《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》Beastiary Extended


A list of monsters encountered sofar, and their relevence to the main character. With each monster is their Wild Intuition skill and Herd Enhancement bonus. This will be expanded later, but I don't want to spoil some developments.

Rat - Level 1

Animalist bonus: 0.7 vit

Skill: Pathfinder - Identify the best path to take to the intended destination.

0 mana 1 minute cooldown

Soulsilk Worm - Level 1

Animalist bonus: 1 cha

Skill: Mana Thread - Produce a tangible thread with your mana

1 mana for 3 inches

Lumisancti - Level 1

Animalist bonus: 0.4 wis

Skill: Sanctinesence - Removes 1 curse on touch, every 5 minutes


Feisty Fish - Level 1

Animalist bonus: 1 cha

Skill: Waterbreathing - Ability to stay underwater without suffocating.


Ivory Spike Turtle - Level 2

Animalist bonus: 1.5 vit

Skill: Shielded - Quadruple armor rating for 30 seconds.

20 mana 5 minute cooldown

Mire Newt - Level 2

Animalist bonus: 0.5 int

Skill: Mud Pit - Turn earth to mud at target location within 15 ft of caster. Affects a 2 foot radius of the target.

30 mana 2 minute cooldown

Kizuna Snail - Level 2

Animalist bonus: 0.7 wis

Skill: Spirit Connection - Establish understand without needing words. Sharing pain is part of the deepest understanding. You and your target are connected for 1 minute.

5 mana

Marsh Slime - Level 2

Animalist bonus: 0.6 wis

Skill: Slime Consumption - Drain enemy with a touch. Drains mana first. Drains stamina if target is out of mana. Drains health if target is out of stamina. Drain rate based on Intelligence. A Marsh Slime drains 5 points / second

5 mana/s 10 second cooldown

Plains Snake - Level 3

Animalist bonus: 0.9 str

Skill: Ambush - If undetected, deliver 6x damage


Dreameater Moth - Level 3

Animalist bonus: 1 cha

Skill: Stun Gaze - Throw your spirit through your eyes at your enemy, to stun them for 5 seconds. This is a contest of intelligence and charisma


30 mana 3 minute cooldown

Blade Mantis - Level 4

Animalist bonus: 1 dex

Skill: Leaping Strike - Rapidly cross the distance to your target and deliver a strike

15 stamina 2 second charge time

Timber Spider - Level 5

Animalist bonus: 1 int

Skill: Camouflaging - Using silk or other strings attach pieces of your surroundings to yourself. Trees dont bite, so who fears a mound of bark?

100 mana

Young Wolf - Level 5

Animalist bonus: 1.4 dex

Skill: Scent Tracking - Know who has been here, how long ago, and which direction they went. Can also be used to detect if a previous scent is now in the area.

25 Stamina

Raven - Level 6

Animalist bonus: 1 wis

Skill: Premonition - Sense imminent death of self and nearby friendly units.


Daisey Dervish - Level 6

Animalist bonus: 0.8 dex

Skill: Dervish Dance - 16 hits of half damage spread among targets around user.

25 mana 5 second cooldown

Triffid - Level 7

Animalist bonus: 1.5 int

Skill: Entangle - Rapid growing roots errupt from the ground and wrap around everything in a 5 foot radius of target.

100 mana 5 minute cooldown

Brown Bear - Level 8

Animalist bonus: 1.5 str

Skill: Sturdy Frame - While active, cannot be staggered or stunned.

1 stamina/s

Tusked Razorback - Level 9

Animalist bonus:

Skill: Keen Edge - Increase target weapon’s attack power by 30% for 2 hours.

150 mana 1 minute cooldown

Stag - Level 9

Animalist bonus: 0.7 vit

Skill: Stag Point - Stab with the simultaneous points of antlers. Consecutive hits increase the number of points.

30 mana

Hooded Asp - Level 10

Animalist bonus: 1 dex

Skill: Poison Spit - Propel a wad of caustic poison at your emeny. Eats through armor, weakens target by half, and does 15 seconds of damage based on your vitality.


100 mana 5 minute cooldown

Troll - Level 12

Animalist bonus: 2 vit

Skill: Battle Regeneration - When in combat, health regeneration is 10x normal, mana and stamina do not regenerate. Can be stopped by fire.


Wyrven - Level 19

Animalist bonus: 1.5 vit

Skill: Ice Breath - Your breath is winter. Release a torrent of ice and snow from your mouth. Chance to slow all who are hit. Damage based on intelligence (ice) and strength (wind).

200 mana 15 seconds cooldown

Night Lynx - Level 15

Animalist bonus: 2 str

Skill: Resizing - Reach that enemy that you couldn't before. This ability is designed to be used for both physical and psycological battle.

50 mana n/a cooldown

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