《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》Chapter 1 – A World Without Technology


Yet another day walking to school. While I’m walking, I keep looking at my phone. I’m looking into buying a new laptop. Well, more in the future that is. I bought a new phone, and now I am saving money.

“So, they launched a new laptop. New processor, more memory, new video card. Kinda pricey though. Well, just some extra hours and I might buy it soon. Hmm, not a good idea.”

My name is Kenji Ueda. Just a 15 year old student. A loner, and a tech lover.

“I need a new laptop, though. Mine is reaching its end soon. Well, I did buy it on a used sale, so I can’t complain much. Hmm… Looks like next week one of the shops downtown will be on sale. Good. I can buy some things. Can't forget to buy food. I can't live from cup ramen forever.”

I’m an orphan, and live alone. I wouldn’t be able to live alone if the old man close to the orphanage didn’t help by lending me a small apartment. Kinda sucks, though. I need to make my own food, but most of the time I eat ramen. Need to stop with that.

Reaching the gate of the school, I put away my phone. Mainly because of the group of delinquents, led by a bastard called Hideo Takahashi. He and his group choose to beat anyone who has something they don’t. I was one of their targets once. That was until I started to train in self-defense. Funny that in these times, no hero appears.

“Ha! Looks like the little otaku hasn't learned its lesson yet!” “Let's give him a piece of advice, shall we?”

I usually don’t step on these things, but… The guy they were beating was a person who liked anime, mangas, and such things. A lot of people like those things, but most of them have some way of defending themselves, but this guy, Yuki Hiroto, is just a normal guy.

I was about to step and give them a real beating, but someone else stepped forth.

“You guys are still going on with your childish attitude? Guess last time wasn't enough, huh?”

The hero of the school. The star of the class. The genius of any club he enters, Raiden Aoki. Just for his name you can imagine him as a hero. Son of an American model, and a businessman, the guy has money and anything at his disposal. Blond hair, a well-shaped face, blue eyes, tall, well built body. Looks just like a real hero, huh?

“Tch! Take care of your own life Aoki!”

Said Takahashi scowling at the sudden appearance of the Hero. Reminds me when you walk on grass in those pocket monster games. Something wild appears!

“Hmph! You’re okay, Hiroto?”

“Just leave me alone.”

Although Aoki helped him, Hiroto isn’t a guy who accepts help so easily. It seems like a bad attitude, but it's just his own pride. He wants to stand on his own feet, and that no one helps him. That’s hard to do, when you don’t make a move, you know.

Just as I was looking at Hiroto’s back, the face of Aoki changes. From the good looking guy, with a cheerful smile, to glazed eyes and a blank expression. How do I describe it? No apathy. Just an emotionless person.

I was watching all of that from the entrance gate. And as I was staring with an arched eyebrow, Aoki noticed my stare, and turned to look at me.

“What is it, Ueda?”


A cheerful smile. A false expression. Exactly like a doll.

“You know, your facade isn’t invincible.”

With that said, his smile crumbles, and the blank stare is back.

“That combines more with you.”

I left him behind, walking towards the school building, and left the doll, called Aoki there. That is a really interesting face, for someone who has everything, yet it doesn’t.

With classes halfway finished, lunchtime arrived. Some of us got out of the room, while others were still there. Me being one of those still in the room. Our class teacher, Yumi-sensei, was still in the room talking with a few students. And then it happened.

A circle of light appeared on the ground, with strange symbols and numbers. They looked rather alien to me, looking more like ancient language than symbols.

“Wait. Are those… glyphs?” Someone said,

With the circle on the ground, some people still in the room got scared and didn’t move, while others were trying to get out of the room. Unfortunately for all of us, there was some kind of a barrier in the way, barring the exit.

I was one of those who couldn't move an inch. After just a few seconds, the circle got brighter, blinding me, and probably all of those in the room. How can no one that was passing by didn’t notice? That was the main question in my head.

Soon, we were sucked by the circle. It was a strange sensation. It was like falling, yet ascending. It reminded me of the scene of a certain game, when the protagonist enters the chamber of sages. (Scene from Ocarina of Time, when entering the Sage's Chamber)

While I was bathing in the sensation of falling but not, my left eye started to burn and ache. It was like my eye was being sucked and bit by fire ants. I couldn’t move on from that strange sensation. I could see the others around me, but couldn’t move. Then, my vision went black, and after a few seconds, I was, together with my classmates and sensei, in a strange room.

“What the hell?”

Someone spoke, taking the words out of the mouth of everyone. The room was strange in a way, but beautiful in another. It reminds me of the paintings of ancient Egypt. Not the time for that… It hurts a lot!

The room had images of a bulky red-haired man, defeating lots of things. An army. A dragon. A demon, if considering it’s horns. A sea creature. And all of that had very good details.

“My eye… Gh!”

The pain in my left eye was gone right when I got to see, but it soon returned. And stronger than before. It feels like having countless needles piercing my eye! As I rubbed my eye, soon the door leading out of the room opened, revealing knights, completely cladded in armor, and in their hands, halberds.

“What is this? A dream?”

One of my classmates voiced our thoughts. After a few of the knights entering the room, they departed in two rows. Soon, a girl, dressed in a one-piece frilly white dress entered. Purple long hair, almond eyes, and a face that you would only find on those otome games. I guess she’s a princess?

“Oh, heroes. Please, follow me.”

Okay, what? Is what I wanted to say, but the knights glared at us, like urging all of us to obey this girl. As we all walked out of the room, I noticed that I was holding onto something. It was my bag. When did I grab it?


Urged by the knights, I followed my classmates. I kept holding my left hand on my eye, taking care not to fall or hit someone. As we walked inside of the building, which I think was a castle for sure, we passed through some windows.

It is a fantasy world, huh? That thought was all that I had. After all, the scenery outside of the windows was a Lord of the Rings like world. A giant town. Of course this is the capital. But is it an empire? Or a kingdom?

After some time, we reached a door. It was big and tall. This could fit a truck, I think. The princess looked at the knight on her left and right, nodding. They didn’t say a thing, just turning around, and touching a sphere on the walls.

With that, the giant door opened, and soon we entered. What greeted us was a giant room, with a crimson red carpet on the floor. On both sides, there were some people dressed in pompous clothes. Men and women. If my knowledge on fantasy novels are correct, these ones would be the nobles.

I usually read and watch sci-fi stuff, but sometimes I like to break that, and read some fantasy ones. Not only because a lot of people talk about them, but also because I’m interested in them. Not that much though.

Walking through the room, we soon reach the feet of some stairs. Since the red carpet was on the floor, that place was the throne room. And right upstairs, there was a man, with red hair, and purple eyes. He had führer-like clothes, completely black contrasting with his red hair and eyes. Wait. Is that a slit on them?

The eyes of the man, probably the king or emperor, had a slit. He could be half-dragon, maybe? Wait, what?! The slit vanished! But just as those thoughts appeared in my mind, the slits vanished without a trace.

The king/emperor glanced at the princess, and she nodded to him. He breathed a sigh, like he was disappointed. Just at that moment, I opened my left eye, and a strange window, like a program was executed on a computer, popped up.

► Warning ◄

The individual in front of you, has a higher level than you. If you proceed with the scanning, the opponent will detect it.

Do you wish to proceed with the Status Scan?


Without a doubt, I just think yes. Soon, the window closes, and a strange dark-blue grid appears only on the king/emperor. Another window pops up, but my eye-ache is too strong, so I just close it. What was that?

“So, these are the new batch?”

As I look at the king’s face, I’m rather surprised. His smile was a halfhearted one. His face changes to conceit, with one of his eyebrows raised. It’s like he’s looking down on a bug. His expression is exactly like my boss when I arrived late at my job. Like he’s looking down on us.

“Excuse me. But what is happening?”

The first one to intervene with all of this is, obviously, Teacher Yumi. Of course. With her attitude of students in the first place, no wonder she acts first. Thinking that, I glance at my classmates.

First, Aoki. His expression is one of excitement. Like he was thrilled. Like a child in the amusement park. Then, the delinquents came. Takahashi and Nakamura Yuji were smiling darkly. Oh, they’re looking at the women around. Wa~y too much for you guys, don’t you think?

There were two people who usually hang out with Aoki that were looking scared, and wary. Naomi Watanabe, and Mari Suzuki, respectively. Suzuki is always wary, but Watanabe is an airhead.

The people around, the nobles, glared fiercely at sensei. If someone looks a bit more closely, they could see that she is holding herself so as not to fall. I’m rather impressed. She’s under pressure from these glares, but still wanting answers.

The emperor lifts his hand, and the people stop glaring at her. She breathes in relief, and the king tosses the news that some of us were already considering the truth.

“It is only natural. After all, we didn't give any warning. Very well. You lot, are in another world.” What’s with his voice tone?

He had a Isn’t this obvious? face. Looking at sensei with disinterest. I know that you might be the king or emperor or whatever, but your attitude isn’t fit for the position. He acts more like a general of the army, than the Leader of a nation. Or just like a martyr.

While I was thinking that, some of my classmates showed varied expressions. Happiness. Anger. Surprise. Skepticism. And there was me, rolling my eye. Well, I couldn’t roll my left eye.

My action got the attention of the king. But he soon glances back at sensei. Then, he starts to present himself.

“Well, where are my manners? I'm Alexander Goldguard Herington. Sole Emperor of Valor’s Empire. I welcome you, residents of another world.”

My classmates showed surprise, with their jaws gaping with his presentation. I, on the other hand, only noticed the vanity of his words. It’s like Aoki. His true self is the one who said ‘New Batch’.

Still, some of my classmates were still skeptical about the situation. They looked around, probably searching for proof of being in another world. Into a fantasy world. Noticing their gazes with a happy smile, the Emperor says.

“Looks like you want proof. Very well then. Ayduin.”

With that strange word, a person, wearing a dark green cloak with a hood steps on the left side of the Emperor. The hooded figure soon draws his hood backwards, revealing a slender, but beautiful man, with androgynous characteristics. He had blonde green hair, and blue eyes. But what especially caught everyone’s attention, was, of course, his ears.

“An Elf?!”

Someone cries that out. No shit Sherlock. I wanted to say that out loud, but the glare of the nobles around was creeping me out. Alas, he too, has the same eyes of the Emperor. Condescending.

“Now you have proof. Anyway, let’s cut to the chase.”

The words of the Emperor turned one-eighty. His vanity attitude, now of one of business. Are you a businessman, or something? He started to explain what he wanted to do. While explaining, his face changed to dark expressions sometimes.

Summing up what the Emperor said in a few words: He wanted to put the entire world in the palm of his hands. Well, actually, he said he wanted our help to save the world from the non-human races. Genocide to anyone who isn’t human, huh?

That was rather understandable. Everyone was surprised at Ayduin appearance, but what really got my eye(my right one), was the black collar on his neck. Slave. That word echoed in mind.

While everyone was excited, I was rather disappointed. If this was a sci-fi scenario, I would happily oblige, but a fantasy one? Nope. If this world, or rather, this universe, if we really are into another dimension rather than another part of the universe, had spaceships, aliens and all of that, I would like it. But it’s not. So I don’t really care.

The Emperor was explaining things with a happy expression. But actually, that was a fake one. After seeing lots of kinds of people that had passed through the orphanage, it’s rather easy to notice the true faces of people. This guy is only a deceiver. He said he wanted to know if anyone could really help him with saving the world, and gave orders to the Elf.

While I was complaining in my head, the Elf, together with other people wearing cloaks, brought some trays. On them, there was a small plate, the size of a Business Card, but it was made of a thin metal, together with some needles right on top.

The first one to use the card and needle, was, of course, Aoki. He pierced his own finger without much of a thought, and left some drops of blood on the card. Really? No care about what this really is? What if it was some kind of deal with a devil? The card changed color, from the silver gleam, to a Yellow one.

“Wow! What is this?”

“These are your status. It helps knowing what you are capable of, right?”

With a smug smile on his face, the Emperor said that. We all took turns into having our own plates. Not everyone's plates changed colors though. Only a few, including Takahashi and Nakamura.

“If you will.”

The Elf, Ayduin, came to me. He was frowning, while looking at my classmates. Is he jealous? I took the needle and card off of the tray, and did the same as my classmates. I didn’t give much thought to the card, looking at Ayduin. Uh… What?

His eyes almost jumped out of his orbits. I look at my card, seeing a dark blue color on it. At least it is the color I like.

“What’s so surprising about this?”

I ask that without much thought, and Ayduin only shakes his head. He gives the tray to one knight, and hastily walks to the side of the Emperor. He starts to whisper something to the Emperor. I glance at my classmates, seeing their excited faces, and sigh in exasperation. Well, since I’m here already, I might as well see my status.

Looking at the card, some information appears on it. It’s like a tablet. I scroll through it. One thing that I notice is that everything is above 150. Especially my MP. Hunh. That’s nice? I don’t know what to say to this. It’s like being inside of an RPG.

Soon, my surprised expression changed to skepticism. I’m with my left eye closed, but my right eye is plain to see that I’m not believing in what I’m seeing. Is this a joke?

“You.” The Emperor says, looking and speaking to me. Is it really me?


“Why are you so surprised? Is it that you have some good skills?”

“Well, actually… I think it’s the contrary?”

“What do you mean?”

His face is showing insecurity. I don’t think this is a good thing though?

“Well, I do have a Unique Skill.” The Emperor cocks his head.

“Then that’s a good thing. But why are you acting like that?”

“It’s because my skill doesn't work very well in this world.”

“Something related to the world? Is it that bad?”

“I think so?” I say without much thought. He’s not happy! “My Unique Skill is Technomagic.”

The Emperor narrows his eyes. While he is doing that, my classmates start to laugh.

“Hahaha! What is this?!” “You’re useless! Hahah!”

While they are so happy to see my misfortune, the Emperor lowers his head. I can’t read his expression, but I’m sure it is one of anger.

“Then, you're useless.”

“I'm afraid so.”

While my classmates were laughing hard, the Emperor looked at me again. Why do I have a feeling that he doesn’t like technology?

“Do you have any other skills?” His face and voice tone changes once again.

“I do. But there's another problem.”

“Another.” Right on his forehead, a vein popped. The problem is mine, not that you could help anyway.

“I have an Abnormal Status Condition. Oh! And my LUK is low.”

“What?” His left eye started twitching.

Looks like he didn’t expect that. Even the Elf is surprised. This never happened… I think?

“That means... that you are useless. The most useless.”

Although he showed surprise, his face turned another one eighty, turning rather dark. Is he pissed? Brushing that aside, and trusting my gut feeling, I decided to get the hell away from him. There’s something wrong with him. I don’t like this.

“Yeah. So, can I go on my own?”

“Hm? You won’t ask for anything?”

He didn’t even ask about what I want to do, but if I want something? Does he want to get rid of me? Or…

“Uhh… Is that a problem?”

“Do as you wish. Ayduin. Provide him with a few coins. G** **e *e** o** ** m* ***ht.”

His last words weren’t audible, but I think I can make the rest of it. Better keep that to myself. Soon, the Elf brought a small pouch with a jiggling sound. Since I had my bag with me, which was a one-shoulder bag, I just put the pouch inside.

“I'll be sure to repay such kindness.”

“Yes, yes. Do as you please.” The Elf answered, simply shrugging my words.

With that out of the way, one knight motioned with his head to the exit. I bow to the emperor, albeit a fake one, and move to get out of the castle. Yumi-sensei tries to speak up, but she soon closes her mouth. She’s scared.

There are some eyes of pity on my classmates, but only a few. Of all the classmates, their expressions, and eyes, are all of contempt and pleasure. I'm not there anymore. What do I have that makes all of you feel like that? I don’t get it.

With that, I’m out of the castle, and now have to take on a new world, without a single knowledge of it.

“Well…” I stretch myself. “Guess I need to find some info first. Actually, I think I’m gonna eat something, and then proceed to a Library or something like that.”

Looking around, I see a small tent selling skewers. FOOD!

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