《Reaper's Game》Chapter 18: Reaper's Power


Instead of typing it out all the time Focus, Imagine, Release will be abbreviated to F.I.R.

Liliana awoke in a daze, her limbs tied together and she was kneeling down on a dirt floor. The smell of the earth, the blood stained streaks... she was all too familiar with this place.

"Glad you're awake sister," Sebastian was looking down at her with a wide smile on his lips, "You remember this place yes? The place where all hunters get initiated into our order." He laughed sadistically, "But this time you're on the opposite end."

It was a memory Liliana had tried to forget, the underground stadium where certain criminals were brought to fight the initiates. You either left victorious or died, but for the criminals there was only death even if they won. The one she fought was a young man accused of disobeying orders within a noble's army resulting in the death of his squad captain. He was scared and shaking, begging her not to but she had cut him down because her parents were watching, because she did not want to die.

"Did you really think an initiate would be able to kill me?" Liliana looked up meeting Sebastian's eyes which were once a gentle blue now shining with a crazed murderous glow.

"No, but who ever said it was just going to be ONE initiate," He lifted his arms and made a gesture as if to show off the entire arena, "Plus you'll be watched by many of your friends. And..." His smile widened showing off his sharpened teeth, hissing, "Our Parents."

"If you're done now Sebastian," Magical flames filled stone braziers revealing the stands full of white clothed hunters and at a raised platform the two that raised Liliana. Her father holding a blood red crystal sword in his right hand and her mother standing beside him scorn in her eyes. "Liliana Moonhowl, you have betrayed your squad leading to their deaths. You have also collaborated and consorted with a vampire, a pure blood no less; these are great and treacherous crimes against our order. But you were a hunter once and even in death you shall serve the order willing or not, your execution will be left at the hands of our initiates and your death bring a new generation into our ranks."

Straight and to the point, her father never was one for ceremony; one of his only redeem features in her mind. Sebastian cut her bonds, then slowly headed back to one of the two gates leading out of the pit into the stands, eyes never leaving her's the entire time. Looking around most of the hunter's faces were hidden by their hoods aside from her families, considering her father was the one to go through the procedures it seems the head of the order wasn't here.

A deep scraping sound signaled the opening of the four heavy stone doors leading into the pit from the chambers below. Two... Six... Twenty... at least two dozen initiates walked into the arena with a variety of weapons and crossbows. Liliana felt inside her, the magic she has left is around half, she was unarmed. Get close to a group of people to prevent the crossbows use or take them down with magic first? She also had to be weary of their magic though, even if they are so called initiates they are basically a full fledged hunter to be taking part in this. She was also unarmed, the man she had thought back then at least had a sword; her father is taking necessary precautions, after all he was the one that knows her abilities best.


One of the hunters a blew a horn, Liliana got into a fighting stance once it reached three blows the execution will begin. Two, sweat was making her hands a bit slippery, unarmed fighting wasn't her forte. Three... as the third horn blew a body appeared out of nowhere and slammed into her.

From the feeling on my back and the large amount of hunters around I'll say it worked out fine, with the exception of us being unarmed in a pit surrounded by armed and very hostile people.

"Shin?!?!" Liliana pushed me off as she got to her feet, "How'd you get here, what ARE you doing here?"

"Err, well I teleported kind of..."


Due to your actions you have learned a new skill:

Teleport (Active): Teleports you to a previously visited location or item. Higher levels of the skill increase teleportation accuracy, success rate and reduce mana costs. Novice 1 - 10%, Teleports you to the general area at the cost of 500 mana with a 50% success rate.

I looked around, yeah this is kind of a bad situation... I'm glad I put points into intelligence so I have mana to fight with. "What are you waiting for?" A man with a fragile looking sword, crystal swords are never fragile in fantasy yelled out, "Kill them."

Seems like me suddenly appearing made the initiates unsure, but now given an order they started moving all at once several firing crossbow bolts our way. Damnit, cheat magic don't fail me now. Focus, Imagine, Release!!! An grey dome covered me and Liliana as the bolts were stopped at the edge losing all momentum and fell.


Due to your actions you have gained a new skill:

Reflective Barrier (Active): Using mana you create a barrier capable of blocking and reflecting projectiles, higher levels of the skill reduce mana costs and reflection chances. Novice 1 - 5%, Costs 100 mana to cast draining mana as projectiles impact, has a 5% chance to reflect projectiles.

"You had this kind of magic?" Liliana voice had confusion in it.

"No, just made it right now." I heard her sigh behind my back as one of the bolts got reflected and stabbed some poor guy in the eye.

"You are just unbelievable." It took 1-3 mana per bolt so probably depends on the force, eating some souls I prepare another spell as they got closer. The first one to reach us was swiftly dispatched by Liliana evident by the grunting and the sound of a body hitting the ground heavily, right after someone further away screamed; presumably shot by Liliana.

Having people run at you with swords is damn scary, Focus, Imagine Release! A fireball the size of a man's chest fired off from my hands slamming right into the guy closest to me lighting him agonizingly on fire. What, no skill? Well with fire mastery that I've practiced during our trip back it was quite cost effective. F.I.R. Another one went down, this time a girl from the screaming. Behind my several screams indicated that Liliana was cutting down a lot of them, the bolts have stopped and the shooters have joined the zerg rush.

I'm not good at melee, they were only a couple steps away now. F.I.R. Several sets of glowing orange runes showed up on the ground in front of me, when the first initiate reached it the rune blew up in flames effectively stopping his advance. Leaving a couple insect souls as backup I start consuming the souls of the deceased hunters, Summon Shambler


6 Shamblers Summoned:

Initiate Level 14 - 130/130 HP, 17 Atk, 8 Def, 3 Spd

Initiate Level 13 - 125/125 HP, 13 Atk, 5 Def, 3 Spd

Initiate Level 14 - 150/150 HP, 12 Atk, 10 Def, 3 Spd

Initiate Level 16 - 110/110 HP, 26 Atk, 18 Def, 4 Spd

Initiate Level 12 - 100/100 HP, 10 Atk, 10 Def, 3 Spd

Initiate Level 15 - 180/180 HP, 15 Atk, 15 Def, 3 Spd

4 Skeletons Summoned:

Initiate Level 12 - 80/80 HP, 20 Atk, 3 Def, 6 Spd

Initiate Level 10 - 50/50 HP, 15 Atk, 1 Def, 6 Spd

Initiate Level 19 - 125/125 HP, 37 Atk, 8 Def, 8 Spd

Initiate Level 13 - 90/90 HP, 13 Atk, 15 Def, 6 Spd


Due to your actions you have gained a new skill:

Summon Skeletons (Active): Raise a skeletal body to do your bidding, higher levels of the skill increase strength of raised skeleton and reduce mana costs. Novice 2 - 0%, costs 95 mana to raise 1 skeleton.

I heard Liliana give a cry of surprise as well as the corpses around us rose again, subsequently one of the shamblers died. "Friendlies, Liliana." I heard another sigh in reply. But skeletons? Was what I summoned dependent on the corpse used? With the arrival of the undead however the initiates with no real combat experience quickly fell, especially to the skeletons which had human like speed if not the reflexes. "You okay Liliana?" I devoured the remaining souls that were left from the deceased hunters, rejuvenating my mana to full.

"Yeah... Thanks to you." She was breathing heavily but seems to be okay.


Level 15 reached, achievements and advanced stats have now been unlocked.

Advanced stats would be useful but achievements eh. Guess they kept this system inline with DDO, since you died so often achievements were only unlocked after you reached level 15 and they all gave little boosts kind of like titles but without the limiting nature of them.

"That... Was rather disappointing, the initiates performance was just utterly terrible," The guy with the sword was talking again, "Sebastian finish off your sister, and this other intruder."

Sebastian dropped down from the stands, "I was waiting for this, I hoped you would live but a necromancer is an unexpected gift." He showed his teeth, what was wrong with them? They were sharpened almost like he had them filed that way. Mentally I commanded the undead attack, he looked unconcerned at the movements they made.

"Careful... He's strong," Liliana held two swords in her hand and was tense her face full of worry.

Sebastian looked at me, he looked kind of like Liliana he's her brother isn't he?"Don't you have anything stronger than this?" He swung an arm even though they were still a couple meters apart, a wave of red fire poured out from his arm as he swung it burning the undead to ashes within seconds. No chants, instant casting. "No? Well then let's get rid of the annoyances." He moved his right hand like he was raising something from the ground and the corpses around us burst to flame turning to ashes.

Damn if I saved some souls I might be able to enslave him... wait that wouldn't work, weird magical sense is telling me he can't be enslaved. He casually threw a fire ball at the barrier I had erected and forgot to take down, it was twice as large as the one I threw earlier. On impact it pushed the barrier in a little making an indent before slowly withering away, taking with it 600 mana. How strong was he?

"Uhh, we may be in trouble here." I didn't have enough mana to teleport but I'm not sure I should have risked it. It's only a fifty percent chance and I don't know if I could take Liliana with me. He seems to be a mage like me, so if Liliana could get close... she probably can't.

Kill Liliana, you can probably get enough mana that way to teleport away.

"What? No Karen I will not do that!" Liliana looked over at my sudden shouting.

"Do what?"

There's no way out of this otherwise. Don't throw it all away just for her, you hardly know her anyways.

There has to be a way, uhh, magic, fire, fire?... The jacket! Wait damn it that's night time only. Turn back time 5 minutes? but that won't change much, it'll give me the mana back but I don't know how much it would be to teleport two people.

"I'll go in, see if you can make it to one of the chambers underground. Chances are slim but you may be able to get away." I looked up at Liliana, she was staring at me with resolve in her eyes. "We can't win against him, Sebastian he... I don't know what happened to him but he's way too strong."

"What no, I'm not leaving you her-" Wait charge in?, "Liliana can you kill him if you can get close enough?"

"What? Ah, yes probably."

"Then I'll go in and hold him down, stab him through me if you have to."

"What!?! That's insane, you won't make it."

"I've got some tricks up my sleeve," F.I.R. My body started glowing orange slightly.


Due to your actions you have learned a new skill:

Fire Protection (Active): Raises your fire resistance, higher levels of the skill further increase resistance and reduce mana costs. Novice 1 - 10%, costs 50 mana to cast and 5 mana per second to increase fire resistance by 10%.

No time to waste I charge at Sebastian who smiled and shot a fireball at me. Not dodging I ran right at it and DAMN it burns. On his face was a look of surprise as I got through the fireball alive and... well not on fire. Every part of my body hurt as I ran towards him, I probably look like a mess right now. He lifted his hands in a panic and released a wave of flame at me, ignoring it I jumped at him hoping to get to him before I died.

The second I died I ate a soul and came back, to him it must look like I never died, some of my body regenerated but it was now a charred painful mess.

"RAAGHGHA!" I grabbed or rather fell onto him locking him in place.

"Sorry!!" I heard Liliana say before dying again with two swords piercing through my back accompanied by Sebastian screaming in pain.

1 soul remains.

Liliana stood up pulling the blades out, her brother's screaming had ended leaving the entire place silent. She still felt a bond with Shin but he was very evidently dead, but she has seen him do crazier things. She turned to look at her parents, something was wrong, they did not look worried or disappointed at all. They aren't people that would feel attachment even towards their own children but there should have been some response to the victory she had just now.

A sudden explosive sound behind her made her turn around to witness a pillar of flame, the source was Sebastian's body that was now getting back up, Shin's body had been completely destroyed in the process.

"That hurt sister, I really did not expect that." He looked down at where Shin's body was, "Definitely did not expect him to survive all that." How, how was he not dead?

"You see sister dearest, after you left me there for dead I had god whisper in my ears." He smiled, his eyes a pit of darkness with flames for a center, his body was cracking all over revealing fire. "He asked me if I wanted to live, if I wanted power. I answered Yes." His entire body was now blackened by the fire spilling out of his body... no that wasn't fire it was lava. "He was not a god of this world, however but his power allowed me to purge the blights upon this land. It won't matter in a bit but I'll allow you to hear his name. Surtr a Norse god of fire." Sebastian cackled maniacally from is right hand a sword of bright fire formed, it's pommel and grip a of solid black obsidian.

Liliana dropped her swords, there was no way she could fight this, fight a god. Despair was in her eyes and she apologized to Shin who had given his life. "Goodbye... Sister." The sword was driven through her cutting cleanly in and cauterizing the wound right after. Sebastian pulled the sword out as Liliana's lifeless body fell undamaged save for that one cut.


Your best bet is to just wait them out before reviving, you aren't strong enough to fight him yet.

Liliana's soul was floating there, she was dead the bond that was there before was also gone. No one could have known he was a chosen. But the Reaper was the strongest right? Then why couldn't I do anything. There was little point in turning back time, it won't change anything, I know that enough to not waste a precious item but DAMNIT.

"Well done Sebastian my son, that was an exemplary display of your power." The with the sword was congratulating Sebastian on killing his sister?!?! That was his daughter he just had his son kill what kind of a parent was he!?!?

Anger welled up inside me, at my own weakness. I hate games with scripted character deaths, it wasn't right. There were supposed to be choices but no matter what you did they always died. So I decided to do everything I can to prevent anyone from dying outside of those, I was laughed at by people for trying so hard protecting some bits of data. Expendable bits of data they called it, I got too attached I know but its a part of who I am. I should have just declined the slave trader, if I tried out more magics. If I stored more souls.

Power. I need power to overcome everything, to do anything I wished. Power to not lose to anyone.

You want power?

... Did someone just say something in my head?

Let the anger control you, you'll naturally bring out your power.

"Kage is that you?"

That weakling is not here, quickly decide.

"I'll take it."

Good, feel the power of the Reaper flow through you, embrace it and destroy your enemies.

A dark mist swirled around me, sinking into me, strengthening me. It was pure destructive power, more than I could have imagined, it was like going from level 1 to 9999, the difference was incredible.

Sebastian was turning, walking towards the gate that leads out... I won't let him, let anyone here leave. Consume Soul.

Liliana wondered why she still there, she was dead that much she knew, was it because she had attachments? But normally you wouldn't be tethered to your corpse. There was no one else here and she couldn't interact with any of the living. Something swirled past her, dark mist focusing in on a sing point twirling in a circle, suddenly the mist concentrated and Shin's body reappeared causing Sebastian who was living as well as all present to look at him. There was something wrong with Shin, it was dark... or rather it was deadly, the energy surrounding him wasn't evil just pure power.

They all looked at me in shock, Sebastian who was just turning back reignited his form and drew the sword again. Did his god tell him to be careful? He had no look of mockery on his face and was completely serious. Above Liliana's body I saw her soul, walking to her I released it. At the very least she shouldn't have to see this, I knew instinctively this power will annihilate everything. A shout, looking to my left I saw Sebastian running towards me sword held high. There as no need to direct this overwhelming power that even now i felt like I could be ripped apart by it, rather I couldn't control it. I wonder how the Reaper does it. Then again he's a god isn't he? I let the power that was swirling inside me go and almost immediately pass out.

Varleck Moonhowl was looking with shock as with everybody at the sudden reappearance of the intruder, he had an overwhelming presence that he did not before. As the intruder fell before Sebastian reached him a dark mist was released in all directions moving quickly. As he saw Sebastian disappear into nothingness eaten by the mist Varleck instinctively stabbed the sword he held into the ground and hid behind it. As the mist reached him he heard hunters and his wife scream but his focus was in front of him where a red aura protected him, but the sword was cracking.

"What a mess... We're going to be scolded by the Reaper for not helping sooner." Three hunters and the area around them were completely unscathed by the mist a black dome of magic protecting them.

"There was no way of telling before, Oh looks like Moonhowl is still alive. Such a waste of a beautiful artifact, he should have just died." The mist had receded leaving the only survivors the three, Shin and the Varleck who lay there out of breath with the crystal sword shattered. Around the entire place one could only call it absolute devastation, everything the air, people, corpses, the ground had died leaving things blackened and like a picture from hell.

"You can just repair it can't you? Master Craftsman. That aside can I go punch him? Varleck had been on my nerves ever since I met him." A feminine voice this time spoke out from the shortest of the three.

"You are just a muscle head Vilana," The first voice spoke again, the hood fell back revealing a confident young face with combed back black hair.

"And you, are just an ancient buffoon." The two continued to bicker and argue and Vilana walked to Varleck who was in a state of shock.

"Well... I don't feel like getting my hands dirty anymore, Riaz you do it."

The first voice spoke out in exasperation, "You're asking an emperor to do such a dirty thing?"

"Vilana just do it, we need to get the chosen out of here." The second speaker had reached Shin and was picking him up with some difficulty, hanging off his belt was an obsidian statue of a giant with a sword, the symbol of Surtr.

"Fine." A punch to the face completely pulverized Varleck, and the wall behind him. "There, let's leave."

"Don't forget the sword! I can't fix it if it's not there."

"Yeah yeah," Vilana picked up the broken swords hilt ignoring the shattered pieces, "Hey old coot where are we going now?"

"You aren't even using my name anymore!!!" Riaz sighed, "That's why I don't like dealing with unrefined meat heads. We are heading to the mountains west of here, most isolated place within human territory. Checked it out before there's no other chosen there and I've already cast a spell keeping people away.

"Umm... Some help please?" The one who had picked up Shin was having trouble with the weight.

Vilana grumbled as she headed towards him, "You are such a weakling Fafnoth, how do you even work the forge?"

Fafnoth gave a small smile, "Magic."

Lilith was looking at through the screen at Shin, things were progressing nicely. This incident has awoken it even more, at this rate she won't even have to do anything anymore.

Note* that's actually my sentimentality towards my game party members (mostly towards girls an after affect of playing Rance games). God I hate when someone dies and there's no way I could stop it no matter how strong my character, equipment or preparations are. Well going to make lunch. Probably won't be another chapter today, still have to organize events for next arc.

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