《Sealed Memories》Chapter 2- Seal Break


Chapter 2- Seal Break!

Gabriel and Philia were in the dark place, during the process of summoning Gabriel felt a pain from his head.

The memory sealed within is soul slowly resurface.

The pain was unbearable, he felt that his soul was being eaten bit by bit, he couldn’t take any longer. He shut his eyes to ease the pain and lose consciousness.

Philia realize that Gabriel was no longer moving, Panic and Fear emerge in Philia’s face, she places Gabriel’s head to her lap.

After hearing Gabriel heavy breathing, she let out a sigh of relief.

Gabriel soul started to undergo a big change his divine power was now being fused in every part of his soul.


Philia POV

“Thank goodness, he just lost consciousness,”Philia thought.

Recollecting her memories, I was preparing for this day to tell him that I loved him, but I am scared to know his answer, but I decided to throw my fear to let him know how much I loved him.

Ever since childhood, he was always beside me and protected me, even though he’s not strong, but I know he was always doing his best on everything, I know that because I am the only one person beside him,

Gabriel was a strange child when we were 3 years old. While I was playing with big sis he always took our book at his own convenience and sat in the back to read quietly.

“I will do my best today”Philia

I reassured myself that I can do it. I waited for him outside and suddenly saw him walking reading a manga.

I am gonna call at him, but I notice someone who seems to be a thief carrying a bag on his left hand and knife, I started to panic and shout his name to warn him, but the thief was just a meter closer to him.

I panic and started to run at him, luckily the man stumbled in the ground and drop the knife.

He was holding his right arm that seems to be broken, I ignored the thief and rush to Gabriel and ask if he was okay, but he said”I should be the one asking you, did something happen your face is pale”he said he look at me with worried eyes.

I smiled, said”nothing” Gabriel luck always seems good, each time he encounters a situation like this, he always gets out unscratched, when you ask him, he doesn’t even know what happen.

I started to laugh, he’s kind but somewhat uncaring, sometimes I started to think if I truly know Gabriel.

When he was alone, I always look at him and saw him staring at the vast sky, I don’t know what he was thinking, but I felt lonely just by staring at him so I decided to stay on his side.

Sitting on my own seat, I started to think of how should I tell him, but nothing comes to mind.


Afternoon, I saw Gabriel on the side and waiting for me, but here I am in the doorway just looking at him without moving a minute or an hour I didn’t even notice the passage of time, sweat started to drop in my forehead and gulp.

Opening the door. I cast my gaze at him, then saw his beautiful silver and gold eyes looking at me, my heart began to thump, I am now breathing heavily, so he offered me some water.

”I just need to say it, I don’t care what he thinks of me, my feelings will not change” I grabbed his hand before I can even say my feelings to him a circle of light appeared beneath my feet.

I felt Gabriel embraced. After some time, we appeared in a dark place. I am patting Gabriel head right now, I am holding my tears and suppress myself from panicking. I felt someone touch.

I turn my head to look. Then, I saw a beautiful woman who has dark blue hair and eyes, wearing hakama with a wooden sword on her waist, I tried to calm down and ask with a trembling voice”who are you?”

“I am Noa, you are also brought here by that light?” Noa asks.

“Yeah” Philia

“So there is five of us, huh” Noa

Surprised by her words, I didn’t think that there are more people, who got dragged by that light”where are the other two?” Noa pointed her finger behind me, so I turn my head.

“Noa-senpai did you see something”???

“Noa-senpai where are you?”???

When I turn my gaze on where those voices came from, I saw a man and a girl wearing our school uniform.

The man looks slightly good, 5.9 feet in height, black hair, and brown eyes. The girl was very cute, she has a golden hair tied in a ponytail short for her age, 5.4 feet in height, and blue eyes that match up her pale white skin.

“Hello” I said.

“Hello, Jin Aikawa a wannabe delinquent nice to meet you”

“Brigitte Alma 1st year, please take care of me”

“Philia Jonas please take care of me too, this is Gabriel Logan, he kind of weak, so don’t rely on him”I smiled at them, then turn my gaze to Noa who was staring somewhere.

Turning my head, I heard a creaking sound coming nearby.

“Welcome heroes to our world Midas”???

We are dumbfounded by the scene in front of us, we didn’t dare to believe it at first, but we are actually summoned into another world just like in the fantasy novel or fiction, while we are in a daze on her word

” cough, cough”???

We turn our gaze to a woman wearing a luxurious clothing with a crown on her head. Then back at the woman who just spoke just now, her face became pale after seeing the woman with the crown suppose she is a princess...


This woman has a silver hair, a pair of blue eyes, oval face and sexy body “What a beautiful woman” I thought

“ Your majesty, excuse my insolence I didn’t notice your presence if you just inform us, that you will directly welcome our heroes I wouldn’t act like that”

“Well, you look excited so I decided to watch you for a while, it seems we finally succeed Claire ”Majesty

“Of course your Majesty, this summoning took us a lot of effort after so many years we finally found a method to summon a hero. I thought we are gone before that happen, fortunately, we have succeeded”Claire

“Enough of that let’s greet our heroes first” majesty

”I apologize for my late introduction I am the queen of this kingdom Claudia Gabriela 2nd and as you’ve heard we summoned all of you to be our heroes, don’t misunderstand, I am not ordering you, but asking for all of you to help us.

We are at a brink of extinction please in return for your help, I will do anything you ask of me, just please help us” The queen bowed to us, she doesn’t seem arrogant like those from novels I have read, so we just nodded, but Noa suddenly said.

“Is there a way for us to go back?”Noa

She looks at the queen with killing intent the guard reacted and unsheathe their sword, but the queen moves her arms and signaled the guards to stand back, the guards gave a painful expression and follow it anyway.

“There is, but the way to go back into your own world is on the other side of the demon race, they have the device to track down the origin of any being if we can get that and know your origin we can send you back.

Without that device, we don’t know where or what world you will be sent to, your only option is to help us, again I apologize for bringing all of you in this world trouble.

I promise that we will assist all of you and teach you how to fight, so please help us” The queen cried in front of us, they really look like in a bad situation, I want to convince Noa to agree, but I am surprised at the words came from her mouth.

“Well, my world is boring, it seems like, we don’t really have a choice, don’t we? So what are we going to do?” Noa

“First, we need to gather all of you in the audience hall and look what ability you got in summoning circle, I expect all of you to have a better result, after all, you're psychic from your world is not ordinary, to begin with, plus the power of magic circle enhance your whole body, check it if you want to see the changes”Queen

Leaving us behind, I observe my body If what she said is true, then I lift Gabriel easily? After some thinking, I lifted Gabriel with ease, I am surprised by my own strength, After confirming the changes on our body, we follow the guards into our destination.

In the audience hall, we saw different kinds of people with luxurious clothing and guards with spears, they are a knight I suppose.

In the middle, an altar with a crystal attach can be seen, the queen was standing and stared at us.

“Put your hand in that Crystal, it will tell you what unique ability that the summoning circle gave you”Queen

The queen said so we put our hand on it, when Jin put his hand, a blue dragon suddenly appeared and entered Jin’s body.

“Amazing so your ability is the Lightning Dragon you are immune to any lightning and can wield it however you want, but it depends on your mana for how long you can use it”Queen

Jin made a happy expression with an evil grin, Next is Bridgitte turn, putting her hand on the crystal many life forms started to swirl around her, but Brigitte has a confused face.

“Don’t be afraid those are spirits, it’s also means you’re a summoner, you can control any spirit that accepted you as their master. How many you can summon will depend on your power control and mana pool”Queen

Brigitte just nodded and walk back to us, I realize that Noa disappeared beside me and I turn my gaze into the crystal ball and saw her standing in front of it.

Placing her hand on it, A woman with a full body armor came out and stared at Noa, then entered in Noa body. The queen was in a daze and didn’t speak until Noa spoke”what ability it contain?”the queen woke up.

“The ability to enhance the body, it’s common magic of this world to enhance their body in the battle, but yours is different, you can enhance many times, as it depends on your body limit.

It means, if you have the potential of strengthening your body no warrior can match you, even magician if they can’t even touch or injure you, that’s your ability called War God Enhance Body Technique”Queen

“Fufufu well, it’s suit me fine”Noa

I woke up in my daze and touch the crystal, upon my touch, it emitted a green light that covered the whole palace. The queen stared at me blankly and regain her posture and said.

“The ability to heal anything as long as the target is alive, the ability Immortal healing, God Thank you!” the queen shouted in ecstasy and cast her gaze to Gabriel”bring him and put his hand in the crystal”

I lifted Gabriel and put his hand on the crystal, upon Gabriel’s touch the crystal suddenly crumbled to pieces.

“Huh?”Everyone looks dumbfounded especially the queen, I don't know what it means either the three knows, they just stared blankly at the crumbled crystal.

“What happens,”I ask looking at them with a worried face.

Also read this http://royalroadl.com/fiction/7941

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