《This Game We Call Life》chapter 2: in pursiut of bacon (edited)


Chapter 2


jackGender: mlevel: 2EXP: 5%Titles: orphan, skill whoreHp: 120/120Hp recovery: .001/smp: 110/110Mp recovery: .0155/sstamina 110/110Stamina recovery: .0205/sSTR: 10Agi: 12Dex: 12Vit: 9int: 11Wis: 9luc: 5Vis: 5(10)Skillsobserve, kick them while their down, mana regen boost, unarmed profitencyskill points available: 5

'I wonder what my new skills do.'

'Check skill '

mana regen boostskill type: passiverarity: rareLevel: 2Exp, 20%Description passively increases mana regeneration, higher level increases bonus. Currently linked to meditation

'That’ll be nice.... when I can use magic that is.'

'Check skill '

kick them while their downskill type: passiverarity: greatLevel: 3Exp: 10%Description deals bonus damage to enemies with stun like status effects, damage bonus increases with level

'Check skill '

unarmed profitencyskill type: passiverarity: commonLevel: 1Exp: 0%Description gives a small bonus while not using a wepon, bonus increases with level

After looking at my skills my stomach growls

'I wonder if there is any food around or at the vary lest an edible monster'

And with that I head out of the cave only to see that it is only a small part of a much larger cave system. I decide to sneak around so that a monster doesn't surprise me while I’m hunting for food.

Skill obtained: stealth

I ignore the system message and continue looking for food and level up observe while I’m at it. After about an hour I have passed several monsters all of which have either been too high level for me or looked unappetizing. As well as passing a couple corpses of former schoolmates, no one I knew thankfully, and prayed for them. Eventually I come across a monster that looks like a large ugly pig, and suddenly I want bacon. A level 12 orc.


orc: level 12,

hp150/150, mpNA.

A large ugly pig that walks upright and wields a broad sword, he looks dangerous, and tasty.


I decide to kill him even though he is 6 times my level I think if I can do enough damage to start I might win. I start sneaking up behind him and take aim with the short sword I got from the hobgoblin. After meditating for a second to calm down I slash his neck as hard as I can, and cut his head off.

Critical hit: instant death


Skill obtained: backstab

Skill obtained: assassinate

Skill stealth reached level 10, max level obtained, skill will now rank up to superior stealth

Title obtained: cold hearted killer

'That was easier than expected'

As I try to drag the orc into a nearby cave I can’t even get it to budge, so I decide to cut its arms and legs off and carry the pieces sepretly.

Skill obtained: butcher

'I am really going to have to over my status after this'

As I take all the pieces into a cave which, as luck would have it, had wood for a fire and a good strong stick that I could rotisserie the orc on. The only problem is not having anything to start a fire with, so I try one of the methods the monks tried to teach me when I was younger. after about an hour I realize that this isn't getting me any ware so I start to get angry and I imagine the wood just spontaneously combusting. Which, to my surprise, it did.

Magic skill obtained: campfire

I just stare at the fire for a couple seconds before starting to rotisserie the orc. After a little bit it starts smelling amazing, that is when I realize the smell might attract hungry monsters so I went on guard a bit but didn't stop cooking because I was starving. After about 30 minutes the left arm is done cooking so I decide to start eating it while cooking the right leg. About this time a hungry wolf walks in. a wolf lv 5.



wolf: level:5. Hp 10/200. Mp 50/50.

Status effects: starving if wolf does not eat soon he will die of starvation.

Description: the wolf is so bony that it's pitiful

Seeing this I sigh and throw the right arm to the wolf. The wolf eats it vigorously, leaving behind nothing but the bone. It seems to fill out and become healthier from just that.


wolf: level 5. Hp 200/200. Mp 50/50.

Description: this wolf seems to be extremely fit and healthy

The wolf just calmly comes over to me and lies down with its head in my lap.

Skill obtained: monster taming

Name your new pet


Confirm pet name: ghost yes or no


I finish cooking the orc and eating in peace with much left over even after giving much of it to ghost. I need to think of a way to preserve the meat.

skill obtained cooking


jackGender: mlevel: 4EXP: 0%Titles: orphan, skill whore, cold hearted killerHp: 140/120Hp recovery: .001/smp: 130/110Mp recovery: .0155/sstamina 130/110Stamina recovery: .0205/sSTR: 10Agi: 12Dex: 12Vit: 9int: 11Wis: 9luc: 5Vis: 5(10)Skillsobserve, kick them while their down, mana regen boost, unarmed profitency, monster taming, campfire, butcher, assassinate, backstab, superior stealth, cookingskill points available: 15

Cold hearted killer: uncommon title, this title is given to those that kill without remorse, gives 25% reduction to fear

'A little ominous but I’ll take anything that’ll help me'

'Check skill '

monster tamingskill type: activerarity: rareLevel: 1Exp, 50%Description: allows you to tame beast type monsters such as wolves. The level increases with the strength of tamed monsters and with taming monsters. Higher levels allow you to tame stronger monsters as well as making your own monsters stronger

'Check skill '

campfire skill type: magic, activerarity: mediocreLevel: 1Exp, 20%Description: allows you to start a campfire it is a pretty useless spell as any other fire spell can do the same thing. Although it is good for introducing you to magic

'Magic huh. I am going to need to learn a lot of that'

'Check skill '

butcher skill type: activerarity: rareLevel: 3Exp, 30%Description: sing this skill in combat can cause your opponent to lose a limb or cause other effects, using it on a corpse allows the user to prepare the corpse for cooking and gives bonuses against fighting creatures of the same type

'Check skill '

assassinate skill type: activerarity: rareLevel: 1Exp, 20%Description: when a creature is unaware of your presence and you activate this skill the attack will have a chance to instantly kill the creature based on luc and dex. Failing that it deals a large amount of damage to the creature, leveling this skill up increases chance of success and damage on failure

'Check skill'

backstab skill type: passiverarity: uncommonLevel: 1Exp, 25%Description: you do double damage when the opponent is facing away from you, higher levels increases bonus

'Check skill '

superior stealth skill type: activerarity: rareLevel: 5Exp, 77%Description: allows you to go unnoticed, higher levels decrease chance of being noticed

'Check skill '

cooking skill type: passiverarity: commonLevel: 3Exp, 23%Description: this is self explanatory

'I wonder'

'Check status '

End chapter 2

authors note:

i will try to upload 1 chapter every day. except friday and Saturday, i will upload 2 on friday and 0 on Saturday since i cant upload on Saturdays.

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