《Living Life as a Plant in a Magical World, Quite Strange Right?》Chapter 10: So does anyone have a plan? (Last chapter before Hiatus)
Everyone move with utmost gratefulness without stop, I certainly didn't teach them this stuff but as said about the Hive Mind, all kinds of information is shared between everyone here. Now, if only such a convenient thing were to exist in my other world and I would be capable of getting such information so fast.
I lost the storied spirit! Yea, you read it correctly, my inspiration to type is gone like the wind. When I first started as an author, I typed for days and finished multiple chapters but something inside me burnt out and I can't even put one chapter in a few days. So, I decided to put this story on Hiatus for a couple of weeks or so until I can get back my story spirit, please forgive me.
This is the last chapter before I leave on my journey to the mountains and learn the reason for why my story spirit is missing so...bye! But depending if I am able to get my story spirit back, I might be able to type out a story sooner than expected but as I said "might". Also, I can see the comments rushing me to come back as I type this chapter out.
Also, this is an extra long chapter, since I'm going on a hiatus, I might as well go out
with a bang.
"So, Elucidata can you tell me more of the Tiberis Forest?" I said with my eyes staring at the surrounding areas of my small sapling. I really wanted to learn more about this place before I jump right into it. I mean, information is key in just about anything you do, be it trying to figure what's your next move or researching about plants.
I made sure to double check with Kona first before I was in the clear, I turned my attention towards Elucidata as she starts signing like always. The signing probably came as a habit of staying with the awesome me, most people who I known in my previous life always slapped me to get that smile off my face.
[Oh yes, let me explain, this forest is an incredibly special as it's an important region in the middle of several surrounding nations. Each of these nations wants it so much that they practically thirst over it by having small skirmishes here and there, craving the resources it holds and the tactical position it gives. Naturally, it makes the forest a prime target for expansion but some things are getting in the way of these countries desires.]
"Can you tell me this reason, even though I can probably guess about one of them but there are other problems as well?" I said with my inquisitive look and my ears wide open to receive the extremely important information. Well, plants don't have ears so...never mind, let's actually listen in or else I might miss something.
[Oh yes, there are three main reasons for this, one of them being the fact that the countries around the forest would immediately respond in ways such as an increase of espionage. Not like that part matters anyway, but it's more of the fact the surrounding countries will bump up their military and take more direct efforts into retaking this forest as I said earlier, it's a tactical position that is given for the country that gets it.]
She stopped for a bit before continuing the conversation by stating the second reason of this seemly non-expansionist agreement.
[The second reason for this is the presence of the 3 Kings of the Forest, they are a powerful force to be held inside this forestry biome, they are to be capable of destroying armies upon armies that decide to act aggressively inside their lands. Each of them being completely different and separate from one another, as the type and location are different for one another. Two out of the three kings are one the west and east side, while the most powerful out of them is in the middle. The animal’s race are a tiger, bear, and the most dangerous and probably largest out of the three is a dragon but I don’t know if I should consider that an animal. Not only are they powerful but also have quite a lot of intelligent and is capable of speaking the native's tongue.]
Elucidata kept her mouth shut for an amount of times as if hesitating to say the final and third reason of it until her mouth finally opened.
[The third reason is some big shots are not letting any of the surrounding countries even dare to send even an inch of their military inside the place. The ones that guaranteed this place are some of the most influential and powerful leaders in this world. Let me name all of them for you, Yune the Witch of Carnage, Wilka Lonfeart the Emperor of the superhuman empire, Tansarn, and the mysterious Demon Lord Aur who has been rising in the ranks of the demons at a fast pace.]
I looked at her with one of my eyebrow raisings in an inquisitive manner "How much knowledge do you have? I don't have the exact number of things you know which is the strongest out of all things considered." I looked towards the surround before shrugging my shoulders in my mind and said: "Never mind, we don't need an exact number on how much knowledge you possess or else my mind will go crazy, but those are some intriguing things."
[Is that so master? Very well, ask me anything you like.]
I smiled once more inside my mind before pinning my eyesight on to Kona as she starts to do stretches like some sort of Olympic participant. I was extremely curious about what her thoughts were so I took a small peek inside that mind of her's 'Yosh! Let's train hard and become strong! I mean if I don't do my job master might punish very well, hehehehehe!'
I got out of her mind and looked at my plant for a long time before I heard Elucidata cold voice.
[Hey, you were the one that created her.]
"Elucidata, I guess you're right about that part." I said before getting back to work like always and scouting out the area like a hawk.
I took a thinking pose as I thought about my options, the situation turned out to be quite a problematic one indeed. I watched Gorna go back to eating cookies as if forest king that frighten her earlier is nothing more than an act. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to introduce her to modern day snacks yet, I contemplated to myself before I decided it was time to have a little conference with everyone, so we can plan our next step.
Daisy is probably on reconnaissance, and she might find something worth wild but if this event turns into an emergency I will have to immediately recall her. For now, I will order everyone but Daisy to enter the hive mind and get Elucidata's opinion on this matter. I moved off from the table and looked at Gorna before sighing and snapping my fingers which made all the cookies disappear.
Gorna had the face of a child that just got her favorite taken away from her, which I just sighed at. "Gorna, I will give more if you do well okay?" I said as her sad face brighten up before I teleported her out of this place. I instantly teleported to the throne room and sat on the chair before giving the message for everyone but Daisy to have a meeting.
I sat down and looked at the surroundings before putting up my infamous smile that people could easily get annoyed at. Everyone soon appeared with each of them bowing their heads down but only Elucidata doesn't bow. Since she is basically my sectary, it gives her a higher position in what you can call my court.
"So, let's begin everyone! We don't have all day, actually, we do since we are basically inside the hive mind which slows down time so we do have all day but..."
"Anyway let's get back to business, I have some news for you guys and it's pretty big."
[Don't tell me it's another one of your pranks master, I heard what you did to Daisy and I'm a disappointed in you.]
Elucidata stared at me with disdain as if looking at some sort of rapist, seriously I need Daisy to clear up a crime that I never committed! I sighed to myself before shaking my head and looked at everyone once more. "Seriously, I didn't do it!" I said with my hands up as Leon and Crow are looking at everyone with confusion about what's going on.
Kona looked just like a smiling demon that had just exposed her cards but I won't get torn down by your snitching! I will somehow turn this around you Kona! Just you wait!
[Oh really, I heard from Kona that you had pranked Daisy by shooting some sort of white sticky hot stuff on the walls and bed, don't tell me it's your sem-]
"Hell no!" I stopped her before finishing her sentence with my legs standing up and arms going back in fourth in denial. I point my scepter towards Kona who is laughing with the back of her hand covering her mouth like a rich girl laughing at the people of lower status.
"Elucidata, who would you believe more? The hell spawn I created or me?" I looked at Kona who seems to be laughing silently towards the three of us. Elucidata soon went into a deep thinking phase, while Leon just started pulling out a pen and notebook as he started off writing notes about our conversation I think.
Crow just sat there and pulled out a cardboard that shows a beautifully drawn girl that looked like Crow with a shocked faced. The colorless girl had one of her hands covering her mouth as Crow expressionless face looked between Elucidata, Kona, and me. Crow seemingly tapped her face before making the decision of walking towards me with her taking out another cardboard that was right behind the shocked one.
The cardboard said 'I'm trust Master!' the cardboard said before she took one of my hands onto hers and press it between her breast. Holy shit! This is getting out of hand! If things aren't corrected right now, we will probably forgot about the important announcement I was going to make. But but the softness...
No, no think about your purpose! I said to myself before getting the courage from the inside of my heart to get back on topic. "Come on! We gotta get back on topic! Seriously guys, I have some important news to talk about and it has something to do about the one of the Three Kings of the Forest."
All of their faces got serious but the expressionless Crow who holds my hand tightly between her breasts. I still felt the softness but I somehow ignored it and decided to clear out my throat with a cough before looking at all of them with a smile plastered on my face once more.
"So, now that we got off the topic of me spreading my thing around, let's get back to what this meeting is about in the first place." I said while looking at everyone and nodded my head before sitting down and taking things at my pace.
[You think I let you go on this master, so when we are done with this business I'm going investigate matters with the most trusted person around here, Daisy herself.]
Damn, I have to get to Daisy first before Kona or else things could get very ugly. I took note of this and stood up before walking towards a portal that looked like a magical red door appearing out of nowhere. It had a golden door knob with the outlining marked with golden ropes going around it. I took the first step through the door, the others followed right behind me.
I looked towards a white table with a cube in the middle of this spacious reflective room. The place looks like it was stolen off a science fiction movie or something, really, maybe I need to redecorate this place.
I sighed and looked towards the table with the cube as I approached it and stopped right in front of it. Taking my hand I swiped at the cube and made tons of rectangular shaped appear out of nowhere, each of them showing a part of my view range that had skyrocketed when I transformed.
Taking this into account, I swiped it yet again and made it all move towards my servants who looked at each one carefully. Ever since my territory grew, I was capable of seeing such long distances that I wasn't capable of analyzing anything too big. Come on, I only just got this upgrade not too long ago and I am not too use to the large range yet until I am capable of using it correctly, it will only be used for looking towards specific areas.
Good thing Gorna was in the area where the King might be so it will be easier to locate him. A red dot on a point shows the location of Gorna, allowing me to make quick work and find the animal that might cause me trouble, also I have finally gotten around talking about the human girls.
Seriously, I am being piled up with even more problem until it feels like I'm a boss ordering people around a company. I need to make a schedule later, I thought to myself before looking at the rectangular screen with Gorna eyes closed. I zoomed out and looked around the forest and saw this huge green bear sniffing the ground as it looks around.
It seemed to have multiple scars from the amounts of battles it has gone through, just how many? If I am expecting a King of the forest than it would probably be over 9000! Anyways, it seems to be moving towards the camp that the goblins set up but at the same time not really.
The King seems to be moving in the same direction but it seems to be focused more to West North more than anything else. Maybe, the king is going towards the home it laid out or something entirely different. I pondered to myself and continued to think of my next maneuver.
Since it could be nights curtains for me if I do something to the King, I don't even think the strengths of everyone here is capable of beating that bear, I can think of a strategy that is incredibly risky but too much is at state. I kept pondering on what to do until I hear the voice of Elucidata talk to the side of me.
[That is certainly one of the kings of the forest, really, if we were to attack him as of right now, it would leave us as a bloody mess. Since it seems to be moving a little bit more into the north, it probably won't attack the goblins so the best option is to prepare just in case it does attack us.]
Elucidata, repeating what I had in mind since we are on the same track, I might as well continue after this. "Yes, you spoke my mind but what seems to be a sufficient way dealing with an overwhelming opponent with less firepower?" I said the most important question that is needed to be asked as of the moment.
Everyone had gone into a deep thinking phase, even the jokester of Kona was thinking of ways to get around such a mess. This is going to be a long day....
Well, it's me again Keith Merinca, the boy who seemed to found a beautiful yet enigma girl in the middle of the Tiberis forest. It isn't all the time you find such a short dangerous girl in a forest, as explained by her but I haven't seen her skills yet. So, I don't really know, but what I do have information about is that she seems more like a lost puppy more than anything.
Daisy seemed to be looking for something and got lost along the way there, so now we are heading back to the village to find a map and help her along the way. I don't really think it was necessary for me to come with her but you never know what can happen.
I paced myself back the way I just came from, as the little girl follows right behind skipping the whole entire way. I wonder, how could such a cute little girl that is smaller than be so dangerous? But as I had learned it the hard way to never judge by appearances or else I will get my ass whipped.
I guess entering the underground with the guidance of Yune, had made me quite a perceptive one in this field. I sighed as my arms were still on my sword just in case something jumps me and Daisy, you never know when you are in such a place restricted to people below B-rank adventurers.
We walked around for a little bit longer until the sun was about to reach the night, so I warned Daisy of day turning into night and moved swiftly. Daisy caught up with me and soon was even ahead of me, she soon stopped which had created a dust storm that blew into my face. I covered my face “Why did you stop all of a sudden?” I said with a question mark above my head.
“Shhhhhh!” Daisy said with her index finger on my mouth to shut me up, I soon looked ahead and saw nothing but I feel like if I don’t follow her orders, things could get ugly. She then suddenly disappeared like she wasn’t there in the first place, I looked around like a child that is trying to find his mother but to no avail.
Right at that moment, I heard a silent but audio swooshing sound coming behind me, I didn’t take the time to look at it and swiftly ducked. Two large humans-like creatures with fully dark garments and a two-dot smiling face mask flew over me and in front of me. Both of them wear hoodies that cover their heads and just looking at them, you can tell they have a dangerous vibe.
I didn’t take any chances and moved away to analyze my opponent before anything else, soon enough something caught my eye. It was a body of some sort coming from the sky with extremes speed as it crashes into the ground.
It shook the entire ground as dusk was sent into the air covering the thing that landed onto the ground, the black garment people jumped away on reaction as they analyze the situation. I and the mysterious people are placed around the crater that formed from the mysterious thing, a dress flutters in the wind as I finally have a good look at the person which was Daisy.
"Who are you?" Daisy said as she was standing up straight, I sighed and looked towards her, the hands of the small child were across against each other. Her face stern and serious as they focus towards the two mysterious figures with aggression "Who might you ask? That question should be directed towards you!"
One of the figures says with a girly voice and starts laughing, while doing the same stance as Daisy, it was more carefree and silly, unlike the serious Daisy. The other person standing right next to the one talking suddenly slaps her forehead and looks towards her partner in crime.
"Seriously, we will never get things done if you keep picking fights with people over and over again." The person said in an educated and polite manner that is capable of making people feel at ease around her. "That is certainly true sister but if we don't fight we won't get stronger! If we don't become stronger than we can't serve master!"
"Nice speech but master will still let us serve him even if we do something moronic, and you do have point sister, but you are still missing the larger picture. Master, is someone that will let us stay with him for the sole reason of us being useful to his services. So, if anything we should actually..........hey are you awake?"
Snoring soon erupts the girl who was talking with conviction and intelligence, I looked at the person right next to the intelligent girl. The girl who had her hands crossed was standing up straight, while her back went up and down, like someone that just fallen asleep standing up.
The awaken sister hit the other one on the head, it made a loud thump as the other girl grabbed on to her head and looked towards the one that did it. "Hey! What was that for?!?" she said with a question mark above her head "Sigh, why do I have a sister that has muscles for brains?"
"Hey!! That's rude!" the girl said before they turned their eyes towards the crater which had Daisy in it. "Why don't you both shut up, I had enough of your bickering and waiting for your answer." she said that before standing still in a fighting stance as she gets ready to fight.
"Muscles for brains, why don't you finish what you started?" the intelligent sister said as she adjusts her position into a more defensive one. "Sister, I was about too, okay!?" she responded before charging towards Daisy. I just walked towards the girl that stood there with her legs standing still on the ground, she didn't seem too bothered by me approaching her, so I walked right next to her and stopped moving.
"It must be troublesome having a sister like that." I said with some pity in my words, while the girl sighed and looked towards my direction before signing. "It's quite an obstacle for me indeed, I wish she was at least a little calmer, but no she is very hot blooded, what about you and that girl?"
"Well, she was lost in this forest so I was just helping her get a map." she tilted her head a little bit and looked at me "That's strange, why would she just suddenly waltz inside a forest and for what reason?" she moved her head little bit more "Well, she said there was something that was essential to get for a certain master."
"Her too? Well, we are on a mission as well, but that doesn't explain why you are here?" I looked up at the sky and said: "Just a troublesome master wanting her servant to do her dirty work in getting materials." I sighed before looking towards the intense battle between two people of seemly equal strength.
"So, who do you think will win?" I said with a curious voice "Obviously I would choose my sister, I know her better than anybody, even if she is a meathead that doesn't make her weak as she is much tougher, faster, and stronger than me." I see her eyes go towards the two girls who is fighting at extremes speed.
"Also...she has more experience." the girl said as her eyes went towards the two who is starting to wreck the area they are fighting in. I saw the extraordinary duel unfold in my eyes, with each one trading blow for blow. I also like to think I'm at least somewhere near their level, so I can somewhat understand what's going on.
Daisy is actually winning in terms of strength as her punches will literally blow the other girl away but some things are missing for her to claim victory. Her movement, for example, is messing up her follow up attacks she throws at the girl, her footwork brings her closer towards her opponents but if she doesn't move correctly she will never be able to get into an acceptable range where Daisy can hit her.
Her movement overall is not flowing correctly and it seems like the other girl is adapting quite nicely and counter hitting every now and then. I watched her get one hit in and blowing Daisy away, at least 2 meters away, she is powerful even compared to Daisy.
I watch as this fight goes out and feel like the other girl is starting to overwhelming Daisy but I don't see any worry at all on her face. It almost looks like Daisy is analyzing her to the utmost limit, as each punch bounces off Daisy's arms. "Why don't you give up!"
The girl yelled, obviously with a smile through her mask "Don't get too cocky sister or else it will come back to bite you." the girl right next to me advice her sister "Yea, I know." she said right back but I don't think she taken that advice to heart. Daisy suddenly disappeared from everyone sight and confused the girl and the one next to me.
"W-where did she go?!" the girl fighting Daisy said while the one right next to me tried to analyze the situation. Suddenly, a punch came from the side of the girl which instantly blasted her towards the ground and implanted her head into the ground. I almost laughed but kept it under ropes as I was also confused on how she disappeared without any of us seeing it.
It seems closer to teleportation more than anything else but at the same time, I shouldn't judge things right away. I intently looked at the situation and saw that other girl...you know what I'm tired of just saying girl so let's just ask the person right next to me what her name and the other one.
"By the way, what's your name?" I said with my ears wide open, the girl looked at me and thought for a few second before saying something "I'm Rina and my sister is Tina, we are twins, you could probably say that we're one of kind in a whole lot of ways. We're here because of our master's orders and that is as far as I'm allowed to talk, nothing else will be said."
Rina said with her head face downward, towards the ground where her sister Tina is, with a sigh she just watch Tina pull her head from the ground with the mask and hood getting pulled off. What I see was a beautiful emerald hair girl with clear sky blue eyes and green dog ears, something akin to the Beastmen.
"That was quite nice! I didn't see you disappear, it almost looked like you teleported but whatever!" she said with her fist smashing against each other until they made a loud thumping sound. Tina eyes suddenly turned ruby red and a weird vibe started spreading from her body.
I felt this sudden power as my body shivered from the aura she was spilling out, Daisy didn't shake as much as me but her whole entire body was in a defensive position as to take in the attack. Within a couple of milliseconds, I see Tina go so fast that I thought she was lighting, and when the fist was just about to hit Daisy, a purple bubble shield appeared in front of her.
"What are you doing sister? If you do something like that, all of your energy is going to be depleted in this fight alone and you won't be able to complete our mission. Blocking your attack was even more of a pain in the ass already, was that even your full attack?" Rina said with an unwelcome vibe coming out of her, her head tilted to the right just little bit, though.
Rina's body disappeared from my side and appeared right next to Tina "Sorry, I got a little carried away." Tina said with one of her eyes closed and her tongue sticking out in a goofy manner. Rina sighs and looks towards my direction "It was nice talking to you, hope we don't meet in such a strange manner next time."
She said before my eyes get covered in light, I closed my eyes to stop the light from invading them and reopen them to see the whole entire field which was littered with craters and broken trees from the fighting, all fixed. I was still asking a question towards myself but decided maybe it is better that I ask the person herself for what I just saw.
"Hey Daisy, let's get going." I said as Daisy looked around and shrugged her shoulders before sweeping the dirt from the fight earlier and following right behind me. Man, this is going to be a long day, I thought to myself as I got off from the ground and moved towards the direction we were supposed to be heading to.
"Do you think master will be angry sister!?" two people run on top of the branches with ease as one of them wears a mask, while the other has dog ears and emerald hair. "Well, what do you think? You did take your time fighting a strong opponent which you didn't finish quickly. But we still have enough time to quickly investigate the mysterious flashing lights.
Master wants answers to this phenomenon, so we will give him one, if answers aren't produced, I don't think he will be so happy about it." Rina said and quickly covered up her footsteps. They scouted out the entire area, looking for the mysterious light that was reported a couple of days ago but nothing was found.
Rina stops her movement focus her attention towards a single direction, Tina stops with her and looks at Rina. "What's wrong?!" she said a little bit too excited "Just some stalkers following us." Rina responded "Is that so? Should we give them a warm welcoming?!" Tina said with her fist smashing against each other.
"No, if we were to fight with the Tansarn agents, it could get complicated and you don't want confusing things right?" Rina said towards her sister which made her stop pounding her fist altogether. "Maybe you are in the right sister." she said and continued to move like nothing happened.
"If they want to start something then they can try." Rina said before making a sphere of purple energy that surrounded both of them and turned them invisible towards the eye. "This is going to be a looooong day." Rina said and moved along with her sister.
- In Serial209 Chapters
Soul Shard Captor
After Noah's death, what greeted him was an AI system calling itself Black, offering him a job working for the World and Soul Management Bureau.
8 817 - In Serial7 Chapters
Mortis Operandi 2 - Hostile Takeover
Author note: First, thank you for reading. Now that book 2 is done and after a month of it sitting here I've moved it to Amazon. https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07X12GZMZ the first book Mortis Operandi - New Hire can be located on Amazon ----> https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07T46B4NM Currently it is on Kindle Unlimited as well. Enjoy. Adventurers enter dungeons every day. Battling evil monsters, defying dangerous terrain, triumphing over devious traps... ... but none of them ever ask why? That arrow trap, who reloads it? The pitfall trap, who cleans out the bodies and sharpens the spikes? What if the grates get clogged, where will the blood and gore drain? When you are trying to study ancient lore or plan on conquering a kingdom, you don't want to worry about all that. You just want peace. Mortis Operandi is a different kind of company. One that celebrates diversity. One that celebrates value in individuals. With flexible pay and plenty of advancement opportunities, it is a company that knows its workers are it's most valuable asset. As they design, build, and install traps, rooms, obstacles, and repair they are a one stop shop. The sudden exit of Mortis Operandi's CEO, the company was facing ruin. The goblin Eft was choosen as the new CEO and boss. The previous CEO made promises and contracts that Eft now has to fulfill, and it is causing a lot of trouble. Restoring the ancestral home of Ogre's seems easy enough, what if a thriving town now resides there? Along with facing corporate invasion, Eft must take on the tasks he wouldn't wish upon his worst foe, Customer Service. *Note the above statements are forward looking statements. In no way do they promote or suggest that Mortis Operandi will project greater sales or revenue. Understand that investing in a company does involve some risks, and possibly much rewards.
8 126 - In Serial7 Chapters
Diasori Dynasty: The World's Last Heroes
In the world of fantasy, children are born with the ability to become a warrior, mage, and thief. When you become three you have to take a test to see what class you are and then you start training in that class. Chen Diasori, a man who has been reincarnated to this strange world accidentally merged his body with two other people who had the ability to become a warrior and thief while he already had the ability to become a mage. So when the world was introduced to a child not with two but all three classes, all of the seventeen kingdoms starts fighting for him. Chen however doesn't have any plan of helping any one of them since considering the way he died was by betrayal. What will happen to Chen in the future, read more to join his adventure and story.
8 155 - In Serial17 Chapters
Raising Phoenix From Today
Its an Isekai reincarnation in a Sword and Sorcery magic along with a system. Sachi Nakamura is reborn in a world of Sword and magic. She is an above average mage however a near death incident changes her life as she awakens her system entering the rebirth Island where she is the master of the sacred beast Phoenix. She is in a different universe and the system gave her Phoenix with different elements, some she heard some new. It is set in a similar universe of Raising dragons. Hope fans and readers like it and comment on it.
8 86 - In Serial25 Chapters
The legend of the sun guild.
Durning the age of darkness it was said that four people of great power were born. The first man of great might. Who hunted the monster and saw them as know more than a means to an end. He fought to simply feed his hungry for blood and power. He challenged both the heavens and the darkest depths of hell. He made the world know meaning of the word fear. He was a strongest swordsman of the world. During his time their were few who could say otherwise and by his end their was know to be only one who claimed to be his better. There were none who love the sword like him. And there would be none who his blade would love like him. They said that number did not matter to him. That all who face him blade would die without exception. They is a legend of him bringing death to an empire so he could claim the life of widow of a soldier who died of his own blade in the face death so that the sword man would not now the satisfactory of taking his life. They called him the sword of death. The second was a man of great rage. An noble avenger to the weak and and terror to the strong. He was a berserker but unlike most who would attempt to control they rage he would reveal in the through of it controlling him. He would streak across the battlefield ripping both friend and foe apart alike and he would do so with nothing but his bare hand. They called him an immortal they said the more be bleed the more his power would grow. And they spoke of the power to he he could trade his blood for death. They said that no mortal weapon could kill him and that he would rise to fight no matter the injury. There was a legend of him ripping off his own head and using it to club his enemies to death. They called him the immortal wrath. The third was a woman of madness and magic. She was a hated witch. They say that her only objects was to spread misery and hate. It said she lead many a good man from the right path to one of great evil just to she if she was capable of such things. Her experiments left only detestation in their wake as she tainted the lands in some way worse than the worse then the void or darkness ever could. Her magic was a foul and dangerous thing that saw all her enemy become her enemy. That she enter the territory of both the formed of order and the gods of Chao us would not go. That she played with the energy of the void. Legend speaks of a place where she corrupted the very darkness that that claim both the land and the people. Some say light would flee from her presence in fear of the shadows fate for that was her name she was the fate weaver. The forth was a man. He was simply known as… the hero of the world. But this is not his story. No this is a story that speak of the other three The unrelenting swords man The undying wrath The unquantifiable desire But it mainly speaks of their second life. For the age of darkness has long since pases and the age of fire is coming to a close. But as the age dies a new one must be born. ( the idea is that this story will be told from the perspectives of the bad guys. Their motives ,objectives, rise to power, struggles and what they want to achieve. But yes they are the ‘bad guys’ of the story it’s also probably important to note that for the time being it’s going to be written on my phone then edit later when I have the time and feel like it but you should probably think of whats here as a draft until further notice. )
8 74 - In Serial65 Chapters
Lycans Of The Woods
It has been many years since Lycans revealed themselves to the world. Many humans have had difficulty adjusting to their presence, especially as a consequence of some lycans making the decision to destroy many homes and punish humans who protest their actions. Olivia has been imprisoned for the past twelve years in the Klawmoon pack and has endured many harsh treatments. However, her life changes when the pack is attacked and she manages to escape, only to eventually find herself in another pack in the woods. And it is in this pack, that she discovers that she is the Alpha's mate. Copyright © 2019 by Faith HunteAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission from the author. The image used on the cover art belongs to its respective owner.
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