《This Game We Call Life》sidestory



Johanna pov

When did jack become so ..... Cool? I mean he blew up an ent with a single word!

Jack has always been kind to me. Like when we were chased down the mountain by a wild boar, after resting for a bit jack picked me up and carried me all the way up the mountain. 5 miles! Afterwards he collapsed and wouldn’t wake up for a week.

Jack has never been strong, he would always get beaten up in elementary school and I would have to rescue him. So when he took out that hobgoblin leader I was shocked.

Jack has always been able to adapt. It was the only lesson that he truly took to heart, adapt and overcome. He would find solutions no one else would think of, he was determined to succeed. Which didn't always happen (as evident by him getting beaten up all the time in elementary).

I have always liked jack. He was like a puppy that everyone loved. But now I think I’m truly falling for him.

I think ghost likes him, but how would that work? Simple, evolution. She could evolve into some kind of wolf-girl. Jack has always been weak to that type! I’m going to fall behind!

Ghost pov

I like master, he fed me when I was starving. Since I’ve been with him I’ve gotten a lot stronger.

Jack is really strong. He blew up a tree with a snap of his fingers! He is a great cook, and an even better hunter. I can’t wait to impress him with my next evolution!.

Johanna seems to see me as her rival. I can’t understand why, I mean isn't it natural to have multiple mates?

Also getting hit kinda feels good......

Sidestory end

Authors note: in my opinion all tank characters are masochistic.

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