《One piece My story》Chapter 23


Chapter 23


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


Once Ace came back from his massive destruction I decided to talk with luffy's crew.

" Hey vivi, We'll also help you take care of Baroque works, just tell us where we have to go."

" Crocodile is hidding in his casino at rainbase." Vivi said.

" Then let's do it like this, Baroques Works doesn't know that we are helping you, so tell us the position of Baroque works base you know, we'll weaken their forces while you go towards RainBase, Once we're done we'll join you at RainBase." I explained what my plan was.

" Ok you have to go..." ( timeskip because Why not ;P )


" Ok well, it's time to go then."

" Thank you for helping me Dex." Vivi bowed thankfully

" Don't worry about it, thank us again when we take care of Baroques works." I sent Ace a Glance meaning I had to talk to him, he catched it and moved towards me. I murmured.

" Be careful, I just found you I wouldn't want something happening to you. And take care of luffy, his father will kill me if something happens to him."

" Don't worry I'm stronger than anyone ! I'll also take care of luffy." He smiled at me then took out something.

" It's a vivre card that points to me, take it." He gave it to me but I refused.


" Give it to luffy. I have luffy's one, If I need to see you I'll go to him." He understood my point and took it back. We stopped our little chat and got back with the other who were planning everything.

Once we finished planning the path we will take it was time to leave.

" Well it's time guys, Good luck on the way and be careful of the marines." We left towards Rainbase after buying everything needed.

" Hey Dexter, I wanted to ask, you know Ace more than you let everyone know right ?" Cynthia asked something surprising once we left.

" ..." I don't know what to respond, she is too sharp on this things and won't stop bugging about me if she doesn't know. Clyde and also took interest now. Snow just kept hugging my back.

" Dexter ? " Cynthia called me again, I looked towards her.

" Some things are better left unknown for now, it's not that I don't trust you, but it's something that no one except Ace and Me need to know for now, if the situation is needed You'll know everything."

" Fine, you don't want to talk about it." She pouted but undertood it wasn't something I could talk about for now.

" Whatever it is, I trust Big Brother !" Snow said happily.

" Thank you Snow." I patted her head. I swear I think I heard her purr~ you are not a cat dammit.

" Let's stop talking about it and start moving faster, we need to get to alabasta as fast as possible, we never know when Baroques Works will make a move to take care of luffy's crew." We moved faster.

Our first stop is a small city named Calzada in the middle of the desert, from Vivi's info it is supposed to have a secret base of Baroque Works. It took us 2 hours to get to it, the trip was safe with no problem for once.


" From what Vivi said we need to find a house isolated from the other with a Red roof." Clyde said has he took out a cigarette and light it.

" Let's get to it then, let's stick together though, we don't know if someone powerful is staying here."

We searched around before finally finding it, it was really isolated from the city, 10 minute of walking into the desert we found a house with a red roof, but it looked more like a giant storage than an actual house.

" Well, let's knock shall we ?" We got close to the Storage/house and Exploded the door, the guards didn't expect visit as they were all playing drinking while playing poker.

" Who're you ? Where do you think you are huh ?" A half-drunk guard asked, it's the middle of the afternoon at least take your job seriously.

" We're the cleaning staff, we we're asked to dispose of the trash that infested this building." I responded and sent blood Spikes towards them, They weren't ready for it and got killed without reacting.

" It'll be easy if they are all as stupid as this. Let's move in group of two, Cynthia and Clyde you take care of the upper part and I'll take care of the basement with Snow okay ?"

" Yes captain !" We got to work and moved towards the basement. It was a piece of cake, none of the guards could hit me and Sno took care of them easely.

But good things always end and an explosion hit both me and Snow, we flew into a giant room in the basement.

" Looks like we have intruders huh, I, the new Mr.5 will take care of YOU !" A fat guy talked the door we flew through.

" Big brother, who's the smell fat guy ?" Snow asked with an innocent voice, I know it's just to pis him off and it worked, he became red of anger and started screaming somehing about killing her parents, too bad they are already dead.

" Don't have time for you fatty." I rushed towards him and kicked him in the face. He flew off in the wall, before getting up again, he is more hard to hit than I thought.

" How dare you hit me ?! I WILL KILL YOU !" He got really angry and took out a gun, he shot towards me, what I didn't expect is that the bullet actually hurt me, it got suck in my arm.

" Those Bullets are made of sea-stone ? It freaking hurts."

" Don't injure Big brother !" Snow transformed her body into that of a dragon with scales everywhere and punched the fatty in the balls, I cringed seeing this scene.

" I feel your pain." Is all I said before putting him out of his misery.

" I understand you were angry that he injured me but, never and I say NEVER, hit a guy in the balls Snow." She nodded.

I took out mefical stuff from my bag and pulled out the Sea-Stone bullet, Even though Grandma is annoying she did teach me good things.

" Well then Snow, let's go finish the job.


Chapter 23 done

Another relation of Dexter 'Grandma' Feel free to think whoever it is, Know that she appeared in One Piece for at least 5 episodes :P

Hope you enjoyed

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