《Reaper's Game》Chapter 12: Sorting Out Messes
I'm back for a bit!!! Starting another job next month but I no longer have to fill in for people at my other jobs so not sure how that's going to turn out. But for sure there will be at least one on Friday (day I have off work). Also I realized that I SUCK at doing split work (this is around my tenth rewrite for this chapter). I am just not capable of working on one chapter over several days so from now on if I have time during work days I'll put out a chapter but they will be shorter.
I've also been debating about first person or third person for Shin for some time as some of the things I want to write actually become harder to do with first person, but for now I'll leave it in first person for consistency reasons. If I do change it I'll give a heads up.
Once again I was surrounded by darkness, an empty void where no sound, sight or touch existed. How long had it been? The last thing I remember was a notice telling me that emergency mode has activated, considering I'm in here like last time I can assume I'm still alive.
"Seems I am out of time, I look forward to seeing you again; maybe you'll be up to my expectations then." A very feminine voice broke the silence suddenly. Who? What?
... After the voice spoke out I could suddenly hear although I still can't feel, smell or see anything, from how the conversations went I realized that Kage (my other self) is rather ruthless. From a strategical stand point though emotions aside his decisions were sound. That's right, this is reality I can't take it easy and let my emotions cloud my eyes if I want to survive. But... do I have a reason to live? As morbid as it is if you compare my life to someone like Jane who has a goal and dream presumably my life was plain and dull, was it worth the lives of others? This isn't good I'm starting to doubt and right after I decided I need to stop doing that. Okay, it's fine this is a game, just treat it like a game and everything will be fine.
While I was trying to hype myself up light was gradually pushing away the darkness, was I waking up? ... Wait I have to deal with all the girls don't I? Damnit Kage why couldn't you have dealt with this before leaving.
What greeted my eyes however was not a place a I recognize, a spacious room with polished black walls and floor. "Wait what, where am I?"
"Hmm... I guess for humans this would be called hell?" Turning around I came face to face with an empty face, under a black hood where a face would normally was just darkness. Wait hell? Did I die while I was unconscious? I didn't hear anything signaling an attack although a silent arrow or blade is possible.
"You should stop scaring him, and despite what you think Shin you are not dead." Looking to the left where the king voice originated from was a huge wolf.
"L-Lupa?" From the conversation earlier and my knowledge of myths from the period of time that I was obsessed with them I assume the one sitting in front of me was Lupa.
"Nice to meet you, I ask that you take care of Clara from now on." Lupa smiled at me, in reality it looked kind of like she was baring her fangs at me but somehow I seem to be able to tell she was smiling. "I apologize for having you called here, rather forcefully but I wanted you to let Clara know that I am for the time being fine."
"It's not like I'm going to do anything to you old friend, although I can't just let you go either." looking back to my right towards the hooded man, I found him looking at me. "Good to see you again Shin, although you probably don't remember me I'm the Grim Reaper, God of Death and... Your patron god."
"Eh.. Uh - Err- Hi, Si-Lor- Master?" I had thought it a possibility when I saw Lupa but, the REAPER!?!?! What do I do, am I being respectful enough? Does he want to eat me? Wait we met before?
He laughed a bit at my reaction, "No need to be so formal I care not for it. That aside I must apologize first for dragging you here and second for the lack of information you have. I left the information control to Celesta and it seems she has done some... modifications to it."
"Err, Yes! Thank you very much." There is no way I can relax, there was nothing particularly scaring or intimidating about him but that is what is scariest. Also who is Celesta? And does that mean that Karen hasn't been getting access to full information?
"You really are too scary, if you took off that hood it would probably be better." The Reaper turned towards Lupa.
"You and me both know that my face is a lot scarier than black nothingness." What is his face like? I want to know but I don't, this feels like a situation that the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' fits perfectly.
"Well, best of luck to you in the future Shin. Also as an apology gift I sent something to you through your inbox." Why do I feel like the Reaper is smiling right now? That is creepy, especially combined with what he just said. Can I decline the gift? "Ah, you need to go back now if you stay any longer you might die." WHAT!!! Please don't say that so calmly, you dragged me here and I'll die if I don't get back?!?!? How do I even get back??!
"It's fine, it's fine I'm sending you back now so it doesn't happen." The Reaper snapped his fingers and black smoke started curling around me.
... It can't be right? "Could it be that you... can read my mind?"
Again the feeling of him smiling appeared, "Why yes I can, did I not tell you that?". As the smoke covered my vision and I started blacking out I heard him chuckling in the background.
"He is quite amusing, I'm glad he's the chosen this time around."
Lupa stared into the Reaper's black hole of a face, "In all seriousness is he going to be alright? I'm glad he's not a cold blooded killer but-"
"Either way it's not like we can change anything, he's the only one this time around that fulfills the conditions. He's also got that duo with him so he should be fine."
Lupa frowned, "Except neither of them have memories and he's up against HER."
The atmosphere darkened, "He's going to be fine... he's got to be."
"... You've really have changed." There was a sad tone to Lupa's voice.
The Reaper lightly laughed and the gloomy atmosphere receded although it still lingered in his voice, "For better or for worse we'll have to see won't we?"
The sky was darkening as Liliana made a campfire, Ben was still unconscious in by the tree, Jane and Carey were talking a by the forest, while Mary was making a lot of noise with Clara behind the wagon... The branch Liliana was holding snapped under the pressure of her hand sending some splinters flying off to the right.
"Oww..." Liliana looked over and saw that the splinters had hit Mina who was currently wringing out a towl to place on Shin's head.
"Sorry Mina, I didn't mean-"
Mina's face puffed up, "You're an adult so stop acting like that, Mary's just that kind of person so either get used to it or leave her." Turning around without letting Liliana respond she stomped off towards Shin who was still lying where he fell, although he was flipped onto his back.
Lectured by a girl... Liliana sighed as she got a new branch and started poking the fire with it, watching the embers burn. A cry of pain from Mina made Liliana turn around with her right hand on the hilt of her sword.
I woke up with a start and banged into something with my forehead, "Uuuuu.." Mina was to my left holding onto her forehead with tears in the corners of her eyes. "Oh, uh sorry Mina." For some reason she glared at me and stormed off pouting, I said sorry didn't I?
"Glad to see you're up," walking up to me was Liliana, her hand leaving her sword.
"Indeed you have a lot of explaining to do." Jane walked up with Carey who was looking at me with a huge amount of murderous intent.
"Oh you're up?" Mary's head peaked around the corner of the wagon, "Give me a second we'll be right there." A bit later Mary and a bright red Clara emerged walking towards me... Damnit Kage, why can't you hav-
You Have Mail
What? Mail? A flashing icon of a mailbox appeared in the upper right of my vision... Umm Mailbox?.
InboxFrom:DescriptionSystemMissing LootThe ReaperGift <3
... Do I need to open the one from the Reaper? It scares me...
Oh you're awake, I've gotten access to some information and some changes to the rules it seems, or rather corrections.
"Oh what is it Karen?"
"Why you, Don't just ignore u-" I held up my hand and Liliana was cut off as her mouth clamped shut.
Here are the corrected rules:
The "game" is a last chance for convicts to earn their freedom, if their chosen kills or outlives the chosen of the Reaper's than the convicts will be released, however if their chosen dies anytime before the Reaper's chosen's death then the convict gets an execution sentence. The symbols that are left over from a kill can be used to increase the power of the possessor by giving access to abilities that were previously possessed by the chosen of said symbol. Alternatively a chosen may also present 25 symbols (not including their own) to the Reaper to win.
To return to their worlds a chosen must win in one of the above listed ways. The starting amount of chosen excluding the Reaper's is 100, the time limit is until the death of the Reaper's chosen or the death of all other chosen. The gods have a 2 year head start to train their chosen, as a counter measure to balance the playing field the Reaper's chosen will be given buffs to increase learning speed when he or she joins the game.
That... is a lot to swallow at once, rather I can't imagine Lupa being a criminal in any way shape or form. "Karen what are the charges against them?"
The charges are unknown.
Hidden Passives Unlocked:
Looter (Passive) - You now gain loot for kills.
Blessing's of Learning (Passive) - You gain double EXP.
Power Overwhelming (Passive) - You gain +1 to every stat for every symbol you have in your inventory.
So that's what the missing loot message was about... let's see Inbox. Oh that worked too, now let's see to select the system message do I just think it?
Previously Missing Loot:
1 x Bob's Eye
1 x Merchant's Pinkie
39 x Wolf Meat
37 x Black Wolf Pelt
13 x Brown Wolf Pelt
92 x Wolf Fang
5 x Goblin Ear
2 x Primitive Axe
1 x Primitive Spear
4 x Primitive Dagger
1 x Wooden Shield
1 x Goblin Tongue
1 x Biker Jacket
2 x Steel Dagger
116 Gold 76 Silver 28 Copper
For Defeating Mary Sanguine you get: 1 x Bottle of Saliva
For Defeating Jared Joe you get: 1 x Fenrir's Claw
For Defeating Jane Bishara you get: 1 x Sekhmet's Claw
As a gift from the Reaper: tsk tsk tsk Did you think you can avoid this? - 1 Grandfather Clock of Time.
Seems like the Reaper's message opened itself... well it seems like it's nothing bad despite some strange things being here. Also it seems like kills that Kage get don't count since there was nothing from the vampire hunters or Brandon. Hmm let's see what are the unique items?
Bob's Eye (Crafting Material): An eye from the bandit Bob, there seems to be some magical properties to it.
Merchant's Pinkie (Crafting Material): A pinkie from a merchant, there seems to be some magical properties to it.
Biker Jacket (Jacket): A slightly worn leather biker jacket, it offers protection from wind and rain. Special Ability - Once a day during night time you may transform into a ghost rider for 10 mins giving you immunity to fire damage, fire aura burning everything around you and 25% increased fire damage. Mount not included.
Atk: 10
Def: 150
Durability: N/A
+ 5 Vit
Bottle of Saliva (Consumable): Vampire Saliva has various properties, applying magic you can change the properties of the bottle of saliva at will. The saliva's properties can be changed to: Inflict immense pain, cause a severe increase in sexual desire and sensitivity, a complete numbness of affected area, a wet slobbery mess of saliva.
Fenrir's Claw (Clawed Gauntlet): A black magical weapon styled after Fenrir's claw. Special Ability - Every time this weapon draws blood increase the user's attack and life steal by 1%.
Atk: 200
Def: 50
Durability: N/A
+ 10 Agi
Sekhmet's Claw (Clawed Gauntlet): A golden magical weapon styled after Sekhment's claw. Special Ability - Every time this weapon draws blood increase attack speed and movement speed by 1%.
Atk: 200
Def: 50
Durability: N/A
+ 10 Dex
Grandfather Clock of Time (Consumable Relic): You may turn back time by 5 minutes once, usable while dead. Turning back time does not affect this item.
These... can be considered Divine equipment right? Is there no cap on the increase you can have for the weapons? How long is the duration?
You might want to pay attention to the ones around you soon, for personal safety reasons.
Looking around I realized that while I was thinking the girls have been glaring at me impatiently, Liliana with her arms crossed and mouth clamped shut. "Oh, sorry umm... you can talk now?"
"Care to explain now?" Somehow her calm words are more unsettling than if she was shouting angrily at me.
"Uhh yes, so what do you want to know?"
"Well first of all who are you? Second what happened in the forest and third... Why are gods begging favors from you?!?!?"
I looked over to Jane who shrugged, "I told my side of the story."
"Okay, first off as Jane probably already told you I'm the Chosen of the Reaper. As for what happened in the forest... Jane knows more than me because I was passed out. For your last question I would assume its because of the Reaper's influence."
"Oh right, about what Lupa said," Mary came up to me with a sweet smile on her face and making puppy dog eyes, "Can I please have Clara? I promise I'll take good care of her."
"Wait, I never agreed to this!!!" Clara who was clearly against this backed away from me, "Yo-You stay away."
Kage's going to lecture me but, "I don't plan on doing so, Clara can do whatever she wants. Lupa wanted to let you know that she's fine though and if you choose to stay with us I'll do my best to take care of you..."
"How can I believe anything you say? You murderer!"
"Is this how you trick people?" Carey said so with contempt, although I don't blame her for hating me why does everyone just seem to dislike me?
"You can believe it or not, I can't prove it. And no it is not how I trick people, it's not like I had much choice in the matter Carey. Aside from that can we just settle things quickly? It's getting dark." Indeed the sun is barely a sliver above the horizon now and quickly disappearing.
As Carey and Clara start to object a voice shouted out from the other side of the campfire, "I agree with that". Looking over Ben was standing up while rubbing his limbs, "How long did I sleep for? My entire body is sore."
"Ben? Are you alright?" Carey rushed over and started fussing over him. "You aren't still hurting anywhere right? You have a clear head? It's not affected by magic right?"
"I've said before all I did was put him to sleep, well since we aren't going to get anywhere shall we continue where we left off Clara?" Caressing Clara's face gently with her right hand Mary put her face enticingly close to Clara's while leading her towards to back of the wagon.
At this Ben looked over a perverted look on his face, "If you don't mind can I watc- Owowowow Carey what are you doing?"
"Even in this situation you're still thinking about that stuff?!?!" Carey mercilessly twisted Ben's ears, her face red.
"I get it, I get it... But it's not like it'll do any good to be down." He looked over at me, "Thank you for not killing me by the way, I'm not going to try to kill you like Carey would if she could but don't expect me to be friendly." He came close standing face to face with me, "However if you dare lay a hand of Carey I will kill you even if I cease to exist." He's not as stupid as he acts... and he's serious about that.
"I have no plans to do anything to her as long as I'm not attacked first." Rather from the rules update... I might not even need to fight the other chosen.
"I hope you mean that," Jane was staring into my eyes, is it a trick of the lighting or are her eyes glowing a bit blue? "Like what Ben said what's done is done, not that I can kill you even if I tried. Can you release Brandon's soul though? As a favor? You have me so there's no reason for you to keep him right?" Although her voice was calm her hand was shaking a little. Kage would have refused for sure, and if you look at it from a strategic perspective that would be the correct response, but... "Yeah alright," Release Soul.
Jane breathed a sigh of relief as a blue wisp flew out from me and disappeared into the sky, "Tha-Thank you." She lowered her head a bit then left towards Carey and Ben.
That might not have been the best choice
"Well, I'm not heartless Karen, I can always use April's can for fools if I need souls." Now... what to do? I got an absurd amount of money from the loot as well as sell able stuff. In games you can usually process them into useful items, especially since some of them are labelled as crafting materials, do I need a trainer first?
A tugging on my shirt made me look down at Mina who had a red forehead. "We can sell the stuff from the wolves and goblins for money, also I'm hungry so can you make me something?" Oh yeah she hasn't eaten since this afternoon has she? And despite me getting loot the bodies are still there. "Ah yeah sure let's see..."
There were potatoes in the wagon, some herbs, some salt and pepper and we have the wolf meat.. actually why don't I just put everything into my inventory? Stuff doesn't seem to deteriorate in there. Pulling out a knife I started working on chopping the potatoes and preparing a simple soup. "Liliana can you skin and cut the meat from the wolves?" She looked over from where she was brooding, sighing she got up and started butchering the wolves that we killed earlier that day.
Cooking was rather simple, especially with magic. Water, Air and Fire magic took care of all the sanitation and allows me to control the fire as well. Although the seasoning is simple the taste of the soup was good. I had to use the meat from my inventory though as the meat Liliana brought back was full of bugs, then again it has been a while since they've died.
Due to your actions you have learned a new skill:
Cooking (Passive): Allows you to cook delicious food, higher ranks of the skill further increase the quality of the food and decrease the time required. Adept 5 - Increase quality of the food by 75% and decrease the cooking time by 50%.
Did my experience in cooking carry over? Damn I want to see the stats since one of my passives said I can't get buffs from food but I don't want to stare at the soup for 55 mins. Oh that reminds me... what are my stats now? Status
Status WindowNameShinKageLevel10ClassNoneEXP2350/3000Sub-ClassNoneRaceHumanTitleHardcore GamerHP290/290MP420/420Stamina280/280Alignment125 : NeutralStrength12Vitality11Endurance10Agility15Dexterity11Luck11Intelligence14Wisdom11
You have 35 Stat points to use
Due to your actions you have gained new titles:
Wolf Slayer - You gain 5% increased damage against wolves. + 5 Str and + 5 Vit.
Backstabber - You gain a 25% increase in damage when you attack from behind. - 500 Alignment.
Soul Eater - Devouring souls are 10% more effective.
Soul Eater would be useful when I devour souls aside from that let's use Wolf Slayer for the stats for now. This is probably a stupid decision but let's continue putting all stat points into Intelligence. Glass cannon all the way!!!
Sorry about the random (tr) there I don't know why it's there neither can I figure out how to get rid of it. There may be another chapter today. As always advice and critique is much appreciated. Also a quick clarification, he is technically in a party with Jane and co therefore the large amount of loot. As for Jane's last name (I tried searching them up ><) she is of Egyptian descent.
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Dependence - Book Two (Wattys 2013 Finalist)
‘’ Ladies and gentlemen of Panem, for the Pageant of the one hundred and twenty fifth annual Hunger Games, or the fifth Quarter Quell, we have a special treat in store. Here in Panem, we are all depending on something, the Capitol depends on the twelve districts for goods, the districts depend on the Capitol for food and protection but also, the districts depend on each other. To highlight the fact that the districts of Panem are so dependent on each other, the tributes in this year’s Hunger Games will be randomly paired with one another. The pairs will be connected via a new Capitol invention that will mean when one of them dies, so does the other. This will mean that the pairs will have to protect each other, because their lives are in their partner’s hands and vice versa. As you may be wondering how this will affect the final outcome, I am very excited to announce that for the first time ever in Hunger Games history, two tributes will be able to win! Yes, you heard me correct. There will be two victors! You will all hear more about this after the Reapings have commenced, until then, I bid you all adieu. The one hundred and fiftieth annual Hunger Games has officially begun!’’
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