《Sealed Memories》Chapter 4- Noa


Chapter 4- Noa


Born as a martial artist, my family own a skill that can kill others.

At the age of 5, I started to learn the ki technique and started to imbue my body with it, my capacity was somewhat large for a normal martial artist because of my family lineage.

I kept on challenging others to know how strong I am, they called me a prodigy because of my ability that surpass others.

At the age of 7, I challenge every member of my family and keep beating them, the only person I couldn’t defeat was my brother and father.

My brother was 12 years old, he has a black hair, blue eyes and firm muscle in term of appearance you could say he was a very good-looking.

I challenge my brother many times, but the result was always the same, I always lose, but I didn’t give up. I started to develop my own skill.

At the age of 9, I successfully defeated my brother with my new develop skill, I called it moonlight-fog, this skill increases my speed three times for a second that will create an after image of myself.

But if I perfected it, I can maximize my speed and create a seven after-image.I challenge father, but I still couldn’t defeat him,

At the age of 12, I started to challenge the nearby Dojo in our village, because the member of my family couldn’t even take one of my strike, I became bored and decided to challenge the people outside, but I still won without tiring myself much, they didn’t even satisfy my battle instinct.

I couldn’t still defeat my father, so I decided to walk outside to breath some fresh air, while I was taking a light stroll outside, I found a box with Disc in it.

I return home and decided to watch it, then I saw a man fighting with killing intent, he killed every person who irritates him. I don’t know why, I am somewhat familiar with that feeling, but couldn’t remember where.

Watching it till the end, I learn a lot of things”I wonder why I felt like, if someone provoke me I can kill” Noa

That urge to kill was somewhat bothering me, I decided to let it free because it’s been bothering me for a long time now.

I was now enjoying fighting, but the desire to kill was still not gone, the family members that spar with me until now avoid me, I know the reason why.

When I spar with them, I almost killed some of them, the others were still in a coma or trauma because of that one spar.

Then I challenge my father, he was surprised at my changes, but he still defeated me.

I injured my father for the first time, for so many years I challenge him, I didn’t even touch or graze him, but now I injured him. I am happy about my achievement and decided to train hard and suppress my killing intent, so I would not accidentally killed someone who provoke me.

At the of 17, I perfected my skill and defeated my father without any injuries, I can even lift a 700kg stone now, I am pretty strong for a girl so I didn’t make any friend in our village.

After defeating my father, we move to another city, I transferred to another school. Well, it’s not like I am sad about our departure.

I don't have that much attachment to our old place, in fact, I am even happy with my father's decision.


In the big city, we are living like a Yakuza in a big house many of our family members are like a guard wearing a black suit.

I was now on my way to the school, I will attend to.

I got lost, I turn my gaze under the bridge and saw some people, I decided to ask them for direction, but for some reason I could see the lust in their eyes..

The man talks to me with his disgusting voice, I instinctively make a stand and take my family heirloom wooden katana, I don’t know why, but this wooden katana is hard as steel, the wooden katana didn’t even break after I parried a real sword attack.

Those men charges at me, all them was an amateur who got so many openings, so I struck them in their neck and stomach to make them unconscious, I suppress my killing intent so I could not kill them.

Taking them all down, I realize that something is amiss, one of them was missing, I stretch my sense to feel that man presence, but I realize that he was already in front of me.

I am careless, this man knows how to use ki to conceal his presence, I didn’t think that there would be a martial arts in this city.

While I was still shocked, I instinctively raise my wooden katana to block, but I noticed a white thin line that hit the man’s back.

What was that? After the small thin line hit his back the man stopped his movement, that gave me the opportunity to strike him unconscious.

I still don’t know how or what happen, but I look at everywhere and look for the source of that thin light and notice that it was a small pebble, looking where it came from, I saw a man sleeping on the side.

I approach and thank him, upon seeing him I sense some familiarity, I decided to ignore that feeling and leave him be.

After I leave the bridge, I realize that I still don’t know where is the school was, after some time, I saw a woman with the same uniform.

I followed that woman in the school and finally make it, I search for my class and found it on the 3rd floor.

Opening the door, I search for a vacant chair and saw the man in the bridge earlier, I turn my gaze to the teacher and introduce myself, then took my seat ignoring the gaze of my classmate.

Afternoon, I realize the feeling I am getting with that man earlier, I thought that we smell the same, I could smell his boredom in this world, he wanted to walk in the path of blood just like me.

I decided to find him, I am excited and I want to fight him, while, my thought was full of his figure.

I realize a circle of light swirling around my body, when I open my eyes, I realize that I am not in the school anymore.

I saw a two figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I approach and ask them, from the answer I got from them, I can tell those lights are magic and we have been summoned from another world.

My blood is boiling, my killing urge will release anytime, but I suppress it, I need to know more information about this world first or else I will get myself killed.

I started to examine the room and sense some present, I saw a woman with black hair, brown eyes, and a nice body with a big chest, a man was currently sleeping on her lap.


I easily recognize that man, because he was the man I am looking for, suppressing my excitement, I grab the girl's shoulder and ask her a question.

I look at the man who’s in her lap, I decided not to talk about him so that Philia will not look at me with suspicion and misunderstand us, even I who didn’t experience love could tell that this girl was in love with this man called Gabriel.

I sense another strong presence approaching us, I realize that my body sense was somewhat acute and improve a lot after that summoning.

A woman with a crown introduce herself to us, she asks for assistance, of course I didn’t accept and release my killing intent the guard reacted, but the queen moves her hand to stop the guard advancement.

The queen talk with tears flowing in her beautiful face and bowed to us, she explains how we can go back to our previous world, I didn’t sense a lie with her words so I decided to accept her request to fulfill my boredom.

Walking in the big hall, I saw a lot of luxurious people looking at me with lust so I released my killing intent, that made them to shriek in fear because of the thick killing intent surrounding them.

Every one of us walk in front of a crystal ball and put our hand in it, Jin got a lightning ability, Brigitte got the ability of a summoner, Philia got a healing ability, and I got the enhancement ability.

When Gabriel puts his hand on the crystal, I got excited, guess what kind of ability, he will have, I expect that he will get the strongest ability, but upon his touch the crystal crumbled.

I look at everyone's reaction, I feel excited, I thought that crystal can’t contain Gabriel ability so it crumbled.

The man named Roy checks his mana, but got an answer of” I see nothing”, I didn’t believe it, because I know this Gabriel was hiding something. I started to laugh at the man called Roy on his density I didn’t think a man like him exist.

After that event, we walk to our own room and noticed Brigitte changes, her gaze became firm and solid without fear of anything.

I came up with one possible answer, Brigitte has a split personality.

I suggest to be with Philia and Gabriel, but Philia rejected it, so I ask Brigitte, her answer was within my expectation.

Jin just nodded and take his own room, we walk inside without talking to each other and just decided to sleep because this day was tiresome.

We woke up early in the morning, I noticed Gabriel opening his eyes, I inform Philia and saw her suddenly rush at him.

I didn’t approach or speak, I just waited for them to finish what they wanted to say and wait for Gabriel to be alone.

When Claire came to get Philia, I realize Gabriel calm expression looking at them, then cast his gaze at me.

“Hello, Gabriel Logan nice to meet you, we met again” Gabriel

I am surprised that he took the initiative to talk to me, I ask him if Philia knows that he was a martial artist, he just acts as if he didn’t know anything.

If you look at him you could see his calm face and you will believe everything he will say.

But I am different, his smell was the same as me, so I decided to ask for a fight and he refuses.

I started to think of a plan to make him fight me and came up with a sexual abuse plan, I watched this trick in certain movie and make threat to him. Surprisingly, he accepted my challenge with somewhat unwilling face.

“I accept, but I have my condition” Gabriel


“I need a place where we can be alone, give me some time I will personally find it” Gabriel

“Okay, I accept, don’t run”

“I promise I won’t run, I am man with words” Gabriel

2 days later he a found a place beside the lake, this place it gives the feeling of gentle and peace.

“Okay, let’s begin.” Gabriel said, then he charges at me with lightning speed

“Fast” I muttered to myself

He throws punch on my stomach, I counter it with a slash to his head, but surprisingly it was just an after image.

He appeared in front of me with a calm smile on his face, then attack with a chop on my shoulder blade, I use my moonlight-fog and dodge it, but he already caught me on my feet and throw me in the nearby huge tree.

I was slammed into that tree and made a crater with my body in it, I spit a mouthful of blood and use my War Enhance Technique and created a 14 image of myself using the moonlight-fog.

I am surprised that my technique improves, thanks to my enhance technique, I saw Gabriel express a face of shock and disbelief, I thought my chance came, but he just stays there without moving at all.

I attack him with all of my might with all of 14 images attacking him”Aargh” shouting all of my energy at him, I am surprised at his sudden movement, he lifted his arm upward and grab my wooden katana, he uses his free hand and attack with his finger I felt my body gone numb.

I was planning to move my body, but realize that I am not able to, I can’t believe he knows the acupuncture points of a human body.”A genius” I thought

He stopped attacking me, then he looks at me and said”had enough now?” I nodded repeatedly, I feel excitement in my heart, this is the first time I encounter someone overwhelm me this much, I find my heart beat faster and the desire to follow him grow stronger.

He attacks me with his finger again, after that I felt my body back and he said”don’t talk to anyone about my ability or else I will hate you, ” he smiled at me, my heart made thump sound, I found myself immerse to his smile and just reflexively nodded.


Queen POV

I was in my room fixing the documents, after fixing them, I decided to go on the balcony to get some breathing, I notice Noa and Gabriel walk into the lake.

“Youth” I thought, I didn’t experience love, because of in this kingdom, I am a queen without a king, I hate political marriage so much and just wanted someone who I was fated to be with.

While I am in a daze looking at the clear blue sky with the sun smiling at me, I felt a slight tremor in the lake up to my balcony, I cast my gaze at the lake to look for that energy and decided to check Noa and Gabriel.

I jump into the balcony and use air magic to slow my momentum before landing on the ground, I started to run with my fastest capabilities to check if they are okay.

In the lake, I saw Noa standing there not moving at all, while Gabriel was in the front gazing at her. Suddenly, I saw Gabriel attack Noa with his finger, it's so fast that even I, didn’t have time to react.

After Gabriel attack Noa, I surprisingly saw her move again with a happy face, Noa raises her head to look at me, Fufu I am surprised she noticed me.

I approach them and ask what was that energy about, Noa said”I was just practicing my ability, I didn’t do it well, so it ends up me being paralyzed, Gabriel offer his help, he has the medical knowledge of our own world and cured me”

“I am surprised you have knowledge about medicine Gabriel” I look at him, I felt his calm and king like demeanor, it’s like he was standing above everything, while I am in a daze Gabriel talk.

“That is nothing, I love reading so I learn it by accident”Gabriel

I became nervous it seems like, I am talking to an ancient GOD that existed a long time ago, my heart began to beat faster.

“III.. S that so”Queen

“May I have the honor to know the beautiful lady in front of me?” Gabriel smiled and brought his knee on the ground and kissed my hand

“My apologies, my name is Claudia Gabriela 2nd” Queen said while blushing

“Well, it’s fine knowing a beautiful lady is enough for an apology” Gabriel

How can he say that with a calm face! He doesn’t seem to be embarrassed at all, why am I blushing anyway, more importantly, I am older than him!

“Well, if there's been nothing else, why don’t we go back?” I said to hide my embarrassment

“Well, if you say so”Gabriel

We returned to the castle, I cast my gaze to them and saw Noa walking beside him saying” You player” I pretended that I didn’t hear anything and fasten my walk, locking myself in my room.

“Aargg” I shouted, what am I thinking, a boy that younger than me!! And I am not exactly that old, I am only 22 years old, it was considered to be the prime of my life as a woman so what was I hesitating about?.

“Kaarg” What I am thinking, I want to bury my face in the ground!

“Your Majesty, are you sick or something?” Claire

“Kuh!” of all people why her??


Gabriel POV

“Kukuku, what an interesting turn of event” A water ball, was currently floating in front of him, looking at the water ball you could see the queen’s red face.

I planted my divine power at her to watch something amazing. This divine power will attach its body to the target like a specter, no one can see it beside me.

I didn’t expect it to be this amusing, this world will be my playground fufu.

Gabriel made an evil Laugh.

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