《Reaper's Game》Chapter 11 Part 2: Divine Intervention


The moment Kage stepped out of the forest he found Mary stripping Carey while Liliana was trying to watch Clara and restrain Mary at the same time which wasn't easy considering the fact that Liliana was trying to stop Mary while facing the other way. "Ummm... Did I interrupt something?" They both turned to look at me, Mary started pouting while Liliana just glared.

"What took you so long?" Liliana's glare bore deeper once she saw Jane behind me.

"Shin couldn't you have taken longer? Like another few days longer?" Mary on the other hand was whining while reluctantly letting go of Carey's body.

"Was caught in a fight and ambushed by a general of the reaper's, also I prefer Kage."

Liliana immediately looked around, alert with a hand on her sword, "So what happened and what happens now, also why is SHE here? I assume you killed the other one so."

"Long story short he did kill me and now I serve him in exchange for Carey's life." Jane interjected before Kage could answer standing in front of Carey to ward of Mary.

"So you add another..." Liliana sighed in resignation, "Ok so what do we do with these two?"

"You seem to be misunderstanding something but that girl needs to die while we need to do something with Carey... How potent is healing spells?"

Mary cut in, "It speeds up your body's natural regeneration, it can regenerate missing pieces of flesh but not limbs."

"How about tongues?"

Jane grabbed Kage's shoulders and glared at him, "You are NOT doing that."

Kage shrugged, "I'm not taking her life, taking her hands and tongue will ensure that she won't be able to say or write anything about this to anyone."

Mary slid up to him grabbing his arm and pushing her chest onto him. "Can't I keep her? I mean can't you do what you did to me, Liliana and Jane?"

Kage shook his head pushing Mary off in the process, "Doesn't work on Chosen and Shin was the one that enslaved you not me, as for Jane we made a deal. It's different." he had intended to try on Brandon but he somehow knew it wouldn't work, probably the system magically imputing information into his brain.

"Multiple personality disorder" Jane muttered under her breath.

"So no Mary you cannot plus aren't you in a relationship with Liliana right now?" Kage continued ignoring Jane's comment.

Mary opened her mouth to complain then froze, Liliana following her gaze followed suite. Kage had a bad feeling about this... Turning around he came face to face with a giant brown wolf that staring with at him ancient chestnut eyes.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have no time to wait for you to finish your... quarrel." A deep powerful voice rumbled out vibrating the air. "My name is Lupa I am Clara's god patron," She lowered her head so much it almost scrapped the ground, "I humbly beg that you let her live."


Kage was speechless, never mind the fact that a god suddenly appeared before him, said god was bowing her head and begging him. "Excuse me?"

Lupa's eyes looked up, large and sad, "I am resigned to my fate but at the very least let her live. She willingly agreed to help me after I asked her to and she does not deserve such an end."

"I... do not follow you, you are god right? Can't you just kill me?" Confusion clouded Kage's mind.

It was Lupa's turn to look confused, or rather she let out an aura of confusion, "I cannot directly interfere, making an enemy of the Reaper would result in a fate worst than death for Clara."

"What do you mean? Isn't this a game between gods?" Things weren't adding up, all evidence pointed to the fact that the Reaper was just a hated god in this game. Was he more influential than Kage thought? IOr was Karen withholding some vital information.

"Wait you mean you don't know anything?" Jane walked up.

Lupa froze for an instant then turned her head towards Jane, "It is not our place to say anything, if your patron has decided not to tell you," She returned her gaze to Kage, "Then I can say nothing about it."

Kage's mind was racing, it did not seem like a rule for the game that the other gods can't provide information if a Chosen's patron decides not to tell them. Rather it was as if Lupa was AFRAID to, coupled with the fact that while strong Jane and Brandon weren't especially strong for having 2 years on Shin in this world caused high suspicion that more than what he was told is going on here. "Putting that aside," it did not seem like Lupa would budge and from what she said if Kage forced Jane to give up information it would be same as a death sentence to her. "Wouldn't taking the symbol result in her death?"

"That is normally true, but if the god is no longer connected to her then no harm would befall the Ex-Chosen." Lupa bite into her right leg, the blood drawing a bloody trail across her light brown fur. Pooling at her feet it started moving as if it was alive slowly taking the form of a growing statue of a wolf that was in the middle of howling at the moon. As the statue reached the size of a trophy it solidified into a dark wooden carving, radiating power. "This is my symbol, once again I beg that you spare her." Lupa's head again bowed down, her right leg shaking barely able to hold up her weight.

"Would she pose a threat to me?" An increasing pain in his forehead made Kage push all complicated thoughts aside, this needed to be resolved... Soon.


"No, she will retain the ability to hear and speak the languages and her increased physical prowess but she will not have any powers of boons that she had when I was her patron, nor would she have the immunity to your power." Lupa looked into Kage's eyes with a sad smile, "Thank you, please if you have a chance. Send her back to her own world, and tell her that I'm sorry but thankful for all she's done."

"Wai-" Kage hadn't accepted yet but Lupa had begun to be swallowed up by black mist the second she finished talking.

"What... was that!" After Lupa disappeared Liliana and Mary who were both frozen in place yelled out in unison.

"You have some explaining to do, Kage." Liliana grabbed Kage by his collar.

"Umm... I would love to but Clara is waking up and I think we have another guest." Indeed behind Liliana a supernatural glow was forming into the shape of a woman. What... Is happening.

A beautiful elf with long blond hair flowing past her waist which was clad in a loose golden dress. Her eyes the warm colour of honey, the aura she gave off clearly declared that she was not a mortal but a god. Bowing to Kage she spoke with a voice sounding of sunshine and spring, "Lunaela the Goddess of Light of this world. I will make sure that Carey does not spread this incident around so will you not overlook it?"

Another god pleading with him, Karen has a lot to answer for when she shows up again . Kage sighed, "If she won't be a problem I see no reason why I cannot, I assume you also can't tell me the reason gods are asking favors of a mere mortal right?"

She gave off a small smile, seeing it made the image of the the sun setting coming to Kage's mind. "I am afraid you are correct, but know that I am very grateful for this." She started dimming, fading into the air, "I cannot stay long, if I stayed longer it would be... problematic, but once again thank you." Then she was gone, WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Liliana, Mary and even Jane this time were all flabbergasted, "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?".

"I don't know but, you'll have to settle it with Shin later, sorry you have to clean up again Mary." As Kage fell towards the ground, he pitied Shin, for he had to deal with five very angry ladies when he woke up.

The Lady was giggling with glee as she had her white robed servants drag a sobbing, begging, chained Sekhmet away to her quarters. She was going to have so much fun with the little kitty before breaking her, a twisted smile forming on her lips, while Lilith's attempt didn't go as planned she had gotten a new toy. A glow in the middle of the stone chamber alerted her to a new arrival, her smile widened more. "Oh my, Lupa dear it's been too long since we've seen each other. Let's catch up in my room." The Lady made a motion with her hands and more robed servants appeared to take Lupa away. "Celesta..." Lupa was looking at her with pitying eyes. "My that's awfully rude, don't worry, I'll be sure to teach you some manners later."

Turning around laughing imagining all the lovely toys she was going to use on Lupa and Sekhment she almost ran into a figure clad in black that was darker than the night. "Oh, excuse me my Lord, I was a little excited." She tipped her head a little. The Reaper waved his hand, dismissing the servants without even replying to her, "Lupa is to come with me." a demanding voice clearly rang out across the stone tiles. "I-Uh-Yes of course my lord." The Lady bowed, deeper this time no longer with a smile on her face.

Lupa was staring in shock, motioning for her to follow the Reaper departed the room gliding across the floor with a confused Lupa following suite.

Once Lupa and the Lord was gone the Lady lashed out, sending wild tendrils of black energy flying out at random directions splattering some of her servants against the wall. "HOW DARE SHE, The Lord is Mine, MINE!" Celesta stormed out of the room with her servants following close but warily behind. Stopping suddenly she grinned, if she cannot touch Lupa then she can release her anger on another. She was looking forward to how a Lioness screams, maybe the jagged dagger? acid? No that was too plain, ahh... a devilish idea came to her mind, Celesta would skin Sekhmet alive after all the pelt of a goddess would look nice above the fireplace, giggling again she started hurrying back to her chambers, what a fun night it was going to be.

*Note: hmm this turned out a bit differently than what I thought it would. Was it too much of a change in atmosphere all at once? I dumped quite a bit of information out with this one. As for what the Lady... what Celesta does I'll leave it to your imaginations, oh almost forgot to add that a stuffed black wolf now decorates her room along with a bronze statue of a man with holding up a water basin in her garden.

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