《Sealed Memories》Chapter 15- A nightmare part 1


Chapter 15- A nightmare part 1

“Huh” everyone look at Gabriel

“ Cough cough sorry i couldn’t contain my excitement” Gabriel

“ You can still feel excited after seeing their army!?” Claudia

“ FUFU, why not, the more enemy we got, the more exciting is it” Noa

“ Right, the more dangerous the situation, it will be more thrilling” Brigitte

Claudia, Claire and Philia look at their companion with a strange expression, they wouldn’t have thought, they would not feel the slightest fear or worry about this kind situation.

“ FUFU, Don’t worry too much, we will be in the front line” Gabriel

“ I will command the soldiers to be the vanguard, we can take the alternative plan about this, if we became exhausted, then you guys all have to do was to defend while we are resting FUFU” Gabriel

The army was now 1km away, Gabriel walks in front of the soldiers, the soldiers turn their head to receive the command to the mighty person who will bring their victories.

“SOLDIERS!” Gabriel



The soldiers gulp their saliva, they are filled with tension on what will happen, there my mind was filled with question, can we survive this? The soldiers thoughts.




The soldiers couldn’t not help, but look at the figure who will become part of the history, a young youth who mark the history with his braveness and strength fighting two hundred thousand with only six companions.

Gabriel turn to meet his companion said.

“Well, let's go and do our best so we can protect these people FUFU” Gabriel

“Yes” The other six said in unison

Gabriel became their leader because of his strength and wisdom he possess, not many people have that kind of potential, in their heart Gabriel was a great man.

Gabriel and the other six jump on the border, upon reaching the ground, they charge at the horde of demons that currently marching at them.

The demons spotted the approaching humads, their commander ordered their archers to take their aim , some commanders ordered their mage to launch a magic.

The clear sky was now becoming dark, the sky was filled with arrows and magic fireball, earth bullet and ice bullet.

Gabriel looks at the sky and swing his huge sword half of the arrow that filled the sky change their trajectory back to the demons, and some magic was destroyed by the Gabriel huge sword, many miserable cry rang out, demons and devils died on their own arrows.

The commanders who saw this didn’t order their army to fire an arrow anymore, because it will backfire on them, they became cautious at this humad who can kill them by just swinging his huge sword at a distance.

Arrows were still flying in Gabriel group, Jin just made his lightning barrier that causes the arrows to be reduced in ash, Brigitte just uses her hand to deflect the arrows.

Noa, use her katana to deflect all the arrows coming at her, Claire and Junevil did the same, while Hawkins was welcoming the arrows but to his disappointment nothing hit him.

That made him depressed and charge to the horde of the demon to receive an honorable injuries, he was an idiot after all, Gabriel just swings his sword and the arrow will be reduce into dust.


Many demons and devils who saw this became frantic and was amaze at what they seen, they see humad as a weak being that can’t protect their own for sacrificing their people to survive, they didn’t expect they will see a monster like Gabriel that belong to the humad.

The demons and devil were hesitating to charge at them, but before they can even decide to charge, Gabriel, who was now in a frenzy, grin while brandishing his huge sword at the demons and devils.

The demons and devils who saw that grin shivered, as if that grin was the grim reaper who will take their soul if you made a contact in it, Gabriel dash at the demons and devils.

The demons and devils surrounded and attack him, Gabriel holding his huge sword with his two hands make a stance to spin, the demons and devils who saw this was now growing anxious because of this terrifying humad that holding a huge sword carrying it like a twig.

Gabriel focuses his strength in his foot and started to spin, the demons and devils who was nearby was sliced in half in the first spin, Gabriel didn’t stop spinning he even move forward at the horde of enemy.

Every demon and devils who meet his huge sword edge was cut in into half and turned into mince meat, many miserable cries rang out when Gabriel stop his spin the surrounding demons and devils thought that this is their chance to kill this humad.

Every spin Gabriel made with his huge sword, will create a small hurricane that blown off of nearby demons and devils, the surrounding demons and devils became furious and charge at Gabriel who stop spinning.

“ my head feels dizzy” Gabriel

Gabriel just grins at the approaching demons and devils, he jumps thirty meter above, using the force that made by his huge sword he was going down at a higher speed smashing his huge sword downwards.

Upon reaching the ground Gabriel made a big explosion that made the other commanders turn their attention to Gabriel, after the dust cleared up, many demons and devils corpse was on the ground.

Gabriel was smiling while his sword was on his shoulder.

The impact made a thirty meter crater in the ground, the surrounding soldiers who were hit by the impact lose their lives, the demons and devils who was in the range of attack that Gabriel made was reduce into meat paste.

Gabriel smiled while his huge sword was still on his shoulder and said.

“ Come on!” Gabriel

Gabriel killed a thousand demons and devil in just a minute.

On the side, a dark haired and dark blue eyed woman was now standing in the middle of the battlefield, many demons surrounded this woman and attack her, the demons who were going to attack her has his head roll in the ground.

Many demons and devils didn’t see anything, and just saw their comrade fall in the ground, many demons and devils became angry because a humad just kill their comrade, they attack her with any means spear, sword and dagger.

Before their sword made a contact with the woman, she suddenly vanishes, one by one a cries rang out on their side.

Many demons and devils turn their head, and saw the humad beheading their comrade while laughing, her dark blue eyes was now crimson red many blood started to spurt in the field that made her bath in the blood her enemy.

The demons and devil met their own demise by meeting this woman, the psycho of the battlefield Noa, licking the enemy’s blood Noa suddenly laugh.


“ AHAHAH I like war, there are a lot to kill AHAHA!” Noa

This woman was crazy the demons thought, but they steeled their heart to defeat this woman, the victory was within their grasp and their numbers was bigger that their demons thought.

So why would they scared now? The demon started to charge at Noa, Glancing at her enemy Noa said.

“ What an interesting bunch HAHAHAH” Noa

Noa, who was now in ecstasy felt someone's presence behind him, turning her gaze, she saw a woman who has a whip and a dagger on her waist.

The woman has a blond hair, a crimson eye, an oval face with some tattoo line on her forehead, and a pale skin, the woman stared at Noa, and suddenly disappeared in Noa eyesight.

Noa didn’t see or sense her, the woman suddenly appeared in front of her and touch Noa's both cheeks with her two hands, and made her make an eye contact with her.

“ Girl, you have a beautiful eyes, what is your name?”???

Noa was extremely happy right now, because she didn’t see her or sense her at all, she was strong Noa thought.

“Okay, you are worthy to know my name” Noa

“ i am Noa HAHAH” Noa

“ Ooh, what a good name, I am Trist from the vampire race” Trist

Trist disappeared again and reappeared ten meters away from Noa, they stared at each other before engaging in a combat, the demons and devils was now extremely happy because a one thousand commander was now in the battle field.

Noa made the First move using her full enhancement, her speed increase five fold, she compresses her ki in the edge of her wooden katana.

Trist didn’t do anything and just coldly stare at her, Noa charge at her to attack in her front, she didn’t not want to sneak because it’s more fun to fight them head on.

“ FUFU, certainly your speed is admirable, but it's not enough” Trist

Trist took out her dagger and clash with Noa's wooden katana, they exhange at speed that the demons and devils eyes couldn’t perceive, After exchanging many attacks they finally leap back.

“ Girl you amaze me, to actually cope up to my speed admirable” Trist

“HAHA, you too, I have some fun with you” Noa

Trist was the first one to attack, increasing her speed she appeared in Noa back, and slash Noa.

Noa was laughing hardly, because that was just an after image of herself, she attacks Thrist into her neck.

But felt that she was like hitting the air, Trist disappeared and reappeared at Noa side, she attacks her and aim it at Noa side stomach, Noa deflects the attack and disappeared again in Trist eye sight.

Noa reappeared five meters away from Trist, she looks at Trist and said.

“This fight will not end why don’t we use our full power?” Noa

“ Certainly, this fight was not going to end if we can’t even hit each other” Trist

“ Yeah, you are more interesting that i ever thought FUFU” Noa

“Yeah, You too” Trist

Trist smiled, in her life this battle was the first time she experiences an enemy who enjoyed the battle and killing, but she treats her equal in the battle like a friend.

Trist, sheathe her dagger and pull out her whip, lashing it in the ground, she felt comfortable, she finally used her favorite weapon.

Noa, seeing this couldn’t help but feel excited about the outcome of their battle, who would survive among us? Her survival instinct kick in and her strength rise up to a certain degree.

This is the first life and death battle that she will experience, so Noa couldn’t help but felt excitement, the more the danger the higher the improvements.

Charging at Trist, Noa lifts her katana to attack downward in Trist head, Before Noa can even approach.

Trist, lash her whip side ward to hit Noa, after the whip hit Noa, she discovered that it was only a after image and she was already in her side.

Noa thrust her katana into Trist chest, but felt some pain in her back, she notices that the whip hit her back.

She leaps backward and gain some distance, Trist chase her and lash her whip on Noa head, Noa used her moonlight-fog to dodge.

A twenty one image of herself suddenly appeared surrounding Trist by it, The whip move horizontal and hit the twenty image causing them to disappear, Noa was now visible in a naked eye.

Trist, seeing Noa breathing heavily let out a cold laugh.

“ is that all you got girl” Trist

“ FUFU, I didn’t think that I will be forced to use this skill” Noa

Trist, lash her whip to Noa head, Noa used her moonlight-fog again to dodge and approach Trist, thrusting her katana to her chest.

Trist withdraws her whip to parry the attack, upon the touch of her whip to the katana, the katana disappeared and reappeared into her neck.

Trist seeing that it was too late to dodge, she moves her body slightly and made the katana hit her shoulder, the katana was thrust into her skin deep down to her bone.

Trist immediately retreat and pulled out the katana, after retreating back, she stared at Noa in astonishment.

“ FUFU what a skill” Trist

“Now what? Do you like it?” Noa

“ Yeah, I like it” Trist

Trist shoulder that has a hole before was now fully healed, that was the scariest thing about vampires is their vitality! Noa, seeing this was amazed at her regeneration.

“FUFU, what a body you have” Noa

She charge at Trist again, using the same method again, she injured Trist many times, Trist retreat and cast her gaze to Noa.

“FUFU look like i am at disadvantage” Trist

Trist has many cuts and holes on her pale skin, but it suddenly regenerated and came back to normal just like before, Noa cast her gaze to Trist who was like an immortal that cannot die.

“ Hey, you are cheating, what’s up with that body of yours!” Noa

“ What? You want to become a vampire?” Trist

“No way” Noa

“ FUFU, what a shame” Trist

In the back of Tristan, a back wing suddenly grown, Noa, who seen this suddenly frown.

“ hey what are you trying to do” Noa

“ FUFU, I will retreat for now, well then I bid you farewell girl” Trist

“ Hey!” Noa

Trist flew out in the battlefield and left Noa, Noa was cursing the vampire and let her anger take over her to attack the demons and devils nearby, she looks at the sky where the figure of Trist disappeared to.

“ Damn that vampire she was still holding back why did she retreat!” Noa

The soldiers who were left behind by their commander stared at Noa in terror, they started to run for their lives, Noa who was seeing this started to chase them.

On the other side, a blonde with blue eyes was currently using her elbow and knee to attack the enemy head and chest, every blow the enemy will fall down in the ground lifelessly.

On her side there are four spirits slaying a whole bunch of demons and devils, this girl is the summoner Brigitte, looking at her surrounding was a mountain of a corpse lying on the ground without a light in their eyes and a blood was drifting on their mouth.

“ These demons and devils are tougher than before, i need to hit them more than once to kill them” Brigitte

Seeing a whole bunch of demons and devils, she couldn’t help but gave a small laugh, this battle was more exhausting than before.

“Look like I have no choice but to use that, huh”Brigitte

Brigitte charge at the horde of demon, looking at her you could see a mana glowing at her elbow and knee, that’s right this is the new skill of Brigitte by gathering her mana on the part of her body she can now use her elbow and knee to make a hole into the demons body.

The demons and devils tried to defend her attack, but got their hand destroyed, you could hear the bone breaking and skin peeling off.

Brigitte uses her knee to attack their jaw, causing it break and their head to explode, the demons and devils started to retreat, because of the massacre happening in front of their naked eyes.

Everyone who met Brigitte and her spirit was killed, she was like a killing GOD who will kill anyone, Brigitte cast her gaze at one of the demon that has a spike horn on his forehead.

“You” Brigitte

Brigitte pointed her finger at the spike horn demon.

“ W... What” spike horn demon

“ Stop putting a facade” Brigitte

“ W... What are you talking about?” spike horn demon

Brigitte didn’t reply instead she charges at him, she leaps forward with her left knee aiming at the spike horn demon, the demon didn’t dodge instead panic and started to run away.

But it was too late, Brigitte knee was already on his face, the spike demon sigh in defeat and catch the knee of Brigitte.

Brigitte retracts her left knee and change it into right knee, causing the demon to be surprised and block it with his both hands, the spike horn demon got blown away by four meters away.

They stared at each other, the demon talk first.

“FUFU, I just want to watch the war, but i didn’t think i will be found out” Spike demon

“ Your mana was leaking, your hiding skill was very poor” Brigitte

“ Is that so, But be prepared if you just let me be, you will feel despair ”

The demon aura suddenly burst, Brigitte back a few steps back, she stared seriously in these terrifying horn spike demons.

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