《One piece My story》Chapter 32


Chapter 32 of OPMS

I'll try to keep the chapter above 800 words but I can't promise anything.

also I'll do a chapter every sunday from now on, since I had time and inspiration I decided to write this one. Enjoy.

it's obvious but ' ' is for speech inside the person's head


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


-Time Skip: A week and a half-

" Hey dex, The newspaper just came and with it some incredible news about luffy "said clyde as he closed in

" What did he do this time ?"

" Read it for yourself, It's a luffy's type of surprise." He said with a grin on his face.

So what did he do this time ?



" This kid is crazy, I can't believe he attacked Enies Lobby and declared war to the marines ! I'm gonna die from a heart attack at this rate !"

" Yeah it's impressive in itself, anyway Cynthia said that we are getting close to our next stop and also that a big storm is coming."

" Ok, Thank you I'll prepare myself to stop the boat." Clyde went away.

' A storm huh ? I truly hate those times.' I truly hate it.


As soon as we came in the kids started running away and the adults showed open hostility towards us.


" Guess we are not welcomed here huh."

" You can't blame them for distrusting pirates though." A man said as he approached us.

If I had to describe him I would say, Giant. At least 2,70 metets high and that's not the end of it, his skin is all white like he saw a ghost and he has a coffin on his back.

" I am Bastiane, The only guy around to help people like you, what do you need ? "

" A place to sleep and eat while the sotrm passes I guess ?"

" Follow me I know a place that fits your needs, that is if your not picky with your food, the cooking is horrible there." Bastiane said and laughed.

" Do we follow him ?"

" He's the only one not looking at us as if he was gonna stab us with a rusty knife so I'll trust him on this one."


We followed our new friend? To an old looking building in the forest.

" We arrived ! Welcome to the place where I live." He kicked the door opened and screamed " Arthur ! I brought people !"

" Bast ? I'm coming down just wait a second." A voice responded from upstairs and soon the exact opposite of bastiane came out, a short man that looks like he spent all his life under the sun.

He then approached us " Welcome to our home with Bast ! I'm Arthur, the one who takes care of this place and make sure it doesn't collapse."

It's true that the inside is much more different than the outside, the inside looks like it just got built while the outside give the feeling of a haunted house.

" I'm dex, this is Cynthia,Clyde,Snow,Roy and Byron" I presented everyone and everyone gave his greetings.


" So what do ya need ? " Asked arthur.

" They'll stay here until the storms passes, they can't navigate with it and the villagers won't help them."

" Huh huh, I understand, make yourself at home, I'll guide you to separate rooms."


After unpacking our stuff we went downstairs to eat.

" Hey bastiane, I wanted to know, where are we exactly ?" I asked

" Hmmm ? Oh this island you mean, Well you are currently on the Isachi Kingdom, Where the Isachi family lives." He responded while driking.

" ..."

" Isachi ? Isn't that the name of one of the shichibukai ?" said clyde

" Yes it is, that's also why everyone showed hostility toward you, this guy said to not help pirates and to avoide them." Bastiane said and before finishing eating and going upstairs

….. -3rd person P.O.V-

It was late at night and as always Bastiane was drinking alone in the main room when he suddendly heard a noise

Someone was coming down the stairs and went out.

' Where is he going at this hour ?' thought bastiane as he followed the man in the forest.


Chapter 32 done

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