《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》Note from author


Hello peoples.

Here is part of why I say in the story description this will not be on a regular release, I have to invent the monsters before the characters can fight them. The game is an integral part of the story building process for me. I cant write a story where the characters take a few random swings, that feels like a long enough fight, and the monster dies. I have to have the numbers behind it. In Sword Art Online, when Kirito is facing down the group of pk thugs and says "High enough numbers will make you invincible", it was a serious plot device. But it hinged on the mechanics of the game behind the story being stable enough to support it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J3vRAeSlNU

Ergo, I am stuck expanding the bestiary, inventing the monsters that Werlkhan must gather to get him the skills to get to the epic battles. If you want a peek at the battles, here is one that I am working towards.

Spoiler: Level 15 or so battle

Preomition, Jorlund is about to die. Werlkhan vaulted over Jorlund to land in front of the kobald Lord.


Sturdy stance!

The giant sword smashes into his dagger held flat against his upright forearm. The force pushes him sideways, leaving furrows in the ground from his feet.

(320 damage received)

Right in the monster's face, steaming breath swirling around him, Werlkhan uses Stun Glare. The boss monster staggers a little. Flash Step, forcing it to cover its eyes as he gets beside one leg.

Dervish Dance! Ambush bonus!

Kobald Lord drops down on the knee as the leg stops supporting his weight. Still glowing with the armor buff, Werlkhan crouches into a ready stance.

W: "Jorlund needs a heal and I can't take another hit!"


J:" Focal Point! Here I am you Gojira wannabe!"

Energy ripples shimmer in the air and condense onto Jorlund, like a video of a pebble thrown in a pond played in reverse. A red aura appears on the boss monster, and he roars his fury at the ceiling, shaking the whole cavern.

The two second delay finishes. Leaping Strike! Werlkhan explodes of the ground to stab the Kobald Lord in the ear. But it is locked into Jorlund, and still stunned, and can only roar again with rage. Stag Point! x2 x4 x6 x8 x10! Each attack framed by the phantom image of antlers, all of them pounding against the side of the Kobald's head. Then the stun wore off and Werlkhan jumps from his shoulder.

At the same time Ashcroft unleashes his attack. "Fire is an agent of change, and I am its harbinger. I declare the fire comes and you will change to ash! Blazing Pillar!" Shadows evaporated as the room fills with red light. The flames streaming up from the floor meet the flames pouring from the ceiling, enclosing the monster in conflagration.

J: "Showoffs."

M: "Crazies."

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