《Sealed Memories》Chapter 16- a nightmare part 2


Chapter 16- a nightmare part 2

The spike horn demon release an energy that cause Brigitte to step a little way back, she stared at the terrifying spike horn demon seriously, she didn’t not dare to be careless because the spike horn demon seems to be stronger than her.

“ What are you?”Brigitte

“ Hmm, I am Terra a ten thousand commanders of the demon race FUFU” Terra

“ What!”

Certainly, they only know that the demon race has at least one thousand commander, but in front of her, the spike horn demon announces that he was a ten thousand commander how could not she surprise about it.

“ FUFU that is right, humad only know that the demon only has one thousand commanders, but you do not know there are more powerful demons who was behind the one thousand commander” Terra

“And I am one of those, under the command of general Eugene” Terra

“ So why are you hiding like an ordinary soldier? Brigitte

“ FUFU, we do not need to interfere if our chances of victory were high, but it seems like, that is not the case” Terra

Terra disappeared in Brigitte eyesight, she immediately summons her spirit back, Terra reappeared in her back and chop Brigitte neck.

Brigitte spirit, fire monkey aims a fireball, the mole launch himself to attack Terra on his stomach. Terra waved his arm, causing the fireball to disappear.

He grabs the mole's head that attacking him and squash it, the mole turns into smoke, Terra look at Brigitte reaction and saw her calm expression.

“You handle your emotion well” Terra

“ Of course I was, if I were to get angry nothing will come out of it” Brigitte

“ What an impressive child, you are” Terra

Brigitte attack Terra with her spirit, the white knight attack from the left, while the fire monkey was on the back supporting them.

The wind bird was flying above Terra, Brigitte rotates her body and attack with her elbow to increase the damage it contains, the elbow was aimed at his chest.

All of the spirits attacks, Terra was planning to catch Brigitte elbow that has been enhances by magic, he used his mana to coated his own hand to increase its hardness.

After catching the elbow, he throws Bridgette and dodges the white knight spirit incoming attack and kick its head that cause it to fly along side with Brigitte.

Brigitte got her momentum back, after flying for a period of time and get her own feet back on the ground, she felt a slight pain in her arm.

Brigitte arm has now purple in it, she stares at Terra with terror, in just a throw she receive an injury that will cause her to be at disadvantage.

The wind bird sends out a wind cutter and the fire monkey creates a barrage of fire lance aimed at him, Terra disappeared and appeared in the fire monkey's back, forming his hand into a thrust as it aims to the fire monkey back.

The fire monkey can’t react with these kind of speed, the fire monkey became a smoke.

Terra stared at the wind bird before he disappeared again.

Terra reappeared in the sky that the wind bird was currently flying at, he uses his long nail and stab wind bird, the wind bird can’t dodge because the speed.

Terra hand was stabbed deep down to the wind bird body and disappeared like the fire monkey, after reaching the ground he look to Brigitte and saw her terrified expression, he suddenly talk.

“ Seems like this is the end girl” Terra


“ Seems like it” Brigitte

“ I like you, you can still keep your calm after your spirit disappeared” Terra

“Well, I have a trump card that I have not used yet” Brigitte

“Trump card?” Terra

Terra looks at her to see if she was lying, but only saw the calmness and firm look in her eyes, Brigitte sigh in defeat to be actually forced to use her trump card, that she was hiding just because of a single demon.

“ Yeah, the trump card” Brigitte

“ I expect it to be powerful FUFU” Terra

Brigitte just wryly smiles, because this trump card will exhaust all of her mana causing her to lose consciousness, Brigitte stared at Terra.

“ This spirit consumption is absurd so i need to end this quickly” Brigitte mutter to herself.

“ Be careful, this spirit is your nemesis” Brigitte

Brigitte raise her hand to summon another spirit, a light suddenly appeared, as the spirit was being summoned, a magic circle form a meter away above Brigitte as the figure was slowly forming you could see its white pale skin.

As the figure completely form, you could see the spirit appearance was a humanoid that has a four wings on her back, a diamond crystal was embedded in her forehead wearing a white clothes.

This creature was extremely beautiful, it has a white hair, silver eyes and small lips.

The creature knelled to Brigitte, this creature was Brigitte spirit, a mighty being that exterminates demons.

“ Master, your servant was here to receive your order”???

Brigitte look at her just sigh, she actually forces to summon her trump card, this spirit consumes too much mana, but she extremely powerful.

“ I summon you to defeat that demon in front of me Saber” Brigitte

“Your wish is my command master” Saber

Saber look at the demon Brigitte pointed, Terra has a look of surprise to see the being exterminated them in the past. his face was quite pale. But resolve himself that he can beat this creature.

“Well, what a surprise, I didn’t think that you can actually summon our mortal enemy and four wing angel as that FUFU” Terra

Saber didn’t talk back, but charge at her with the spear suddenly appeared in her hand, she thrust Terra chest in a speed he couldn't see.

“Kuh” Terra

Terra dodges in a breath of air and retreated back ten meters away, he looks at the four wing angel in front of him, he was terrified on its speed.

“ The legend was actually true, this is going to be hard” Terra

Terra blink in a matter of second and appeared in Brigitte back, he raises his nail to stab Brigitte, but a spear was thrown at him and hit his shoulder.

“ You impure being, don’t touch my master purity” Saber

“ This shit hurts, what's up with this weapon, it's devouring my mana” Terra

“ I need to retreat” Terra muttered.

Terra decides to run for his life, the creature in front of him, was not a creature he could handle.

The four wing angel has the strength of an early crystal class spirit, how could Terra defeat her, even if his enemy was only a Platinum class he will have a hard time.

“ Don’t try to escape you impure being!” Saber

Saber summons another spear and throw it to Terra, the spear travel at him in a speed of light it appeared in his back and penetrate it through to his stomach, Terra expression was deadly pale.

“KWh!” Terra

“ You didn’t die yet, Holy shit you are irritating! You're like a cockroach motherfucker ” Saber


( This angel! What’s up with you!? You actually behave like a demon instead of an Angel!)

“Do not chase him any longer, my mana was completely dried up” Brigitte

“ As you wish, master” Saber

Saber disappeared and also the white knight, Brigitte complexion right now was pale as paper, she used her whole mana just to summon a single spirit.

“That’s why I don’t want to summon that angel because my mana can only handle it for a minute” Brigitte

The demons and devils nearby watch what happen, when they saw Brigitte condition they come out to attack her, to receive a reward and honor on their achievement.

Brigitte glance at the demon and devils, her condition was extremely not good, she can’t even walk or run to retreat.

“Look likes this is my end” Brigitte

Brigitte laugh, she looks at devil who’s now in front of her and waited to stab her, Brigitte closes her eyes and decided to give up.

Her strength was completely dried up to even move and hear anything, what's the use of resisting, if she just gave up and end it faster the pain will vanish as her life followed with it.

Brigitte waited for the sword to be stabbed at her body, she waited and waited, she opens her eyes to see what is happening and there she saw.

A boy with a huge sword on his shoulder was smiling at her, he has a black hair, silver in the left eye and gold in the right eye, wearing their school uniform. He looks like a high school boy who was cosplaying.

“ You okay, Brigitte? FUFU look likes you are in trouble, so I decided to help you”???

The boy stretch out his arm to Brigitte, she stared blankly at the boy in front of him, but after a while she lifts her hand and reach the boy's hand.

The boy pulled her into his embrace and run in the horde of demon, swinging his huge sword at any demons and devils he spotted, they look like a hero and princess in the story that you heard in your bed time.

Brigitte blushes because she was with a man embrace, Gabriel looks at Brigitte change, her whole personality change again.

The soul switches side because the condition was triggered again, Gabriel was actually there watching the Brigitte fight because he saw it interesting and a chance to see her fifth spirit, he was completely happy with the result of the battle and saw a lot of interesting things.

Actually, this world has an angel in Gabriel era, they are created by Gahad “King of the GOD”. The angle was comparable to a GOD when their wings grow in eight.

Gabriel was happy to see that his father's creation still exists, lastly he figured out the condition that Brigitte need to switch the soul inside of her. Gabriel was now charging at the horde of the demons and devils while carrying Brigitte.

Every demon and devils who saw Gabriel carries a girl on his left hand and huge sword in his right hand, they saw this as an opportunity to kill him, the demons and devils started to charge at Gabriel with their sword and spear.

They believe Gabriel will not be fine, if he was carrying a girl while fighting, they are thinking that Gabriel was extremely weak right now.

As they charge at him, they heard a miserable cry rang out in the battlefield where is Gabriel currently at, they saw Gabriel slaughtering everyone with his huge sword either they turned to meat paste or mince meat.

Every demon and devils who saw this completely back away, Gabriel expression right now was completely happy, his smile reached his ears.

His humming voice can be heard on the battle field, the humming was a sign that the GOD of death was coming, every demon and devils heard his voice was completely terrified and fall to their knees.

Some even block their ears to not hear Gabriel humming, many commanders look at their army and turn their attention to Gabriel, they came to him said.

“ what kind of skill is that!” demon commander

“Hmm” Gabriel

Gabriel looks at the four commanders who shouted just now, he didn’t understand what they mean, so he asks.

“ What are talking about” Gabriel

“ You! Are you joking with us!” Demon commander

“ As I said what skill are you talking about?” Gabriel

“ Grrrrr. That sound that you make my men fall to the ground just, by hearing you!” Demon commander


“What are laughing!” Demon commander

“ Are you insulting us you mere humad!” Devil commander

“You actually made my humming into skill?” Gabriel

“You humad prepare to die” Demon commander

The demon commander charge at him, he lifts his sword and attacks Gabriel's head, Gabriel didn’t glance at him.

Gabriel slashes forty four times, before walking away to the other three commanders, the three commander eyes stared blankly at the scene in front of their eyes. They saw the demon commander who charges at Gabriel cut into forty four pieces.

They thought one commander was enough to handle the guy in front of them, he was even a high class one thousand commander and was cut to pieces just like that, they became anxious to this extremely strong humad and charge at him,

The three of them combine forces to defeat this terrifying humad, if this humad was alive their victory will be unsure, they decided to run at him to sacrifice their life to kill this humad.

One of the demon commander attack Gabriel in the front and the other two was on the both, he lifts his huge sword and smashed it towards the demon in front of him, to his surprise the demon didn’t dodge instead use his hand to temporally hold Gabriel.

The demon has a big muscle, so he was confident of his strength to hold the Gabriel huge sword for just a second or minute, as the huge sword going downward at him. He prepared his arms and block the sword with his gauntlets.

The huge sword and gauntlets clash together, but after a fraction of a second the huge sword didn’t stop advancing and continued to smash at the demon head with super heavy force, the gauntlet was easily destroyed.

The huge sword didn’t stop until the demon turned into meat patty, as the demon turn into meat patty, Gabriel rotates his body on the left.

One of the devil commanders dodge the spin attack, while the other demon commander was cut in half, the devil commander stared at his comrade who was cut in half and turn into meat patty.

His knee falls on the ground trembling, while his complexion was pale as paper, he was terrified this is the first he met a nightmare in this war.

Gabriel smiled at his expression and approach him, the demon who saw his smile shriek in fear and back away using his four limbs that still intact, Gabriel looks at him and said.

“Look likes even if I kill you or not, you will have a very bad nightmare about this aren’t you FUFU” Gabriel

“Well, worry not I will kill you, to wake you from your nightmare ” Gabriel

On the border, Claudia and Pola watch the war happening below them, they watch intently on how the demon was being massacred one by one.

“ Do we even have to guard the border?” Claudia

“ Ha-ha” Pola

Pola just laugh in defeat, Claudia look at the battlefield with weird expression, she saw Noa laughing while beheading her enemy, Gabriel is smiling and humming in the battle field.

Jin was chasing every demon and devils he spotted and shot lightning everywhere, Brigitte was in Gabriel embrace being protected, she glances at the Brigitte red face and became jealous of her.

“ Dear sister, are you sure, we summon a humad?” Pola

“ I am not really sure, but they said they are, should not we believe them?” Claudia

“If I did not see this massacre, I think” Pola

“ You are one talk sister, are you even my sister? Before your body is very weak, how did you become so strong as them?” Claudia

“Well, some luck and hard work FUFUFU” Pola

Claudia look at her sister changes, she couldn’t believe her sister who loves her so much that she even bother in her work will change like this, she shot her glance to Gabriel and said.

“ You are really amazing” Claudia

Claudia was full of smiles, that her kingdom was being protected and many changes happen to her people when Gabriel and the heroes appeared.

Before their hopes were destroyed because the only kingdom remain was their kingdom, the people anxiousness was lifted up in their heart, because of this person who will now mark the history of the humanity.

The demons will mark this history as their worst nightmare, to become the enemy of these terrifying monsters who will now go to their continent, to defeat their ruler and become the warrior that will go back and bring peace to the world.

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