《Primordial Origins》Memories to Never Forget
Mark's POV
After my little episode, I started to calm down thanks to Yuzu. I'm really glad she was there. Her berating me helped me get me out of my stupor. I don't think she knows how thankful I am of her. Ever since that day, I've been spending more and more time with her. For the past few days, We've done anything she wanted to do ever since coming here. We went touring various sites, shopping at different stores and boutiques, and sampling all the different kinds of delicious foods from the various cultures around the world.
Whenever we returned home, I would play games with her and the other princess when they would want to. Sometimes I would let her win and sometimes I would give her a challenge. I can't let her get away too easily with beating me. I shouldn't spoil her rotten. Afterwards, I would always be the one to serve her food and drinks personally whenever we got home.
These past few days, she has been more bright and happy. Even Alice agrees with me. Speaking of Alice, she and the others have been busy with business nuisances and whatnot. I keep trying to get her to spend more time with Yuzu, but she is always busy doing something. Now, I'm sure she should not try to continue ruling if she wants to grow further apart from her daughter.
We were coming back from a store where we could create our own dolls, to which I did. I made a plush doll version of myself in chibi-form for her to have, and ever since then, it has never left her arms. We arrived back at the estate and had lunch with the others. We moved our conversations to the living room.
Alice came over beside me while I was talking to Yuzu about our plans to go to a lake. It seems we were overheard as Alice comes over.
Alice: We just finished up business here, so I was wondering if I can come with you?
I looked over at Yuzu. She put on a thinking face. This confused Alice, so she leaned over and whispered to me.
Alice: What's she doing?
Mark: My guess, calculating the pros and cons of having you accompany us.
Alice pouted at my response, earning a chuckle from me. I called out to Yuzu.
Mark: Come on Yuzu, be nice to your mother. She's just trying to bond with you.
Yuzu pouted at me as well.
Yuzu: You never let me tease you, and now you won't let me tease Mother.
I flicked her forehead lightly.
Mark: It's not nice to tease people in a serious situation. It's not even something you do at your age.
Yuzu nodded, giving a small smile to Alice. I nodded my head. Cecilia and them overheard our conversation and chimed in.
Cecilia: Can we come?
Mark: Uh...
I looked over at the mother daughter duo for their response, but they were too into their conversation to notice me. I looked back at the eager eyes that laid on me.
Mark: Define 'we'.
Ana: All of us!
Mark: Well, sure. Don't forget to bring swimsuits because I'll be teaching Yuzu how to swim so we'll be in the water if you want to join.
They all nodded their head in excitement, going off to prepare.
Somehow, I became a chaperone of theirs when they learned that they outgrew or didn't have swimsuits. Currently I am in a women's clothing store where they sell swimsuits. I was waiting outside the dressing rooms as each one came out dressed in a different dazzling swimsuit, giving a twirl and asking for my opinion. I felt like I was on an invisible tightrope the size of a thread above a pit that displayed 'certain death'. I did my best to give various compliments while mixing up the comment so it doesn't sound like I'm repeating myself so they'll get angry, while giving my opinion on swimsuits that they should try out that'll fit each of their different figures.
After they were done, I had my arms full of shopping bags, while the others went about to different stores, only adding to my misery. Every man that saw me surrounded by beauties gave me glares of hatred, until they saw the state I was in. I felt like I heard a silent prayer from one of them about a fellow man has been defeated in the ever-lasting war for dominance in relationship. They gave me a nod of pity as they passed by us.
I felt like I was going to cry, but I toughed through it. We returned to the estate as everyone mobbed me to get their things and rushing off to their rooms. I left in a daze to my room to relax after dinner. Once I refreshed myself and cleaned up, I entered my bed, Yuzu already under the covers. As soon as I entered them, she snuggled against my chest, taking a few unneeded huffs of my scent before calming down and falling asleep.
This had been going on ever since she fell asleep in my bed. Now, whenever it's time to sleep, she barges into my room demanding I let her sleep here because my scent helps her calm down. I minded a little at first, but was soon worn down due to her being so adamant about it. After a while I stopped caring.
Alice on the other hand, visits my room a little bit after Yuzu falls asleep to check up on her every now and then. Sometimes when I'm busy carving after Yuzu fell asleep, she takes my place in the bed to sleep with Yuzu.
I don't mind and go about my activities on the roof so as to not disturb them. Tonight was one of those nights with Alice peeking in through the door. I waved her in, getting up so she could sleep with her daughter. She passed me and gave me a small nod in thanks as she lied down where I just was.
I leave the room with my work-in-progress. I was walking through the corridors when I saw Cecilia awake as well wandering the halls. She looked at me when I entered her line of sight.
Cecilia: Too excited for tomorrow?
She smirked at me waiting for my reaction.
Mark: Why would I?
I respond, playing dumb, which makes her pout.
Cecilia: Because you get to see beauties surrounding you in swimsuits.
She laughed. I smile at her.
Mark: Why would I care? It's just showing some skin.
Cecilia: Hmpf, you just can't appreciate a woman's body then.
Mark: I sure appreciated yours...
I smirk at her, which she smirks back.
Cecilia: Yes, we both appreciated it. Walk with me.
I join her for her nightly stroll through the mansion. We arrived at the parlor where I was serving the other women when I first came here before meeting their kids. She sat down in one of the chairs, motioning for me to sit as well.
I did as she said, getting comfortable to start carving. She just sat there, watching me, a thinking look on her face. I said nothing to her and waited for her to initiate.
Cecilia: You sure are an enigma.
Mark: I thought we were past that?
Cecilia: I meant that in good taste. Though we are past thinking you as an experiment now. I personally see you as a man now.
Mark: We sure came a long way from that huh?
I mumble as I continue my work with the runes. She smiled softly at my words.
Cecilia: Yeah...
We sat in silence while only the sounds of my carving could be heard. Unable to hold it in any longer, she spoke her mind.
Cecilia: Won't you take us as your wives?
I coughed lightly, not imagining her to be so direct in the affairs of love considering she was new to it a few months ago.
Mark: I don't think so...
She frowned at my answer, not pleased with it.
Cecilia: Why?
She questioned. I sat there contemplating how I would explain it to her. She took my silence for defiance and was about to speak up again but I cut her off.
Mark: Because our relationship might never be one between husband and wife. Maybe if I met you three in different circumstances, then it could've been.
Cecilia went quiet at my response.
Mark: So our relationship may never be something like that, but I do care for you three in some way... maybe I'm a masochist?
We chuckled at my words.
Mark: But seriously, at worst I can at least see our relationship being one for physical need, nothing more. If I were to liken you in a more familial relationship way, I guess it'd be cousins? Maybe estranged sisters?
Cecilia: Maybe that's the best we could hope for. You better not forget about us though. Still, then it'd be incest with us bearing your kids.
Mark: Sometimes the more immoral it is, the better.
Cecilia looked at me as if she couldn't believe my words.
Cecilia: How so?
Mark: Old enough to bleed, old enough too breed.
I swear I could feel killing intent on me at this moment from seven different sources. I coughed lightly, shrugging off the feeling.
Mark: It's a joke. I'm not really into that.
She didn't seem to take my words at face value. I shrugged at her response. If she didn't want to believe me, then I won't work to change her mind.
Cecilia: Sure... anyway, if you aren't, then what will you tell Yuzu?
I groan, not wanting to speak about these things with her.
Mark: Don't remind me. I already told her how I felt about things between us. I hope her imprinting was only in a brotherly way and she just misunderstood her feelings.
Cecilia grinned at my discomfort.
Cecilia: Well, you don't have to do much about it. From how I see it, you're right. She probably misjudged her emotions. It more looks like your her father.
I look up at her, thinking for a moment.
Mark: Did you know him?
Cecilia nodded her head.
Cecilia: He was a lot like you or should I say you are a lot like him. He doted on and spoiled Yuzu and cared for Alice. At least he did before they drifted apart.
Mark: I see...
Cecilia: I'm more worried about you making a move on Alice.
Mark: I don't really...
I stopped my words, not finding a reason to refute her. Alice had gone through a rough life, something I feel like I can relate to, especially with these new memories what I experience every time I sleep. From the time I've spent with her these past few days, I feel like I've got an understanding of her personality. She's strong by herself, but enjoys those moments when she is able to care and love her family. Moments that don't come often. From a physical standpoint, she is beautiful and has quite an alluring figure, with the tail and ears is a plus.
Mark: Maybe I am interested in her.
I mumble to myself mostly, but Cecilia still hears.
Cecilia: Trying to get both mother and daughter, eh? Quite the selfish one aren't you?
I laugh at her attempts to get a rise out of me.
Mark: Technically I am still a kid. I can be selfish.
We share a laugh together as our conversation goes on through the night before she has to retire.
Everyone wakes up early in the morning to get ready. They all come down with their things for today, each and every one of them had worn different dresses in various colors. I compliment each of them after breakfast was over.
After that, we were getting ready to go but I called out to them.
Mark: So, because we are all going to be going somewhere more public, and people may recognize you guys, I will be going in disguise.
Eva: Oh! Which race?
All the kids looked at her in confusion. I aged my body upwards and morphed into my beastmen, my tails swaying to and fro. The kids started to jump up and down excitedly, rushing over to pet my tails.
Yuzu: Now it looks like you really are my brother!
I chuckled at her exclamation while the Seer asked me something.
Seer: What else can you change into?
Mark: I can look like an elf, or like a demon.
Yue: Oh! do demon next!
I decided to comply with her wish as well as show the others who didn't believe Triple Threat's stories about me true. I morph into my demon form with my crowned horns atop my head.
Empress: Interesting...
I get the okay to change back into my beastmen form so we could be off.
It was decided that I'd be riding with Alice and Yuzu to help sell the illusion that I was her brother. We were off to visit the lake soon after. Yuzu wouldn't stop talking about how excited she was to be able to spend time with me and her mother. She had a huge grin the entire way over. The conversation led to Yuzu talking about learning how to swim which caused a question to pop up in Alice's mind.
Alice: Why are we going to a lake to teach her how to swim anyway?
Mark: Yuzu likes the fresh air and nature.
I informed her as we approached the mountain on which the lake we were visiting resided. There were other carriages going up and down the mountain trail, with other people walking the way up there. Soon, we arrived at a place where we could leave our carriages.
As everyone exited their carriages, it caused a commotion in the surroundings, noticing the beauties that were stepping out. Everyone watched and admired them as they came out. Our carriage was last, so when I left the carriage, everyone noticed that I was the only male amongst the group. Rumors started to spread about me and how I looked.
Thankfully, no one recognized our party because it was mostly locals from Cognitio Central and they didn't know what each of the individual race leaders looked like. I got a lot of glares from the men who were envious that I was able to mingle among such beauties, but I paid them no heed. Yuzu ran up to me and clung onto my left hand while she grabbed Alice's.
This caused another uproar to happen, people spreading ideas that I should've thought through.
???: Hey, you see that? We should get a picture of such a loving family. Go up and ask.
???: Thank god that guy is taken. Maybe the other women are single.
???: I doubt it. Beauties like those and kids that look like them, can't be a coincidence.
I heard their words, realizing that they were mistaking me for a different family member than I had in mind. Before we could escape, a girl from the crowd walked over to us.
???: Excuse me, can we take a picture of you all?
The others agreed instantly, asking for a photo for themselves. The girl nodded eagerly, taking out a common magic device called a mana-screen. It is sorta like this world's version of a iphone. She took various pictures of us, one group picture and then separate pictures of the kids and their respective mothers. Triple Threat posed for a picture with me, then it came to Yuzu and Alice.
???: For this one, can I have the daughter in the middle with you two behind her? Mother on her left, father on her right.
I froze at the photographer's words, but Yuzu and Alice dragged me over. I draped my arm over Alice's shoulders while Yuzu stood at our legs. She then crawled up me, making me carry her with my right arm as she hugged me.
Yuzu: Now this one.
The photographer agreed readily, taking it. She then checked them to make sure they were all good, before asking where to send the pictures to. Cecilia gave her the address to send them to, and we left before we caused an even bigger commotion.
We walked up a trail, leading to the mountain lake. Everyone was excited to get to go swimming, so once we could hear the roar of the waterfall that fed into the lake, everyone started to rush over. We reached the cliff overlooking the lake. It was breathtaking sight, where there were people playing along the shoreline and the trees that bordered around the lake towered over the landscape reaching into the sky. The water's surface reflected the world like a mirror. It looked like if you were to jump into the lake, you would go through to another world.
The kids ran down the path, trail-blazing the way for us to the lodge we had rented for two days. We arrived soon after, getting ourselves settled. We decided to first have lunch, and since I was the best cook amongst us, I took over. I made a quick fish meal that some fisherman had brought from their catch today.
Afterwards, everyone got dressed to go swimming, with me holding onto Yuzu so she doesn't get scared. We arrived at the lake, the girls save for Yuzu entering it with their parents joining them. Triple Threat was relaxing in hammocks they brought along and strung up. Yuzu and Alice were with me, with Yuzu on my shoulders as we walked into the water with Alice following behind. After we were about waist thigh deep in the water, I stopped, turning to face Alice. An idea sparked in my mind at that moment.
Mark: You mind helping me teach Yuzu how to swim?
Yuzu looked at her mother with sparkles in her eyes. Alice noticed the reason for asking, giving a small grateful smile before nodding. Alice was in a modest turquoise bikini and Yuzu was in a school swimsuit. Somehow, the school swimsuit looked exactly like the ones you'd see in an anime. I guessed a person who came to this world made it.
I pulled Yuzu off of my shoulders, explaining to her about floating and giving her some practice to try to steady herself when trying. I had my arms underneath her just in case. Affter a half-hour of practice with floating, I asked Alice to show her how to use her feet and arms to swim, separately. I had Yuzu repeat her mother's actions, getting her some practice in attempting to swim. Another hour and a half later, we decided to take a break, letting her stand in the more shallow part as we played in it. It became a contest between me and the mother/daughter combo in a splash war with everyone else joining in.
The sounds of Yuzu's childish giggles echoed throughout the day as she quickly became tired and asking for me to carry her. I picked her up in my arms as she laid her head down against my shoulders, resting peacefully. I walked over to one of the hammocks as I was trying to put Yuzu down, but she wouldn't let go of my neck. In the end, I decided to lie in the hammock myself and hold her close to me. She fell asleep peacefully in my arms as the others were getting out of the water to dry off. I rested my eyes as everyone from our group opted to let me sleep in the hammock until dinner time, or else they would starve.
Alice's POV
I had just finished showering when I heard Cecillia calling for me. I walked out of my room into the living room where everyone except for my daughter and Mark were situated.
Cecillia: Good, you're here. Can you go get Mark and Yuzu so he can start cooking?
Alice: Why do I have to go? I just finished taking a shower.
I whined at her request. I don't want to leave the warm cottage.
Eva: Because he's the one currently embracing your daughter and is thought to be her 'father'.
She stifles a giggle alongside the others. I feel blood rush to my face as I fume at them as they looked upon my 'cute' reactions.
Alice: What about you then? Isn't he the one who put the children growing in your womb as we speak?
I retort to show them I won't be teased so easily.
Eva: True, but I'm not the mother of the little girl he's currently with. Besides, just take this as a chance to take a peek at his sleeping face.
Alice: Excuse me, I don't need to peek at his sleeping face. I've seen plenty of it.
I shot back, only realizing what I said moments later. Everyone looks at me with giggling faces as my face starts to burn even hotter.
Alice: I'm going for a walk!
I announce to cover for the fact that I just want to get out of there right now.
I walk to the shoreline, finding Mark and Yuzu sleeping in the hammock. He looks so peaceful sleeping there. It really does look like he is her father if I didn't know them. I poke him awake, his eyes flickering open as he gazed at me. He smiled gently, twisting his body so he can get off the hammock while ensuring Yuzu sleeps peacefully. I give him a small nod as he follows me back up to the cottage we are currently staying at. He walks inside, the currently sleeping Yuzu shifts in his arms a little.
He motionos for me to take Yuzu so he can get started on dinner, so I put my hands out to take her. As he started to pry her off, Yuzu's face changes, a small grimace appears. He takes her off him, handing her off to me. It was at this time that Yuzu stirs more. She opens her eyes slightly, a cloudy gaze on her face shows she's not yet awake.
Yuzu: Mommy?
I stiffen at her words. She hasn't called me that ever since I had to devote all my time to work. I put on a smile and ask her.
Alice: Yes?
Yuzu turns her head around, seemingly searching for something.
Yuzu: Where's Daddy?
Everyone in the room stops what they were doing as we stare at her. It's become a known thing that we don't bring up him so she doesn't go into a fit. She takes no heed to our responses as she is able to wriggle around so she could look behind her, where she sees Mark.
Yuzu: Daddy!
Everyone looks at him in surprise, himself included as he stares at her. Immediately, his face changes into one of calming and fatherly affection.
Mark: Yes, baby girl?
Yuzu reaches out to him, giving him a hug as he moved closer to us.
Yuzu: I hope you and Mom can spend more together again like today. It was really fun being with you both.
We stood still as we listened to her words. Everyone was surprised at how easily it is for him to take on a role of a father talking to his sleepy daughter so quickly.
Yuzu: I know that things are awkward between you two right now, but I still want you two to get together.
We merely nodded our heads in confusion. Yuzu giggled at our actions.
Yuzu: Tee hee. You were right Mark. I was wrong. It isn't a brotherly or romantic imprint. It's a fatherly one. Sadly I can't call you that until you marry mommy.
I finally understood that she was aware of what she was saying the whole time.
Yuzu: I hope you can become my new Dad and keep Mom happy in the future.
She smiled at us as she returned to my embrace, cuddling up to me before falling asleep. I didn't know what to say, and neither did Mark. He merely took his time staring at Yuzu, before asking me to let her rest while he went to go cook. I took my daughter with me to the room we would be sharing. I set her down on the bed, Yuzu rolling on it as she sits up.
Yuzu: It doesn't smell like Mark...
She grumbles. I sigh at her words, taking a moment to think before asking.
Alice: Do you remember what you said?
Yuzu: About Mark being my new dad? Yeah.
I rub my temples, sighing lightly
Alice: I don't-
Yuzu: Don't worry Mom. I'm sure that you will soon.
Alice: The fact that she can say that with that face baffles me.
Alice: What do you mean?
Yuzu: I overheard Aunty Cecilia telling Aunty Ana and Eva about how Mark really feels about them and about how he felt about you.
Alice: And...?
I don't know why I feel so apprehensive about knowing what he thinks of me.
Yuzu: He said that he may like you, he just isn't really sure.
Alice: I see...
Yuzu: I'm sure he'll have you fall for him. I just don't know what to call him then. Would he be my big brother still, or do I call him dad? What happens if he wants me as well? Would I want him if I just imprinted on him in a non-romantic way? You did say that it can change into-
Alice: Enough!
I shout to stop my daughter. I take a moment to collect myself. Even I don't know why I feel attracted to him. Maybe not 'in-love' with him, but I do feel something for him.
Alice:: You shouldn't even be thinking about things like that at your age.
The door opened to show Mark standing there.
Mark: Yeah, you made a promise, you little scamp. Get downstairs and go eat with everyone. The food's ready.
Yuzu giggled, dashing between Mark's legs as she ran downstairs. I sighed lightly, glancing over at Mark. He was looking at me, a little awkwardly with me now. What my daughter said might've been right.
Alice: Is what Yuzu said true?
Mark's POV
I admit I was a little tongue-tied at her inquiry. I took a good moment to look at Alice. She had a shapely figure and had nice curves. Her flowing white hair cascaded down to and surrounding her hips as her sapphire eyes seemed like an ocean I could get lost in. Her pert pink cherry blossom lips and delicate facial features with her smooth milk-white skin betrayed the strong image she projected.
I only now noticed her not as a race leader, nor as Yuzu's mother, but as a person of the opposite sex. I'm sure all the other leaders were just as beautiful as her, but the feeling she gave off was one of purity. I wanted to have that purity to myself. One that made me want to hold her tight in my embrace.
Alice: Well...
I coughed lightly to distract myself from her gaze. I turned away as I felt my face heat slightly when I felt blood flow down to my lower body. It was a surprise considering I felt pretty proud of the level of control I have over my body. Today was the first day that it betrayed me and did what it felt like without any variables affecting my body aside from the woman herself.
Mark: W-We should go down and join them soon.
I got out as I turned around to return to the meal. I could hear two separate rapid heart beats in my ears, one my own and the other the beauty that was inside the room I just left.
I sat down in my seat, the women clamoring for the various dishes on the table. Since they were in the estate, they couldn't act like they wanted, but here where it was family for the most part, they let go of their 'prim and proper' manners and scarfed down whatever they wanted. Alice came down a couple of minutes later, her face flushed red. She met my gaze, myself turning my head down as well. The adults noticed her condition, some of them wanting to capitalize on it to tease her.
Empress: Why Alice, you look like a shy virgin who was talking about having her first time with her lover! What happened upstairs when Mark came up? Did he get it in? A quickie?
Cecilia: I don't think that amount of time would've been enough for a quickie with his stamina. It's absolutely monstrous. Maybe even more so now that he had that little transformation that Alice talked about. I'm definitely sure he's bigger than before.
Seer: Yeah, he sure was a shower.
Ana: No, he's a grower for sure. Personal experience.
Sovereign: What, then it gets even bigger?!
All the adults looked over at me while the kids were confused by their parents words. I coughed lightly at their stares.
Mark: Kids are here and we're eating right now.
I said, avoiding the subject. I never measured my dick, so I wouldn't know if it was bigger now than before.
Eva: I sure as hell am going to find out...
Matriarch: Oh, how?
Eva: By seeing how deep inside he can get when we make love again. I remember every inch of him filling me up.
I choked on my drink, coughing for a moment.
Mark: You're no longer horny teenagers like when we first got started. Please have some decency to where you discuss your sexual adventures, especially since your soon-to-be/already hormonal daughters are listening in.
Ana: So you don't mind us telling them?
Mark: Truth be told, I would've thought you already did. If not though, go ahead. Only I wonder if you'd be willing to tell all of them. I can still remember that time you wanted to do that one roleplay with me. You dragged Cecilia into it without her ever knowing your little fetishes.
Ana started to practically steam out of her ears as Cecilia looked over at us.
Mark: It was when she had me roleplay as a-
I smirked when Ana threw a knife over at me. I caught it to use for my fish.
Mark: ...various times.
Alice sat down beside Yuzu as she got a plate and filled it up with food as well. We continued our meal, various topics of conversation flowing around me as I focused on the food. My enhanced sense of taste made it all the more better. In the middle of our meal, I heard about the school we'd be going to.
Cecilia: I can't wait to see the kiddos go to Sophia Academy. I bet there'll be a big commotion about it and everything. I can't wait to see all the surprised faces when they learn that the princesses are going there. The little geniuses.
Mark: Hey, what kind of school is that academy?
I ask them. I wonder if it's one like people are separated in grades for education or is it one for personal talent so anyone who meets the requirements can enter.
Ana: Well, all that is required for you to enter is to have sufficient skill/knowledge in any of the fields of expertise they specialize in: martial or arcane. The children should have already been taught the basics from their tutors or parents. If they haven't, there are some remedial classes to help those who are behind to get caught up in the general education. From there, the classes can break down into different categories pertaining to certain specializations, such as the different weapon types for martial combat or various routes of magic to practice in arcane. It is known as the most prestigious school of all the continents, but there are other places for education that is more lax when it comes to entering like if someone is not able to pay or doesn't have enough talent to enter Sophia, they can still go to one of the other closer ones and still get a decent schooling.
Mark: So can these classes mix?
Eva: Yes. In fact, we support students taking both if they have the aptitude for it because it will help them survive in the future.
Mark: So if I'll be going to the academy, then I would need a place to live. I'd rather not live in the dorms. I would want something more personal.
Alice: Yeah, also so you'll have a place where Yuzu can stay as well.
Mark: You're seriously having her room with me?
Alice nodded her head leaving no room for rejection.
Mark: I'd rather be able to live on my own. Personal space and whatnot. How about we have Yuzu live with the other little princesses, but I'll spend time with her over there instead of my place?
Yuzu: No, I want to live with Mark.
Mark: You're dead set on that huh?
She nodded her head in agreement. I sigh at the headaches she'll give me for just living with her, never mind the public outcry. Whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Empress: No fair, I want my cute little daughter to shack up with Mark as well.
The others nod in agreement. Aren't you all a little too lax in the idea of having your daughters living with someone you just recently met, nevermind a person of the opposite sex.
Ana: There are housings available for them to live at that is in close proximity to the school. We just need to know what you'd need to live.
It seems like they're just going to do what they want as usual. I listed off things that I can think of that we would need. I checked through a real estate site that Cecillia told me about, finding a nice one fore a decent price. Well, as decent of one for seven princesses needed.
Mark: Fine, whaddaya think about this place?
I ask them, showing them photos of the place, though, it's more like a small mansion. They look through the rooms in the photos, evaluating them. They give their honest opinion, but one thing I notice, is that they all seem a little too reliant on servants.
Mark: Y'know, if I'm going to be living with you guys, then there won't really be space for servants.
I casually toss in. It's a last ditch effort to have them reconsider. Sadly, things weren't going my way.
Yue: It's fine, our mothers said that we should start learning to be more independent. So, we'll handle our stuff for the most part, but we'll be relying on you for things we don't understand yet.
Yuzu: Mmh, it's good. We also can't forget about mom though. She'll need space as well so make sure you won't need anymore before deciding.
Mark: True, I'm sure that there will be visiting family members, guests and what not. Also, there's the fact that your mom may move in so then we'll need to have a place where she can sleep. So more rooms would be better.
Yuzu: Why? She can just sleep in your bedroom? While the other rooms are filled with everyone else.
Mark: I'll be sleeping on the couch then? Wow, I'm not even in an actual relationship with your mother and I'm already being kicked out of the bedroom.
Yuzu: No, she'll be sleeping in your bedroom.
I'm getting confused with her logic.
Mark: If it's my bedroom, why is she sleeping there?
Yuzu: Because she'll be sleeping with you.
Alice: You're serious about that aren't you?
Empress: Look at little Yuzu playing matchmaker for her mother.
She teased getting a blush from me and Alice both.
Seer: And she had a good chance of succeeding.
Mark: I'll live with them on one condition.
Matriarch: Oh, and that is?
Mark: A secret for later.
I grin ruefully. We finish up dinner and put away plates while the kids rush off to watch some TV joined by their parents. While I really talk to the adults through telepathy. An ability devoured from a specter that had psychokinetic abilities.
Mark: I'm talking to you in your mind. Anyway, I'll agree if Alice doesn't run again for Huntress. I know that this may cause some discord, but I won't change my mind. She has to live with us afterwards. I won't be able to raise the girls as decently as I could by myself. I'll need a mother figure with me and she could bond with Yuzu. It'll also give your daughters a closer motherly figure to look to.
Seer: An amazing ability. But how would having a mother figure help? They have us don't they.
Mark: I'll be honest. We all know that you can't be as motherly as you can to your daughters due to your job. A perfect example is the relationship between Alice and Yuzu. It's only now healing, and it is only because I forced them to take the first step. If Alice was with them, they could have a mother figure as well as someone who can explain to them why things are how they are between you and your daughters. Then, you'll be able to get along with them easier... in theory. I'll leave it up to you to decide.
Alice: I have a question. Why do you have to make it sound like that? Now it sounds like you want me to live with you.
She grumbled with a rosy tinge on her cheeks.
Mark: Truthfully, I don't mind if any of you come live with me. I'm only asking you because you have the best chance leaving your position. That and you are the one in most need of help with bonding with your daughter. I don't want to see the little ones hurt because of a strained relationship with their parents. If making you live with me is what'll it'll take for you to bond with them, I'd marry you all here and now. It wouldn't be so bad having beautiful women living with me.
Sovereign: Lecher.
Mark: Damn straight. Just ask the mothers of my children. They'll tell you that I'm a completely hopeless pervert. I won't give you a moment's respite all night long.
Alice: You're too young for me to marry.
Mark: Please, I think we all know that my true age belies my looks. Even then, I'm sure I can attract women.
I tease, morphing my body so it looked how I did before. I grew more muscular and taller with my features growing more masculine. Everyone stared slack jawed at me before reverting back to my regular body.
Mark: I think it'll take a year or two before my body'll look like that with how its aging so far.
I ignored the teasing following that as I cleaned up the table. Afterwards, I walked upstairs so I can find out a solution to my nest problem. As I walked back downstairs, I entered the living room where they were watching a movie on the TV.
Mark: Hey, dumb question, but where's my room?
All heads turned to me at my question. The lodge we were staying at had rooms for the kids and their mothers respectively as well as Triple Threat. I heard they built this place so they could have a little get-away from the stresses of society. It only now dawned on them that there was nowhere for me to sleep.
Yuzu: Bunk with mom!
Alice: Hush you with your matchmaking!
Alice reprimanded with a scarlet face. I coughed lightly.
Mark: I'll take the couch.
I volunteer so we could get it over with. Yuzu pouts at my answer, but I pretend like I didn't see her acting. I grab my weapon that I had almost finished carving, to bring it downstairs to finish up, I walk out on the porch to sit down, going to work on finishing up.
After I have carved in all the runes that I wanted for the sheath and handle, I put them together, the runes where they connect locking together in place to never separate unless someone sent their soul through the weapon to draw it. I also decide to carve the a catalyst rune at either end of the weapon so I can use runes from those ends. Once I was finished, I examined my work, admiring the job I had done. I look at the piece, examining all the runes covering the wood.
Alice: Man, you make the weirdest stuff.
I turn my head to see Alice standing in the doorway with the others peaking through the window.
Mark: How so?
She walked up next to me and sat down, taking the weapon in my hands.
Alice: Even if it says it's an unfinished product, this is too abnormal.
I look at her weirdly. She gives me the same look.
Alice: Didn't you inspect it?
Mark: Inspect?
Alice throws her hands up in the air in defeat.
Alice: He has no common sense does he?
She exclaims exasperated. The others walk out to examine the unfinished weapon, looks of shock crossing their faces.
Mark: What is it? How do I inspect something?
Yuzu: Hold the thing you want to inspect and think about it.
Yuzu teaches me. I take my weapon back from Triple Threat's clutches as they look at it in greed. The others aren't too far off from the same exact expression, but they cover it up slightly for appearances sake. I glance down to look at my weapon, a window popping up like when I get those abilities.
Soul Catalyst (Unawakened)Item Rank: SA catalyst for one's soul to take shape. Carved from the wood of the World Tree, it's mana efficiency rate is ranked amongst the best of most materials. Unactivated runes lie dormant on its surface, awaiting for someone to awaken them.
After seeing this window pop up before me, I only had one question on my mind.
Mark: Where the hell does these prompts come from?
Cecilia: So that's what we forgot to tell you about!
She clapped her hands together in realization. I tilted my head in confusion as the others gawked at Triple Threat.
Alice: You never taught him about the system?
She asked, astounded that I didn't know such a thing. I didn't know what they meant, but returned my attention to my lap in which Yuzu sat down in. She was tugging on my shirt to get my attention. I leaned down so she can whisper in my ear.
Yuzu: Think [Status] in your mind like how the window popped up.
I did as she said, another window popping up in front of me.
Name: ???Age: ???Race: ???Class: NoneTitlesEldest Origin, Savior of Reality, Enemy of Creation, Judge of Existences, Harem Protagonist, Devout Lover, Corrupted Existence
Mark: What the fuck?
A sharp pain came from the back of my head as I held back tears and looked at Alice who was glowering at me.
Alice: Language.
Mark: It's not my fault.
I whined as the people around us finished discussing my 'education'.
Seer: Anyway what happened?
Yuzu: I taught Mark how to look at his status.
I nodded my head.
Ana: Ooh, can we see? I'm interested in what it says.
I was about to ask how I would do that, but Yuzu beat me to it, whispering in my ear that all I needed to do was think of sharing the window with the people I wanted to. I did as she said, everyone focusing down at the window they noticed pop up in front of them.
I was oblivious to their bewildered expressions as Yuzu and I got into a tickle fight her clear giggles echoing in the silence as I pressed my assault. I was interrupted though by Alice, who was looking at me with a different expression than usual.
Mark: What?
Alice: Can you check what each of the titles mean? You do that by focusing your thoughts on each separate title. Also please show us as well what pops up.
I did as she asked, various windows popping up in front of me and the others.
Eldest OriginThe Eldest Being amongst the Origins that rule the multiiverses.
Savior of RealityAn Origin that exerted its utmost effort in saving the things in the multiiverse it governs.
Enemy of CreationAn Origin that fell to depravity/madness and indulged in its sins after living long enough to not care about the things in its universe.
Judge of ExistencesAn Origin that has truly experienced what it is like to live in this twisted game called life. Knows what people are capable of and judges them accordingly on how it feels.
Harem ProtagonistA being that has been blessed/cursed in the dealings of people when it comes to love. Has a high chance to attract people to them in the romantic way.
Devout LoverSomeone who would treat the person(s) it takes as its lover(s) with the utmost affection and care.
Corrupted ExistenceA broken being who has lost/sealed memories of things it has done, corrupting it for its 'incomplete' form. Can become whole again if it recovers its memories.
We were all quiet as we studied what was in front of us. The silence was agonizing because of the strange info these windows showed us. Finally, the Empress decided to break the silence.
Empress: What do you think is the most unusual thing here, Mark?
Mark: This 'Harem Protagonist' title. I mean, what's up with that? I don't want it. How do I delete it?
Creator: A little gift for you. Also sorry about the headaches...
Mark: Argh! What the fuck?! I don't want this! Take it back! Also what headaches are you talking about you shitty being!
I cry out as I try poking the window but it doesn't do anything. A hand caught my ear, tugging roughly at it. I whimper, looking over at Alice.
Alice: What she meant is what is all of this about?
Mark: I don't know, I have amnesia. Remember?
I exclaim as my ear felt like it was about to be ripped free from its place. Alice stopped tugging for a moment, recalling what the last title said.
Alice: Oh yeah.
She chuckled, letting go as my butt hit the deck. I massaged my ear as I kept tears from falling due to the unexpected pain.
Mark: Well, maybe we'll find out what this is all about when or if I get my memories back. Or if we meet someone who knew me in the past. What I can tell you is the cause of my episode on the roof probably came from getting memories that came with the 'Enemy of Creation' title.
Eva: Well, nothing we can do about it right now. What's up with that weapon though? Why does it say 'unawakened'?
Mark: Probably because I haven't activated the runes on it yet. Let's try it.
I grab Yuzu off my lap and place her in Alice's as I got up. I examine the wood, the numerous runes covering it. I put the two pieces together, sending my soul through the weapon.
We watch enamored as we see lights the same color as my soul when I manifest it. I feel the runes come alive as my soul flows through them. The runes at the end of each side light up to show that it had finished awakening. I think of the runes for fireball, the runes appearing at each end of the staff. I shoot it out of each end in rapid succession into the sky.
Mark: Sweet! I can use magic somewhat now!
I jump in glee. The people behind me smile at my outburst, amused that I am able to use rudimentary attack magic now. I pay them no attention as I separate the handle, manifesting a katana. It is the same as when I manifest a weapon with my soul regularly, weight and length the same as I made them, only with a stronger link that makes it easier to manifest the weapons. I go through a few forms with the katana, manifesting a longsword next and doing other exercises. Once I go through most of my one-handed weapons, I reconnect the two pieces of the weapon, manifesting it into a bo staff. I thrust it in succession, then twirled the staff around as it changed into a swordstaff. I spun the weapon in the air with the blade twirling through the air. I did some more exercises with that once again, before I was content with my work.
I stopped my manifestation, the weapon returning to it's normal state. I turn back to see everyone surprised at the capabilities the weapon I created had. I smiled ruefully at them, letting slip a chuckle or two.
Mark: Sorry, but you can't do what I just did. Insider info only.
I tease. They rushed me, practically ripping the weapon from my hands. Shouts cried out as they inspected the weapon once again.
Alice: There's something wrong with you!
She screams out, the others nod their heads as I tilted mine in confusion. I grabbed my weapon, inspecting it.
Unbroken RequiemItem Rank: ???A catalyst that is used to its fullest potential by someone who understands the intricacies of Soul-Tempering and the unknown runic language carved in the wood.
I stare at the new info given by the system. I start feeling fed up with all these question marks I'm getting that has to do with things pertaining to me.
Alice: What do you have to say?
Mark: I wish there wasn't so many question marks in my life.
Alice grabbed my shoulders shaking me.
Alice: You made a item with an unknown rank. You BROKE the system.
Mark: What's this system you guys keep talking about?
Cecilia took over from here, most probably because they didn't teach me about it due to various reasons.
Cecilia: It is something that judges our world. It gives a ranking on most things in this world and it gives info on people among other things. You just made something that is can't be understood of the system.
Mark: Well that's interesting. Maybe I had something in the creation of such a system with the titles I have.
I chuckle to myself. I hear them murmur about how I could be right about what I said. I stand up, stretching as I devour the leftover wood from the carvings.
Mark: Well, no sense worrying about it right now. How about we relax for now and get ready for tomorrow?
I ask. A chorus of agreements go through the others as we all retire for the night. I give Yuzu one last hug before she jumps out of my arms, hiding behind her mom and pushing her into me. I catch her in a hug to stop her from falling. We look at each other, a blush forming on her face as she pushes me away and rushes to go to bed.
I laugh at her reaction, enjoying the feeling of her body against mine as I lay on the couch to sleep.
Mark: It's going to be a good break...
- In Serial8 Chapters
Supernova - The Arrow Enchanter
Deep in a ruthless dictatorship, the isolated town of Acigam is about to face a civil war. On one hand, the Guild, a group that uses the Energy Science to demand rights for the population. On other hand, a tyrant government, guarded by soldiers specialized in annihilating warlocks - the common name given to practitioners of this science. In the midst of this conflict, is Leran, who, after being swallowed up for the rebellion, is trying to learn more about his mysterious ability to enchant objects with the power of the elements. Based on the gaming environment and RPG, Supernova will snatch gamers and fantasy fans. "Original and breathtaking!"- Danilo Leonardi - Youtuber "It is a perfect blend of thriller, magic and action" - Guilherme Cepeda - Burn Book Blog MORE CHAPTERS SOON Have a look at the book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZMWlujh65Y English subtitles available.
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The Aggresive Cheater
Lestat was transported to another world, he is a handsome male student with black hair and black eyes and exceptional grade in his class, but has no ambition nor aspiration in life.Due to summoning gone wrong, he was summoned by a group of Mages from Arachnid Academy while they trying to summon the almighty being, a Dragon. He's blessed with cheat like ability. What will he find in the world of magic? Thus starts the journey of Lestat.
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When Paths Converge: A MHA Fanfic
Izuku Midoriya seemed to have only one path set out before him, he was Quirkless, fatherless, and friendless, everyone expected his path to be cut short. Especially when he became motherless. Yui Andenryū has had only one path presented to her: a villain's path determined by her parents. When Yui finds a recently orphaned Izuku on Dagobah Beach; they set out on a path of vigilantism, revenge on a flaming garbage can, and finding some dads. And if a certain rat with penchant for world domination and tea discovers them, what could go wrong? (Orphan Deku; My Hero Academia Fanfic)Consider if the darkness of heroes were not so easily forgiven.And the lost youths were saved by bonds where the heroes had failed.
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Bottomless earth
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