《Sealed Memories》Chapter 19- The man who can hold everything Final


Chapter 19- The man who can hold everything Final

Gabriel POV

“ Well, shall we start?”

Eugene unsheathe his sword, I lift my huge sword and pointed it at him, he disappeared in my sight.

He was coming at me, every step he make leave an after-image, as expected of a demi-GODS I need to use my eighty percent body strength to be on far with him.

Eugene appeared in front of me, he slashes his sword at my chest, I block it with my huge sword.

The slash of Eugene made the ground on my back splinter, when our huge sword and his met together a spark can be seen, I jump up to the sky and fall down in a high speed that I can muster.

While falling down, Eugene watches me calmly in the ground and wait for my body to fall down, as my huge sword touch the ground Eugene was nowhere to be seen.

With the sound of the boom, the ground exploded and made a thirty-meter hole in the ground, the demons and devils who was nearby at my attack was reduced to nothing.

Dust covered the battlefield, I notice Eugene presence behind me and jumped up in the sky again, Eugene jump as well.

We clash in the sky with my huge sword and his sword, every contact a loud sound of metal rustling can be heard, every clash we made the clouds disperse.

We even made a shock wave, that made the soldiers step back, Eugene stared at me with a calm and serious gaze.

“ Didn’t you participate the war?” Eugene

“Well, what do you think?”

“FUFU, those old fool, didn’t let you participate, right?” Eugene

“ What are you talking about?”

“ They left the younger one for those new generation” Eugene

“ I see”

“ You really don’t know?” Eugene

“ Well, yeah”

“ What a powerful demi-GOD you are” Eugene

Eugene retracts his sword and we land in the nearby mountain and stared at each other, the mountain was a distance away in the border, Eugene thrust his sword at me.

I dodge it with side steps and slash his body, as my huge sword got through at him, I notice that it was only an after-image.

He was already in my back, slashing his swords downward at me, I rotate my feet and dodge sideward.

I swing my huge sword at him, he was surprised about my fraction movement, but he blocks my attack.

He got blown away in the force of my huge sword and sent out flying, i increase my speed and appeared behind him, he blocks it again.

But this time he wasn't blown away, I notice that he was now coated in glowing red, he countered my attack and swing his sword sideward to attack me.

I block it, but he sent my body flying, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front me and slash his sword at my head. I use my own enhancement and block.

After blocking it, we exchange so many sword blow that made the mountain flat, I heard many soldiers and demons gasp in a cold air.

We stare at each other for a while, Eugene breaks it and said.

“ So you know those old thing Enhancement skill, huh” Eugene


Actually, this is just a normal enhancement, sorry to disappoint you, what I want to say.

But do you think, I would say that I used a normal enhancement and he used the demi-GOD enhancement skill! He will think of me as a joke, do I have to embarrass myself to say that, no way!

“ Ha-ha, you too, I didn’t think you will know their enhancement after so many years”

“ Well, they leave a scroll at us to learn a demi-GOD skill” Eugene

“ Aren’t you lucky to have a skill”

“ Of course we are! And you are not” Eugene

Eugene disappeared again, this time he did not attack me with one attack, but an eight attack with different kind of power.

He slashed me with his sword at the side after I block it, he slide it down, I used my huge sword to lift his sword attack aiming at my legs.

After attempting to counter his second attack, my huge sword didn’t touch his sword, but instead it goes upward attacking my chin along with my head.

I return my huge sword to standing position to block it, after hitting my huge sword, he slides it upward, I notice that he was aiming at my hand and so I decided to parry it.

After his sword was parried I made his hand go upward, I notice some opening, but suddenly he rotates his body and attack me with a spin.

I block the spin attack, but got blown back by the force of the spin attack, he was not even finish yet, he dashes at me.

While my body is flying, he docked and focus his energy to his lower body, he jumps at me slashing his sword upward.

I bring down my huge sword to block it, after hitting my huge sword, I was blown away upward.

I notice that he disappeared again, then reappeared above me, rotating my body to block his next attack.

I saw him, slash his sword downward as I was expecting, the slash was so powerful that made me fall into the ground at the speed of light.

My body crash on the ground and made a big crater along with my body, if not for my crystal like body, I would already die.

Lifting my head, I saw his sword thrust, I roll my body to dodge the attack.

The attack hit the ground and made a loud bang, I was blown three hundred meters away by the force, the dust was cleared up.

I saw Eugene standing on the ground, with a huge hole in the ground and lava flowing out of it, Eugene cast his gaze at me.

“ I didn’t not think you could survive that attack, are you sure, you are humad demi-GOD?” Eugene

“ FUFU, what a powerful attack you have there”

I saw Eugene use ice magic to the lava and earth magic to cover it, i gaze at him and said.

“ aren’t you a naive one?”

“ this will cost my army to be roasted” Eugene

Eugene cast his gaze at me.

“And you will do the same” Eugene

“FUFU, on our first meeting, you certainly know me well”

“ let just say, that what a good general will do” Eugene

“ Honorable”


“ Enough, lets us continue” Eugene

“ well, can i request something?”

“ As a reward for your strength that equal to me, I will allow it” Eugene

“ If I win this battle, can you serve me?”


“ Well?”

“ Okay, that's amusing, that is if you defeat me” Eugene

“ Be prepared, I will get a little serious”

Now I send enhancement technique on my blood flow, spreading it with every bit of my muscle and bones, then change my body enhancement into demi-GOD level enhancement.

Eugene look at me in surprise, I can’t really use technique with the weapon I have, so I will have to use pure strength.

Huge sword is better for war not for one on one battle, my speed right now was ten fold than before, I suddenly appeared behind him.

I attack him with my huge sword in spin attack, he blocks it, but he got blown away.

The ground where he was standing disappeared and change into deep crevice, I dash at him and appeared in his back, i swing my sword like a bat.

He got hit because the speed I am using right now, even for a demi-GOD, he was sent flying in the sky in a highest speed.

I gather my energy on my foot and jump, in an instant i appeared on his side, I lift my sword upward then attack him downwards.

Because of my attack earlier, he almost fainted, so he did not have the chance to react to my attack , my huge sword was smashed at him.

His body was sent to the ground with a huge boom the sound of the explosion resounded in the border, I look at Eugene energy, it looks so weak, so I waved my hand to produce a wind that cleared the fog I created.

After the fog cleared up, I saw him stuck in the crater, his body was now in a bad condition.

Look likes I overdo do it, well, let’s heal him anyway before it became too late.

I approach Eugene, he looks at me, his gaze became weak and his eyes light became dim.

I really overdo it, I do not need to worry, I can fully heal him anyway.

“FUFU, You lost”

“...Ce.. rtanely I lost, you hold back at beginning?” Eugene

“Well, you could say that ha-ha”

I let out a dry laugh, I can’t say that I only used my body strength and not my divine power, what would he feel about it.

If I said yeah, I only used my body strength, well, let us be honest anyway.

Well, by doing it, he can trust me you know.

Yeah, yeah so that he can trust me not to torture him by using verbal, hey do not think like I am sort of a demon, I am a human like you.

FUFU enough about that, let talk to Eugene, who was waiting for my answer.

“ To tell you the truth, I only used my body strength FUFU”


As I thought he was surprised, that is a natural reaction, if you were a demi-GOD what would you feel if you got beaten by a mortal body alone?

“ Is it true” Eugene

“ Well, yeah, I want to test my body limit so I didn’t use divine power”

“ So that’s why, I didn’t feel any divinity in you” Eugene

“ Let me heal you for now”

I stretch out my hand and touch his forehead, upon my touch his body glowed in green light, I distance myself and look at him.

After the green light fades, Eugene body was fully healed without any injuries, but his clothes were completely tattered.

Hey, can’t you cover that, your dick was showing men, Damn this guy.

“ Hey, can’t you cover yourself for now?”

“Ooh, now that you mention, that's why I felt my body was cool” Eugene

My goodness is this guy serious, are you into that man?

“ Anyway, what kind of healing is that, it completely healed me, even demi-GOD can’t do that?” Eugene

Certainly, if your mana was not a divine mana like me, you cannot a fully a person like that, unless you have a unique ability, ability of healing like those priestess in a temple or received the power of a certain dead GOD.

“ That is my unique ability”

I smiled at him, I didn’t lie, that is my own ability that I learn when I was reincarnated and became a priestess.

I will not go further in explanation, that is my embarrassing past, when I was a woman.

“ You lose, so you will go with your words and serve me right?”

“ Yes, before that I need to do something in my continent” Eugene

Damn it, just serve me and you will resolve everything, when i came to your continent you damn guy.

“ That’s exactly why, I need you to serve me”

“What do you mean?” Eugene

“ When we go to your continent, you need to help and shelter us”

“ Why would I do that?” Eugene

“ Just listen to me first, damn it”

He shut up and look at me, Good boy you need to be disciplined on how to respect your elders, stupid guy.

“ I will help you kill those guys, who are controlling your queen”

“You... How do you know that!?” Eugene

“I have my own spy, you know”

“ Even so, you cannot know our queen identity, unless you are in higher status. You do not mean that your spy is actually a most trusted retainer?” Eugene

“ do you know the spy name Russle?”

“ I...it can’t be” Eugene

“That’s right, he was my spy”

“ h...how...he was loyal to our queen, why would he serve someone who is not belong to the royal family?” Eugene

“fool, he did not betray your queen, he loyally serve me because he want me to help your queen”

I lied, that Russle was completely loyal by me, because he was on my soul control.

“ is that so”


” by the way, who and what are you?” Eugene

“ i didn’t hear anything about humad having a demi-GOD like you in this continent” Eugene

“ Well, you certainly do not know about me”

“ But now you will know, I am Gabriel, the man who will hold everything”

He was in a daze at my words, after this my journey will begin with the four heroes.

I wonder, how fun and exciting is it, traveling all of the continent woo just imagining about it makes my blood boil.

But the continent that i really want to go right now, was the Valkyrie continent with full of onee-san type woman, FUFUFU.

Valkyrie continent here I come!

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