《Reaper's Game》Stats and Background Information


Blob of (unedited, so errors will exist) information that you do not have to read unless you really want to. Really you don't have to, anything relating to the plot will be explained later in the story.

*Note - this is just a rough layout for now and is subject to change, although numbers will most likely remain as they are. He will get a status screen within the next couple of chapters depending on how long the chapters are and how long it takes for him to get to x point.

Exp Req is undecided, will probably change according to plot

+ 5 Stat points per level up

+ 10 Health, + 10 Mana, + 10 Stamina per level up

Alignment changes as he does good or evil - Does not include normal fighting and he has to be apart of it in some way, shape, or form. Example: he gained evil alignment for killing the merchant even though he didn't physically do it he ordered the deed. Killing the bandits did not count as either, if he was saving people from bandits however it would have counted. Basically it depends on the reason he does things. (I know its very vague but best I can explain it, grey areas will be judged as needed, does not need to be witnessed)

Crimes will need to be witnessed (obviously) just to clarify and does not directly relate to Alignment. I am not currently planning on making a status for this but just some extra information, this and alignment are planned to come into play later.

Strength - Increases attack power by 5 per point, increases carry weight by 5 lbs for now (subject to change) and also increases physical strength overall (not measured in numbers really).

Vitality - Increases Health by 10 per point, Increases HP/Second by 1 per point (Yup there is healing per second), Increases immunity to poison by 1% per point.


Endurance - Increases Stamina by 10 per point, Increases Stamina/Second by 1 per point, Increases physical defense by 5 per point.

Agility - Increases movement speed (this one I'm not going to use numbers to represent), Reduces noise generation by 0.5% per point (So yes once he gets to 200 points he can be essentially silent, but that's only him and anything he is wearing, collision with environment will still make noise if that makes sense)

Dexterity - Increases reaction speed by 1 per point (expand on this later), Increases accuracy by a bit per point (explain later on), Increases movement efficiency by a bit per point (same with accuracy).

Luck - Really this literally just increases how lucky he is per point, with an insane amount of luck aside from gambling he could probably trip on a pebble, fall forward and accidentally kill a dragon (yup luck be op u just need insane amounts of it). Treat it as something like a divine intervention more than a physical stat he has (this is reality not a video game).

Intelligence - Increases Mana by 10 per point, Increases Mana/Second by 1 per point, Increases Magical damage by 0.5% per point (at 200 points he will be doing double damage with magic attacks), and makes a him a bit smarter. (Better memory, better understanding of how things work - think science -)

Wisdom - Increases Exp gain by 1% per point, Increases Magical Defense by 5 per point, and makes him a bit more cunning and calm (better strategies, tricking people that kind of stuff), Increases Elemental Resistance by 1% per point: this being the natural elements: ice, thunder/lightning, fire, water, earth, light, darkness. This does not include pure energy, also yes I'm using darkness as an element (mostly accounts for curses and dark arts)

Reaction Speed - Literally increases his reaction speed, so he can react to things coming at him faster at really high ranks with some certain other boosts he can react before the opponent even moves.


Accuracy more or less pertains to ranged attacks, it basically means there's less of a deviation from your planned attack. Of course this doesn't mean shooting an arrow backwards will kill someone with a headshot 100m's ahead of you, unless you have a certain effect on the arrow. I put this in Dexterity because the way I'm defining agility and dexterity basically agility is bigger movements and dexterity is smaller movements. Accuracy being able to make minor adjustments and hand/eye co-ordination.

Efficiency pertains to melee and movement, reduces stamina costs and is basically being able to move without making big movements. I put this in Dexterity because... I really don't know I just did.

Of course a lot of these are ambiguous as in efficiency and reaction speed will help accuracy and vice versa. Also reaction speed and accuracy will both be affected by hand eye co-ordination.

As for language it'll be shown in the story later on but every "Player" has a language translation magic that is part of the system (Same as in DDO so therefore why he isn't surprised) however that is only for verbal language. Written language is still completely illegible at least at the beginning before they learn the language. The reason it isn't shown yet is that everyone was using the common tongue thus far (a language used by most races for ease of trading and diplomacy and yes it is basically the human language barring some exceptions).

Location, map and kingdoms/races will be explained later as for time it is the same as earth, I do not expect earth to really come into play at all so there may not be many references to it.

If you are wondering about the amount of time passed, from when he went to bed: 1 am, to end of chapter 4 is a day. He was awaken early morning. The time was about 3 hours before sunset when he got teleported (time flows differently in stone chamber). They spent about 2-3 hours walking and the entire scene of questioning and fighting took around 30 mins, him sleeping this time at around 7pm ish. This is just a rough estimation for people who like to know everything that's happening. Also a little hint/spoiler that will be revealed sometime soon at least a bit, during the period of time between the teleportation and end of chapter 4 something happened to Karen.

Also if Dark D ever reads this far or again for that matter (your choice) I have taken your advice about run ons into account and will spend a bit more time editing (instead of directly throwing the chapter out when I finish). This one being an exception, I may go back to fix up earlier chapters more but it isn't high on priorities list and honestly there will probably still be mistakes because I probably won't catch them. If problems exist please say something and I'll either fix it on that chapter or for future chapters. (That was a message for everyone, opinions matter to me! :P)

Rather than make it a bigger blob of text I'll post it here, aside from this it is unlikely there will be a chapter today, if there is it'll probably be a short one with some info on either Karen or Mary. (Going to write from other's perspectives sometimes)

EDIT: Well derp it added it onto this anyways (wasting space again ><)

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