《Sealed Memories》Chapter-Summon


Chapter 1- Summon

“Fufufu” Gabriel

This world is amusing, Games, Anime, and lastly advance technology. This world doesn't produce mana for magic, this is the 168 reincarnations of mine.

I was now in this world called earth, it doesn’t have mana, but there is a ki.

Ki, was a natural energy that was the produce to this world, normal people cannot sense this ki because you need a talent for it.

On the cycle of reincarnations, I enjoyed the life of a vampire. At first, I didn’t know what they are because my previous world doesn't contain a knowledge about them.

The vampire of this world came from myth. Vampire weakness is daylight and silver. But when I was vampire those weakness doesn't apply to me. I wonder why.

As a vampire, I learn the ability called usurper, this ability can absorb someone vitality, but the use of my usurper was unique I can absorb someone's soul or mana pool.

That time, I encounter a necromancer, he became my teacher and taught me a lot.

Thanks to his guidance. I obtain a unique ability and called it Gluttious exx.

The ability is not perfect yet, soul absorbing will take a certain amount of time. If my attempt failed, some backlash will happen, the soul will break and take some of my vitality.

I tried to absorb eight souls at the same time, but I didn’t expect, it will lead to my own death.

Then, I was reincarnated as a scientist, I did a lot of things and research about the soul, I made a lot of achievements that time.

I created a soul storage in my soul. This ability made my skill to absorb easier.

Digesting a soul will take a lot of time, but with the help of soul storage I can just maintain the soul and digest it slowly.

I also made a scythe and dagger using my soul, those weapon's properties can devour anything they touch.

They have their own will and recognize me as their master, so I am grateful for that, if not it will lead to something troublesome. I can also store them on my soul, those weapons were my soul, to begin with.

Many times of reincarnation, my soul, and divine power grew stronger.

Because of this, I can now maintain my sanity after devouring a sinister soul, of course, I didn’t devour someone innocent.

Each reincarnation, I remembered some memories I am not familiar with, but I accepted them anyway.

Many things happened in the past, I did some evil thing like a villain to relieve my boredom.

Oh, I was also born as a demon lord, fallen angel, and an ordinary villager I think?.... well past is past.

This life mine is what you call lazy or something.


Because of peace, beside from imbuing my ki to my body I just read some manga and watching anime. Well, what can I do? I already know everything about this world after all.



“Hey, Gabriel! Watch out!”???

I thief was running in my direction, I ignore Philia my childhood friend and block the thief footings while reading manga.

Well, I am a lazy man, so I hate sport that will only waste my time. If you have the same power as you will know what I mean.

I dodge like a pathetic mob to avoid a troublesome matter, like being challenged from a delinquent.

The thief stumbled to the ground, he looked at me with killing intent, then make a sinister smile.

Holding his knife tightly, as he was about to stab me.

I dislocated his arm bones, then the knife falls on the ground. The thief has a face of terror and looks at me like I was some kind of monster.

I ignore him and continued to walk like it doesn't involve me.

“Gabriel!!”Philia run at my side.


“Are you okay”Philia

“I was. I should be the one asking you, did something happen, your face is pale?”Gabriel

“Well, it's nothing” Philia smiled, she thought Gabriel was always like this, reading a manga or spacing out, then came back without a scratch.

She felt like he has a good luck charm.

She didn't know, it was opposite, he always encounters a situation that will end up him solving the problem.

“Why am I always getting involved with this kind of thing” Gabriel sigh inwardly

Well, it's not like I can do anything about it, let it be.

By the way, I am completely cool right now! My eyes have different color my right eye was silver and the left eye was kind of gold. I don’t know why, my mother has brown eyes and my father’s eyes were pairs of gold, but where did I inherit the silver?

I was suddenly reminded of the time, I was a fallen angel, I have the exact silver eyes. Whatever cool is cool.

I am wearing contact to not get too much attention, but it was in vain, the girls always bothering me every time. They are too much of a headache!

I can’t really do anything about it, I am so damn good looking, after all, my hair is black with a pair of golden eyes, wearing contact, of course, 6feet in height and has a firm muscle.

Philia has a black hair, alluring lips, beautiful eyes, perfect curve and the most important thing her breast is big E-cup!! She was a goddess, idols here in Japan can’t even compare to her.


While I am busy on my own fantasy, Philia walks beside me and said”hey Gabriel if you have some. Time.. This afternoon can we meet at the rooftop?”Philia said shyly.

This is it!!! With the experience of my past life, I already know about this kind thing. But romance is sometimes painful and full of suffering.

So I keep reminding myself not to fall in love, but who can’t resist it anyway? Our desires are the strangest thing we encounter.

“Why”Gabriel feigns ignorance.

“Don’t ask, just come?”Philia said and run.

“Isn’t she cute fufu?”Gabriel thought

“Hmm, I will sleep on my usual spot for a while”Gabriel smiled.

“This place really makes my life comfortable”Gabriel

Under the bridge, a clean river was flowing with vitality, I cast my gaze into the sky and saw the bright sky smiling at me.

This is my resting spot when I encounter something, I usually go into a place like this.

I was in a deep sleep when I heard something that bothered me. Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful lady surrounded by thugs.

“Hey cutie, join us and you will feel good,”the man said with a lustful smile.

While the others are licking their drool, they cast their perverted gaze at the beauty in front of them.

This beauty has a dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, and a nice body curve, she looks like a model. The beauty just stared in disgust and pulled out her wooden katana.

“whoa, men let's just grab her,”the man said while the others nodded.

A man attacks her at the front, while the others walk on the side and completely surrounded her. But suddenly, one of them fell to his knees with white foam on his mouth.

The surprise attack was aimed at his neck’s, with merely one slash, the thugs froze in shock, feeling weak at their knees.

“You bastard”Thugs

“Come forward and taste my katana”Beauty

An enraged thug charges together, while turning her body to slide past a thug, using the thug momentum to move past him, another thugs fist hit into the thug that replace the lightly moving beauty.


Though the damage was not enough to make the thug unconscious, the fist was hit to his abdomen, making him writhe in pain, the others were attackt in their neck by the beauty.

Two people instantly lose consciousness, to recover the situation, the remaining thugs took some distance and pick some wood and steel bar under the bridge.

Simultaneously, swinging and punching, the beauty passed by the thugs as though she was taking a light stroll.

The first thug was struck in the back of his neck, the second had his shoulder blade slash and third was knocked unconscious by the beauty roundhouse kick to his chin.

“It's over” Beauty

The beauty didn’t notice the thug leader presence and was shocked, she saw the man was already in front of her, and the punch was already close to her stomach.

Suddenly, the thug leader stopped his movement, that gave her a chance to hit his neck, the beauty casts her gaze toward me, then approach me.

“Thank you”Beauty

I only glance at her and said nothing. The thugs leader was an expert or pro, so I decided to help by flicking a small pebble to hit one of his acupuncture to stop his movement.

I did not help because I knew the beauty was much stronger than those thugs but knowing a beauty getting an attack by a thug my pride as a man couldn’t allow it.

After my rest, I decided to go back and attend my class, I was scolded because I was really late, but I said “if I can answer all of your questions then let me enter your class” the teacher agreed, he let his anger take over him causing him to lose face miserably in front of his students.

I sat on my own chair while looking out the window, I thought “do I have to attend the school?” I turn my gaze toward the door and saw the beauty standing there looking everywhere.

“You are?”Teacher

“The transfer student name Noa,”Noa said, she took the seat beside me, she didn’t look at me and just sat there silently, the whole guys in the class stared at her in a daze.

I turn my gaze in the window and didn’t look back again, I heard the girls saying”stupid guys, why don’t you follow Gabriel's example” said quietly

“Ahem” looking at his student he couldn’t help, but feel trouble coming.

Afternoon, I waited for Philia in the rooftop while reading manga, I heard the door make a creaking sound, I look at my childhood friend drench with sweat. I approach her and offered my handkerchief, then brought out a bottle of water.

”You okay, ”I said.

Philia didn’t reply instead grabbed my hand, She looks at me with firm eyes, she shyly said”I know this is sudden, but I think I...i am”but before she can even finish her words a magic circle appeared beneath her feet.


“As I thought its a summoning magic, I didn’t think that Philia was being summoned, well, let’s ride the fun anyway,”Gabriel thought with an evil laugh

“Grab onto me!”I said, Philia hurriedly jumps into my embrace, the light was getting stronger, the two of us are disappeared in the world we are not familiar with.

Also read this http://royalroadl.com/fiction/7941

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