《Reaper's Game》Chapter 5: Behind the Window


*Note - Yup calling it a mini chapter, may or may not make some more. This one gives a little peek into Karen since it's a bit late to do this in a normal chapter and to be honest would be awkward if I spliced this in somewhere. Also a little something extra.

EDIT: OK not so little a chapter after all >

Death Defiance Online was a game made to determine the representative for the Lord Reaper in the game amongst gods. The one put in charge of observing the candidates choosing one was Soul 4242 and so in a room full of monitors she watched the players. Needing no sleep or rest she was able to keep tabs on the players activities and quickly picked out promising subjects. The game itself was made stupidly hard and most people spent their time trying to complete quests and hunt monsters when they weren't busy not dying. The ones she as looking at however were the ones shamed by society: Player killers.

In a game like this items and Exp were vital, for the people who turned to coating their hands in blood they got tons of both. The starting inventory contains food, water and 10 gold which is extremely valuable, and as they racked up more kills they found a hidden passive. Every victim gives them increasing Exp gain, the first player to 20 got there while sneakily hunting newbies; carefully so he wasn't seen.

4242 was almost certain he would be the one until HE showed up, garbed in black completely black garments that masked him in the night he hunted anyone and everyone that showed up. He gained the nickname: Reaper, for the mask he wore. 4242 identified that mask as an unique treasure one you can only get by killing a certain amount of witches, while it gives no stats the mask completely hides the users identity, his name simply did not show up. So even when the victims saw him and there were witnesses they could not identify him. Not knowing whether he was a player or an event led to many people staying offline during night time which decreased the amount of candidates.

Trying to trace him was hard, while she had monitors that gave her vision over a large area they were in actuality small floating wisps that did not move very fast. He was very skilled at using shadows blend in and shake off any pursuers, a cold efficient killer that all but disappeared after his deed; truly a reaper. Thinking that he was someone who stayed in one of the cities she had the wisps watching for people leaving or entering them but the player's levels were not high enough. He simply was no where to be found near players, so she spread out her network slowly as the body count rose and rose. Half a year later and a wisp that was sent out far into the east spotted a player fighting Rock Bears bare handedly a feat not feasible to most.

4242 was sure this was him and her suspicions were confirmed when he went to rest, a while after logging off he got back on and dug up a hidden stash. Donning the Reaper's garbs he moved at a tremendous speed towards the nearest city that was 10 kms away. The next day the player continued fighting Rock Bears like nothing happened, it was quite curious as it did not seem likely that it was someone else logging on as the VR gear had safeguards against that. Deciding to hurry things along 4242 asked for some moderating powers from her superior and bumped up his progress and waited as he reached level 100.


The fight with the demon lord was brutal but he had an advantage that the AI did not, 4242 had put in an invisible effect that reduced the damage he took by a bit; just enough to be unnoticeable. Even with that she barely managed to input the command that froze his health before it hit 0.

After reporting to her superiors about the candidate and having it approved she was called to an audience with the Lord and his consort, an exceedingly rare and high honour that she never expected. For a lowly spirit, even one with an important job of hers was like a slave being gifted a bag of gold. And so for the first time she entered the spacious throne room, past dark pillars spiralling towards an unreachable roof, across a blanket a red deeper than blood and lined with suits of black armour to the foot of a flight of stairs where thrones of black gold inlaid with skulls sat. Upon them sat the Lord Reaper clothed in a hooded black robe scythe in hand and the Lady Consort dressed in a brilliant white hooded dress so pure that an angel's light would tarnish it. Her face was hidden by a shadow darker than even the Lord's clothes that completely blocked out all light and was in direct contrast to her dress.

As she stopped at the bottom of the stairs and started to kneel she noticed two others that were beside her. So overcome by the atmosphere and the masters that she did not notice the two others that seemed to have been called there. Lilith a succubus queen who held monstrous power and was one of the many generals was shaking as she knelt hands and neck chained together. She did not exude either the sexual or dominating aura her kind typically had, her black hair was frayed and dusty, lips chapped and cracked, red perfect eyes were dead, proud confident posture slumped and flushed skin was a deathly pale white. Beside Lilith was a soul like 4242 but a more recent one from the looks of it. A plain women with shoulder length black hair and normal features, she too was in absolute fear although she was not chained nor in as bad as condition as Lilith.

What 4242 originally thought was a commendation for her diligent work was quickly turning to dread, what did she do wrong? A minute that seemed like an eternity had passed before the silence was broken by the Lady, with a gesture towards 4242. "My dear 4242, do not be so afraid you have not done anything wrong. Neither have you Miss Kagerou." Although her voice was gentle there was an impossible amount of pressure seemingly ingrained in every word. The other soul, 'Miss Kagerou' shivered as her name was said and even though the Lady said she did nothing wrong 4242 felt that maybe doing something wrong would have been better. The fact that the Lady knew her name was not a thing of comfort.

"Now as for you my Dear Lilith," the dear was clearly exaggerated in a sarcastic sense and Lilith jumped at that, eyes regaining life only to show absolute terror; what ever the Lady had done or had in store was clearly something even death was preferable to. "I believe you are due for a sentence... are you not?" Although nothing could be seen through the shadows covering her face 4242 swore she saw a smile on the Lady's face.


Shockingly as the Lady finished her sentence Lilith broke down into tears, head bowed down so low she was touching the floor sobbing and begging for forgiveness. Just what had she done to the Lord and Lady?

"Now, now you don't have to be so afraid, if it was up to me fear itself would have ran but my Lord had decided that there was a more... entertaining punishment." seriously what had Lilith done, the Lady obviously had extreme anger towards he-. "And for that we need your help my dears." 4242's thought process died... that did not sound good at all. There was a flicker of movement as the Lord lifted a gloved finger, barely detectable against the darkness. And as impossible as it was for a soul to, 4242 blacked out to the sounds of Lilith's pitiful weeping and the Lady's cold dark laugh.

When the world and internet was abuzz about the first person to beat DDO Yuki Emi was not in the slightest surprised it was Shin. Ever since they were kids he had persisted to a foolish extreme and came out on top every time without fail; through so many failures that even the most stubborn person would have long given up. That part of him had never changed, it was a part of him that was there ever since he arrived at the orphanage at the age of five. Everyday he walked to his parent's graves on the other side of town no matter what the caretakers did, he always found a way. Once he even crawled through the vents scratched and dirty, they only found out after they heard loud banging which was caused by him pounding loose the vent in the hallway to get out.

At first Yuki like the other kids stayed away from him, but one night as she passed by the common room where he was getting scolded again she heard something that made changed her heart. The last things his parents had said to him before they were brutally murdered was "Never give up", so he held true to the few things he had left of them. Having never met her own parents she did not know how it would have felt to have them killed in front of her; however imagining it with the people closest to her was enough to make break down in tears and feel helpless.

From then on Yuki saw Shin in a new light, without a fail he would always bring flowers to his parent's graves be it sunny, rainy, or snowy. Newly blossomed flowers and cherry blossom petals in the spring, flowers growing around the riverside during summer, and paper flowers during fall and winter. And despite all the nagging from the various teachers about him being late or absent during lessons he made up for it during free time studying seriously as the rest of us played. He was moving forward but keeping his parents close to his heart, and while he stopped going as often as he grew up he still visited and cleaned the graves every once in a while.

He was terrible at socializing and hopeless when it came to cleaning so she picked up after him, her classmates and friends joked around at them being a couple but more than love what she felt for him was admiration. To continue living in that way was not easy, but sometimes he would show a dark look almost as if that day long ago had broke something in him.

"It's been about a week huh..." He probably already has his room full of trash and cluttered, even though when she left it was spotless.

"Oh, I see you're missing your hubby already." Kyouko a fellow college student bumped her playfully, "You should hurry up and confess, he might get taken suddenly since he's famous now."

Yuki looked over, "We aren't like that, and I hardly think that beating a game like that would improve the view anyone has of him."

"Who knows, there have been several girls who played that game that want to meet him." Kyouko gave a teasing smile, "Even I am starting to get interested, he may get a lot of money now too."

"Don't you dare use him lik-"

"Excuse me, are you Yuki Emi?" A soothing voice interrupted. The girls looked up to see a lady with silver hair in a light steel blue one piece dress, gentle light blue eyes gazing upon.

"Yes, um I am. What do you need from me?" Yuki was confused and stunned, and so was the everyone near them. Here was someone who looked straight out of a famous painting, elegant with an inhuman beauty.

"It's about your friend, or is it husband? I was not aware you were married." a playful smile displayed on her face as Yuki blushed, having a friend joke about it was one thing an absolute stranger doing it was extremely embarrassing. Wait she knew Shin? Did something happen? She thought back to what Kyouko said a bit earlier, he might've signed an impressive contract; but what did it have to do with her? "Would you please come with me?" a slender perfect hand was held out to her. Go where?

Although uncertain Yuki reached out to take the lady's hand, in hindsight some random stranger asking her to go with them should have been at least raised some suspicions; even if she tried to object it was undeniable that Shin's name had clouded her judgement. The second their hands met soft silvery blue light wrapped around them and then they were no longer standing in the college courtyard. Stunned Yuki just stood there jaw agape. "Shall we have a talk now?" The lady gave a welcoming gesture composed and still smiling gently. What... just happened?

*Note - Soooo yeah this was not expected for me and turned out pretty long and a LOT of information. There are probably a lot of mistakes and problems but its 3:00 am and I'm really tired so I'll think about it tomorrow :P. Figured getting the chapter out would be better. Remember if you have anything thoughts please comment ^^ they'll be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow I'll continue the story from where Chapter 4 left off.

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