《Roki》Chapter 11: First time
It was 11.00 pm, the sound of a click open up from a white pod that was owned by Kichiro. Coming out from the white pod, he was exhausted since he was playing the game for a long time. outside of the white pod he notice a mature girls body laying around on the floor with her belly exposed slightly at the mid rift. You can even see a bit of the bra worn by the girl. but nonetheless, Kichiro care less about this girl well it was his childhood friend.
‘huh why is Layla laying around here’
‘anyway im kind of hungry, lets find some grub to eat’
While he was trying to exit his room, something grab ahold of his feet. Like an anchor staking down at the sea bed, its cause him to be unmovable. Looking down, he saw a grief stricken girl with tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
A cry came out of her mouth as soon as Kichiro look her into the eyes. She suddenly start to talk in gibberish while tears flowing down.
‘wuaa, Ki..chi..*sniff*sniff* kun, i—m *sniff* sorry’
‘ok then let me go im starving’
‘but *sniff* but’
‘yeah I forgive you so can I go eat now?’
‘hmm noo you cant *sniff* *sniff* I done something bad, wuaaaa Kichi-kun im sorryyyyy’
‘huh~ this girl’
While Layla keep wallowing on the floor, Kichiro wait for no further he bends down and pick up Layla up as he has grown tired of seeing her crying like a baby. Even though he was a bit shorter than her, he easily pick her up with a little bit of effort.
When she was suddenly been picked up, her wailing stop almost instantly. Bizarre by the sudden princess pickup, her face suddenly turn red due to shyness. Suddenly a shy voice came out of her moist pink lips.
‘eh? Kichi-kun isn’t this a bit to fast’
After speaking of those words, she then start to panicked, it seems her heart was that ready yet to move on to the next phase. While imagining those kind of scene she suddenly start to squirm around, while continuously slapping around randomly at Kichiro.
‘ayaaa, no Kichi im not ready~~!!’
Annoy by the sudden change in emotion of Layla, he was starting to get roused up more on the anger side. While he was continuously been beaten up indiscriminately, he could not stand it anymore. Pulling his head back, he then headbutt Layla straight to her forehead letting her stun by the sudden impact.
With her gone silence, Kichiro went to climb down the stairs while carrying Layla. She started to complain as soon as Kichiro headbutt her and bringing her downstairs. A pouring of question start to rain down on Kichiro moreover regarding what did he do after being alone with the mighty dragon.
Still carrying her, he move infront of the fridge. Ignoring all the question, he then start to order her around.
‘hey take out the pudding and the seaweed soup’
Layla follow his order while still yapping about what happen in the game just now.
After the fridge, he then went to the microwave;
‘put it in there, heat it up’
Her hand closely follow Kichiro instructions, while her mouth non-stop talking to him;
‘scoop some rice’
‘fry some eggs’
‘heat up the green tea’
After completing all the things that he ask for, Kichiro try to put her down on a chair but she adamantly wriggle herself not wanting to sit, she was upset because all of her questions were avoided by Kichiro.
Not wanting to wait any longer, he just sat down on the chair while resting Layla on his lap. Layla soft bottom rest on top of Kichiro’s lap if it was any other man she would have been fallen prey upon the situation luckily Kichiro was being Kichiro himself. Layla once again turn red, with his hand free. He eat slowly the food that was prepared by Layla well it was by his instructions. Kichiro enjoy his dinner while Layla pout after she was being ignore by him.
After a few bites, then Kichiro start to answer her;
‘so what do you want to ask’
Brighten by the sudden development, she quickly barrage him with questions.
‘what happen after you being left alone?’
‘did you die?’
‘why didn’t you answer my call when I call you directly at the pod intercom?’
‘how come you in there for a long time? did you gone somewhere else?
‘I was waiting for a long time outside of your pod, you know’
Taking another spoonful of rice with eggs, he then start to tell the tale of his story;
‘well where should I begin’
-back when in the game-
A sword was directed to Roki’s neck. A fine blade made out of excellent materials, the large shadow reveal herself to be a mythical race from the fable tale of greek origin. Half horse half human, the lower half of a grown horse and the upper half of a human dress in metal armors.
Removing the helmet, unravel a beauty hidden by the metal. Looking at her from below, Roki notice that the one before him looks just like one of those actess, Charlize ther*n. with her blonde hair cut style based on pixie and short crop. Her hair cut certainly accentuate her beauty. then she spoke;
‘who are thou to lay down on the land govern by us?’
Speechless by the fable species, once again he was intrigue by this race. Same as when he was excited to see a werecat, currently he was much more excited of seeing another half human half beast. Well to be exact he does has a kind of interest toward mythical beast and their own lores.
Roki look at her dumbfounded and spoke while dazed;
‘uhm im Roki?’
There was a long silent between the both of them. Roki couldn’t really explain about his current situation, it would be to weird to be comprehend by others let alone to an NPC. She then ask another question;
‘how thou have come here?’
Another long silence, the centaur eye him from head to toe with a cold expression. It was far fetched to believe those kind of words from a stranger let alone a random human. Then instantly the centaur raise her front hoof, trying to stomp on to Roki.
Roki was too daze to react and the hoof came down but he never blink. He was too amazed by the sheer beauty in front of him. Once again their eye met, the cold expression of the centaur never budge. Only a declaration was made by the female centaur knight.
‘Im Knight of the Order of the SteelLance here by prison you in accordance of trespassing to the land of our Kingdom, Beotian’
Tying him up with a simple rope she then drag Roki back to the castle of the kingdom of Beotian. Roki obediently follow her without retaliating, it seems he doesn’t really mind being tug away. Well more like his mind was currently occupied by imagination of the centaur in front of him.
“man if I could ride on her back that would be sweet huhu”
After a while they then reach the city of Beotian. It was a magnificent site, entering the city, he saw countless numbers of centaurs roaming around the street. They come in different kind of colors and sizes, old and young and similarly resemble humans.
It was a lively town but as he enter the city, eyes were locking down on him. He was feeling a bit uncomfortable as the stare were sometimes fill with fear and hate. It seems human doesn’t really been like by the centaur based on what he was observing right now.
The he arrived at the castle that reside at the center of the city. The castle was comprised of three stories based on outer display. It has a distinct style to it and based on what he has saw there was a lot of statue of centaur around the proximity of the city. He caught a glimpse of the name carved below the statue, Centaurus.
He heard of the name, based on his greek knowledge Centaurus was said to be the father of the centaur race. No wonder there was a lot of his statue here. Rather than entering the castle to meet the King, he was rather sent to the underground where the prison was located. Going underground, they then stumble upon a centaur guard. The guard who was dozing quickly salute to the female knight centaur with a sign respect toward her.
‘Captain!! What brought you here’
‘a prisoner’
The guard centaur look at Roki with disgust as soon as he saw Roki who are a human;
‘hmph human trash, be lucky that you are caught by the captain, if I were…’
The guard sentences was cut short with the female knight quickly ask him of the key to the prison. He obliged flustered with his stare still fixated to the human in front of him.
Before he dump into the iron jail, he was strip off from his equipment. His trenchcoat, his ragged pants his shoes and even his ancient sword strip away leaving him with only his white brief. Thrown into the jail, his equipment was then brought to a storage where all the criminals belongings were kept.
As soon as he enters the jail, a blue window notification opens up.
You have been put into the jail by breaking the law of the Kingdom of Beotian. Before the trial of your sentence you will be lock in jail for three days.
Infamy: +50
‘hmmm lock huh, never been into a jail before’
‘damn that old demon, because of him im being lock in here’
‘but if you think about it thanks to him I get to see a centaur hahaha’
A man with only his underwear was happily laughing because of being able to encounter a centaur. But soon his laugh dies down with a sigh the end.
‘huh~ in the meantime what can I do while being locked up here’
Scanning around the prison cell, it was quite large compare to a normal prison more likely it was made to cater to centaur criminals. With its large size comes with large makeshift hay bed. How horse like of them to made a hay bed. Other than that there was a big metal basin at the other corner of the room.it was more likely be the toilet of this prison cell.
Roki doesn’t really need to take a shit in this world as he wasn’t a resident of this world. with nothing else to do he lays down on to the hay bed with his hands on the back of his head. staring to the ceiling, he then thought of something.
‘ahh I almost forget need to check about this title of mine’
Title:Master of Skillsa title that can only be earn for those who master the five basic skills in the course of 2 weeks. Only applied to new users. Master of Skills award the user with benefits that comes along with it owns disadvantage.
- The master of skills grant the user with an increased speed of proficiency for 50x for all type of skills.
- Able to learn all kind of skills and spells without the restriction of jobs or race but need to be learn through direct teaching or inheritance.
- Able to increased proficiency up to the Master level.(for Grandmaster level appropriate condition need to be met)
- Has a chance to learn skills or spells by observation and mimicry, greater understanding of the skill allow better chances of learning.
- Due to the effect of the title, a penalty is applied to the user leveling. -75x more than normal.
‘ohh I see no wonder I have a problem with leveling but hmmm….. why are they all making a fuss about this title of mine how are they all related?’
‘huh~ still don’t get it, anyway should I check on my status? Not like I even know what all those number meant’
Then he open up his status window while using the voice command
‘status window’
He then let out an exclamation;
Outside of the prison, the female captain centaur presents herself to the leader of the knight order. Clad with her bright silver metal armor on the upper half and the lower half cover by a large skirt, at her waist hung her sword encased in a decorated sword sheath. Walking on her four legs toward the leader of the knight order, she was holding Roki’s ancient sword to present it to the leader.
Her stone cold expression kept constant even while infront of her leader. standing in front of the leader she gave a light bow to him.
‘greeting Sir Marchen, I have come to present a report of a new prisoner’
In front of her was a male centaur, with his stern look accompany by the manly black beard that he has made him exude a peculiar aura. An aura of a commander an aura of a leader and it was apparent of why he has chosen as the leader of the order of the knights.
His arm were huge even with the large tunic that he wore it was helpless by his big guns. Along with that a noticeable scar can be seen slash across his face. while busying looking at the documents, he intimidatedly glare at the one who approach him.
‘if isn’t my precious captain, what brought you here, Dame Hilda’
‘Dame Hilda here to report of trespasser on to the sacred land of Beotian’
Marchen already know how stuck up this captain of his, she was always following the protocol. He let out a sigh;
‘huh~ yaa Hilda, I know its protocol but you don’t have to prison every trespasser that you saw while crossing our border, you can just give them a warning or so and’
Before he could finish his complain to the captain, she presented to him the ancient sword wield by Roki. he suddenly stop on his words immediately. The brilliance of the sword outshone anything that he has saw before. His face was expressing an amazed expression.
‘this…where do you get this’
‘from the trespasser Sir Marchen’
‘for someone to have this sword is astoundingly incredible, this sword even though its look a bit different from our normal sword this blade hold incredible power even when compare to my unique lance’
This time even Hilda show a bit of a surprised expression, she never thought that this sword hold more power than the strongest lance in Beotian.
‘stronger than your Liberator? That’s impossible I thought it would be a bit less powerful than your lance’
‘frankly its not, based on my experience this sword is a level higher than the unique rank’
‘then its an artifact?’
‘I do not know all we can do is question the owner of this sword, maybe he will divulge where he had obtain this sword then maybe…’
‘we can win against those barbaric people!’
For once Hilda expression turns to anger, it seem this notion of barbaric people rouse her anger up.
Seeing how the calm and collected Hilda turn enraged let Marchen knows how hateful she was to this barbaric human that they mention.
‘Dame Hilda, I know thou are angry toward this human but rest assure as long as we obtain information regarding this ancient weapons, we the centaur will triumph against this arch-enemy of ours!’
‘Yes Sir Marchen’
Taking her leave from the room, she suddenly pause on her track looking back at Sir Marchen. She looks as if she was trying to told him something, but she move on not wanting to reveal to Sir Marchen the beholder of the ancient sword.
Back in the dungeon, the idling Roki was taking a snooze. He was sleeping comfortably on the hay bed as if it was his own bed. He would never have thought that it would be this comfortable.
Time passes and after an hour or two or so, he then woke up and stretch his virtual body. even in the game he felt that his body was starting to get lethargy. He thought of doing some minor exercise to kill the boredom but he has forgotten that he wasn’t a fan of exercising. So his motivation dies down quick, rather than exercising he then thought of doing magic.
He had never tinker about magic before as the only spell that he know of was taught automatically by the dragoness that once taken his virtual virginity. While laying down there buck naked with only his brief on, he then raise his hand to the ceiling. Concentrating on the mana around him, he tries to focus.
1 minute pass and then 2 minutes pass….. 15 minutes pass
“huh nothing, I really cant felt this mana huh”
It was a failure , his attempt on detecting mana from his surrounding was a misfire. Those scene he always saw in movies depicting how magician need to feel the mana was utterly useless for him right now. Well it was only his first time but he was quick to give up as it was boring to him.
Roki was getting bored he even thought of smashing down the prison wall to escape well he does have that capability but he try not to. One thing for sure he knows that relationship between user and NPC are real for him. This mindset of his allows him to play it like it was the real world.
Closing his eye, he start to went back to sleep until sound of hoof approaching his cell. Then it stop, a female voice resound through the large cell room alerting Roki before he snooze.
‘Prisoner wake up’
Roki open his eye and saw the face of the centaur that imprisons him here. It was the charlize ther&n look alike, it was only just a while ago that they met and separated but Roki knew this centaur have something within herself that was revolting within those ice cold expression. To lighten up the mood he let out a cheesy one liner that he learn from movies;
‘well well if isn’t the lovely lady who imprison me in her love cell’
*krik krik krik*
Silence between them was longer than usual; the one liner wasn’t really effective like he assume it would be.
“shit I guess the effect wasn’t like I thought of”
‘Human tell me how thou obtain the sword that thou wield’
Roki stumble upon the question that the female centaur asks of him, he didn’t expect a topic about his sword to come up. Then he thought of something;
‘hmm whats in it for me if I told you this valuable information?’
The female centaur only look at him, staring him down. Staring with eye full of contempt, she wasn’t a fan of human same as the other centaur, human are not well like as for years they have pose a threat to the centaur living in this kingdom.
‘for a prisoner you do not know where thou are standing’
‘yeah I know but it seems like you on the other hand want something from me correct?’
‘what are thou implying?’
‘its give and take don’t you ever heard of it’
‘we centaur do not knows the way of human living, we are a pride and strong species’
‘okay then what do you need me for?’
Roki struck a cord to Hilda’s heart, Hilda was in fact quite proud of her centaur blood. She also would have never thought of asking help from anyone and moreover a human at that. She only look at him and ask;
‘I knight of the order of SteelLance wouldn’t ask of a human help’
She turns away and left Roki with her mood turn sour. As she step away further and further, so does her heart. The notion of helping her kingdom from the threat of humans went further away. But she then grit her teeth, throwing away the pride of a centaur she return back to Roki and ask of him;
‘what do thou want in exchange of thou information’
Roki could only smirk to Hilda with only one thing in his mind;
‘what’s your name?’
A puzzled face cross Hilda’s as she heard the question from the smiling Roki.
Meanwhile in a faraway place, two shadows was conversing within a room that was filled with artistic arts. Paintings, sculptures, scriptures and etc, this place was a haven for those who has passion in art and to the one who own this room was delightfully listening to a recorded music while holding on to a wine glass.
The shadow that was sitting on the royal like chair ask the one who was kneeling in front of him;
‘is this true?’
‘yes milord, just like the council of elders have said, ‘his’ presence was detected’
‘ridiculous!! How can he suddenly exist didn’t the last emperor and his subordinates eliminate him?’
‘I do not know my liege, the elders said the black pearl which they once used to detect ‘him’ started to glow for awhile and then it faded and crack’
‘crack?? The legendary artifact, Black Pearl crack after detecting that presence? Preposterous what are the elders are doing, letting that precious artifact to be destroy just like that ugh!!’
The angry shadow stands up while slamming down the wine glass on to the table causing it to smash into pieces. He then stand up and went to the door leading outside. The kneeling shadow nervously ask;
‘my liege, where are you going?’
‘where?? Im gonna teach those elders not to take light of our precious artifacts’
‘but my liege, ‘he’?’
‘him? Heh, since the black pearl crack it does meant that he is not alive anymore, why should I care’
‘but the elders said they detect another person mana that resemble the late emperor for a moment’
‘what did you said! Come servant!’
‘yes my liege, where we will be going?’
‘I will make sure that this person wont live long enough, notify the Bayangan Corp. for futher instructions but first lets pay a visit to the elders’
‘yes my liege’
Leaving the room, both of them vanish within the dark corridor. Inside the room, an armor encased in a glass closet bore a menacing aura and at the bottom lays it name and the owner of the armor;
Raksha Hitam Amor
Property of Varkas Al-Thoran
Dark Emperor the 57th
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