《Sealed Memories》Chapter 5- Power up


Chapter 5- Power up

Gabriel was in the library, he had read about forty percent of the books from this kingdom library, of course, even Gabriel powerful soul, he still needed more than days to read the whole books.

He learns about the new race and history of this new world, in Gabriel era, the dragon, dwarves, vampire, werewolves, and Valkyrie, were non-existent so of course, those races are new to him.

Dragons are mighty being created by the Goddess of Destruction Luci.

The dwarf an earth fairy who specializes in smith, they are better than talent than those beasts in Gabriel’s era.

A vampire a human who turn into undead because of the disease called Vladi fectos, the victim will start to frenzy and drink the blood of his victim.

Then he will reborn as a vampire, they are considered undead because of their cold skin.

Werewolves, a human in daylight and monster at full moon, has a powerful regeneration

Valkyrie called, war-maiden, they exist in war alone, they are beautiful, but also dangerous individual.

The monsters of this world are divided into a different class depending on their strength.

Copper class - a weak class monster like slime

Silver class- a middle-class monster like Giant boar

Gold class- a high-class monster like wyvern

Platinum class- the highest class monster like the minotaur.

Crystal class- a legendary monster, the information was unknown

because they are rarely seen.

Mythical class- Unknown

This world has five continents, The demon continent, dragon valley, maiden continent, vast continent, and lastly the humad continent.

The remaining GODS of this world where very few, due to the war that happens six hundred thousand years ago, all of the GODS almost perish, the book said, there is a war called the war of the GODS.

The only GODS who survive are those who didn’t participate in it, Gabriel was gone from this world for almost four million years, well, you can call him an old man considering his age.

After collecting all the information he wants, Gabriel couldn’t find any information about those four swords.

It was as if they didn’t exist, but he didn’t feel down, he can just absorb someone's soul and check the memories their memories.


Gabriel POV

As I fight with Noa, I was surprised, she use the skill of a certain GOD of my era as if it belongs to her. At first, I used three percent body strength and divine will to hold the power in my body.

If I use my full power, I can kill Noa with just a thought, so I used my divine will and hold my power back, what a troublesome girl!! When she used her enhance technique I adjusted my power to five percent.

Well, I need to show to her who is the boss, don’t think like I am a villain bullying a helpless girl I can’t help it. Furthermore, I gain a lot of benefits, I gain a sudden insight.

I suddenly thought to fuse my Yin and Yang skill to my soul. At first try, it was a success, if the body can absorb ki, why the soul cannot? Well, because those people who train in ki doesn’t know anything regarding the soul, they only knew it existed, but didn’t study it.

If my soul absorbs my Yin and Yang, who can destroy me?? Hahaha, at best they can only seal me for a period of time, if I completely filled my soul with ki plus the black ki that double its effect, my soul will become hundred times stronger!!

I also did the opposite and fuse my divine power in every bit of muscle, bone, vein, and every organ of my human body, if someone hit my body, they will feel like hitting some kind of crystal, add it to my regeneration, I am now invincible!


Well, at least just from this world, I didn’t dare to be arrogant, what if those being above can destroy many worlds with just a thought? Of course, I can destroy a single damn world, but I don’t want to be careless and be killed due to it. I am not stupid to do that.

First, I need to completely fuse the Yin and Yang plus the Divine power to my soul, my divine power did not completely fuse with my soul yet, it was just the beginning of the process.

That also can be said to my body, as long I don’t reach my limit, I can improve further, the process of fusing will keep getting harder as its reach a certain point. I have already fused five percent of my divine power to my soul and one percent on my body.

The yin and yang have been fused by one percent in the soul and thirty percent of my body, as the body absorbs the divine power, it will increase the body limit, so the ki that I imbued in my body drop into three percent.

My goodness, if all of these processes will be completed, I wonder what level of power I will go to.

I will not stop until I reach the peak, it's early for that, so I need to enjoy my life and play with my playmates, right? Don’t always train, enjoy life too.

A week already past. These past few weeks, I decided to chat with the two heroes. That I didn’t meet yet.

Brigitte was a short girl, you could say a beautiful girl for short, that’s not the thing that took my interest, but her soul, there are two souls within her body. It’s called soul mutate, the two souls started to merge together, in about ten or twelve years the two souls will completely merge.

Noa explains that Brigitte has a split personality, of course, that is not the exact reason for that, my theory, was that a certain condition was triggered that causes her soul to switch control on her body.

For example, if the condition is to sneeze, then if a soul mutates sneeze, the soul will switch places to control the body.

I am now with my toy, I mean with the so-called four heroes and the queen, with the beautiful onee-san by her side, fufufu I really like those breasts.

I am an honest person so what can I do about it? Oh, I didn’t mention this, the queen also has a big bust and a very beautiful woman with majestic aura, but for some reason, she always avoids my stare.

Hey, that’s rude.

“The reason, I gathered all of you here was to explain the war between humad and the demons”Queen

Well, I already know the reason, it's the same reason that they started a war in my era, but due to some prophecy they saw me as a threat to the world and sign a peace treaty to combine their strength to destroy me.

“Due to discrimination between the humad and demon, they began to slaughter each other, because of that reason we started the war as to not lose our pride.” Queen

“Why don’t you talk with them and have a peaceful life?” Philia

“I already did it a long time ago and the demon king accepted our treaty, but the people of the demon continent and our people protested causing our treaty to be destroyed” Queen

“So what do you want us to do?” Noa

“Kill the demon king and make the demons submit” Queen


“Do we have to kill” Philia

Jin make an ugly face, he can beat someone, but not kill them, Brigitte just coldly stares at the queen.

I look at Jin and thought” what a naive boy” and turn my gaze to Noa, who was filled with excitement, as I thought this woman is also a psycho.

“Don’t be naive if you don’t kill, you’re the one who will be killed”Queen

Oh, what a wonderful ruler she is.

The four just nodded and didn’t say anything.

“If you understand, then let’s move to another topic, my next objective for gathering all of you is about the training. I will personally train all of you, Claire will assist us, do the five of you have an objection?” Queen

Hohoho what benevolence, WA... What I am at it too?? Before I can even say anything Philia rejects the queen idea.

“Hey, Gabriel was only a weak boy why do want to train him as well?” Philia

I am going to cry, so Philia thought of me was a weakling? Damn, I will seriously cry here, please stop!

“Well, I thought he was going to come with the four of you, Gabriel, do you want to come or..” Queen

Before she can even finish her word I said.

“I will come” Gabriel

“Of course, he will not co”Philia

Philia looks at me with a worried face so I started to comfort her.

“ Philia, I can’t stand here while you were in danger, can I?”

“But, what can you do?” Philia

Hoy! That’s rude, even you’re my childhood friend don’t think like I am useless.

“I have the knowledge of this world”

“How can you know the knowledge of this world for only a week, we can’t even read it” Jin

“Well, I have already learned the letters of this world from the book, tee hee”

“What! Is that true!?” Queen

“You just came here a week ago!” Claire

Fufufu, be amazed at my mightiness”Well, believe me, or not, I learn your world letters three days ago”

I don’t even need to go into trouble like studying your letters just to read, thanks to my divine properties I can read it fine.

Well, I can’t really say that, can I? They won’t believe me anyway, while onee-san and the queen look at me with disbelief, Noa, Brigitte, and Jin was amazed at my statement.

“I think what Gabriel said is true, even when we are in our own world, he knows many languages” Philia

“Even when you have the knowledge what can you do to help us?” Jin

“ Stupid, he can give us an information about monsters, town and a lot more information about this world” Brigitte

“Kuh!... Don’t call me stupid even though” Jin

Brigitte just ignores her, what a nasty personality.

“Don’t ignore me!” Jin

Jin has a tear in his eyes, what a child, you are boy” So can I come too?” I don’t want to miss my amusement so please don’t force me the other way.

I can use my divine sense to search them during their journey and teleport, but I can’t do that for now, I will be found out by those being by scanning my divine sense.

So my other way is mind control or soul controlling by splitting a small part of my soul and plant it into theirs, I don’t really want to use this nasty method, so please don’t force me.

“Well, he said that he will go with all of you, so let him be” Queen

The queen said and turn her gaze at me, hey where are you looking you don’t have to avoid my eye contact, right?

“Gabriel” Queen

“Claudia” Gabriel

“Bastard, you dare to call the queen on her name, do you have a death wish?!” Claire

The queen blushes how cute, I just called her name, what's wrong with that? I said in my mind, but I can’t really say that or else I will be forced to fight with onee-san.

Certainly, I want to fight her to accidentally touch those chests, but my ability will be revealed if I did that! Should I show my real power for her chest?

No, I can touch them anytime, be more reasonable Gabriel, don’t let Lucifer take over you, I can’t lose my amusement playing as a weak boy, I want to be protected like a weak boy who can’t do anything.

This is kind of lame for a man you think? Wrong, if there is fun there is nothing you can be a shame of.

“It’s okay, Claire I allowed him to call me that, I don’t really like formalities” Queen

“If you say so, your majesty” Claire

“Gabriel, you will train with us, do you not like the idea or not?” Queen

Isn’t she cute blushing for just making contact at me. Unfortunately, she regains her composure and I was the only one who saw that, but thanks for the treat I saved it in my memories and move it to the queen’s photo album.

“Well, what else is my choice, anyway?” Gabriel

“Okay with that, we will start right away, change to training outfit and wait for me on the training ground, Claire guides them” Queen

“Yes, your Majesty”


Claire POV

I got the feeling that Claudia was hiding something, when I was making my report on her bedroom, I saw her drilled herself to her pillow and shouting.

When she looks at me, I saw her face bright red, I am getting the feeling of a maiden in love. Well, considering her age, it can’t be helped, but why now?

I ask her many times, who is it and just got an answer” W.. What.. a.. are you talking about?” after that I keep on asking her, but she always avoided my question and use her authority to shut me up.

These last few days, we visited the heroes, many times, the queen was looking at Gabriel when his gaze was not at us.

It can’t be, I thought. Certainly, I too was captivated by his, silver and gold eyes, his skin was pale looking, and has a firm muscle, he seems to be pretty weak outside.

But you cannot fool me, regarding the muscle on his hand, it was hard as a steel. I think he’s putting a facade to hide his strength.

A week has passed, the queen gathers the heroes and Gabriel when I look at him, he always smiled at me, I shake my thoughts so that I will get distracted.

We are now gathered in the queen’s room, we discussed the reason for this war and in regards to their training.

The queen was avoiding Gabriel gaze, but I always look at him and he returns it with a smile, I keep thinking that, this guy is no good and I was five years older than him.

When Philia rejected the idea of the queen to let Gabriel join their journey, I wonder why, didn’t she know that maybe he was stronger than any of them? Why? My mind was full of thoughts, but maybe Gabriel didn’t tell them, this guy's personality is nasty after all.

Gabriel said he learned our letters three days ago, the queen and I look at him with disbelief, of course, no matter how genius you are, you can’t learn a language with only four days.

But Philia said that Gabriel was a super genius, no matter how you describe her words that seems what is look like, if he was strong and intelligent then isn’t he somewhat perfect? Except for his personality that is!

When the queen looks at him she blush, but it only lasts for a moment, I guess I am the only one who realize the queen was looking at Gabriel with longing.

After guiding the heroes and Gabriel in the training ground, I return to the queen.

“Your Majesty, The heroes is ready”

“Okay” Queen

The queen walk out with her training outfit, while we are taking our walk to the training ground I ask “ your Majesty, are you perhaps in love with Gabriel” the queen stops her footings.

“Cl... Claire w... what are you saying?” queen

“Don’t dodge my question I already know your feelings toward him, I am just worried about you so I am asking you, but it seems like your face is already telling me the answer”

The queen is red as a tomato.

“I just want to warn you, don’t trust him easily and watch for a while, before you develop more feelings about him” Claire

“Thank you, but I know I can trust him, you could see it right? He has a nasty personality, but he cared for his companion, I know what you mean so I will be careful” Queen

This is the first time I saw the queen with that kind of smile.

“You have already fallen for him that much. Well, it’s not like we can’t do anything about it”

We continued to walk on the training ground.

I forget about the princess what will she do, if she found out about her sister being in love!! Well, I can’t really do anything about it, she’s a sis-con after all.



Gabriel POV

“fufufu as I thought Claire felt my muscle hardness, what an amusing fellow to actually know my battle power just because of my muscle alone, I can’t let my guard down now” watching the water ball floating.

“Gabriel, how long are you going to take a bath” Philia

Oops, I forget, I am taking a bath right now, but I saw something amazing, don’t ask, it’s mine alone, imagine all you want, but I will not say it hahaha

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