《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 65. The Landing.


After we had sailed for a few days, I started getting suspicious.

(Where are all the enemy ships? They had a navy big enough to transport that massive amount of troops and goods over so... Where is it?)

I told everybody to keep themselves on edge as we don't know what we might run into anymore.

Though such suspicions dissapeared quickly and another one surfaced.

Two or so days later, we found a massive field of wrecked ships, mostly ones like the ones we stole.

The wrecks had been stacked ontop of eachother in a pattern so they stuck out of the sea like four massive pillars.

We kept sailing onwards but with a new fright.

(What could've done that? Killed all those ships and stacked them ontop of eachother no less. Such a feat would require either a massive amount of ships or a nearly god-like strength.)

After that massive field of wrecks, we only saw small little ships which had been crashed into islands and rocks sticking out of the sea.

We sailed for four more days before we reached a bay of the Island we had to get to but we were not close enough to see what was waiting for us.

--- Present Day, Hayden's POV ---

"Sir! We have visual on the beach! They've prepared a surprise party for us!" One of the soldiers runs into my cabin.

"What do you mean by... A surprise party?" I ask slightly confused.

"It's better for you to see for yourself." The soldier says and I quickly get dressed and head out onto the deck.

I see Alicia walking up the stairs while being assisted by her six guards since she is still basically asleep.

She walks infront of me and hugs me.

"Morning, brother... And next time... I'm sleeping in your bed since I couldn't get any sleep..." She says innocently and almost falls asleep while holding me.


"Alicia, you can sleep next to me next time but right now, we have a slight problem to deal with. Laurette, can you take her and make sure she doesn't get hit by a stray arrow since I have a feeling that is the surprise party they have for us at the beach." I say and pull the still-sleeping Alicia off me and hand her to Laurette.

I head to the front of the ship's deck and see an immeasurably big army standing right infront of the bay.

Only then do I notice how they knew where we would land.

"The damn pillars... Those weren't caused by a battle... They themselves stacked those ontop of eachother... And I followed it straight to this bay..." I sigh and look at how I can defeat that army without being killed first.

I then come up with a brilliant or just plain stupid idea.

"Everybody! Get into your vehicles and somehow get them to the bottom of the ship! I don't care if you break the ship or not, just do it! Send the signal to the other ships as well.

We're landing on the beach. And we are doing it quite roughly as well!" I shout out an order and the soldier in charge of steering the ship immediatly realizes what I mean.

"Setting course straight into the middle of that enemy army!" The soldier shouts, locks the wheel in place and then runs to a vehicle down below.

(We are going to crash into the enemy at full speed.)

"Laurette and the rest of you guards, get into the helicopter. We're going to the sky." I say that after everybody has left the deck except us nine, that nine includes Ion who had always been near the helicopter managing it.


Once I jump into the heli, I hear the heli doors close and then I take off since Ion had already started the heli.

Just as we got to a decent height, we saw the massive ship and the other ships smash straight into the ranks of the enemy and then the humvees, bushmasters and even the M19's drive out from the broken front of the ships and if there weren't any, they made some with grenades.

I direct the convoy to drive towards the other side of the beach to set up a defensive formation so we can slaughter them ontop of this elevated hill.

My troops successfully escape the grasp of the enemy army without losing a single vehicle and set up our new well-known tactic which also includes the M19's as basically miniguns.

I land the heli a decent distance behind the M19's and shut it down as I don't want to waste too much fuel just yet.

By the time our formation is in place, the enemy reorganizes and starts marching towards us even though it is already too late.

Exactly a minute later, the first gunshots could be heard and a slaughterhouse began.

(If any Wyverns and Dragons come out... We'd probably be dead. I wonder why there aren't any...)

As I rack my brains over this question, most of the enemy army had been slaughtered with only 1 arrow piercing the ear of one of our troops.

--- At the castle of Hayden's 'enemy' ---

"Master, we must send in the dragons and the wyverns! Otherwise the enemy will get here!" The figure shouts out.

"NO! They must stay here and defend the castle! I hope you haven't forgotten that they aren't our only enemy!" The king-like figure shouts and then waves his hand.

The other figure knows the meaning behind that and immediatly leaves.

The king-like figure takes off his crown but sits on the throne.

"They've arrived. Finally. Finally they'll destroy this kingdom of mine and release me from this burden. I can't even leave this room without having fifty almost half-naked maids follow me around! I mean, if I didn't want to meet with Hayden and Alicia this would be heaven but at the moment... This is hell! I'm no king! Hayden would be a better king!

I would trust Hayden to even rule over 100% of my life and I'd be completely happy with it! But they still don't realize that I don't want to fight Hayden... I even straight-out told them that once but they just ignored it! It's like they only listen to my orders when they want to or when I actually command them like a king...

Hayden... Please hurry up... Just please... Just come and save your old pal, Jayd..." Jayd says without noticing the small little green sappling floating in the corner of the room.

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