《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》Chapter 7 – Thoughts of A Primordial Spirit


This world is basically doomed. There are no Heroes. No Gods. No Devils. Not even someone charming enough.

In fact, I think all living beings are monsters. Wars? A necessary evil. Fights? Something to make people evolve. But that guy? Is on a whole other level.

Who would ever thought he would reach so… High, and yet so low.>

I was created in the beginning of the world. The Primordial Spirit of Oros. Alive for more than… Eons? How much time has passed? I don’t remember anymore.

A name, huh?>

Reminiscing the time where I was a simple and nameless spirit, where I simply wandered around the world without much of a thought. Where just beasts lived. And when the first human appeared.

Created by the same being who created me, yet not the same as I. I was a spirit. He, a human, something that could interact with anything surrounding him. I wish I could be like him.

I longed for the same thing. To live, love, have children and die. I saw the world change countless times. Every time it did so, there was a catalyst. Someone that could change the world, more so than anyone can ever imagine.

Why Sentina, then?>

He never told me. He just simply gave me that name, because it combined with my actions.

Hmph! So, the Emperor is about to make a move again.>

As I was thinking about the past, I watched the Emperor, Alexander Goldguard, ready to make a move. He’s a miserable despicable bloody bastard! Oh! Let my thoughts be the same as for the first person who contracted with me. Anyway, he’s a bitch.

“So, how are the preparations? I need more power. The new batch should have more interesting things.”

He sees anyone other than him as a food source. And he doesn't even have the Gluttony sin. It would be so good if that Demon Lord never appeared.

Demon Lords. Just by hearing this name, any living being is scared. They are beings born to bring destruction to the world, and they follow with their mission. They also have another mission beyond destruction: Civilization Control.

A long time ago, the world was big, having countless countries, countless continents, and countless people living on them. The planet had almost the same size as the Hero's World. But with more Civilization, the world would perish. And it was the task of the Demon Lords, to control that.

But of course, Greediness and Jealousy, were basics for a Demon Lord to be born. And with their Task of destruction, they sometimes would go way overboard, destroying more than necessary.

And then, there were the Heroes. Beings from another world, who were brought to this one, to save from the destruction the demon lords brought, and bring balance. And that was an eternal cycle. Heroes summoned, trained, fought, evolved, defeated the threat, and would either kill or be killed.

Sometimes the Heroes themselves, after being betrayed by human greediness, would become the New Demon Lord. Sometimes they would seclude themselves in some far away place, sometimes even finding a way back to their world. Or, taking their own lives for some unknown reason.

Everyone knew that the cycle of Destruction and Creation, would be repeating itself over and over again, and they knew that if by any chance they tried to interfere with the cycle, that could destroy the world.

But that wouldn’t stop anyone, to strive for one realm, one that cannot be messed with: The Divine Realm.

People really think that those guys are divine? Just because they can create something? How pathetic.>


They try to reach a height they should not. Well, lots have tried. No one ever reached, though. But then, a human found a way to the so-called Divine Realm. By killing the Demon Lords, and the Heroes, such realm could be achieved. Now, it was in reach.

Of course, no one listened to that man. After all, he wanted to interfere with the Cycle. By interfering with the Cycle of Destruction and Creation, would bring the World’s End. No one would do that. No one that had at least a bit of sense would do that. And that same human, was displeased.

Power. A simple, yet strong word.

The man, in the past, was a mere son of a family of farmers. His mother was a house-wife, who would help her husband and the people of the small village. His father, a man devoted to striving to give his family a pleasant life.

The man had two more siblings. An older sister, and a younger brother. The three siblings simply worked in the fields together with their father, and helped their mother whenever necessary. That was peaceful. That was but a simple family.

But the man, while doing all of that, would sneak at night, and search for anything interesting. He wanted to become an adventurer, since they would come to the village from time to time. He would always hear their stories, and watch with sparkling eyes at that.

So, in the nights, he would sneak outside, and fight some monsters. All weak monsters, but the boy was quickly gaining levels. He never gave up.

Sometime after that, another trope of adventurers appeared, and were tasked in taking down a group of orcs in the woods. But after that, from the 7 adventurers, only 4 came back. The boy thought: Where are the other three? But soon realized: Ah, they were weak and died.

No child should have such thoughts. How can they have it? When they’re simply children, with no knowledge of things? But that same boy never really cared about that.

One night, he was outside, when a bear monster attacked him. He would have been killed, if not by a hooded figure. Who would ever thought, that he would be saved? But the hooded figure looked at the boy with displeasure.

“A weakling in the forest? What a pathetic sight.”

The boy got furious, and tried to beat the man. The man got curious about such an attitude. I just saved his life, but to my amusement, he is very interesting. Maybe… Maybe he can break this stupid cycle? The man smiled eerily, and grabbed the boy’s head.

“Say boy? Do you want power?” The boy nodded. “Very well then. How about I give you a little advice. Anyone that cannot fight for themselves, are weaklings. Right now, you’re nothing more than a maggot. Nothing more than dust.”

His words weren’t to offend the boy. No. He grabbed the boy’s head for a reason. He was changing his thoughts. His mind.

“So, from now on, these are your true feelings. Strive to be stronger. Strive to be the best. No mercy for the weak. Only the strong shall survive.”

With those words, the mind of the boy was destroyed. That boy died, and something new was born. I watched all that, and wanted to do something. But I couldn't. I’m a spirit. Only that.

With some time passed, the boy’s village was attacked. He was in the woods, hunting more monsters. When he got back, he found the village in shambles. Houses with weak smoke. Villages tossed around like rag dolls and blood everywhere.


He reached his house, where he found his family. His mother and sister were with lots of bruises on their bodies, and blood coming from their legs. His small brother was pinned on the wall with swords on his chest, stomach and neck.

His father, with no arms, no legs, and no eyes. He looked at all that scene, with a disgusted expression.


He didn’t mourn. He didn’t say a word of farewell. He simply said they were weaklings. Looking at his sister and mother, he noticed they were still alive, just not moving. He took the sword that was pierced on his brother's stomach, and simply pierced his mother’s and sister’s stomach. While smiling.

“Weaklings shall die, while the strong survive.”

He repeated the hooded figure’s words. And followed his own path.

Becoming an adventurer, he met some of the many Heroes the world has seen. After reaching his 25 years, the boy saw the heroes fighting a strong monster. A Behemoth class monster. They were having problems, but for this man, a Behemoth class wasn’t much. After all, he reached S-rank. A rank that no normal adventurer could reach. Normally.

He helped the Heroes, and their friendship was going well. The so-called friendship. It was one-sided though. When the Heroes fell asleep, he took a small knife and cloth, and killed each one of the Heroes. It was then that he Received the Title, Cycle Destroyer.

He then fought more monsters, amassing more and more power. He even reached the Demon Lord’s castle, and killed him. It was then that he received yet another title. Sinner of Envy.

Such a title allowed him to do many things. One of them was to get even more power. But he then remembers seeing the Demon Lord Status. He saw 6 more Sinner titles. He searched for anyone who did have it, but to no avail.

The Sinner of Envy, allowed him to absorb the souls of any other living being. Consequently, he would absorb Skills, Classes, and Titles. Unfortunately, for him, that is, he couldn’t acquire the other sins. He kept doing it. Over and over, but never acquired them.

No matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t be able to do so. Tired of trying, he then thought of other things. First, he would have a country. But making one would take time, so instead, he took the easiest one. The one that was a Meritocracy; The Empire of Valor.

He arrived and set a challenge for the throne, and of course, he won. After that, he started to attack other countries. First, the Lands of the Sun. A desert part of the continent, North of the Empire. He killed the Sultan, and assimilated the place, increasing his Country's power, and land.

After that, he took the Moonlit Mountains, a mountain range at the West of the Empire, and separated the Empire, and Rezia Kingdom. There, was where many Heroes were summoned, and so, his future source of power. Two countries vanished from the face of the world.

But soon after that, the world trembled. The Emperor knew what it was. A Demon Lord. A new Demon Lord was born. At that time, he wanted to prove his superiority. So, he challenged two other Adventurers: A Dragon-kin, and a Fox-kin.

The winner could do what they wanted. The challenge? Kill the Demon Lord. Of course, the Emperor wouldn’t let that opportunity pass by.

When the three people arrived at the Castle, the Emperor just waited for an opportunity, and attacked the two. Seeing that, my blood boiled. I shouldn’t have acted. I was but an observer. But I did so. I focused all my might. All of my powers, in saving those two.

I succeeded, saving them both. The Emperor got mad, but what could he do to me?

Of course, he succeeded in killing the Demon Lord, and set a rule. No beastmen, elves, or dwarfs shall walk in these lands. That was his rule. Of course, no one would dare to challenge that. And since Humans always were a race that envied the other races because of their feats, they obeyed.

People were killed, children were killed. It was a complete carnage. And there was me. With my actions, I received punishment. I was stuck with an Elf. And that elf would serve the Emperor.

But even worse, is that the Demon Lord that was killed, had the opposite of the 7 Sins. He had the 7 Virtues. And one Virtue was in the Hands of the elf I was stuck to. Temperance. He was in fact, Immortal.

I was tied to a man, who led the emperor’s troops to his own forest. Without caring for their deaths. He was basically the same as the Emperor.

Time passed. Lots of people were summoned, got stronger, and the Emperor… Absorbed their souls. The Hooded Figure, who was away all this time, was now back. And the Emperor called him… Master.

The Master was pleased. He heard about all of his feats. All of his conquests. He even congratulated him for summoning other heroes, and for absorbing their souls. They called the Dead Heroes, lambs. Well, it wasn’t far off, to be honest.

They brought them. They give them food(Growing Strength). They were killed for their meat(Souls). After so many times, and so many deaths, the “New Batch” as the Emperor called arrived. They didn’t have anything special. That was what I thought at first. But there was a strange boy. He was different. Not from his potential, but because he received a status condition.

Why? He was just summoned. But why he has it?>

The others, together with him, were normal. They sure would grow stronger, but not as stronger as the ones before them. He was sent out of the castle because of his Status Condition. The Emperor got furious at what he had.

But something told me. Something deep down. That this boy would do something… Bloody crazy!

I’m letting my thoughts become the same as my former Contractor. Ugh!>

His Unique Skill was Technomagic. A strange skill, but it was very similar to some other people skills, summoned a long time ago. They built their own nations, and had a knowledge that was more otherworldly than anything I ever saw.

Technology. Something to make the life of the people easy. He had something similar, and I got curious about him, so I started to follow him whenever he goes.

He was… Exquisite.

Anything that interested him, he would give full attention. But anything that didn’t sparked some interest in him? He wouldn’t even glance at it. He registered at the guild, and instead of going on a quest, he searched for information about the world. No one has ever done that. They all go into a quest, and get scared, and piss on their pants.

After that he prepared himself, asking around, and buying adventurer equipment. And I found out… He’s a battle junkie. But not the type who jumps at problems all the time. At least he thinks a bit before acting.

After taking the quests, he dived into the forest. As if to analyze him, the forest changed its atmosphere around. The little fox. She’s looking for help. Will he be able to notice? Unfortunately, he just thought it was something strange, but kept his guard up.

And while collecting some flowers, he was attacked by a Necrotic Wasp. He defeated it, but buried the Venom Sack on the ground. Are you bloody serious?! That is insane! Dammit! A monster will be born this exact night! Hm? The forest changed again?

As he finished dismantling the wasps, he hid himself, and the Emperor of the Forest, the Tigrass, appeared. He’s dead. Was what I thought. But nothing happened. Well, except that the boy was trembling in fear. Oh! He has some new skills! But the Tigrass, who was searching around, simply turned away and dived deep into the forest.

When I glanced at this guy status, his Skill [Concealment] evolved to [Stealth]. Bloody lucky. Oh, his LUK is super low. Life and death situation huh?

Life and Death situations, where one skill, Levels up at a massive speed, helping the user to survive. Of course, even if that happens, not everyone ends up surviving. He was just lucky. Although his LUK is super low.

He got back into the city, all gloomy. He survived, but I think the fear of dying was bigger. He just got his rewards, and went to sleep.

The next day, he didn’t exit to grab quests. And I was glad he didn’t. A new monster was created, and of course, the culprit of such creation was him. Who’s the idiot that takes such actions, anyway?

Fortunately, the monster is an Alraune. So it’s not hard to take it down. Is what I wanted to say, but the Alraune has the Necrotic in her name. So, if not taken down soon, people will die. And the monster's ecosystem also will change.

The boy built a weapon, different from the usual. I was actually impressed, since I never saw someone who could ever be so focused on building something. In a day, he built a weapon that would take weeks for any other person to build.

The next day, I couldn’t go with him. Ayduin was interrogating me. I wish you’d drop dead! Bloody bastard! I just said I was observing the world, as always. I’m chained to him, but he can’t demand things from me. He can stop me from exiting, though.

After he finished with his questions, I got out. I was flying above the forest, when I saw a cocoon in the ground, and remains of the Taracs spider. She evolved. The Taracs, huh? But the boy wasn’t there. I tried to feel his presence, finding a very faint signal, but the forest wasn’t allowing me to pinpoint its location. I descend on ground level, and stop right in front of the cocoon.

I know you’re in there. Show yourself.>

An Alraune is almost like a forest’s spirit. So, it’s kinda connected to me. In a way.

(Oh, the Primordial Spirit, Miss Sentina.)

She answers me in a mocking tone. She doesn’t come out of her cocoon, only talking to me via the Nature’s Connection.

I’m flattered, you know me. So, what is your objective?>

(Cutting directly to the chase, I see.)

Answer me already. I can simply control you, and make you go back to the depths of earth.>

(Me? I’m searching for my creator. He was here, but I couldn’t get to him. Hehe.)

And? What will you do when you got to him?> She wants him.

(Of course. I’ll give my all to him. And take everything from him.)

Alraune. A monster that can either be born, or created. Unfortunately, they are obsessive with their creators, and when they get powerful enough, they will copulate with their creators, and kill them in the process. It’s almost like a succubus.

(You do know him. But you can’t really do anything to me now. I’ll be having him. And no one else will ever remind him. Aaah~Master! Where are you!?)


I float, and fly across the forest, searching for him. Just then, I see the forest turning eerie again. Following the path made, I find the boy, unconscious on the ground and a small black fox. A Spirit-fox.

Hey, little one!>


She speaks to me in Spirit Language. And tells me everything that happened to her, and how this strange human saved her. She thought he would do something to her, but in the end, he saved her two times.

He’s very weak now. If he takes care of you… Hmmm… That Alraune is stronger than him. And if he fights her, he’ll die. But, it’s just a hunch. He is still gonna fight her. What to do~?> I ponder in my mind. Ah! I’ll speak to him in the spirit world! And I can give him the Tamer Class! I’ll give it to him at Level 5, so he’ll be able to tame the Alraune. He wouldn’t be able to kill her anyway.>

And so, I transfer his consciousness to the spirit world, where only I have access.

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