《One piece My story》chapter 24


Chapter 24 of OPMS

I made a BIG mistake in last chapter, I said that vivi wanted to stop Crocodile, wich is false but I won't go back on it, I already have the next 2 chapters in mind and I don't want to change them, too lazy. I also didn't know that you could rip appart vivre card to give multiple pieces…I feel so dumb.

Also know that three … like that in the middle of the chapter means a little timeskip.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


We destroyed Baroques works base in Calzada, too bad there wasn't anything of interest there.

We left towards Rainbase now that we took care of their base, I was surprised to know their was only one in Alabsta but when you consider that Crocodile is deemed as a saviour around here since he takes care of pirates that causes trouble, I guess they doesn't need to hide.

" Well, let's go, we don't have all day and I have a bad feeling." I had this feeling since I left luffy, I feel like something bad is gonna happen to him.

I checked the vivre card but no bruises was on it, it means he is in perfect shape.

We are in the middle of the desert, still 3 hours before we get to Rainbase and it's freaking hot, At least the trip is going we…


" Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar !" a cry resounded around, I had to open my mouth.

We got surrounded by Sand Sharks ? They look like sharks but with feet and claws.

" Hmmm, it looks like we have company, ready to fight guys ?" It was a stupid question, Clyde already activated his boots and took out knives, Same thing for Snow and Cynthia they were all ready.

" Each a side, be careful." I didn't say more and rushed towards the front, the sharks also rushed me, I won't have to deal one at the time, Great.

I turned my body into blood and did a kick towards one of them, during the kick I created Sword like shape on my Leg, it pierced the shark and killed him, I then hit my arms on the ground and splashed blood towards the other that I turned into Blood spikes. Some of them got lucky and dodge while other didn't.

The survivors tried to bit me but it was useless since I am made of blood. I just grew Sword all around my body and pierced them, it was over before they could do any damage to our water.

I turned around to see how my crewmates were doing.

– Clyde – ( I'll do everyone's P.O.V in this fight, tell me if I should do more like these or just focus on Dexter's P.O.V. )

" Each a Side, be careful." Dexter gae the signal and I throwed My knives towards the sharks, They all flew in the air because of the explosion, I kicked the groun and flew towards them.

I activated the Fire dial in my shoes and did a kick toward the closest one, the powerful kick plus the burn power killed him instantly, I used his body to jump towards the next one and did the same thing, by the time I touched the floor I killed half of them.


When they got back on their feet the remaining sharks runned towards me, I guess they went to avenge their brothers, I once more activated my shoes, however this time it was a wind one, I did a full circle with it and a sent a huge gust of winds towards them, they flew away and we're in the perfect position for

" Air Kitchen, Croix du sud !" I did a double kick toward them, the hit blew them farther in the sky, they crushed on the floor. I took out a cigarette.

– Cynthia –

" Each a side, be careful.." I unsheated my weapons and runned towards the sharks, can't they attack when he doesn't get this hot ?! I'm so sweaty it's annoying, I guess I'll do this quickly.

I slashed through the sharks one after the other, I didn't spare any of them and made it quick.

Once I was done half of them we're already dead, I didn't stop there and took a stance then unleashed the beasts.

" Twins swords style, Dragon's Cry !" Two dragons came out of my swords and I started slashing, decimating the remaining sharks.

I sheated my swords again and took a drink, it's too hot.

– Snow –

" Each a Side, be careful." Big brother and the other rushed towards the funny looking sharks.

" Do you want to play with me ?" I asked the sharks.

" Graaaaaaaaaaaar !" So rude, I just wanted to play, since it likes this I'll do it faster then.

I transformed my left arm into dragon like arms, it should be enough to take care of these rude guys.

I rushed towards them and Killed each and everyone of them fast, before I could even finish half of them they were all running away.

" Don't run away !" I got my wings out and rushed towards the fleeing sharks, I cut through and cut them into pieces. I got back with the other, that's why you get for treating me like a little girl.


That was fast, I Got good crewmates, we finished cleaning them in 5 minutes. We took the road again towards RainBase.

Chapter 24 done

A bit short, I'm sorry but I can't always do long ones.

Another chapter should come out today if I don't get too lazy.

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