《The Worst》Chapter 8 - Pride


A little clearing about the spell casting and magic stuff in the game.It might have been a little unclear but I have already explained about the three principles of magic. Control,Focus and augmentation. Normally every player has a teacher that who oversees their early training giving them a bonus in Skillpoints.

Skills gain skillpoints to advance the more you use the skill, even if it fails, Skills of the primary profession gains 100% of the skillpoints and every other profession gains a 10-90% penalty.

If you activate a skill you you gain 1 skillpoint, teachers can boost it to 2 up to 10 skillpoints if they are overseeing your training. A failed activation gives half the skillpoints meaning 0.5 meaning if you fail twice you still gain a skillpoint but lose Mp,Sp or whatever the skill consumes.

Hope this clears some of the confusion.

Please enjoy and thanks for the comments.


He woke up early and logged into the game, He was once more in his Inn room. Aretea was awake drinking "wine" while looking at something. Within a few seconds he saw that the Item was his River reed, he didn't know why she was so much interested in it.

"How come you have something like this, how does it even exist would be a better question"

She asked with amazement

"You know what it is?"

"Well it's something that normally should not exist, the soulless corpse of a Nymph"

Nymphs are magical beings that look like women, they can communicate with plants and can travel inside them and control them. The impossibility of it's existence was that magical beings only died when their magical powers are completely drained. At the same time their body disperses as they turn into nothingness.

"Well at least now I know what it is"

Afterwards he went for the chest to take some items out and was about to enter the study room.

"Wait you..."

Aretea was about to say something but he nodded her to enter as well. Inside he had hundreds of papers with Ideas and other stuff that he wanted to make in the future.

"Sit down while I will show you your part of the work to be done"

He said while searching through the papers and sorting out five pages out of the bulk.

She sat and waited without a question

'Well at least I won't get bored'

She thought before she saw his awful writing.

"Can I have a blank page and a pen?"

She asked in a panicked tone and after taking one she begun sorting out what he wanted her to do. She was left with a dumb look in her face when she saw what he wanted her to make

"Are you crazy, this stuff will be 100% illegal in any of the kingdoms you may go, not to mention you won't find even half of the objects needed for these potions and as for the last three they are Impossible to make with my level of abilities"

"First, I don't care if it's illegal cause I'm not making it in order to sell it, second the stuff you may need won't be as hard to find as you think and as for your level of ability, I don't want them all made today, for starters just begin refining some of the herbs, from the chest in the next room, into salves or some other type of component so that I can use to make simple drugs. take as much paper as you might need to make a list of Ingredients you might need for the stuff in the list and another for me to train my simple drug mixing skill"


She was once again at a loss for words, she knew that he was a bit abnormal but to create highly Illegal dangerous substances such as those it would cause the whole mage guild to hunt him down if they found out.

"Lets just check the list once more"

She said with a dissatisfied appearance

"First the four healing potions

1.A potion that increases your health points while regenerating it at the same time. a potion that restores health,stamina and magic at the same time, a potion that restores health for a long time to come, necessary for combat use, a potion that restores health in one gulp."

"Yes that's the first potion on the paper"

"Isn't that four different potions?"

She said with a puzzled expression.

"Nope that's what one of out healing potions should do, just try combining as many of the effects into one"

"If it could be done it would have already be available on sale why bother to create one yourself?"

she said seemingly angry

"Would you drink the pee of a pig?"


she said puzzled once more

"Do you know what the person making that potion has put inside?"

"Well no, but you could check the recipe"

"And would you know I haven't peed inside if you saw the recipe?"

"I guess if it was you who was making the potion, no"

"What a stupid answer, you think all the people in the world will be good people and would never do bad stuff, If all the people were good then why are there slaves like yourself, why are there thieves and assassins"

Once more she was speechless, his speech was wrong or she wanted to think but she wasn't as traveled or educated to make a counter speech to his accusation the entire world of being corrupt and dirty on the inside.

"You have it easy, you don't think too deeply but that's what makes you so likable, you are so pure"

His words struck her like an Insult, she was a vampire, an undead the most impure creatures currently on the planet and here he was calling them pure.

"You are so pure you don't even question why I think so, but I'll say it once more, you categorize yourselves in good and evil, there is no in between for you, that makes this whole world to contradict itself but it also makes a good game to play"

"Game! Do you find your life as a game!"

She screamed with anger

"Alas still so pure"

He said as he checked the rest of her list himself

2.Magic recovery battery potion

3.Stamina endurance acceleration potion

4.Time stimulant drug

5.Strength stimulant drug

6.Mind stimulant drug

7.Magic locking potion

8.Slavery poison of madness

9.Slavery poison of control

10.Slavery poison of Lust

Seeing him checking that all the potions were right she talked again

"You know that most of those will cost you a fortune to create and in such small quantities that it won't be practical to use"

"Why do you have any better way to get a hold of the potions without others knowing you have them?"

She resigned and said "No".

Taking ten papers and some ink she went to the alchemy lab in another room. Darknym had finished the rest of the designs for Bomid the blacksmith in the real world and only had to draw them in-game once more for him. Suddenly as he was focused in his work the door burst open with a loud band.


"Where did you gain this?"

Aretea spoke in a strangely enthusiastic voice, while holding a tube with dark blue liquid inside.

"I bought it at the black market at a really cheap price"

It was the vampire king blood, he had bought with his godly luck after the casino.

"Do you even know how rare it is, not to speak of some of your other Items that are plainly Illegal to possess, like this succubus demon dust"

she held a pouch full of dark red dust.

"what's the matter anyway, I liked the name so I bought them"

he said with a bit of anger in his voice because she had became to noisy all of a sudden.

"With these I can create four of the ten potions on your list, of course their effects won't be as good as a master alchemists but at least there won't be any pee inside"

She said while making a sly smirk.

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Nope, here is a list of the Ingredients I want, and here is another list of the herbs to buy for your drug mixing hobby, I have also calculated their market prices"

He looked at the list of Ingredients, the list cost was a large sum of 1000gold coins, which he lacked at the moment although some of the Ingredients on the list he had already bought before, it seams she needs even more of them.

"I'll buy it as soon as I gather the necessary funds, but why do you even need a portable alchemy lab?, it costs around 250gold by itself"

"Won't I need to go out to gather herbs, I will also process them on the spot sometimes to buy some us some time"

"As I said once I gather the funds I will buy them but I can't say when it will be"

Their interaction stopped there as he went back to his work, he trained his skills here and there at brakes and was determined to end all the 100 designs today. He also designed the things he wanted from the blacksmith and although he didn't write down any enhancements for them he did write down how they must look like. He had 30 Items on the list for the blacksmith to make, most of which were just rings with strange designs. He just couldn't wait to get his hands on the enhancement skill. When he could enchant his spells he could become really powerful. FSK gave you no limit on equipped items, as long as you could fit it on yourself it was okay, but you had to do it the hard way. Wearing it yourself, that was one of the reasons Heavy armors and full plate armors are unpopular unless you have an Attendant or friend to help you wear it and take it off you will be stuck in it for a long time to be unless of course you are determined enough to break a valuable armor you bought just to get free. It was getting darker as He was rushing his steps towards the blacksmith's store.

He saw Bomid a bit Nervous and skeptical sitting next to his anvil doing nothing at all.

"How's business?"

Darknym said with a smirk on his face.

Bomid surprised but happy to see his face took him off the ground and took him inside the small newly made store he had.

"I take it that you have the goods?"

He said with an anxious voice Darknym handed him 100 designs

"Here are 60 fantasy weapons, 30 armors and 10 accessories you can sell"

"Perfect and just in time, you see people have been asking for some strange weapons I don't know, I have made you a list of the weapons here if you can make me a design as detailed as yours then I will give you one Item for each design"

"Don't promise before even repaying for the first designs"

He handed Bomid 30 designs with the Items he wanted.

"what the heck, these things worth more than even your designs, do you know that each semi-valuable stone is worth 10gold and you even want stones worth a whole 100gold stones or more"

"You did sign the contract but since we are partners now why don't I give you your clients' demanded weapon designs free of charge, but be sure not to sell any of my 30 designs because you will regret it"

Bomid heard it as a threat but Darknym's words were mostly for his own good, the Items he designed were of his own original design so they wouldn't sell so good but the main reason was that they had no enhancements described making them a bit strange to figure out.

"Whatever as If I would create more of these damaging to my pocket equipments of yours, I'll keep making the decoration swords that sell like crazy"

"When do you think my order will be ready?"

"Well if you come tomorrow I should have half of them ready, in two days they will be all ready"

"Can't you just send them to my Inn room?"

Darknym said with a bit of irritation in his voice.

"Whatever but be sure to bring me the designs in at least three days time"

"It's a deal"

Darknym shook his hand and left towards the training hall. This time at night there was no one inside since Fayte gave up on the basic training. Darknym took the training dual daggers and begun hitting the scarecrow as he should have done from the beginning. His strength stat begun rising as well as his stamina. It was hard for him to get exhausted now but he was bored non the less.

The moon was full but had a strange blue color, he wasn't sure why but he knew he felt sad once more, he climbed on top on the training hall and activated the pan's flute, he set it to play the calming song as he lay on top of the roof.

He was more calm now and but he still felt sad and lonely when he remembered that this was only a game, in the real life he was a loser who tried with all his strength to do what he could just to survive.

He had no friends in the real world, as he couldn't come to call the guys in the chat rooms he used to enter friends, they were strangers who met and disappeared, he knew nothing of them and they about him, they mostly spoke of games,music and other stuff he enjoyed talking about.

The song stopped and he reactivated it once more he did the same time and time again, anyone who passed by the training hall be they Npc or players fell asleep after hearing the enchanting tunes of the Pan's flute.

He didn't get bored of the music but clouds had covered the moonlight. under the cover of the darkness and with his sneak ability he climbed down and hid again.

Heading towards the Inn ignoring the sleeping patrol guards and players on the streets.

Once he was back he greeted Theo and Silvie who had some sort of argument and went upstairs.

"What do you mean you knew that he would join the Helllion guild, they will once again try to take away our Inn"

"Why would you care, you are returning to the elven woods anyway so why would you even care"

It was getting to a verbal dispute afterwards but he knew better than mix into a women's quarrel.

Last thing he did was closing the door of his room and activating the pan's flute once more to calm himself. At some point he got bored and used the dream manipulation spell to enter Aretea's dream.

He was surprised as there was nothing.

Unlike princess where he could see a dream there was nothing but darkness all around him, he had a strangely awkward feeling about it.

While inside the dream, he needed tons of MP to change even the tiniest thing but if he could change something, it would make him as powerful as a god.

Just Imagine being able to change whatever you like inside a dream, but the most dangerous fact was that if they died once inside the dream they took some mental damage to their Hp that in the end could outright kill them.

He didn't know that she couldn't dream, but it wasn't so strange. She was an undead after all but the problem was what he would do with her, he was a person who valued free will but chaotic creatures like the undead would cause nothing but problems if left free, but before making any further assumptions he decided to learn more about her as a person and making any rush decisions wasn't in his personality.

After being thrown out of her dream and depleted of magical powers he went to train his merchant skills of packaging and beautifying. Beautifying was a useless skill as he wasn't so keen on becoming a merchant and selling stuff, not to speak about it's chance of destroying the item, but package which could pack only 3 objects at his skill level but was a sure skill and it was invaluable for someone like himself. Who liked to collect stuff for the sake of having it. He used the 9990 wood and in the next few hours of grinding, only 999 wood remained all of which was beautified at least once.

He could now pack 20 Items but being him that was nowhere enough yet, he packed and unpacked the items again and again, so many times some had begun to deteriorate from their beautified state. He went and replenished his stamina a lot by eating something and also replenished his magic powers at the same time.

He wasn't sure what to do about the ingredients Issue but he had a prepayed room for another three in-game months.

He just had to wait for his luck to turn. he logged out to find Info on the list Bomid had given him. It had some names he hadn't see before but with a surf through the net all the info was inside his head, that day he had the book copier and communication hardware addons installed, he entered the designs he did into the copier and found out a sad truth. The copier did send the book inside the game but it was in a screen form, like a TV screen in front of him. Although it was a bit helpful for him to see it and design them, it was a bit tiring for his eyes.

He had all the designs ready in just an Hour and as he looked out of the window he saw light invading through the royal red curtains.

He took his designs and went strait for Bomid, He only handed him the designs and left in a hurry. He went to Yosh only to see that he was selling out his goods.

"How much for the portable lab?"

"Ah, if it isn't Darknym, what brings you here"

"I was about to ask you for a little discount on a portable alchemy lab but as I see the sell out notice, are you moving out?"

"Family business nothing more"

"Well what about the lab?"

"It's 200 gold on the sell out but just for you I will make it 190"

"And where's the catch?"

He looked through the small package, it was a small apothecary with a small attachable bench to be used outdoors.

"There's no catch but look out for trouble in the near future, I heard that the Inn will be turned over to the Helllion after Silvie leaves"

"None of my business, as long as I have my room intact I don't really care about who owns the Inn"

"Well I warned you, the lab's 191 gold"

"How come the price rose?"

"Isn't it normal for me to barter a little"

He said with a smirk on his face.

If Darknym had begun to barter he knew that the price would rise even further. He bought the portable alchemy lab and Yosh gave him something as a bonus.

It was a strange box that had no opening, he looked at the description.


"Puzzle box"

through ancient times puzzles were ways

to challenge ones Intelligence and wisdom

as well as a relief from boredom.

(Puzzle 0% complete)

Required class mage


He was a bit unsure about how to use the solve a puzzle that was a solid piece of wood but he refrained from asking. He would probably find out with time.

He had 18 gold left and no way of making money at the moment, his luck wouldn't increase more than good and his skills were still generally low, this he knew because of the forums, Godly and best luck rarely appeared without special items to boost luck.

He went to the Training hall and saw Theo and Fayte training. It was a strange show of Incapability, as Fayte couldn't keep up with her elegant movements.

As he was about to enter, Fayte charged at him with a real blade in hands. He was faster than before and probably a much lot stonger than him, but the result was the same.

A Fayte lying on the floor of the training hall, with Darknym having locked him down to the floor.

"Let me go you fucking traitor!"

He shouted as he was in pain from the arm lock.

"And how am I a traitor if I may ask?"

He said with an amused face as Theo was shocked at her precious disciple's shortcoming.

"You, didn't you rat me to Silvie?"

"Was that even a secret, anyone with at least a pea for a brain would have figured you out eventually"

"Do you even know how much time and gold the Helllion guild has lost in order to convince Theo to train me and how much more it will take for them to make a deal with her for the Inn now?"

"Why should I care, I'm not even a member of the Helllion guild"

"But, weren't you invited like me?"

"It seems you don't understand something, I am not your friend, as well as the people of your guild, you are playmates who will hunt monsters and do stuff together but friends are those who will help one another having a bond akin to brothers"

"Even so you are a Player, why do you try ruining another's game?"

"Well why don't you ask yourself the same question, why is the Helllion guild ruining my gaming experience?"

He was at a loss for words, he didn't know much about the Helllion guild but he did know the most basic of their rules.

1. Don't help non guild members

2. Don't sell stuff to non guild members

3. Don't help Npcs of Rubrick

The last rule was a new rule that they established only until they own the entire Town.

"But you could always just join us"

"What a convenient thinking, bowing before an oppressor in order to have some freedom, lying to them that I will help them and leave afterwards, isn't that a bit too underhanded"

"I'm not lying to them, I am in it with everyone else and while some of their methods are questionable, I'm sure that in this guild we will have the best of adventures once It's fully established in Rubrick"

"And you Theo, do you have the same desires and devotion as the pup"

"Who are you calling a.. Ahhh"

He screamed as Darknym twisted his arm a bit tighter.

"I will keep my Inn so I don't care, we have signed a deal in which if they trick me Fayte's character will be deleted"

"Oh, how trusting of you little Fayte"

Fayte was at a loss, they had at least a five years difference in age but he belittled him and humiliated him so painfully that he would hold this grudge for a long time.

Darknym, let his arm go and took two training knives beginning to hit at the scarecrow. It would take him five more days to fulfill the 1000strikes quota to become a fighter.

Theo and Fayte frustrated both had an even harder than before training session. until Theo with two training swords came to Darknym asking for a duel.

"Well It wouldn't be polite of me to hit a girl but how about we have a bet, winner gets the loser to do one thing for them"

he said while putting the knives back to their place inside a wooden box with lots of training weapon.

"Isn't that a bit ambiguous of a bet?"

she said a bit nervous as different thoughts entered her mind.

"It's between adults so we will just have to make it something doable for the other party"

he said with an evil smirk and a strange lustful glare in his eyes, he showed her for the first time.

"No I refuse, at least not without setting rules for the practice match"

"Just forget the bet, you will probably lose anyway"

he said with a sly smirk still fixed on his face

"What did you say you little greenhorn, and know that since Silvie is leaving I don't have to be nice to you anymore"

She said full of hate before charging at the unarmed him with her swords, the difference between her speed and Fayte's was like heaven and earth, she hit him with strength and speed unimaginable for the frame of a delicate woman.

Darknym was on the floor but he didn't even make a sound until he burst out in laughter.

"What are you laughing at?"

She shouted furiously.

"Like student, like master so much in common, you didn't even wait for me to take a weapon, are you both training on beating defenseless people?"

She was a bit ashamed of herself as she had lost control of her actions but in her irritation mood, the long period of training and Fayte's defeat she couldn't hold to show off the skills of a true blade dancer.

"Just take your weapon of choice and fight me then you giant jerk"

She said frustrated and once more angry at him, trying to not charge him after seeing once more the lustful light in his eyes.

Darknym stood up took out a spear and a dagger from the box. he put the dagger inside his long sleeve and held the spear with both hands, pointing at her feet.

She was a bit lost as she thought he would use dual knives but she couldn't think strait with so much boiled tension between them.

She charged once more only to see that she couldn't find the earlier attack paths, he kept her at a safe distance with the length of his spear and if it wasn't facing her feet it would have been a perfect defense.

In one second she charged at him head on stepped on the spear and...

Bam! The spear fell down making her lose her footing and balance. He had purposefully let the spear fall and already took a place behind her holding a knife at her throat.

"1 - 1, not so bad if I say so, what level did you say you are?"

He said while humiliating her by rubbing the wooden knife on her throat.

"You asked for it!"

she said as she took a few steps away and took some stance with her wooden swords forming a cross in front of her face.

Darknym took the fallen spear and put it in a diagonal facing the sky. He wasn't sure of another way to win but he would play it all in.

She begun little by little approaching him with the swords still in place, until she were just a few steps outside his spear's range.

With one swift dash as if sliding on the floor, she was in front of him and begun bombarding him with attacks while changing the angle and her location all the time.

He did nothing, he just looked at her hitting him, observing her tempo and movements, he felt almost no pain from her attacks as his pain resistance was too high for her damage to even matter. In one second he stretched his arm in some direction and she hit it with her sword while retreating some steps.

"well this is an interesting move you showed me there"

He said with as much sarcasm as he could mix in

"would you like me to show you mine?"

he went close to her with his spear stretched horizontaly, she didn't know what he was about to do but she was a bit fearful of the unknown.

She knew that he was a mage so she thought it would have something to do with staff fighting. His form had a lot of openings but she wouldn't fall for the same trap a second time, she put both swords behind her back.

He could only see from the tips of the sword that they formed an "X" behind her back.

He wasn't in a hurry so he moved slowly as she back stepped at the same pace.

Until he charged, she tried to evade but she was caught in between the training dummies, two on both sides and one behind her that hindered her from swinging her swords.

He raised he spear over the two dummies heads and hers pushing her with his body towards the third dummy, while she was sandwiched between his body, the dummy and his spear. Squeezing her to his body with as much power as he could muster feeling her breasts touching his body and gaining a hard on feeling in his pants.


A faint scream could be heard from her, as she felt helpless for the first time in her life but it wasn't the damage that made her scream, it was the shameless behavior of squeezing his body against her breasts.

In the end she did pull out of his grip by using raw strength but that wasn't the way of a blade dancer was supposed to fight at all. She made the duel to show how great a blade dancer can be to her disciple and now she could only show him such a shameless scene.

If the enemy had an armor on, the last movement would have ended the same way and if a stronger opponent had caught her she would have no way of breaking away from his grip.

None the less she pointed at him to take his spear and after going to a more spacious location with less dummies she looked at him who now held only his practice knife.

She was a bit puzzled by his decision to discard the spear but she didn't have the time to think about it as he charged at her, with his arms stretched in both sides.

She charged as well,

'as if I would lose in speed or reflexes'

she though while charging, with her swords one in the front and the other in the back, but while she begun a sword spin, he had armbared her in the neck, closed his arm and locked her own behind her body, his knife at her neck and his other hand locking her arm while disarming her sword at the same time.

"2 - 1"

He said with an overconfident voice.

She would have loved to shout 'Not yet' and break from his grip but he pushed her away much faster than she could do anything.

She took her sword up and saw his going for the training weapon box, taking out two training maces. They were light for their size but he still had some problems in swinging them.

"Are you sure about that?"

She said with disdain in her voice.

Clubs were the most vulnerable weapon against a sword dancer, because she could just hit them and manipulate their trajectory or she could just evade and harass him every time he swang the maces or so was her plan before she saw what he had planned.

He had put the maces in a cross in front of his face like her own stance the other time, normally using it with a mace was impossible but the wooden maces were mostly at the weight of a normal blade making them a bit unbalance but...

'could he do it just by seeing it once?'

was her real question.

She deliberately let him close in but before he even got in range he swang his mace and let it fly towards her face, she blocked it with her sword and charged at him without having seen the second mace coming for her face, she blocked it as well reflexively but felt a small pain as a knife hit her stomach. She had lost sight of him only for a second but he was nowhere to be found in front of her, she wanted to turn around but his arm was already around her throat. she panicked for a little and elbowed him but he wouldn't let her go.

"3 - 1"

He said although she felt that he could do nothing to her without a weapon.

Sleeper holds that knock the opponent unconscious need a skill in FSK, something Darknym was a bit oblivious about, but if he wanted to kill her he could have just snaped her neck.

She just smirked, threw him overhead and positioned her swords in an "x" facing his neck.

"Wrong that's 2 - 2, greenhorn"

She said self satisfied.

"As you desire but the last match I won't do unless you accept our little bet"

He said with a smirk, saying somewhere that he just gave the win away. In reality he had a way to counter her move but he wanted to make her fall for his honey trap.

"Forget it I'm no longer Interested in a fight with you, all you do are petty tricks to win against me"

"How harsh, you truly should hide under a rock as today you lost to a level 1 mage, in a melee exchange"

"I don't care, no one will believe you anyway and even if they did, most of the people I care about are already dead, so close your foul mouth and get out of my sight"

she said as she loosened her grip on the practice swords.

"Be it your way today I will retire to my room but tomorrow I will be back to train a bit more"

"Hold it!"

Said Fayte in a fit of anger

"I will tell you now, in three days you will be evicted from your room, by orders of the guild master"

He said in a self satisfied manner

"You might not know it but I have prepaid for three months in front"

Theo tried to shut Fayte and explain that it wasn't a good Idea but she wasn't fast enough as words flew faster than her legs could move.

"The guild will compensate you"

Fayte said with a happy face

Theo face-palmed herself, she had accepted a co-ownership of the Inn with Fayte for a relatively small price of 50 gold (taken from the small girl at the tailor's store as she rapidly rose in ranks with her small donation of 40 gold) but reimbursing the royal suite for three months would cost them 900gold, A fatal sum for anyone in the continent, it was like giving the whole city to him, as they would have to sell most of their assets to pay him back, including the Inn, since she had given half her profits to Silvie and the other half she gambled away.

'What to do now'

were her sad thoughts as her mind went blur with the thought.

"Fayte, I know of your Ignorance but paying back the room's accommodation fee is rather rude, let me talk with your guild master, I'm sure we can make with him some sort of deal"

Darknym said looking at Theo's pale face, almost about to cry.

"That's a bit difficult, the guild master is in Destros now due to some mission of his"

A voice came from the corner of the room

"Oh Ben I was just about telling him to leave our guild's Inn"

said Fayte Irritated about being called naive.

It was the Instructor of the training hall

"And why would our guild master care about such small matters, the guild will pay you back the money you payed and the matter is over"

"I will wait for your guild master for two days if he doesn't come, you will surely regret your decisions because I won't negotiate with anyone else but your leader himself"

Darknym said as he left the hall making Theo's face pale once more.

"What's up with her?"

Instructor Benjamin asked, seeing her fall on her knees.

"Don't know she had turned pale the moment I spoke about evicting that guy from the Inn"

Fayte said

"Do you think she had some crush on him?"

The instructor said laughing mockingly

"You Idiots, bring your guild master as fast as possible, that guy had prepaid the royal suite for three months, and that would make a total of at least 900 gold coins!"

She burst in anger and left through the door leaving them both dumbstruck.

If 1 gold was hard to get how did a level 1 noob get more than a hundred gold coins, they couldn't believe it. They now had a deadline of three days to find the gold, reason being that the guild master was on a trip through the sea and would only arrive in a week, he went on a dungeon raid in Anchora where it was rumored to rain loot like raindrops but rumors were exaggerated they only got a few good drops while most of the Items were crafting material.

Helllion guild lacked in craftsmen and mages but was considered one of the strongest guilds in Drogan since they almost owned the entirety of the towns and villages near the dragon cliffs, Rubrick and three nearby villages. Their taxes from Rubrick were high before they had decided to buy the entire city and upgrade it into a city.

They had great plans but even with their original taxes they only gained 13gold a week, 10 from the town and 1 gold from every village.

Their total savings 500gold were accumulated in order to complete the upgrade and redesign the city into a Fort City, giving them great defensive boosts if a siege or raid were to happen.

Now they had to come up with another 400 gold, in just three days, after they had spent a whole 50 gold for a co-ownership of the tavern.

Their guild's Chatbox was in an uproar, as most blamed Fayte for the mistake, others blamed the Guild master's stupid rule that limited the merchants from conducting deals with other players, Npc merchants had a greater skill than them so they got too small a profit from selling goods.

In the end they came only with one solution,

"let him stay in his room",

It was the most simple solution but there was a problem with it as well, the evict had already been said, will the system Invalidate it if they said a sorry and what if he simply asks his money back.

Fayte was already a co-owner and words worked the same as contracts in FSK, it's something called merchant's word, trust is enough to bankrupt a business in a few days taking back his words now would be difficult but Fayte had come with another plan and while speaking about it with Ben they thought it would work perfectly.

Darknym after reaching his Inn room and giving Aretea the portable alchemy lab and telling her what had happened logged out and went to sleep.

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