《Primordial Origins》A Fated Meeting
Mark's POV
I was walking down the street after moving all the luggage back into the estate after our fishing trip. We all had a good time and Yuzu and Alice even bonded a little during it. There was still a few more days until the opening of the new school year, so I had time to go purchase the mansion we're going to be living in near the school. I'm still not comfortable with the whole 'living together' arrangement we are going to have. I was told that the school exists on a different island from here, but you can get there by using a Transportation Gate. So there are certain property for sale every year. The one we bought was one that is a small floating island with beautiful scenery.
Mark: I mean, if I get an urge, where can I take the girl back to? Argh whatever, I'll just go to a brothel if I need to.
Still, money does help a lot when it comes to purchasing things for the place. I've already gotten mostly everything I need, and now I just need to buy some personal things for Yuzu that she wants and she'll be all set to live there.
I grin happily, strolling through the streets until I finally realize the kind of part of the city I am in. I see various shops lit up around me because of the setting sun. I notice that there is an influx of people walking down this street. The clamor of people create a cacophony of sounds in my ears due to all the loud yelling and drinking occurring around me.
Mark: Well, it seems I've somehow stumbled upon the red-light district...
I think to myself as I watch as various businesses flourish in the night as customers are drawn in like a moth to a flame, whether it be to brothels, bars, or love hotels. I walk through the district for another hour or so, fending off various offers to come 'enjoy' myself from various women. It seems my young looks have drawn out the more ravenous side of the older female population. I should probably get off the streets for now.
I rotate my head, finding a more discrete and quiet love hotel that has a few people going in.
Mark: Coincidences? Unique name for a shop like this...
I walk in there as well, finding to my pleasant surprise there's a bar in there. I make a conflicted look on my face as I debate whether or not I can spend the money on the account I was given access to for now on liquor. When you reach the age of fifteen, you are able to legally drink because you are considered an adult by this time and you should be able to take responsibilities for your actions by then. This inner debate of mine is so fierce that I don't notice a young woman walking up to me.
Woman: What color sir?
I give her a puzzled look, which she mirrors. As I was about to ask what she meant, her facial expression changed to one of understanding then to plotting. I was about to walk out when she acted first.
Woman: This is a good choice for you sir. I'm sure you'll be glad with this choice.
She hands me a green bracelet, snapping it on my left wrist as she gives me a sly smile.
Mark: I just want a drink...
Woman: You need at least one of these bracelets to buy drinks here. We have a wide array of drinks for you to drink.
I give her a look, before not caring and deciding I can go for something to relax. I walk up to the bar, asking for some whiskey, taking a seat in the middle of the seats. As I sit there and drink, I look through the memories that have been uploaded into my brain. The headaches 'that' asshole started recently after we were coming back from the lake. I would get some memories in my head every time one of them passed, getting to see how I acted before this amnesia. Some of them are good, some are bad. The feelings I get from all these memories bring emotions I felt from how I felt from these memories.
To put it simply, the feeling I have while trying to sort out these memories are causing me to have a clusterfuck of various emotions right now. Some bad, some good, all disorienting. I glance at the time on the clock to see when I should be going back.
Mark: Ten o'clock at night. I should be good for another hour or two...
I sigh once again, take another swig of whiskey while calling for another. And another. And another. I lose track of how much drinks I've had.
Mark: I sure am glad I got something to relax me while I'm sifting through this shit.
???: Hi, my name's Megan, can I sit here?
Mark: Oh god! Now I have someone who's hitting on me.
I turn my head to find a raven haired woman with violet eyes smiling at me. She has a womanly body with swelling breasts and wide hips good for child-bearing attached to long, creamy legs. Man why am I thinking about that kind of stuff right now? I sigh mentally while giving a grunt in response which she assumed to be a yes.
Mark: Well, at least she's easy on the eyes. Then again, most women are in this world... what's up with that? Why's all the chicks gotta be hot, making me wanna bend them over and- Oops, there goes my clear cognitive thinking... Man,, I guess I was pretty spoiled by Triple Threat when it comes to whetting my sexual appetite. Stupid virile teenage body who wants to stick his dick in everything that's of the opposite gender to spread your seed. Why can't you get your hormones under control.
I grumble to myself in annoyance.
Megan: So what are you doing here?
I growl in response, getting a chuckle.
Mark: And these fucking emotions aren't helping my situation!!! And probably neither is this whiskey, but damn it's good.
I down another glass and turn to face my conversationalist partner out of courtesy.
Megan's POV
I have no idea why I am here today. I never go to these kinds of places. I almost never like to be around places like this. Maybe it's because I've been stressed for the past few days with all the upcoming events coming soon. Man, I really need to relax. Maybe that's why I'm here now. Well, let's find a place then.
I turn my head and find a quiet looking bar and enter. I was about to walk up to the counter, but some men instantly tried hitting on me. I sigh to myself, leaving the bar to find another place I can go to. I then find a hotel that doubles as a bar which seemed nicer than the other place.
I walk in, a woman greeting me and asking me for what color bracelet I would like.
Megan: What?
She looks at me for a moment, before she smiles, a devious gleam in her eyes as she hands me a green one and motions for me to follow her. She walks me to the bar where there is a youth of about late-teens sitting there, nursing a bottle of whiskey. I glance at the clock, almost midnight.
Megan: Well, maybe I'll have a nice conversation tonight.
The woman tells me that traffic has been slow, so he's the only other one in here at the moment. I don't mind as the youth seems to be intriguing to me. I walk up next to him, tapping him on the shoulder. He doesn't even seem to notice until I speak up.
Megan: Hi, my name's Megan, can I sit here?
The youth looks at me as I see his face for the first time. I feel a spark in my brain as if it was trying to tell me something, but I'm too focused on his eyes to care. He has got to have the most unique eyes I have ever seen. I watch them as the travel across my body and I shiver, only now noticing that he seems like he's stripping me naked with his gaze.
The youth seems to grunt after a while, going back to nursing his drink as he looks to be in deep thought. I sit down and order a cocktail. I take small sips from it as I know that I can't really hold my liquor. We sit together for a few minutes before my curiosity ends up getting the best of me.
Megan: So, what are you doing here?
He growls at me, causing me to chuckle if he thinks he'll be able to scare me off with just that. Especially when I find someone interesting to me like him. I wait for a little longer, until he acts, downing his drink and turning to face me.
???: What are you doing here?
He asks roughly, not acting courteous in the slightest. I have to admit it is nice to have someone to talk to where they don't have any scheme's in the works.
Megan: I asked first. Don't you know the saying 'ladies first'? I don't even know your name.
He glares at me or a moment, pouring himself another drink, taking his time with it this time.
???: Name's Mark. I've here to get some relief from these shitty headaches.
Megan: Relief?
I ponder on what he could mean by that, but push it to the side for the moment.
Megan: Why don't you ask if I could help with those headaches?
I offer him, giving him a kind smile. He grins back at me as if her found a new toy to play with.
Mark: Sorry doll, you can't really help with these headaches.
I pout at his nickname for me, secretly using healing magic in him to help him. His brow twitched as soon as I sent the spell.
Mark: Now look what you did, you cured me of my inebriation.
I look at him, thinking why he seems peeved at my actions.
Mark: Now I feel the headaches even more now!
He complains, downing another glass or four while lying his head against the cool counter. He sighs while I order my second cocktail.
Mark: Your turn, why are you here?
I bring my drink to my lips, taking small sips as I ponder what to say.
Megan: Stress from work. Needed something to relax and this quiet place is working just fine.
Mark: That it does... What do you do anyway?
Megan: I guess you could say that I'm a teacher of sorts...
Mark: Oh, really? I didn't take you for the teaching type.
Megan: What did you take me as then?
Mark: I took you as the more domineering type who don't like to listen to others.
I smirk at him for hitting it right on the mark.
Megan: Oh, and why do you say that?
Mark: Because you did what you want even when I didn't even agree.
Megan: Oh really? I took that grunt as a positive one.
Mark: Well, it could've also been a negative one. There are many open seats here that you could've sat at instead.
Megan: You don't like speaking with me?
I give my best pouting look I could. I think these drinks have been getting to me. He gives a small chuckle, finishing off his drink and pouring himself another.
Mark: Why would you think that? I'm just answering your questions. Conversing with such a beauty like yourself is just a dream come true for a youth like me.
I give him a smile for his praises.
Megan: Why don't you know how to talk to a lady.
Mark: It's the alcohol that's doing the talking for the most part.
Megan: Well, I'm surprised you could still talk with how much you've drank so far. Would've thought you would get alcohol poisoning by now by pounding back a few.
Mark waved his hand dismissively.
Mark: It'll take more than this to poison me. Although it has helped with the headaches.
He smiled, pouring himself another one. The bartender walked over with another bottle for him and another cocktail for me. If I hadn't been tipsy nor focusing on Mark, I would've seen the sly smirk on the man's face.
Mark: Anyway, I admire you for willingly teach kids. I can't stand kids most of the time. The babies can't do anything by themselves, the toddlers and children don't listen to directions, and when they start going through puberty it just makes it even more difficult due to hormones.
I take another sip from my drink, not realizing the many-fold stronger alcohol used to make the drink.
Megan: Why do you speak like you aren't one of those youths going through puberty right now? Are you saying you're older than them?
Mark pounded back his drink and grabbed another one already made by the bartender for him.
Mark: Mentally, I'm much more mature than them... I think. But this body is at the point where hormones are running rampant and I want to stick my dick in every pretty lady that passes me by. It's even worse that the people I met with to whet my appetite are now pregnant and don't want to do it. I know what I'm saying should be considered horrible when I'm the one who got them pregnant, but they were the ones who wanted the kids and now I'm like I was addicted to drugs and my supplier just stopped selling. It's horrid for my health. Like this drink, but damn it's good!
He pounds back the new drink the bartender made and asks him for another one. I on the other hand am shocked that he has gotten various females pregnant. I thought he was just a youth who was acting all 'grown-up', but I guess he actually knows more mature things for his age. Or he's just talking shit, but it's amusing nonetheless. It's just the alcohol is doing it's work on him. I keep sipping my drink, getting further and further inebriated.
Mark: Anyway, what do you suppose these things are for?
He asks, raising his hand to look at the bracelet wrapped around him arm. It's green like mine. I hold mine up as well, looking at it. He looks over to see I also have one. His eyes narrow onto me, a scrutinizing look appears on his face as he observes me. After a few minutes, he laughs loudly, getting the attention of the bartender and the woman at the entrance who gave us the bracelets.
Mark: That woman's probably scheming something.
He announces, grabbing me and throwing an arm over my shoulders.
Mark: Never mind that, how about a drink, to the both of us. To our troubles!
He finishes off the last drink in his reach. I look over at mine and then at the clock.
Megan: One o'clock in the morning. I should get going to get some rest shouldn't I? One last drink shouldn't hurt, right?
Megan: To our trouble!!!
I finish off the drink in my hands as well. That was the last thing I remember that night.
I woke up with a massive hangover, something I would not want considering what today is the day I have to meet with the various race leaders to ensure that the daughters they are enrolling today will be comfortable and everything. I know that I have to wake up, but I just don't want to. It's so warm in my bed with the strong pair of arms wrapped around my body protectively with the owner's body flushed with mine in a spooning position that I snuggle into...
Megan: Wait... what?
I turn in place, coming face to face with Mark. He was awake and holding me lovingly from behind. I only now noticed that we were both naked. He looks up and down my body, licking his lips as his eyes roam my skin which caused me to shiver. We said nothing for the few moments that we stared at each other. He was the one to break the stalemate.
Mark: Do you want to start or do I?
I swallow nervously, tasting something in my mouth. I shook my head to clear it and spoke.
Megan: You start...
Mark: Is this your place?
I look around, not knowing whose room is this. I shake my head in denial.
Mark: Okay then, it's not mine either. So we're probably still in the love hotel.
I nod my head in agreement.
Mark: Next, are you on the pill?
I shake my head in denial. I never had a need to take the pill because I never got sexually intimate with a man before. He was my first...
Megan: You didn't use a condom?
Mark: Well, I can't be sure, all I know is that when I woke next to you, I was 'in' you.
I nod my head in understanding.
Mark: You are a virgin right?
My head darted downwards in embarrassment. My father always said that I'd never get a lover if I don't loosen up. I nearly trembled in his arms. I looked back up at him shyly, feeling tears prick into existence.
Megan: How did you know?
I see his eyes soften at my looks and tone of voice. I probably look scared in front of him. He looks guilty at what happened.
Mark: There's blood under the sheets.
I nod again. I seem to be taking this a lot more calmly than I thought.
Mark: I'm sorry for taking your first time while we were both drunk.
I just nod my head numbly, still trying to wrap my mind around what we've done.
Megan: It's fine. I just never really liked men like that until now..
Mark goes into a coughing fit as he heard my words. I realize how my words could be taken so I dispel his thoughts.
Megan: I mean that I didn't feel any desire for sex until now.
Mark: Ah... Well, I'm flattered.
I give him a light shove. We smile, easing the tension between us.
Mark: Do you remember anything from last night?
I shake my head in denial.
Megan: Do you?
He ponders for a moment before answering.
Mark: Last I remember was you telling me you were a teacher.
Megan: Last I remember was you telling me to drink up and saying 'to our troubles!'.
We both get a good laugh at that. I quiet down when I see him with a pondering expression.
Mark: I may have a way to see what happened last night.
I sit up, him rising with me.
Megan: Really? How?
Mark: Let's get dressed first.
We both get out of the bed, heading for the shower. We reach the door together, glancing at each other. Mark pulls away first.
Mark: Haha, ladies first.
He smiles, letting me go first. I give him a grateful smile as I enter the bathroom. I take a quick shower, only now realizing that it's only five in the morning. My meeting with the race leaders is at ten so I still have time. As I clean my body, my hand wanders down to my abdomen. realizing that I could soon be pregnant because of this coincidence. I decide to ignore it, letting nature take it's course. Although if I do feel the need again, I'll be sure to get on the pill and invite him next time.
Megan: Next time?
I feel surprised at myself and give a smile at the thoughts of next time. I run my hand down between my legs and feel the cloudish liquid running out of my lower lips. I shouldn't be thinking we should do it once again just to make sure that it was a one time thing and that I just need to sate my repressed libido and curiousity.
I clean myself off and wrap a towel around my body and walk outside Mark is sitting on the floor in front of a strange magic circle that I do not recognize. It uses symbols that I've never seen before. Mark stands up from his finished work, opening his mouth before I stopped him.
Megan: I may be pregnant.
Mark nods at my words. Looking into my eyes.
Megan: What would you do if I was?
Mark makes an expression on his face, debating something in his mind.
Mark: I would try to support you and the child the best I could.
He moves to give me a hug, cupping my ass at the same time. I give a small squeal in surprise.
Mark: And I would do you again when I think about my child growing in there.
He then moves to give me a gentle kiss like one would their lover. There was no frantic groping of the body or any lust in the kiss, only sweet tender kisses and the whispering of sweet nothings. I gave him a smile that I felt I've never showed anyone before.
Megan: You may think of me as perverse, but I would like to ask something of you.
Mark: Anything.
Megan: I would like to do it once more to be sure of my feelings on whether I am attracted to you on a more than physical level.
He looks surprised before whispering into my ear.
Mark: That's not a very good way of setting the mood if you blurt out your intentions straight out like that.
He laughs, undoing the towel and carrying me into bed.
Mark: So how are you feeling?
He laughs as he holds me in bed. I giggle as I turn to give him a kiss. I never would've thought I would be into the younger boys. Even if my age doesn't look that far off.
Megan: I think it is fun, and I do like you, but I still think you should date people your own age.
Mark: I'd much rather not. Most of teenage dating always has some kind of drama going down. I much prefer older women.
Megan: Is that so? I distinctly remember you telling me that you had gotten various women pregnant the night before. What do you have to say about that?
Mark: I'm the victim. They drugged me with some kind of super-aphrodisiac. I couldn't help myself.
I feel like he is still keeping something from me, but I don't push him.
Megan: As long as they are fine with having the kids and you will support them.
Mark: With everything they have, they don't need much supporting...
I hear him mumble.
Megan: Well, if you truly don't find anyone your own age, then maybe we could see how it goes when you're older.
He gives a snort in amusement, confusing me.
Mark: If only you knew how old I really am.
He says offhandedly. I tilt my head in confusion as he gets up and observes the strange array he put down.
Mark: You wanted to see what happened last night right?
He crouches down and puts his hand on one of the runes. The circle lights up and turn into a crystal like image. I see flashes of different scenes. Some of them horrifying where the surrounding is filled with corpses or a city on fire, some of them peaceful where there are children running around and the parents chase after them. All of them having the same person in it. An older looking version of Mark. I turn to look at him as he focuses more, the scenes change to the bar we were sitting at last night. Only we were both clearly inebriated past our limits. We're holding each other, my arms wrapped around his neck and his arm wrapped at my waist, pulling me close to him. We're both flirting with each other and saying all kinds of embarrassing stuff. I ask him to skip ahead and we arrive at the part where we enter the room. He stops it here and makes some more hand signals and soon I enter the memories.
We stumble into the room, Mark has his arms wrapped around my waist as he kisses me fervently. We bounce off the walls as we both have our eyes closed in bliss. We finally manage to stumble onto the bed, with me straddling him. He leans up to kiss me again, but I push him down, a coy smile gracing my lips.
Megan: It's my first time, so I will decide how my first time will go.
I strip my clothing giving him a show as I watch his eager eyes roam my nubile body. I make sure to flaunt my curves, moving my hands over them as I sway my body in an alluring dance. I moan throatily as I hear a growl of annoyance and impatience erupt from his throat as his eyes darken with unbridled lust. My figure becoming a symbol of sinful temptation that he wishes to ravage.
Megan: How about we start with some foreplay.
I announce slyly as I kiss him, trailing my lips downwards towards the tent in his pants. I undo the zipper and button to pull the pants off. His shirt follows his pants as we are both left in our underwear. I rub my hand over his growing member, teasing him as I roam back upwards, trailing my kisses.
When I reach his lips, he snaps and grabs me roughly, pulling me flushed against his chiseled chest as he locks his lips with mine once more, his tongue darting into my mouth as he ravages it, exploring every nook and cranny. His hands ghost over my form, his fingertips leaving flashes of pleasure as they skim my skin, eliciting a reaction from my body. I feel as if the places he touched were on fire as they trailed over my form, increasing the pit of warmth slowly growing inside my belly. I only moaned into the kiss as I felt myself grow dizzy. He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting us as he slowly kisses my nape before moving on to the next act of pleasure.
His hands move to my back, unclasping my bra with skillful ease, freeing my breasts from their confinement. They seemed to enjoy their freedom as they bounced proudly in front of him, as if telling him to show them how much he loves them. He shows them that as one of his hands move to my left one, fondling and grasping the orb of flesh as he plays with it, molding it to his touch. He shows his affection to the other one as he kisses his way to it before taking it into his mouth, suckling lightly to start off.
I squeal at the pleasure as it shoots through my body, setting on fire the pit of warmth inside me. I feel myself shake and contort in pleasure as I feel a rush of euphoria run through me. Once I come down from my high, his ministrations grow rougher as he starts to toy with my body. He uses his teeth to stimulate my nipples as he alternates between them as his hands roam downwards to my core.
I shiver in anticipation as he reaches my panties, slipping his fingers past the clothing and into my nether regions. He toys with me as his dexterous fingers stimulate me to an orgasm. Yet, he somehow is able to tell when I'm close and keeps me on the edge. He then moves downwards as his mouth reaches my lower lips. He tears off my damp panties as he eyes my honeypot.
I hear him inhale my scent that makes me tremble with lust before darting forward and penetrate me with his tongue. His tongue roams my inner folds as he taste my nectar. I feel myself growing intoxicated to the feeling as he brushes against my clit with his teeth, sending me over the edge. I scream in ecstasy as my thighs close around his head, wearing them like earmuffs. Once I've calmed down, he continues my pleasure as he performs several actions with his tongue and mouth that ensure I am ready to take him easily.
Just as he moves upwards to position himself, I make my move, flipping out positions so I am the one in control.
Megan: I thought I said that I wanted to be the one to decide how my first time will go.
I get out through panted breaths as I take a moment to collect myself. Once I do, I grin mischievously at him, pulling off his last article of clothing. His cock springs out, causing me to yelp at the action. I take a moment to look at the large organ. It was at least nine inches long, the smooth skin and the foreskin that hid the bulbous head made it look like a strange worm. It twitched in my hands as I feel it. It felt smooth, yet hard. It was also hot and throbbing in my hand.
I grow nervous as I prepare myself. It was my first time in a sexual situation. I knew the gist of how to pleasure him, but I didn't have any experience. I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough.
It seems Mark had noticed my hesitation, and spoke softly.
Mark: Just do what you think is right. I'll let you know if you're doing good.
I looked up at him, a nervous smile on my face as I nodded at him and began giving my first blowjob. I licked the shaft of the rod, coating it in saliva to help with jerking him off as I approached the tip. I opened my mouth to give him access as I took it into my mouth. I had licked and sucked lightly on the head of the shaft, as Mark gave off a groan of appreciation.
Happy that I was doing decent, I took more and more into my mouth. Mark helped me through the process, like telling me to watch my teeth and to prepare my gag reflex if I wanted to take more of him into me as I bobbed my head up and down, the salty, yet sweet taste of his precum caused me to increase my actions enthusiastically. I felt him hitting the back of my throat as I focused on my gag reflex, finally being able to power through and get his entire cock into my mouth. I felt it sliding between my lips and down my throat as my saliva made it slicker. I could feel Mark growing increasingly forceful, foreshadowing his coming ejaculation. It got to the point where he took control and grabbed my hair by the fistfuls as he face-fucked me, going faster and faster. I could feel my mind going blank as the small amounts of air I could get barely kept me conscious as I felt his cock swell in my throat. I could feel as his seed went up and out his cock and shot straight into my belly. I looked up at him with a teary gaze as I felt him thrust slightly more, spraying cum into my throat and mouth as he pulled out. The last few shots of his cum shot onto my face, chest, and hair, coating it in a liberal amount of semen.
I looked up at him, opening my mouth and showing him his cum in my mouth, getting a growl of lust as I swallowed it. I cleaned up the cum on my face and breasts as well the same way, using my fingers to get as much as I can. It felt like my entire body was on fire as my nose was clogged with the musky scent of his cock that I barely noticed when he picked me up and placed me on the bed.
I looked up at him, and saw that his vision had cleared slightly. I was able to squeak out for him to be gentle since it was my first time. I felt his cock prod my lower lips, his head teasing the entrance and then sliding the shaft alongside the outer lips, making it slick with my juice. I could see as he entered me, popping the head of his cock inside as I felt myself be stretched. I could see as he fed inch after inch into me until I felt him hit my hymen.
I looked up at him, my eyes telling him to go. He was fully sheathed inside me in the next moment. It took me a moment before I felt the pain, causing me to grimace and let out a few tears. I felt him lean over me, kissing the nape of my neck as well as my tears. After a few moments, I nodded at him to start moving.
And when he did, I swear, I saw stars. He moved gently and lovingly in the beginning, making me feel wanted. Then he sped up as the pleasure began to overtake him. I could feel myself tighten and grip his meat as it slammed in and out of me with force, giving me orgasms one after the other. I could feel him carving his shape into me, making me his. I could feel as his breathing grew heavier, telling me that he was approaching his climax. I knew that he was about to fill me with is seed. I recall in the back of my head somewhere that there is a chance I could get pregnant because I took no protection.
Mark: Are you on the pill?
I shook my head at him.
Megan: No, it's my first time, and I want to experience everything.
Mark: Good, cause I have plans for you.
I felt myself tighten around him, a predatory grin gracing his features. Dozens of naughty thoughts filled my head as I thought about his plans.
Megan: What kind of plans?
Mark: I dunno, it would ruin the surprise...
Megan: Tell me. Tell me. Spill it!
I roll my hips to meet each of his thrusts, a sultry moan escapes my lips before he seals them with his. After a moment, he puts my ankles on his shoulders, giving him an angle to drive deeper into my womb.
Mark: Well, I'm thinking of keeping you fucked and filled until you have my baby in your belly.
I moaned in ecstasy, the idea of getting knocked up played around in my dirty thoughts as I imagined my belly swelling with child.
Megan: Fuck me. Breed me like the bitch in heat I am. Just don't stop.
I beg at him as I quicken my movements to climax. He seems to enjoy my words as he speeds up again, before stopping. I could feel as he plants his seed in my fertile womb. I moan in ecstasy as I feel myself go over the edge at the idea of myself getting knocked up in the heat of the moment.
I look up at him, only to see his eyes even darker with lust. Next thing I know, he has me on all fours, with my head and chest on the bed, his hand on my back and pushing me down while my ass is in the air. I could feel the cool air hit my pussy as I saw some of his cum roll out of me. I whimper at the loss of contact, before I feel his cock once again at me entrance. I feel it slam into me, brutally and roughly. Now, there is no loving embrace. Only primal instinct to fuck a baby into my belly overtaking him. I could hear him talking dirty to me, telling me that I am his now. I could hear him grunt and pant as I felt him fill my bloated womb every time he deposited his seed inside of me. I remember saying that I am his bitch and only his as he pounded into me.
I could still feel that wanton smile on my face after hearing him telling me that I was his little cum slut. He rolls over, spooning me from behind as we start resting to fall asleep.
Megan: Can we do this again?
Mark: We can do it whenever you want.
Megan: Oh goody.
I regain my focus as I remember last night and our adventurous actions in bed.
We stare at each other, his face one of unreadable emotions and mine a flustered and blushing one. I run back into the bathroom, taking a cold shower to cool off while thinking about what I had did last night.
Megan: I was so BOLD!!
I feel heat creeping up again on my face, so I splash myself with water to cool myself. I come back into the room where the array is gone and Mark has both of our clothes on the bed, waiting for us to dress. He gives me a small smile as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes into the bathroom. I dress myself and make myself presentable and wait for him to come out. He finishes his shower and dresses quickly as well. My mind wanders back to those scenes I saw when he was searching through his memories.
Megan: Hey Mark, what were those memories from before?
He pauses midway through dressing himself a sour expression on his face.
Mark: I have amnesia and those memories are things that I had started to remember. That's why I was drinking, those headaches come from me getting some memories back.
Megan: But the you in those memories looked older?
Mark: I have memories from... past lives I guess you could call it. At least I think I do.
Megan: I see...
He gives me a bitter look, clearly not pleased with the memories himself, so I don't try digging deeper. He finishes dressing in the jeans and hoodie I had met him in, only this time he put his hair up in a spiky ponytail with some hair falling along the side of his face. He puts a bandanna on as well around his head to keep the sun off his hair, making him look more like a delinquent that I thought.
Megan: That's a different look.
I comment. He gives me a small smile.
Mark: What's wrong with it?
I think for a moment before answering.
Megan:: It feels like if you were older, you could pull it off.
Before my eyes, I see him age more and more, to the point where he looks the same age as the man in his memories, about 25 years old.
Megan: Hot damn, he's hot as hell even when he's older!
He laughs at my reaction while I get angry at him before interrogating him. He brushes off the questions and reverts back, clearly not wanting to tell me. I pout at him while he checks the time.
Mark: Whoops, looks like I have to go right now.
I look at the clock as well, shocked that it is eight in the morning now.
Megan: Wait! How do we get in touch?
He turns back to look at me in amusement. I blush at how that sounded but grab his hand, stopping him from leaving.
Mark: What's your number? I'll call you so you can get in touch with me.
I tell him, and get a pleasant surprise when I see he has a PWC.
Megan: Those should be incredibly rare right now? Why does he have one as well?
I can't find any reason why he would have one. My brain gets a message that someone is calling me. I add him so I can call him later.
Mark: Got it. When we meet again!
He smiles, giving me one last kiss before rushing off. I stomp my foot in psuedo-anger before exiting as well, a smile on my face.
Mark's POV
Well that was an interesting night. Let's hope I didn't impregnate her. I counted at least eight times in her womb alone when I was fast-forwarding through my memories. I'd be in trouble if I did. I decide to go meet with the woman who gave us these bracelets. I saw that they had a job offering and was wondering what it was about. I see her cleaning up after the night, so I go up and walk to her.
Mark: Greetings again.
She whirled around, seeing me standing behind her.
Woman: Well if it isn't the lucky lad from last night. Enjoy yourself?
Mark: Immensely.
I responded in kind.
Mark: Although, I do wonder what kind of establishment this is. Care to enlighten me?
She nodded with a wry smile.
Woman: We are an establishment that caters to people looking for various things. Specifically relationships. That bracelet I gave the two of you mean that you are looking for a one night stand. I wanted to tease the both of you, and it seems that it worked somehow and you two got together. Although you did need a little push.
Mark: Well, next time try to make sure your customers know what you do here. We didn't know what these things meant and due to your meddling, My partner may be pregnant now.
This seemed to cause the woman to be startled. Although she got over it quickly.
Woman: Well, I'll be sure to make sure people know next time. Let's hope she isn't... or maybe it's the other way around between you two.
She looks over my shoulder at Megan who was listening in on our conversation with an embarrassed face. She squeaks in surprise and runs off. The woman turns her attention back to me.
Woman: As for you, it's not nice to 'kiss and tell'. I'm sure she wouldn't want people to know about what happened between you two. Even if I was the one who instigated it.
Mark: True. It slipped my mind that I shouldn't be talking about my relationships between women to people like it was normal. I'll keep that in mind.
Woman: That's good.
She goes back to cleaning off the table she was working on.
Mark: If I may, what is the job offering you have open?
Woman: Bartender. My old man is getting too old for it and he wants to relax, so we need to hire a new one to fill in.
She answers without turning back to me. I think about it for a while, deciding that I can do the job if they explain how the drinks are mixed. I'll probably catch on quickly.
Mark: I would like to apply, only you would need to show me how to mix the various drinks.
She turned to me in surprise. Her gaze seems to look for something in my face, but I don't know what.
Woman: Fair enough. Pops and myself need to observe whether or not you're good enough for the job. There is another requirement though, but you only need to worry about that if you can pass the first test. Name's Amanda by the way.
I nod my head as she drags me to the counter to prepare for the test. Her old man, Gregory, is there to administer the test. It is a fast and easy test of seeing if I have the technical skills required to do the job. I learn quickly from Greg, as if my body had been used to doing such actions before. Soon, I am able to serve just as well as Greg, surprising the both of them. I tell them that I was always a fast learner so their curiosity has subsided for now. After giving me a book with all the types of drinks they serve, they tell me to remember it so I won't have trouble when I come back.
Next, they take me to a room where it looks like one would spar with others in. I turn my head to look at them.
Amanda: Now, we also need to make sure you're able to fight in case there are more rowdier customers in the store. Just say if you don't want to.
I nod my head and ready myself for the spar. My opponent is Greg, but just because he's old doesn't mean he should be taken lightly. His skills are on par with the few S-ranked adventurers from what I observed amongst the people I've killed, and I feel like he was holding back. After a full hour of sparring, I get the green light with my fighting skills. All that's left is to make sure that I am good in the personality and attitude department which they'll be test me on through an interview. It is a quick and easy interview where there's not much to be left out when it comes to how I act and my personality. Afterwards, I am released, stating that I will be told whether or not I am hired after they check with their other co-workers. It seems that their place is run by a group of close-knit individuals. I don't mind, so I get the go ahead to leave for the day after telling them how to contact me.
Mark: It's always good to have a decent source of income.
I smile as I rush off to home to check out how the apartment looks.
- In Serial1363 Chapters
VRMMO: The Unrivaled
Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
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Refining the Mountains and Rivers
A young man's life changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious item. Qin Yu had never been a lucky person. Weak of body, bullied by his peers, and with only his friend as his family, he struggles day-by-day to live. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a little blue lamp. An immortal and demonic cultivating adventure.
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Mortal Cultivation Biography
A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, he must successfully traverse the treacherous path of cultivation and avoid the notice of those who may do him harm. This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and ancient celestials in order to find his own path towards immortality.
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Dragon Prince Yuan
Destiny stolen at birth, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire, Zhou Yuan, has been plagued all his life by a fatal poison, forced to suffer powerlessly until one day when fate draws him into a mysterious domain where he meets a beautiful girl in green, a bizarre dog-like creature and an unfathomable old man in black.Join Zhou Yuan as he is thrust into the whirlpool of destiny while he seeks the pinnacle of cultivation.
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Monarch of Evernight
Qianye rose from hardship but was felled by betrayal. From then, one man, one gun; he tread the path between Evernight and Daybreak and became a legend. Even if Evernight was destined to be his fate, he still intends to become the ruler who dictates.
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