《Sealed Memories》Chapter 11-The war


Chapter 11- The war

After the signal start, I look at Hawkins and saw his calm expression, then he suddenly vanishes. FUMU this guy's speed was not bad, his body is big, but can actually move to this kind of speed.

We are now using a wooden sword to avoid fatal injury, well, I am okay with a real sword, but Claudia rejects it. He thrust his sword at my side.

I parried it and attack him in the back, FUFU but he actually blocks my attack, this guy has a lot of experience. I stopped my advance and let him attack me to see his full strength.

This man's personality was nasty too, he hides his true strength pretty well, he disappeared again and reappeared in front me. I punch him to counter attack.

But I only hit an afterimage of himself, he reappeared again, this time, he was on my back. I brought my sword in my back to block his thrust.

FUFUFU he was surprised at my reaction speed, hey, I didn’t even use my four percent body strength and you already had it hard, this guy didn’t want to use his true strength. I see I see, so you want to keep playing like that let see if you can keep that up.

I barraged him a sword attack, he decided to block it with his sword, but it was in vain, I hit him a lot on his body. Finally, he used his enhancement technique.

FUFU if you have done that from the beginning this will end faster and I will not play with you, he charges at me with brute strength and force his sword down, I decided to receive his attack to let him know. I can defeat him, on his own forte.

After I receive his attack, I felt like I was hit by three thousand kilogram stone, but to me, it was just like a pebble. I push him with his sword and he got blown back FUFU what a strong willed individual to actually stand before that.

“Guh” Hawkins

As a reward, I will use my sure kill technique, I decided to call it black sword executor. Let see if you can hold this.

“aaarg!” Hawkins

He shouted with all of his strength and charges at me, after he got close to me, he stopped moving because he was surrounded by my killing intent. Well, this is the end.

While walking out on the stage, he got blown away and fly a ten meter away, while coughing blood. Oops, I forget that it's forbidden to give your opponent fatal injury HAH look like I lost.

Claire supported Hawkins, they bring him to Philia to heal him after he was healed. I walk into him and said.

“ I lost FUFU sorry for the injury”

“ No, I should be the one thankful to you, you didn’t hold back so that I can hold my honor” Hawkins

He bowed at me, FUFU what an incredible person, we shake hands and go back to our seats to watch the next sparring match. Now the match was between Pola and Noa.

FUFUFU this is going to be interesting, their level was almost the same, Pola holds the slight advantage because of Rin technique. They started with Claire signal, Pola charge at Noa and attack her with a vertical kick.

Noa blocks the attack but got pushed back, then Pola charge at her again to attack her with a chop on her neck. Noa didn’t dodge instead she counter attack the chap using her katana, the katana and hand clash together.


With the sound of the boom the stage became dusty after the dust was cleared, Noa and Pola, stand at the both side and stared at each. They clash again Pola used her hand to attack while Noa uses her katana.

While they are clashing with the speed with the soldier couldn’t see, I saw Noa being at a disadvantage, she was attacked less and focus on defending. While Pola was at advantage her use the three-step technique and she became four.

FUFUFU she improves these last few days impressive, Pola surrounded Noa and attack in all directions. Noa used her moonlight-fog and surrounded the four Pola.

But the four Pola didn’t stop their attack, all the illusion Noa disappeared, Noa, who was now completely visible after her moonlight-fog was broken was now trying her best to defend.

After a long fight, Noa was defeated due to exhaustion of defending, FUFUFU Noa was really amazing to keep up with four clones, I approach Noa and offered a water. She took it and gulp it down.

“ How did you defeat that girl and what's up with that skill that after-image was somewhat real!” Noa

“ Those are real”

“What!! What kind of technique is that?” Noa

“ Why don’t you ask her?”

“ Do you think she will tell me!” Noa

“ Why not? She was our companion after all”

FUFU she was irritated, I suppose she didn’t have much experience talking with other people besides me, I look at the stage again, Pola and Brigitte were now staring at each other. Why is these girl's head was so hot?

The fight was now started by the signal of Claire, Brigitte immediately summon her four spirits, she said they were five when we are in the castle, so why she didn’t use it?. FUFU this is indeed intriguing my curiosity, what are you hiding you little girl.

I was thinking to summon a spirit too, but my ego is so powerful, I don’t know what will come out and if it turns out to be a pervert like me, I don’t need it. I am just being truthful to myself so please forgive me from being one FUFU.

Brigitte ordered her spirit to surround Pola, Pola immediately use her three-step and she became four, her three clones attack the four spirits. While the true pole attack Brigitte.

Brigitte didn’t back off instead charge forward, she uses her right elbow to attack Pola in her head, while Pola didn't dodge instead catch her elbow, but she got attacked in the stomach by Brigitte using her left knee. That’s hurt Muay Thai is really a dangerous sport.

Pola was touching her stomach because of the pain, she relaxed her body and circulate her ki to heal her stomach, Brigitte didn’t give Pola a chance, she quickly jumps at her with her both elbows going down with her to hit her head. Pola dodges in a breath of air and quickly counter it with a kick to Brigitte's side stomach.

Brigitte blocks her attack by making her knee bend into her stomach, to absorb the impact, this girl is amazing she became stronger than Pola and Noa, well soul mutate is amazing after all. Due to her soul mutation, her sense became more sensitive and her reaction speed will be astonishingly fast.

Well, you can consider me, a soul mutates as well, due to my soul absorbing, everything was improved because of my powerful soul. The GODS soul cannot even compare to me.

I really want to absorb GODS soul, if I absorb GODS soul, my divine power and soul will tremendously improve, FUFU should I consider killing the GODS of this world. But I am not really in the mode to find them.


If they want to be absorbed they can find me instead FUFU, what an evil GOD you are Gabriel, well, of course, I am the prince of the Evil GOD after all. But I have my father as well.

I suspected because of my existence those being decided to kill me, well, I will pay them back some day, I will play with their soul for eternity. FUFU I started laughing just by thinking about it.

Well, let continue to watch, that plan was still far, after all, Brigitte ordered her spirit to attack Pola. Those spirits are strong to defeat Pola clones so easily.

This Brigitte will become very strong in the future, her spirit will enter the Platinum class soon, I am really dying to know what her fifth spirit look like. I can’t really force her to say that, it was her trump card after all.

The spirit surrounded Pola and attack her at the same time, Pola who was surrounded by spirit use some technique I taught to Rin, the ground sinker. This technique can make you merge with the ground and become invisible.

She executed it well, Pola appeared behind Brigitte and brought her arms to Brigitte back.

“ Do you still want to continue?” Pola

“ No, I gave up, still what a mysterious skill to actually disappear in the ground, my spirit can’t even detect you” Noa

Pola just smiles, I think she just doesn't know what to say after all those techniques were not from her, FUFU you have so much to learn girl. To be actually forced by Brigitte like that.

After that fight we decided to stop, but Jin rejects and want to spar, I said I will be his sparring partner. He decided to just stop and went to his camp.

Why?? Am I really that scary? sigh these bunch of kids is really scared of me, oh, by the way, my body limit increase yet again. FUFU my soul absorption was going well.

My divine power in my body was eight percent, that increase my body limit yet again, the yin and yang to my body was four percent, because my body limit increase the strength I have now, was three times stronger than before.

My full body strength was now seven hundred times stronger, I can now make a big hole in the mountain just on my body strength alone. If I can completely absorb those energies in my body I can make these worlds disappear with just a lift of my hand.

The absorption rate to my soul was going well, the absorbed chaos attribute was seven percent, divine power nine percent, yin and yang eight percent, at least now I can maintain the chaos house for fifteen days.

The morning came and we presume our journey in the border, the soldiers were still talking about the sparring yesterday, all the talk was about me and Pola. Yeah, yeah I am amazing aren’t I?

After a few days, we finally arrive at the border, upon arriving some people welcome us. One of the people who welcome us approach.

“ This is the duke of the border Junevil Patterson” Claudia

“ We are thankful to you, Your majesty, your presence alone makes our heart feel at ease” Junevil

This person has a thing for the queen, FUFUFU boy your eyes contain lust and power, I will take care of you later after the war ended. Take anything you want to take but not my toy boy.

“ They are?” Junevil

“ They the heroes we summon” Claudia

“ The girl with a black hair was Philia” Claudia

This Junievil was a young duke about twenty-five years old, he looks at Philia and scans her body, now you’ve done it. I will really take care of you!!

“ The girl who has dark blue haired was Noa” Claudia

When the man looks at Noa, he started to drool, Noa was somewhat displeased and was going to start and jump on him to kill him. But I stopped her.

“ What do you think you are doing.. I want to kill him too, but don’t drag the other people wait for a chance”

“But this man was disgusting” Noa

Noa was completely disgusted with him, well, I am too, this boy will meet his demise after this.

“ And this is Brigitte”

The man licked his lips, but Brigitte gave him a cold glare, he let out a small laugh at Brigitte. This guy is really shameless.

“This boy was Jin and that was Gabriel” Claudia

When Claudia introduces us, he completely ignores us, like we are some rocks in the road, Jin was now angry and release some lightning. Easy boy, you will kill your horse he didn’t do anything you know.

After the introduction, Junevil left and go to his manor, Claudia came to me and said.

“ Sorry about his behavior, I don’t like him too, but because of his family contribution to the kingdom we can’t kick him out” Claudia

I touch her cheek and she was surprised, she pushes me away and get some meter distance between us. My queen, you are so cute if I can take you to bed now I already do it.

But don’t let a woman be forced with, you need to wait for them to give themselves, that’s a real man meant to be. Am I right?

“ It’s okay, if she did something to you I will personally kill him”

“ Why would you do that?” Claudia

She was confused at my words and didn’t know what to say, I started to get close at her, bring my mouth to her ears I said.

“Well, I wonder why would I be”

I bite her ear and she let out a cute moan, FUFUFU isn’t exciting, the rated 18 will come soon, but sorry it just for the two of us. Imagine but do not look that is our secret HAHAHA.

The queen pushes me away and speeds up her horse, she was embarrassed, oops. I notice Claire looks at our direction, I approach her.

“ You!!! What did you say and do to the queen, she became completely red!” Claire

“ Well, should I tell you?”

“ If you will not tell me I will beat you even if I die” Claire

“ Come, let me whisper it to you so that no one can hear us”

Claire approaches me, I whispered to her ear and said.

“ Want to do it?”

I bite her ear and she let out a moan due to pleasure, FUFUFU will I experience Orgy? I was starting to get excited. If I let me drool right now it will fall down in the ground FUFU.

“ W...Y...y..Yo.... Stupid!!”

She started to call stupid many times, that’s rude! I am a genius without a doubt! And do you have to punch me like that? She looks like a girl who has no strength her feminine side started to show up, how cute.

Teasing these girls was really amusing HAHAHA, I almost lost myself and let out a crazy laugh, she started to run away, hey do you have to run away from me like that?. I look at behind at me, saw Philia looking at me with her dangerous smile.

Pola was somewhat sad, I decided to pats her later to make her mood up, I approach Philia and ask her to feign ignorance FUFU. I am a gentle person, aren’t I?

“ Did something happen Philia?”

“ What did you say to the queen that she actually became like that” Philia

“ Do you want me to say it”

“If you do not want, then don’t say it” Philia

I approach her and did the same thing to her, surprisingly, she just became red as a tomato and didn’t say anything, could I take that as a yes? she started to run away too, what a shame I want to tease her more. I approach Noa, who has a strange expression.

“You're enjoying this aren’t you?” Noa

“ Well, yeah, if you don’t enjoy your life, what the use of living FUFU”

“ It's not like I don’t understand what you mean, but can’t you at least choose one of them?” Noa

“ I can, but I want to protect all of you so I didn’t choose anyone and my life will lead to the path of destruction so I don’t want all of you to get involved, and if all you wanted to leave I will let you I am not the who will decide your fate”

“ Sorry, but no matter what you do, I will follow you, and it's fun to be with you, I don’t know why but I sense some familiarity with you”

She smiled at me and run away too, hey did she say familiarity? From what? And who? Liza? This is too much for coincidence, don’t you think... I will need to know the reason behind it.

Well, some idea popped up, like the technique I pass to them was my connection, but I don’t know the truth yet so I can’t be sure. Hmm, should I let her remember her past being Liza to find out?

We are now in one of the manors of a certain noble of the kingdom, we don’t really like Junevil that much so we rejected his offer to sleep on his manor, I look at to Claudia but cast her gaze down, I did the same at Claire she cast her gaze down too. I look to Philia, she blushed and look away.

I cast my gaze at Noa, she only smiled, well, I can’t do anything about her, she was shameless after all. Even when she was Liza.

We have taken our own room and decided to rest, because we will have a meeting tomorrow planning for the upcoming war. But i did not sleep.

I slip into the manor and go to Junivel manor, I am jumping in the trees and see some people who guard the manor, they are expert in hiding and protecting the manor. But with concealing my presence they can’t completely detect me.

I jump at his window and look at him while he didn’t even notice me, I covered the whole room with my divine mana and cut off its connection to the world, so no can discover. Junevil was cursing while he was sitting on his chair.

“ Damn, why I can’t get those women, I need more power to do that” Junivel

I walk up to him and he notices me.

“Who are you!? Guard!” Junevil

“ Stupid I cut off the connection of these rooms to the world”

“You are... Gabriel!, what are you going to do?” Junevil

“Well, I will torture you, that you will wish that you are dead.”

“ Why would you do that? You are a hero you are suppose to protect us” Junevil

“ Stupid I am not a saint to protect someone evil and greedy person like you”

“ Guard! Guard! Help me” Junevil

He started to shout like a girl when the guards didn’t come, he grabs a sword and started to attack me, I cut his arm to his body and the sword falls down. He started to cry in the ground and roll in pain.

“Well, let start”

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