they'll never be misused during my lifetime.

Ion and Jayd helped me with many of them and so did Alicia.

The six guards kept throwing out thieves and even some perverts who thought they could close to either Alicia or even worse... Me...

In the end, it comes out that the Dryads sent one of their own at me. They sent Cyrilla.

It was a true surpise to see her blushing as I opened the door after she knocked. It seems that on her path here, all the men in the town had kept their eyes locked on her.

Our lives are still infront of us as only eight years have passed since that war and Jayd always keeps commenting that I have my own 'Harem' of nine women and probably more. I don't know what he is trying to say with that but Jayd seems happy after finding himself a wife a year ago.

Who knows, maybe our group will be able to go on another adventure again. Like finding that damn turtle that is still evading me.

--- Somewhere, in the realm of the three figures ---

"It seems their story has ended." The First Figure says.

"Yes. Yes it has." The Second Figure says.

"They've done more than enough. They can live in happiness for as long as they want now. Seeing as their lives are long. Very long. Everybody around Hayden has a long life. That world is going to have a Thousand Years of a Golden Age caused just by Hayden existing." The Third figure says, smiling.

"True. Now we just need to wait. The many stories in the universe are still beginning. I wonder when that rabbit will finally realize it's destiny. Or when that project will go horrendously wrong." The First Figure says quietly to the Second.

"Oi oi, those are spoilers. We shouldn't know about that. What if master heard you..." The Second whispers back.

"I know you know of them. I don't really care. There are too many stories. All of them somehow connected. Even I cannot see it all. How would I say it... Not even Destiny knows what awaits for all of them." The Third Figure says and then looks into the cloud and changes the picture to another story.

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