《Sealed Memories》Chapter 20- Mortals Point of View. Volume 1 end


Chapter 20- Mortals Point Of View

Demon POV

Our numbers decrease dramatically because of the eight monsters of the humad race, we expected this war will go smoothly but now I am not very confident of myself.

Right now, a humad was currently slaughtering us, every spin he made many of us will die. He was like a tornado sucking us at him to get ourselves killed.

We are now looking at the impossible thing happen in front of us, the humad create a tornado and suck our comrade.

Our comrade was now spinning non-stop in that tornado just by looking at it, you would throw up.

We are holding the big tree to not get ourselves sucked in that tornado, the humad was riding the tornado, he was cutting our comrade into two without change from his expression.

He was like the GOD of death itself, the tornado halted, the humad landed on the ground with the corpse of our comrade. General Eugene stared at the human and said.

“ HAHA, I didn’t expect a demi-GOD still exist in the humad race” Eugene

I was surprised that the humad race has on demi-GOD.

Now we are scared if that humad was really a demi-GOD, then this war was like a one-sided slaughter.

We rejoice because of the arrival of our General, even if he was a demi-GOD, he doesn't have the slightest chance against our General who live longer than the any of us.

General Eugene disappeared, after a few second he was already in front of the humad demi-GOD.

When General Eugene sword and huge sword touch the ground will be destroyed.

Looking into the sky and saw the humad was currently falling to the ground while his huge was above him. The humad smash the huge sword at General Eugene.

The ground trembled, looking at the scene where the humad smash his huge sword.

Gulping a mouthful saliva, the ground that was flat earlier was now a deep wide crater. My friend who was the battle range has his body reduce into nothingness while his head was rolled at ground.

My face right now was pale as paper, what would happen to us if that human win against General Eugene?

I shake off my thought and decided to trust our General strength.

The humad and General Eugene jump in the sky.

Looking at the clear sky, our general and humad did not still stop their clash, after a while they descend on the mountain far in the border.

We could not longer see them, I look at my scattered comrade, saw that our numbers can be counted on hand.

We are now at least more than forty thousand.

In a blink of an eye, our numbers of one hundred ten thousand were reduced into forty thousand, because of a single demi-GOD.

How terrifying, if I ever encounter a demi-GOD and angered him, I will give up on resisting and just let him kill me.

Looking at the humad soldiers was now charging at us, their morale has risen because of that youth.

The humad soldiers were slaughtering us one by one, so we decided to fight back to save our lives and gain victory.

While our General was fighting with that humad.

The ground shakes again, looking at the mountain that completely high before was now small and flat.

The ground stop shaking, the humad soldiers made a battle cry and charge at us, the trust they had with that humad was beyond comrade.

This humad was admirable, but we made our own battle cry, to support our general who was now fighting for us.


Suddenly we saw a woman with dark blue hair and eyes, the nearby soldiers were now being slaughtered by her, now she was in front of me.

I gave up on resisting and let her kill me to end this nightmare, I waited and waited, but nothing happens. Then I saw the woman fighting with a demon who has two sharp horns on both his head and a woman who has pale skin.

I sigh in relief, we continued our battle with the humad, suddenly all of us halted.

I saw my comrade, looking at the mountain, a figure was coming at us at full speed, upon the arrival of that figure.

We saw a humad youth with a silver and golden eyes staring at us, we shivered and fall to our knees, the war finally ended.

The humad who was on the verge of destruction was completely saved by this, thin and young boy, we give up on resisting and let them end our lives.

We heard a loud battle cry and saw a demon, vampire, elf, and devils charge at the youth, they did not stop fighting for their pride.

Looking at this, we decided to end our lives fighting, we stand up and charge at the humad who was currently slaughtering us.

But suddenly, the youth stands in front of us, we look at the fifteen soldiers who charge at him and saw them in the ground with foam in their mouth. The youth smiled at us.

I notice that I can’t move my body, I felt that I was flying, Then after a second I saw my body lying on the ground without its head.

My head falls on the ground as my life comes to its end....


Claudia POV

At the top of the border wall, I saw Brigitte change of attitude, I walk up to her and said.

“ Brigitte, are you fine?”

“ I... Yes” Brigitte

“You don’t have to be nervous,”

“ But Gabriel was... Fighting with those scary demons” Brigitte

“ Don’t worry, he will be fine”

“True?” Brigitte

“Come on and get up, let’s watch him”

“ Okay”

Looking at Gabriel, who was giving his speech to increase the morale of the soldiers, I wonder how he do that, now the soldiers were filled with motivation and killing intent to protect the borders.

I saw Gabriel patting Pola head. I wish I was the one who was on Gabriel side right now.

Gabriel was a mysterious person, he was strong. He was hiding a lot of things on us.

But I did not ask because I want himself to tell us his secret someday Noa walk between us and gaze at Gabriel. I can’t get this is girl really!

When we are not on the battlefield, she behaves like a matured woman would do, when she was at the battlefield, she was like a child who has gone crazy.

While I was in thought about Noa, Gabriel charge at the horde of demons and devils who has the numbers of one hundred ten thousand , I realise that Pola did not leave Gabriel side.

Gabriel promised me that he will protect her, so I thought!

What are you doing you damn pervert! You two were in the war! Do you have the time to do that and why do you that only with her!

What am I thinking, you stupid queen, do you have the time to think that kind of thing. I glance at everyone to see their reaction.

Brigitte was now red as a tomato, hey your reaction told me what are you thinking! You probably think about the time when Gabriel was embracing you, right!? What I want to say, but I can’t really say that because it’s embarrassing.


Noa has a jealous smile, eh, what happen to you this past few day! I thought you did not have the slightest interest in this kind of things! Gabriel, what the hell are you doing!

Well, whatever, I look at a Phila and saw her dangerous smile. I did not see anything, so do not ask me.

Gabriel was now starting to spin, every demon and devils he across was now cut into two, Gabriel what the hell are you! You're killing the demons and devils like you are just weeding a grass!

As his spin increase, he created a whirlwind then became a tornado, I let out a sigh of defeat and just look at Gabriel who was inside the tornado.

I saw him smiling, he was enjoying this, don’t you think? How can he endure that, Even I will throw up anytime I imagine myself spinning inside the tornado.

Well, forget about that! The thing he made a tornado was impossible, to begin with! I look at Noa to question her.

“ Noa”

“ What” Noa

“ Are the people from your world are a monster who can create a tornado whenever they want?”

“ no, there are some people who can do that, when their strength reach a certain level” Noa

“ So Gabriel was on that certain level?”

“ I do not know, perhaps he does” Noa

“Noa do you know something about Gabriel?” Philia

“Well, did he not tell you, he was a martial artist in our world?” Noa

“ No, he did not” Philia

Philia your expression is scary, please stop that.

“ Well, he said, he did not want to tell you because he doesn't want to you get involved and get hurt, Philia is a very important person to me. So I do not want her to be worried about me. He said” Noa

She blush, Gabriel, are you sure, you are not a monster? Like some beast or something?

“ Well, Gabriel doesn't really need to be worried, right?” Philia

Philia was gone to her own world, I decided to ignore her and watch Gabriel slaughter the demons and devils.

Gabriel falls into the ground, Eugene was now talking with him, I could not hear it because we are far away from them.

Eugene suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Gabriel, I got worried because Eugene strength was no joke.

Eugene attack his sword to Gabriel, I sigh of relief when Gabriel block his attack, I felt the ground tremble.

I look at where Gabriel and saw the ground split, what a powerful attack, just what are you really Gabriel to block an attack like that.

Noa suddenly talks.

“ I suspect that Gabriel was already an Earth level ki martial artist” Noa

“ What kind of level are you talking about?”

“ Our strength was divided into many levels, Gabriel shows the power of the Earth level right now, The Earth level was the last step to go through Heaven level” Noa

“They said, if you obtain the strength of the Heaven level you can even destroy the world” Noa

“ I thought your world was ordinary, I did not think there are more monsters exist on your world”

“Yeah, I am at least at the Grandmaster level, I am really amazed at Gabriel to reach that kind of level at that age, truly admirable” Noa

Noa's eyes were sparkling every time she mentions Gabriel.

At least Gabriel can further improve, he can now travel safely on their journey.

I was worried that Gabriel will put himself in danger, because in this world, there are more dangerous people they will encounter.

Now, seeing Gabriel strength, I believe their journey into demon continent will be more safe and successful, I look at Gabriel who jumps into the sky.

Is a humad can jump high as that without magic? Really, their world seemed like dangerous than us, Noa said their life on earth was peaceful because they have no war. I really want to make this world like that.

But that dream was far to be true, so I need to focus on our race survival, Gabriel was falling and smashed his sword downward.

Upon the touch of his huge sword at the ground, it made a loud bang and create a shock wave that reached even in the border, when the dust cleared up, a deep wide crater can be seen.

The horde of demons and devils who was there earlier was reduced to nothingness, Gabriel jump in the sky again, this time, Eugene jump as well.

As they clash above a shock wave can be seen in our naked eyes, when the clash halted they descend in the mountain.

The demons and devils were in a daze at the scene in front of them, I saw it as a chance to kill these demons and devils, I glance at the soldiers and ordered them.

“Soldiers attack the demons and devils while they are scattered, we will go home with a victory on our hands”

“ Yes, your majesty!”

The soldiers attack the demon who was in a daze, I notice Noa jump on the ground and run into the demons and devils, I really can’t understand this person!

Noa beheaded all of the demons and devils she encounters, all of the soldiers have a high morale because of Gabriel, suddenly a powerful presence emerges among the soldiers.

A fifteen strong aura exploded in the battlefield, so they are the ten thousand commanders that Claire is talking about, they killed many of our soldiers in a moment.

The demons and devils who was being suppressed before regained their morale and fight back, but our soldiers did not get scared or concern on the consequence that they will die in this war.

They push the demons and devils, and killed many of them, the thirteen commanders were on their slaughter. Noa was currently fighting two of them.

She was at a disadvantage as I can see it, she cannot attack and can only defend, I notice the soldiers and demon army was looking at the mountain where Gabriel is currently at.

I look at the mountain and saw a light that currently coming at us, when the light descended, I saw a boy who has a majestic aura standing at the soldiers and the demon army above.

He was a being that stands above everything, a being who can hold everything, a silver and gold eyes were currently looking at the demons and devils below.

The demons and devils were shrieking in fear when they saw Gabriel, eyes and smile, those eyes that like devouring everything he spotted and a smile that can kill just by looking at it.

The fifteen commanders did not get affected by Gabriel's majestic auras, they charge at him to kill him, Gabriel tossed his huge sword in front of me.

Gabriel attacks them with his fist and palm, Gabriel attacks them in their chin, chest, and neck, one by one they fall on the ground with foam at their mouth.

Five of the commanders was even a female, but Gabriel did not pay attention to them and just attack them without mercy, as I was about to ask why he did not kill them.

He dashes at the remaining demons and devils, and kill them while grinning I shivered when I saw that grin of his, every demon and devils were massacred by Gabriel.

None of them remain alive, beside from those fifteen people he attacks earlier, Gabriel was now walking at us.

He smiled at me, I also smiled at him to return his smile.

“ We’ve won” Gabriel

He declared.....

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