《One piece My story》Chapter 33


Opms 33

I'm a bit rusty when it comes to writing this kinds of scene, Please forgive me if it Sucks

* Seiza *


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


-Still 3rd Person P.O.V-

' How long is he gonna keep walking like this ?' Bastiane followed the man until he finally stopped in the middle of a grassland.

" How long are you gonna follow me around ? You aren't exactly built for stealth You know ?"

Bastiane gulped and started going out of hiding but another came out before he could.

" I know what you are thinking, I also want to go and take it from him but it's not worth putting everyone in danger for this." Said the 2nd man to the 1st one.

" This ? This as you call it, is a gift for me ! Do you really think I will let someone like a marine trained dog keep it ?!" screamed the first one.

' what is he talking about ? '

" What is more precious to you ? Your friends or…." But before the 2nd man could finish his sentence the other one interrupted him.

" I am not stupid, that's why I will go alone, I won't pull them in this."

" Alone ?! Are you crazy then ? Fighting alone against one of the most dangerous men and his crew in his own territory !" Screamed the 2nd one.


" Try to stop me then."

" I will stop you." the man rushed the other.

Bastiane couldn't believe what was happening, the fight going in front of him, the entire place was being crushed under the attacks of the two men.

The fight kept going for Five minutes until finally, both of them jumped back and stared at each other.

" Please reconsider your choice, what would happen to everyone if you got captured or worse, killed ?They trust you, Tell them the truth."

" It's not their problem, it's mine, I won't drag them into this."

" It is their problem Dexter ! You are their captain for christ sake ! They believe in you, so why can't you believe in them ! Will you break your father Golden rule for such a stupid reason ?!"

" Roy… I can't drag them in this… So many of my friends, even you and Garp tried your hardest to save the kids, I can't just throw away all that effort, Please…."

" OF COURSE YOU CAN ! They are your friends, they followed you, became pirates because they believe in you and trust you, Why can't you do the same and believe in for once ?"

Dexter faltered and finally sat on the ground, tears falling " I… Ok, I'll do it, You want me to trust them ? I'll do it, Tomorrow I will tell them everything."

Roy approached him, extended his hand and smiled " That's right, not only me or Garp, but everyone, Trust them, You have been alone for far too long but everything changed, from now on, say it clearly, tell the world you exist and prove to your father you aren't the little kid that cried for nothing, Prove him you are a man now."


Dexter dried his tears and grabbed roy's hand. " Let's go back now, It's getting late, tomorrow I will explain everything to them."

" Why wait tomorrow ? Tell them now Dex." Roy snapped his finger and everyone came out,

" Everyone… Why are you here ?"

Cynthia was the first one to speak " Roy knew you would do something stupid when he heard Isachi family, now you have no excuses Dexter ! Who the are you really ?!" She was clearly angry.

" Ok, No running away now I guess. Where should I start then ? Well, If you were here from the beginning and you heard everything then… My name is Gol D. Dexter, son of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge."

Everyone stopped breathing at this sentence, The son of the most dangerous and powerful pirate was in front of them, even Bastiane went wide-eyed at this news.

Clyde was the first one to recover from the news, " You said Portgas D Rouge ? Isn't that the name of Ace, is it possible…. ?"

" Yes, You guessed right, he is my little brother, that's why I was happy to meet him, after all he's the only thing I have left in this world.."

Silence floated by and soon after laughter came from roy.

" Alright, Alright, Why not go back for now ? It's getting really late and if we keep going we'll be here for too long, We'll explain everything once we get back, I can trust everyone here to not say anything ? Right Mr. Spy over here ?" He looked towards Bastiane direction.

" Aye, Aye, I won't tell anything, not like I'll gain something from telling it anyway… Let's go back before arthur realize we are missing, otherwise he'll get suspicious."

Everyone went back towards the house.


Opms 33 done

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