《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》Chapter 8 – Things Go Wonderfully Right!


After losing consciousness, and staying down for sometime, I woke up in a very unusual place. First of all, I was in some kind of pit, not a colorful forest, with lots of fountains around, much less with rainbow water coming out of said fountains. Where the hell am I?

The place looked like a forest, if you exclude the multicolored trees, water, and even a hut. Wait. When did that appear? The door of the hut opened, revealing a woman, with a slender figure, blonde long hair, blue eyes, and… pointed ears. An elf.

She smiles at me, but I’m slightly irritated. Not only that, but my entire body is numb, and I can feel a weak headache.

At last. It’s been some time. Oh, don’t worry, your body is safe.> She says in a very soft voice. I’m Sentina, the Primordial Spirit.>


She speaks in a friendly tone of voice, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be trusting her out of the blue. She giggles with my response, and snaps her fingers. The scenario changes, and now I’m sitting with her, at a table with dishes, and some tea. Actually, there’s only desserts.

Well, I’m here to talk, that’s all.>

“While kidnapping someone?”

You’re in the Spirit World. So your soul is here, but not your body. I think.>

She speaks kindly and hesitantly, leaving me not so happy. I take one of the biscuits at the table, and take a bite. Hm?! This is! Delicious!

Are you a glutton?>

“The food of a man is his own castle. Don’t judge me.”

Well, that’s a nice castle, I guess.>

“So, you’re gonna talk, or?”

I’m not in the mood, so I haste her to start talking. I need to finish that Alraune. Remembering the danger I created, while eating the biscuits of course, I ponder what she’ll become, and how to defeat her.

You gonna try defeat that Alraune, right?>

“Of course.”

She says that with a sad face. Well, by Primordial Spirit, I think she has lived since the beginning? Not that it changes anything to me.

“And? Why exactly did you bring me here? I’m sure it wasn’t to drink tea or chit-chat.”

Yes. Do not seek those skills, please.>

I opened my eyes in surprise. A bit surprised, but knowing full well about what she might be talking about. I was searching for ways to lose my Status condition, and the easiest one, was to put my hands on one of the Seven Sins Skills. It’s easy to reach that conclusion by looking at this Spirit.

“And why should I care for what you advise?”

It’s because you gonna die if you try to get them.>

“How so?”

Which one you was interested?>

She asks seemingly knowing what they do and what not.

“Well, I do know that no Sin is available right now, but if I could choose… it would be Pride.”

The worst to acquire.>

“How come?”

The Sin related skills are in the hands of only the most powerful beings in the world. Or, in the hands of those who don’t have some kind of attachment to others. Especially, the Envy, Gluttony and Pride sins.>

“Yeah, I have a vague Idea of why.”

“Ha! Like I care. If those skills change someone's mind or whatever, there might be a way to prevent that from happening, right?”

With my words, the spirit, Sentina, looks away. So I was right, huh.


No matter the problem, they must have a solution. Like a virus on a computer, or a complication on building something, everything has a solution.

“So? What exactly do the sin related skills do? In a bad way.”

While I asked that, I was devouring the biscuits. It only had biscuits, but they were really delish.

“Oh. In short, everyone is XP!”

She nods to my affirmation with an irritated face. What? I think that’s normal, no? Pride. The sin that makes someone put in first place every single desire, urges and so on, while not caring a bit about the welfare of other people. In fact, I think it combines very well with me.

“Hey! Stop reading my mind!”


You can cry, make a puppy face, or whatever. It doesn’t change what I’m gonna do.

“Then don’t ask, dammit!”


“Oh. Let me guess… Hmmmm… Envy!”

It does make sense. When I read about it at the library, the Envy sin was the only one with the most details on it. I didn’t understand why, but I think it does make sense now. Since the Emperor is it’s wielder.

“So? Who has Pride?”


I let out a dumb sound. C’mon, don’t you have a better name? Desert Titan?

“Then, it’s what? I can’t think of anything other than being a golem, or a dragon.”

It could very well be some kind of Earth creature, but what exactly is it?

Come again?

Just by the name, I can already imagine a giant eagle that has more than 2 wings.

“Cool. So an aerial battle, huh?”

Sentina sighs once again, and I know why. I’m grinning again. It only adds more fuel to the fire, since I was thinking of building something like a ship. Or a rocket launcher.

Oof! I felt that.

“Hm? Who’s this little on?”

Her tone changes.

“Huh? What kind of quest is that?”

She trailed off. I guess it does make sense, since the forest is where most elves would live. But why fix a forest? That doesn’t make much sense.

The elf that works for the Emperor.

That does explain why he had that face when we came to this world. But why does his name pop out?


I see. She wants to get back to her usual life, and not be bound to someone. But what does the forest have to do with that?


I know how my face is now. I’m grinning again. Why the fucking hell I’m grinning?!

“I’ll think about it.” I'll say so with a straight face.


She wants me? I created her, so I may have some kind of connection to it?

“And that is?”

The gears in my mind start to spin. The first image that appears in my mind is the Echidna of Greek Mythology. Hm? Creepy. I feel my entire body shiver.

“I’m gonna need some kind of power up. Else, I can’t see me winning against something like that. She does have a lot of HP, and I bet that she has a tough body as well.”

“The black fox?”

“Tame? That Alraune? That would be impossible. Her Level must have reached really high.”

She extends her hand, and on it, has something that I recognize. Binary numbers?

A sphere of light, roughly the size of a baseball, had rotating numbers on it. A couple of zeros and ones spinning through it, like an atom.

“Why does it have binary numbers?”


So she can’t see it. In my vision, there are binary numbers around the sphere, rotating, like a program of a computer. While in her vision, she is seeing circles of light rotating. Interesting.

Am I in the P*kemon world now? With such thoughts, I extend my hand, and the light sphere comes to me, and disappears. Then, a window appears, showing me the results of the skill.

► New Class Acquired! ◄

The Class [Tamer] Lvl 8, has been given as a present for you, from the Primordial Spirit!

You’re now able to subdue Monsters/Beasts with a much Higher Level than you, albeit with some difficulties.

To Tame a stronger monster/beast, weaken it by shaving it’s HP and MP, and try to Invoke the class, and you might be able to tame it.

► Attention! ◄

Due to the [Tamer] class being acquired and reaching Lvl 5, the Class, [Summoner] Lvl 3 has been acquired.

The Skill, [Summoning] is now Lvl 5!

You’re now able to make a contract with 5 Beings.

You’re also able to contract with sentient beings as well.

“Isn’t this… a BIT too much?”

“But sentient beings? I can make contracts with humans too.”

“Sigh… fine. Hm?”

And just as I was thinking the surprises had ended, I received two titles.

►New Title has Been Acquired! ◄

The Title [Friend of the Primordial Spirit] has been acquired!

Due to such a title, the Skill [Spirit Language] Lvl M, was integrated with [Language Comprehension].


“Urgh! Fine! Just send me back.”

Did she just winked? And with that, I was out of the spirit realm.

Opening my eyes, I’m faced with a black ceiling. Oh yeah. I’m still inside that pit. I feel my body a bit stiff, but nonetheless, I got up. Just then…



A fluffy thing jumps at my face, and starts to lick me.

“Oi! Stop it! Ooooi!”

After 5 minutes, I cleared myself, and got a hold of what the fluffy thing is. Of course, it’s the Black Fox. She sits right in front of me, and watches me happy, like a puppy. She looks exactly like on.

The 3 Tails of the small fox were shaking wildly, and she didn’t stop looking at me.

“Hm? Wait, I acquired the [Spirit Language], but I still can’t understand you?”


Yeah, I couldn’t understand what she wanted to say. Maybe because I just acquired the skill? I need more time to get used to it. With that out of the way, I glance at my surroundings. The corpses of the coyotes were gone, and my saber was right beside me.

“Where do the corpses go?”


With me curious about that, the small fox barks at me. Then, her shadow extending to her side, the bodies of the coyotes, and also of the Carnorses, and of the other monsters that I defeated before entering the pit, appeared.

“You collected them? Thanks!”


As if saying That’s right. Praise me more! The small fox showed a prideful expression.

“Well. She did say that you wanted to come with me. So, do you really want that?”


“Looks like it’s a yes.” I glance at my status, specifically, the [Summoner] class. “Say, do you want to make a contract with me?”

When I checked her species, I remember seeing about her tails. When I looked again, the same information appeared, but it also appeared more info about her species.

► Small Darkness Fox-Spirit ◄

If by any chance some Fox-Spirit is tamed, it’s evolution to Kitsune is completely Halted, and it no longer is able to evolve.

On the other hand, if someone makes a contract with it, it is still possible for the Fox to evolve.

Receiving this information, it changes everything. If I tried to tame her, she might not accept. But with the[Summoner] class, that would be different.

“I won’t tame you. I will make a contract. Will you trust me?”

I extend my hand to the little fox, and, without a shred of doubt she bites me. Blast! Wait, it doesn’t hurt? Then, another window appears in my field of vision.

► Contract Succeeded! ◄

You have successfully made a contract with a Small Darkness Spirit-Fox!

Both yours and the Fox-Spirit Status are doubled when fighting together. You’re now able to receive a skill from your new companion!

► New Title Acquired! ◄

Due to Saving and Befriend a Fox-Spirit, you received the Title [Fox-Spirit Friend]

Due to such a title, the Skill [Mana Mass] has evolved into [Enhanced Pool] Lvl 1!

“Like my mana wasn’t big enough.”


“Okay, okay. Let’s go. I’ll trust you with these corpses, okay? Oh yeah! A name.”

The fox looks at me curiously. I got up, and with that, she stores the corpses on her shadow, and comes right behind me, jumping at my back, and resting on my left shoulder. She’s actually putting her paws, and using them as a hook on my shoulder.

“Black, no, gray. How about… Kasumi.” She tilts her head to the side. “Your fur is gray. It looks like a mist, hence, Kasumi.”


She makes a howl-like sound, probably in happiness. So cute! I pet her a bit.

“Alright. So, Kasumi, ready for our first fight?”


She answered, and I started to walk outside of the pit. Of course, I got my saber, and even reloaded my crossbow. I’m gonna need more bolts soon.

I walk through the forest, and thanks to Kasumi, we reach the place where… There’s a giant bursted cocoon.

“She moved. She didn’t even eat the spider’s body. Kasumi, could you store it?”


A shadow extended from my feet, and the entire Taracs spider sank at the shadow. That's very useful. Looking more around, I felt the same eerie feeling from before. Hm? What is that?

There was a giant viper-like monster, made out of tree roots, and with giant flower petals on where it could be the intersection of its neck and head, flying above the forest.

“How I didn’t notice?”

Curiously, the serpent was spreading some kind of seeds around, ejecting from its body.

“Don’t think those things are good.”

I start running towards the seeds. Without even a thought, I grab my saber, and slash on one that was about to hit the ground. And when I did…


“Ouch. My ears.”

The serpent or whatever it was, screamed in agony. So these are part of its body? Scanning them, it was what I found.

Simply put, by sacrificing its HP, it would create seeds, and… Well, it’s really creepy. It would enter the soil, and wait for prey. When the prey stepped on the place the seed was planted, Boom! It would jut out of the ground, and consume the prey.

After that, the lost HP would come back, and even receive the XP of the kill. Meaning… this was an automatic XP farm!

“That’s quite- Uou!”

I avoided the seed that just tried to eat me. It’s like a flower! But on the contrary! The seed opened like a flower, and inside were teeth. And it wasn’t only one.

As I kept cutting, I could see some XP coming to me. So it gives me XP too! When I glanced at the Serpent, her HP, which was more than 120 K, was about less than half of it.

“Let’s see her complete status!”


Name: N/A Species: Necrotic She-Viper Age: 4 Days XP: 29’950 / 56’120 LVL: 160 / 200 SP: 9’500 HP: 59’129 / 126’200 MP: 29’150 / 68’100

{+9’000} STR: 29’100

{+9’000} INT: 1’500

{+500} CON: 37’600

{+8’000} AGI: 27’520

{+7’000} DEX: 7’900

{+800} LUK: 250


• Witch (Lvl 5) • Paladin (Lvl 7) • Enchantress (Lvl 1) • Tank (Lvl M) • Mage (Lvl 3) • Necromancer (Lvl 1) • Fighter (Lvl 1) •


• Venom User (Lvl M) • Necrotic Venom (Unique) + Rot Immunity • Seed Devourer (Lvl 4) • Venom Fighter (Lvl 1) • Charm (Lvl M) • Plant Magic (Lvl 6) • Seismic Sense (Lvl 4) • Supernatural Strength (Lvl 9) • Supernatural Body (Lvl 8) • Enhanced Instincts (Lvl 8) • Enhanced Knowledge (Lvl 5) • Supernatural Mobility (Lvl 7) • Enhanced Senses (Lvl 3) • Enhanced Regeneration (Lvl 1) • Enhanced Survivability (Lvl 1) • Mana Manipulation (Lvl 9) • Water Magic (Lvl 6) • Earth Magic (Lvl 7) • Supernatural Pool (Lvl 9) • Supernatural Vitality (Lvl 8) •


• Newborn • Empress of the Forest • Viper Plant •

“Oh, yeah. It’s gonna be peachy.”

Avoiding even more seeds, I start to make plans in my mind. I bet that she spread more seeds throughout the forest. Else she wouldn’t be so pushy now. I kept cutting through more of the seeds, all the while looking at her HP. And guess what?

“So she did spread more seeds.”

I haven't seen Kasumi's status yet, only some of the information that she has.

“Kasumi, get ready to fight!”


I start to run towards the serpent, all the while avoiding the seeds she throws at me. And if I can’t avoid it, I just cut through it. One of the few things Kasumi has is Fire Magic. Even better, Fox-Fire.

I felt a small heat from my left, and when I glanced at the corner of my eye, there’s a ball of fire. Black Fire. What?! And she tosses at the Serpent.


Another scream. Looking upwards, I grab the crossbow, and start shooting.

(Why! Aaaaaah!)

“Urgh! And she asked me to tame this thing?”

I couldn’t stay in one place all the time, else vines would shoot from the trees and try to grab me.

Kasumi got off my shoulder and kept tossing fire balls at the Serpent, while more screams were coming from her. Come to think of it, the screams are echoing inside my head.

Looking at her HP, it’s at 29 K now. Already? Is it that weak to fire? Noticing that she might lose, she lounges at where I’m at. Not to kill me, but rather… What?!

As she comes at me, the giant serpent-like mouth opens. And since my speed is lower than hers, I couldn’t escape.


The mouth opens, and I’m inside of it now.

“What the?”


A woman, with complete white eyes, two locks of hair swaying, and very sharp teeth(like a shark), came at me. There’s vines around my body, something that puts part of my mind thinking in not so good things.

(Now, we will spend eternity together~!)

I’m not a guy who likes B&M play, so no. But what this woman just said rang a very loud and dangerous alarm in my head. Wait. Alraunes are like dryads right? Uh-oh. I would be transformed into nutrients!

Her face inched towards me, slowly, and she made sure that her cleavage was showing to me. It had something alluring to her, and just like that old lady I talked to, dangerous. Super dangerous. Charm!

But, as the Title I had received the other day, when I’m focusing on something, nothing will make me lose focus. And in this case, it was a fight. There were still some explosions like sounds from outside.

(Gah! Pesky fox! Master just a little longer! Huh?)

“As appealing as it sounds… I think I’ll pass.”

Without a shred of doubt, I activate my [Transmutation].

I remember reading and even played a modded game, where you could transform items into their chemical compositions. Trees, and anything related to it, would have Cellulose. And cellulose was composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

The key to [Transmutation], is knowledge about the compositions. So, knowing about that, gives quite the upper hand, since I was inside her. Literally.

When I activated the [Transmutation], the place I was, inside of the Serpent, burst open.

“Now Kasumi!”

With a very big fire ball, almost the size of a car, Kasumi tossed at the body inside of the Serpent. Unfortunately for me, the vines were still binding me.

“Aw, shit.”


With a loud explosion, I was tossed out of the serpent’s body, which was about to regenerate, and fell on the ground. I hit my head, and could feel my body burning in some parts.

“Unh! Didn’t think it would hurt so much! Oaugh!”

I made a strange sound, but the pain was unbearable.


“Oh, thanks. Orgh!”

Trying to get up, I felt each of my muscles aching. Needless to say, my ears were ringing very loudly. Everything is spinning too~ Wobbling a bit, I used one tree as support.

“Oh yeah. Need to tame it.”

There was some smoke around. While walking, I stumbled upon my crossbow. Nooooooooo! It was completely broken. My entire day of work, completely tossed by the window. Not only that, but the saber, which was also close by, was shattered.

“Need to buy a new one, already.”

It had the size of a dagger now. Some parts of the blade even turned into some very small pieces. Just then my ears stopped ringing, and I could hear it.


That wasn’t a normal scream. Kasumi! I grabbed one of the Wind cores, and the shattered blade, running through the smokescreen, and saw the serpent with Kasumi in it’s hand.

(You! If it wasn’t by you me and master would- Gaaaah!)

I jumped and cut the arm that was holding Kasumi, grabbed her and hid ourselves behind a tree. She’ll find out soon.

“Hey, Kasumi.” I activated my stealth. “Kasumi!”


She was okay. She would be okay. Phew!

“Kasumi, can you make a small fireball?”


“Right. Then at my signal, throw it at these things.”

I showed her the shattered blade parts, and the wind cores.

The question is: Why would I do that? Simple. Titanium produces white sparks when in contact with fire. And the wind core would spread the sparks even more.

“Let’s see. Scanner, show me some weakness.”

Scanner then showed me some weakness of the She-Viper, and where it would hurt more.

“Right. Go!”

With Kasumi coming out of the cover, and me, still with stealth activated. I ran, and tossed the shattered parts of the saber, together with the wind core at the serpent.

The weakness of the serpent was at the intersection of her serpent head, and neck.


Kasumi made a fireball, and tossed it. When the ball reached the core and the blade shattered, a bright spark, together with some small flames, struck the serpent.


“Here it comes!”

I put my right hand in a spear-like position, and ‘pierced’ right where Scanner showed me. And…


The She-Viper moaned.


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