《Sealed Memories》Chapter 10.1-The life of thor


Chapter 10.1- The life of Thor.

Thor POV

As my consciousness drift away, a new life will begin to sprout, my life ended because of my carelessness. I decided to take out my soul dagger I didn’t think that will cause to my miserable end.

The soul dagger began to absorb everything, its stop after absorbing the life force and soul of the world completely. The only one remaining was me floating in the world that already gone.

I don’t know how can I live in the world without oxygen, the only thing you can see was the universe with the countless star within it. Many days have passed without food, I started to feel hunger you could hear my stomach growling in the universe.

My time has come, all of my life force was now drifting away with my consciousness. After my death, I open my eyes again and saw a huge storm happening after being born on my fortieth reincarnation.

I glance at my mother, she was a beautiful woman with golden hair and beautiful blue eyes, I turn my head to see my father was holding a lightning in his hand looking down at the ground. My father tosses the lightning and it hit the ground.

I am now three years old, I learn that I am a son of lightning. We are living in the sky city and the mortal was on the ground.

Collecting the information about this world, our attribute is just only a lightning, so they decided to call me Thor. We can be lightning ourselves I tried to practice with it and destroyed half of our house because of my abnormal mana.

My mother came at me worried, Father also came and ask what happen. I told them that I used lightning and the house got blown.

Father took me on his arm and said: ”That's my son” and patted my head, Mother also came at me and smiled. I almost laugh at myself that they are proud of me that I destroyed our house.

I read a book about mortal and decided to go down there to enjoy my life, in the sky city the only thing I can do was to read. My life will be boring if I didn’t interact with other people, how can I make my servant I mean friend.

Finding my father to talk to him about my future, I saw him with my mother making my brother. So I decided to come back tomorrow.

Don’t be a child and disturb them FUFUFU.

My father and I were now talking, about my plan to go down with the mortals. Then he said.

“ You have to wait until you grow, at least you need more one hundred years to grow and became an adult” Father

My father was Liamad, our growth was slower than any life forms. But damn that’s long.

“ Okay, ” I just agree

My mother Riona came at us, I look at her and started to approach her. She starts patting my head, looking at her again I said.

“ Mother, did you and father make my brother”

“What!!” Liamad and Riona

They were shocked at my question, FUFU I like to tease people who can be teased easily, what can I do about it, that’s my personality. FUFU they look flustered and started to question me.

“who said that to you?” Riona

“ yeah tell us, saying that to a young child” Liamad

FUFU I started to laugh, should I blame grandfather when he was drunk he will forget anything anyway. Well, I will look like a strange child if I said something, not child like so, of course, I already plan my escape route.


“ Grandfather told when you do it with”

Okay, I will not say the rest, you can just imagine FUFU. Explaining to them that Grandfather told me when you do that and that you can make my brother.

My mother began to rage in fury, her lightning was shooting out in a random direction. My father can’t do anything about her and just follow her.

I peek at the room where my grandfather staying at, she was scolding and beating my grandfather who sits in z position. HAHAHA I can’t stop laughing, he looked like a panda.

My grandfather didn’t blame me, instead blaming himself for his carelessness that he didn’t even do. I felt guilt so I comfort him that it’s fine and that’s it's my fault too for asking a question like that.

Every time I remember my Grandfather's face I started to laugh, I even save that image in my memory so that I can look at it when I am bored. Finally, 100years has the past

This past 100years I did nothing, but play a prank with my grandfather, mother, and father. I peek at my mother sometimes when she was taking her bath FUFU well, you can’t blame me there is a beautiful woman in front of me it's a waste you know.

“ Thor, do not cause trouble in the mortal world” Liamad

“ Come here my son, I will hug you first before you leave” Riona

I approach my mother and she hugs me, kissing me on the forehead, then let go of me. My father looks at me with warm I started to feel guilt in my heart for what I have done to them.

Well, it's already too late and I have some fun with them, why would I care about it now?. The past is Past.

“ Here, take this Thor” Grandfather

I look at my grandfather and gave me a sword with our family insignia, I accepted it. But I still ask.

“What this grandfather”

“ That sword can make your lightning stronger” Grandfather

“ How do I use it?

“ Infuse your lightning in that sword and fire it to your enemy” Grandfather

“ Isn’t my lightning enough?”

“ The lightning that sword produce was ten times stronger” Grandfather

“ Son if you have some time visit us, we will miss you” Father

I hug my father and mother, I kiss my mother's forehead to return the means of goodbye. It's not like I will be gone forever, I will come back, don’t worry.

I jump on the floating city and began to fall down at the highest speed, I converted myself in a lightning and hit the ground. FUMU this is cool.

I stand and look up to my surroundings, I saw some monsters that got by me became a roasted meat. I started to walk and go to the nearby town.

There I saw an inn, when I entered it, they look at me with greed, they approach me to take some money from me. But after touching me they became black like charcoal FUFU what a bunch of fool.

After that event no one approaches me to plunder me, I join the adventurer Guild and became an E-class adventurer after joining. I did a lot of work like exterminating a bunch of goblin and some orcs.

After three years, I was now in the inn, I turn my gaze at the entrance of the inn, I saw a woman with Crimson red hair, black eyes, and beautiful curve with big breast. FUFU what a woman.


Our gaze met, she started to approach me and stop in front of me, we stare at each other for a minute. Then she spoke.

“ You” red haired woman

“ Me?”

“ Who else I am talking about stupid” red haired woman

This woman! Is that the first thing you would say to a stranger! Do you have some manners to call someone stupid!?, I am a fucking genius, girl. What I want to say, but first I need to calm down.

“ What do you want”

“ I want you” red haired woman

Is this the power of my charm? I didn’t think I will attract a woman who can cause a city to be destroyed fighting over her, do I have play hard to get? Or not?

“Huh? Why do you want me all of sudden?”

Of course, I need to know the reason, why she needs me, it will be embarrassing if I said. Yeah, if you want, you can take me right now!! And jump at her FUFU.

“ Because we smell the same” red haired woman

“ What is that suppose to mean?”

I was really confused at this woman, is that what you suppose to say to a stranger? They will misunderstand us! Are you a pervert to smell a stranger like me? But let at least know what is her name.

“ Your name?”

“ Why should I say my name to a stranger” red haired woman

A vein started to pop up in my head, Damn what the hell are you! You are the one who approach me first and said everything that a stranger would never say, now that I ask your name you didn’t even say it. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?

This troublesome woman! I had enough, I will leave these damn woman who knows who, where she came from! Even if you are a beautiful woman, I will leave you damn it!. Such a waste.

I walk out in the inn and started to leave for another city to my mission, I sense someone is following me, I turn my head and saw nothing. FUFU, of course, I did see, but not her appearance but the soul.

I can’t use my Gluttonous Exx because I can’t condense my mana, I can only produce lightning because of my body attribute. Sigh, this life is hard, it's like I am starting again in my first reincarnation.

The soul that following me was now surrounded, I saw many souls or people surrounding the person who was following me, FUFU lets’s see what will happen. I decided to watch it.

There, I saw the strange woman who talked to me earlier being surrounded, I think they want to play with that woman. The man talks.

“ Hey, girl don’t be like that come with us, we will play a lot of things you could enjoy” the man

The man started to drool, FUFUFU these guys was the trash of the city, should I charred them into a charcoal? But my eyes widen in the scene, the guy who spoke earlier. Has now had his head rolling on the ground!!.

I saw the woman laughing hard after she beheads him while being bathed in the blood her black eyes became crimson red, the man's companion was scared shitless because they didn’t see anything that causes their companion to be beheaded.

They started to run, but the woman didn’t stop her, she chases them and licks her lips at the blood drifting to her face, she massacres all of the guys who were around. One man approaches me and yelling.

“ Help me, please”

Sorry man, I think I am going to run too, well, do you want to be involved to a psycho? If you want, then I don’t. So goodbye, wish you good luck.

While I am getting prepared to escape I notice the man earlier was now beheaded, hey girl do you have to kill a guy who just pass by, she approaches me and smiled at me. Hoy, what’s that suppose to mean?

Yeah, my charm attracts someone who could destroy a city, a woman psycho that will massacre everywhere, she was perfect and all, but because of her personality she was a minus point. I don’t know her, but she approaches me and said we smelled the same.

I started to hang out with her, because she was beautiful who would have thought she was a psycho who enjoyed fighting and killing, after our encounter we met a lot of dangers. Like getting trapped in the dungeon, getting attacked by a bunch of bandits and being attacked because of her.

Provoke her slightly and she will go berserk, and will start the massacre of all of the people who was with them there, we started to walk in a mountain of corpse and blood. My life was now full of blood and carnage.

After that we provoke more and more powerful figure and start hunting us, I learn her name was Liza, FUFU say what? I was peeking at her when she was bathing, but when she saw me. She just ignored me, do I take that as a yes??

I join her in the bath, but got a punch in the stomach instead, why?. Damn, after inviting me like that, I would only get a punch!! You are shameless!!.

We are now living in the mountain to avoid the people, this girl is shameless everything she has done was being accused at me. She said we don’t have to hide and we just have to fight them head on.

While we are arguing with each other, my sensor picks some presence they numbered five or six, they all have a strong presence. One who was nearby at us attack Liza with his sword directed to her neck.

Liza deflects the attack, slice the throat of the man, finally, the three-man came. The two attacks me in a pincer and the one attack me in the front.

I created an armor of lightning, I felt their attack was going to get through my armor, they are at least in one level above me, if not for my experience I already died. After their attack failed I compress the lightning in the edge of my hand and use it to cut their throat.

I unsheathe my sword and attack the other guy and stab his heart, pulling my weapon out the man was trying to block the lightning I infuse to my sword but got shot through at his head. I look at to Liza to see her condition and saw her fighting a three men.

As I was going to help her, I saw a man with a bow aiming at Liza and release the arrow. As the arrow was going to hit her, I transform myself into lightning and protected her.

The arrow hit my back, damn why would I protect this damn troublesome woman, Liza looks at my surprise, then started to shout and her killing intent increase. Her speed suddenly increases and started to behead them one by one.

Damn the arrow has a poison that I didn’t know, Liza didn’t stop, he chases the man who fired the arrow and beheaded him, Liza came back at me worried. She looks at my back and pulls out the arrow.

I saw the arrow content was a dragon blood, this dragon blood cannot enter the human body or else it will kill you, right now I am being devoured by that blood. The blood started to melt my organs.

This shit hurts, how could those hunters possess something like this, as my life was being taken away from me, I look at Liza. I saw her crying this is the first time I saw her like this her eyes became crimson red just like her hair it so beautiful.

I wipe her tears and touch her cheek, and she holds my hand, I smiled at her and said.

“ Look like this a goodbye crazy woman”

She remains silent, after some time she kisses me, I was in a daze on this woman. I really don’t understand her.

Damn it, I haven’t even found a toy, but instead found a woman psycho. After some time she talks.

“ I promise I will never forget you, Thor when I first met you, I thought we were the same” Liza

“ That you like fighting and love to kill, but it seems like I was mistaken” Liza

At her word, I can feel her loneliness, I kissed her and said.

“ Fool we are the same, but I am more shrewd than you”

“ Now I am more shrewd and always causing problems for you” Liza

“ No, you're not on my level yet”

“ Then you win, I promise to never forget you even in my next live” Liza

“ Stupid just forget about me and be happy, here my gift from you, it will make you stronger”

I pass down some ability of enhancement that I learn in my thirtieth reincarnation, I smiled at her and saw her in a daze, my consciousness began to move to another world and start my life again.

I woke up and I only saw darkness, I move my body and felt something hard, I tried to head butt it. Then it broke, I saw the light and look where I came from.

I saw an egg shell, I was confused I tried to analyze the situation, I look into my hand, I saw a scaled claw and wing at my back. It can’t be I thought.

While I was in deep thought, I saw a big lizard that has a wing land at me. Yes, this is what it looks like.

“ Oh, you already came out my child?” Big lizard


“ Yes?” the big lizard look at me with surprise gaze.

“ HAHAHA so my child was a genius dragon” Big dragon

Yes, I was reborn as a dragon.


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