《Project Felia》Chapter 7- 12 First Encounters!
“Look at all these players” I said as the players, npc and shops were totally different from the city before.
“There is one of the quest givers, I see several quest givers over there too.”
The first quest we picked up was to find a local thug crew that have been ravaging the town, their hideout was a little bit out of the city. We picked up the other quest as well, they were basically kill 5 thugs, take back some of the stolen goods and kill the thug leader. All separate quest, but still at the same location which was really nice.
“No, not my son! Has anyone seen my son?” a woman was crying her eyes out, it was a player. She was desperately trying to see if people had seen her son, but she was ignored.
“Calm down woman, calm down, tell me about your son, maybe I can help!” Cortez was the one who went to her, we sat down at a tavern close by. She was still so teared up she could barely speak.
“Now tell me about your son, miss Nora” she kept her head down a lot, no wonder.
“His name was Jason, Jason Gordon, he went missing yesterday. The last thing he said to me was that he was going out to mine some ores so he could smelt it and increase his weapon damage, of his and my blade, but he never came back. I got worried and traveled to where I know he usually dig, but when I arrived I saw corpses of both workers and bandits, this was not the work of npc thugs, but real bandit players. I am afraid he got caught be the lower ranks of the “Darkblood Brotherhood.”
That was the evil guild Nort was talking about!
“Their base is up on the hills, but they are so skilled and geared for their lvl, that no one dears to try anything. Since I didn’t find my sons corpse he either escaped or he was captured. I fear the worst, if he managed to escape he would have come back here as fast as he could, this place is pvp protected!”
She started crying again.
“Me and my friend will do everything we can to bring him back to you, you have my word on it!” Cortez was really serious, but we both wanted to do what was right.
“Thank you! Thank you please! Bring him back in one piece! *sniff sniff*” we slowly left the tavern.
“We be back, count on it!” We left and headed towards the thug camp to finish our quests. IF we were to fight we needed to be geared and leveled. This place is a lvl 3-5 zone, meaning those bandits had to be lvl 5.
The thug camp was not so far from the city so we walked by foot.
“Sky, we have to be really prepared for this, maybe even gather some more members, you as an assassin and me as an archer are a perfect team for stealth missions, being it on npc`s or real players.” His head was bowed down and his eyes were wide open. Determined.
“There is the hide out! I will go into my stealth mode and scout, Cortez keep an eye out from here, if you have the chance to kill someone who is dumb enough to walk out of his friend sight, pick him of quick and loot him, so the enemies cant find the loot sack on the ground and be alerted.”
Just as I was about to head down to the hideout, Cortez stopped me.
“Here, I gathered some flowers on the way here, use them to make poison, we need to be on 100% on this.” I got the flowers and I started to crush them with my milling skill that assassins get for making poison.
“This place is really nice, we are high up with bushes and trees as cover, I can get some nice shots from here with my sniper skill I got lvl 3. Takes a long time to charge, but the damage and accuracy is much better than a regular shot, that is also why I used my lvl points into the sniping subclass. This gear also has a few sniper points. Their base got no roof, but the walls are made of spikes, make sure to know your way in and out and be careful!”
Cortez used his hand to cover the sun from his eyes, before he putted on his goggles, which I think is an accuracy enhancing type of gear he got from his guardian. I remember seeing some kind of glasses for the assassin class when we were at the auction too.
“You ready?” my venomous poison was successfully applied to my daggers.
“Let’s do this!” I entered my stealth mode and headed down to the hideout, since we was in a party Cortez could see the outline of my body as well, even though I was invisible. We could speak to each other from a distance because of the party, but if someone was close they could also hear what I was saying, kind of like being on a radio.
“I see 2 thugs at the entrance, I can get past them, but one of the quest is to kill and another one is to loot, if you could relocate yourself more to the left you can get a shot.”
The two thugs were moving a bit back and forth as they kept watch. Cortez was so far away they had no chance to see him.
“Roger, moving now” after a few seconds Cortez had relocated himself.
“Charging up my shot now, go in 5!” as Cortez was charging up his shot I ran towards the thugs, no sound on my footsteps at all.
A little glimmer was seen from the hill from my angle as I was behind the target, I put my hand over his mouth and shived him in his back, killing him instantly, the arrow went clean through the head of the other target. I quickly looted both, the loot was also shared because of the party. If we had a mission to kill 5 thugs, we simply had to kill 5, but if we were to loot 5 items from the thugs themselves, then we have to kill 10 because the items does not duplicate.
“Nice, keep going, I am relocating back to where I was, it is higher up and I got a better view of the whole hideout.”
“Roger, advancing!” I snuck into the hideout and did my best to find targets that was isolated. I could see the thug leader in the middle of the hideout, big guy with two axes probably twice as high as me. This was no time to get intimidated, I had to stay focused.
One of the thugs was checking on some of the horses in the far back of the hideout, I shived him and kept on moving after looting him of course. Suddenly I could see that another thug had been killed, I didn’t see it by my own eyes, but the hud indicated that another had been killed, if not by me it was by Cortez. Archers have a special passive ability that lets them loot from afar, if the kill is a npc and from a sniper shot only.
“4 down, 6 to go!” the quest implied.
“Sky, I got an idea. You know the bomb you got from that nun? I still have it in my inventory, I can strap that to my next arrow to create a diversion.” Cortez starts strapping the bomb to the arrow head.
“I got another idea, I can use my clone ability to lure all the npc`s to the same location and then you fire, that will at least deal half their health, then I can finish them off with regular melee combat.”
I went towards the entrance again and then summoned a clone that was not in stealth mode. Cortez didn’t have a problem shooting them at the entrance as long as they were still inside the hideout then they had their back turned to Cortez, but earlier they was outside the hideout and there was a spiked wooden wall behind them so he was forced to relocate.
“Hey you dumb thugs! Come and get me!” My clone started to run around the hideout, but he avoided the middle section, because of the leader, my clone did not want to aggro him as well as all the other thugs, even with half health I could not fight them and a wounded leader. Those sniper shots from Cortez would take to long if I am up against 5-6 enemies at once.
“Shooting now!” my clone had done a perfect job by aggroing the thugs we needed. As the shot hit my clone vanished into thin air, I had already snuck up close a shived the first thug in the back, but now my stealth mode was off and I was left to fight 5 enemies at once, I could see what target Cortez had his aim on so I did not attack that target. As the thugs charged at me I used my reappear skill right before I was struck to teleport behind the targets and killed the one that was behind everyone else at the same time Cortez headshotted one.
Now it was only 3 left and at least 2 of them I had to kill. Once again I saw who Cortez was aiming on so I didn’t attack that target. The one thug that was trying to strike me just before I used my relocate ability just managed to come back on his feet, I ran as fast as I could towards him and pierced his gut as I took into consideration that he was not paying so close attention to the situation he was in after he just stood up, his momentum and balance was not at its peak.
Then another one got headshotted. 1 left, he came running at me, I spawned another clone as I ran behind a tent, the thug was dumb enough to try to hit my clone, since my clone could not attack he was standing there dodging and taunting him. Me being out of sight I could reenter my stealth mode and go back to the fight.
“Tihi, oh look behind you!” my clone said, as I struck my daggers deep inside his back, his head turned slightly before he was turned to pixel dust.
“That was a nice combo you did there with your clone! You even had me fooled for a second, even though I could see who the real you was haha!” The last quest was to kill the leader.
The leader was sitting on some kind of wooden throne, sleeping.
“Cortez, I need you to spam those sniper shots now. This thug leader seems like a really though guy, with high damage and health, if I am hit it could be over quick. I will do my best to kite him around while you shoot him! We need to end the fight before the normal thugs respawn! I do not want to fight the leader and his crew at the same time”
“Seems like a good plan! I got your back buddy! Charging up my arrow now, get into position!” I snuck behind the leader and got my daggers ready to strike!
Just as the arrow hit his head I jump up on his neck and cut his throat with my daggers, then jumped off, he got damaged, but it was not enough, he screamed and swinged his axes recklessly at me, I was forced to use clone and run.
“Blahahah over here fatass! Bleh!” My clone did his best to draw the attention as Cortez managed to land another headshot.
“I will try to cripple him, you finish him off!” Cortez started to aim for the legs.
“Got it, I see what you mean!”I could see a marker at the right leg of the leader, where the shot would land.
Since me and my clone went separate ways I was located behind him so I ran towards his left leg.
The arrow hit perfectly in the knee cap rendering his right leg useless, my daggers pierced the back of his leg through the tissue and into the bone, breaking it. The thug leader fell to the ground, screaming again. He started to swing his axes around even more recklessly and my clone got hit and vanished to pixel dust, he turned around and focused on me, his attack speed had increased.
“I will get you! I will get you! I will fucking kill you!” the leader screamed as an arrow suddenly pierced his right eye at the same time I used my reappear ability as it just got off cooldown and relocated myself a bit in the air over his neck and used my momentum and gravity to land with my daggers precisely aimed for the top of his spine, as the dagger struck he fell to the ground and the quest was complete, I looted him and got new daggers as well as Cortez got a new bow!
I entered stealth mode and headed back to Cortez as the thugs was slowly respawning right next to me.
“Good job, Sky, lets head back and deliver the quest” we could see that every npc had spawned again
“Yeah sure, lets head on back to Zuria!” with no time to waste we headed back.
“Dude, you know what I just realized?” Cortez seemed a bit shocked but still he was about to laugh.
“What?” his laugh bursted out.
“This quest was meant for at least 4-5 players! I think we should read the quests in the future, not just do as we are told from the npc, haha” He seemed proud though and he had all right to be, with our cooperation.
“Ohh, wow, that could have been really dangerous back there, luckily our classes fit each other, if we were some other class we might have died.” I just realized.
“True that! Let`s go eat after we delivered the quests ok? I feel hungry.” We arrived to Zuria and delivered the quests, we got 30 000 mesetas each for the 3 quests and lvl 5. New abilites throwing stars and heavenly agility.
“Wow! We got 2 lvls!” now we are the same lvl as the bandits.
“After killing those thugs we got a lot of exp and meseta. I noticed that I was just about to get lvl 4 when we were done.” We headed to the restaurant again and bought ourselves a fresh steaming boar steak.
“We should update our gear after this! Even though I got a new bow, I still think I can get a better one for lvl 5, same goes for your weapon too.” He takes a bite.
“Yeah, your right. I also think we should recruit another player to help us with the bandits, maybe an alchemist to boost our stats.” Cortez seemed to agree as he nodded his head while eating the meat.
“Get that baby out of my sight!” a loud voice was heard from across the restaurant.
“We just want something to eat as a family, got a problem with that? The father of the family was standing up the rude man.
“That is not your baby! That is just pixel dust copying the ways of us humans. You know you can`t have children in this world! They have no soul! They are just a data program!
“Don’t talk to my child like that you jerk!” the family father was just about to hit the rude man, but it doesn’t work in the city.
“You know it, deep inside of your mind there is a little voice that says, maybe he is right. You know what? I will take my leave, at least I am the one living with a fake child!”
The man leaves the restaurant, the family seemed a little upset, no wonder.
“Wow, what was that all about?” are children regarded as data programs in this world?
“Makes you think doesn’t it? Are they just as human as us? Do they have an artificial soul? Who knows? One day the world will be filled with them, just like in the real world. Generation to generation. We do die of age here to, luckily we are immune to diseases though, If not poisoned.” I had never actually thought about it, but there is no way to know for sure.
“They cant chose a class before they are age 10 I remember reading” Cortez finished his meal, so did i.
“Is that so, hmm. Shall we make a flyer? Looking for a lvl 5 alchemist who are subclasses as support with the intention of fighting evil even of it cost ones life?”
The flyer was no easy task to formulate without the spies of the Darkblood Brotherhood to know what is up. If they know we are coming we are dead.
“Sure, lets do it!” we left the restaurant and headed to the news board.
The news board is where we can put up flyers and see several wanted posters. For every real player one kills the meseta for killing the killer is increased and the money is given instantly once the killer is dead. Only if someone saw you though. I putted up the flyer as we saw the picture of some of the bandits from the Darkblood Brotherhood on the wanted posters section.
“looks like our primary targets don’t you say?” we both took a good look at the bandit posters before we left.
“Let`s go and buy some better gear, Cortez.” With almost 30 000 mesetas we could probably buy the best gear for lvl 5.
We went inside the auction house.
“Hello there fine chaps! Here to buy? Sell? Do whatever you please!” the auctioneer is as happy as ever.
“This gear doesn’t look all that different from what I am currently wearing, but the stats sure are better.” I suddenly noticed some really expensive daggers.
“Hey, look the price and stats on those daggers! 50 000 mesetas that is way more then my budget. Rare daggers, huh.” Wish I had the money for those, would surely be useful, but I don’t have time to grind money now, the life of Jason is slipping every second.
“Look at me! I got like 3000 mesetas left for food and sleep.” Cortez had bought a totally new gear, still the furry type, but different.
“Look at this new bow, boom! Beem! Swish! Haha” Cortez was aiming the bow around making weird noises, I also noticed his arrows was pure steel even the shaft.
“You find anything useful? Sky?” I browse the gear and it will in total cost 25 000 mesetas, but I bought it, even new daggers.
“Feels fresh doesn’t it?” The new gear felt awesome.
“Let`s head over to the tavern and wait and see if any alchemist shows up.” Cortez agreed and we headed to the tavern, waiting at a table. They can find us by looking at our names as it was written down on the flyer.
2 hours had past.
I could see a hot woman probably at my age, short dark bluish hair covering a bit of her face, literally only one eye could be seen, wonder what’s her deal, she was looking around. Wait, she is coming over here, don’t tell me. She had a belt around her waist and some straps around her body, they held some small flasks.
“Ohh hi! It`s you guys! I am Elisa, nice to meet you!” I have to admit I blushed.
Elisa picture -----> http://i.imgur.com/jX09Gc5.jpg
Second Picture ---> http://i.imgur.com/uYVHUam.jpg
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