《A Cultivation Story》Ch.12 The Journey p.4


Connor couldn’t stop himself from shaking as he watched Manfred tear apart the corpse of the man that had attacked them. ‘What the hell is going on. Why would Manfred do that. Divines he’s… He’s… HE’S EATING HIM.’ Connor turned away from the scene, not being able to watch any longer.

Turning away did him no good, he could still picture the scene, freshly branded into his mind, and the noise. ‘Oh divines have mercy on me.’ The sound of flesh being ripped and torn apart, meat being rent from bone, and then came the cracking and popping of joints and bones. A slurping sound sent a shiver down Connor’s spine, he couldn’t help but glance back at the scene out of morbid curiosity.

What greeted his eyes was a deformed blob of meat, skin, and bone with Manfred sitting next to it. Manfred had a bone in his hand that he had cracked open and was sucking out the marrow from. Connor quickly turned away, ‘Divines.’ He couldn’t hold down his disgust any longer, spewing out what remained of his dinner and firmly keeping his eyes shut closed.

‘I want to go home. I… I just… I can’t deal with that. Such horrid acts, divines protect me.’ Connor didn’t know how long he stood there bent over before a hand was placed on his back.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Connor.” A soothing baritone voice said from the darkness. Connor slowly opened his eyes and glanced up at the figure in battered battle worn plate mail. Heinrich’s fight had definitely taken a toll on his armor, now sporting many more dents than before and even burn marks.

Connor tried to speak but the only word that would come out of his mouth was, “why?”


“Why you ask? The answer is quite simple really, because he can’t help himself.” Heinrich answered. “Manfred is afflicted with what we call ‘ghoul fever’, a disease that will eventually cause him to become an undead.”

Connor’s face paled and his already horrified expression deepened. “Is it contagious?”

“The strain he carries isn’t, he’s just an initiate of the Ghoul King’s Court after all.” Heinrich responded.

A bit of color returned to Connor’s face. “Thank the divines.”

Heinrich chuckled at that. “I guess you should but more importantly you should be thanking Manfred. He was the one who actually saved you and me for that matter.” Heinrich said the last part with obvious self deprecation.

“Woah, don’t be too hard on yourself Heinrich, without you I would’ve died almost immediately. I’ll thank Manfred when he’s done with his… Meal but in the meantime I’ll thank you.” Connor said emphatically. “From the bottom of my heart thank you for putting your life on the line for me.”

“I guess I still have much to learn, no problem. My mission is to protect you after all, if I didn’t do that what kind of Knight would I be?” Heinrich said standing a bit taller.

“Crash, Hiss” another loud hiss was heard from the forest along with an explosion of steam.

“Who are these people?” Connor asked, eyes still focused on the forest.

Heinrich sighed, “they’re from the Legion of Dawn. One of our sects greatest rivals.”

Connor’s face paled a bit at the implication, “so that’s why they’re after me. They want to kill me?”

“Unfortunately so.” Heinrich confirmed. “The Guild was worried about this, that’s why Grave Warden Nikolas was sent along.”

“Where is Grave Warden Nikolas?” Connor asked, still focused on the occasional explosion of steam from the forest.


“In all honesty, I don’t know but I'd wager he’s dueling with the leader of our attackers somewhere.” Heinrich answered with disappointment. “It’s not everyday you get to see rank 4 cultivators duel, too bad we have our own problems to deal with.” As if to prove his point rustling could be heard from the forest. “Damn it, I jinxed it. Get behind me.”

Heinrich shoved Connor behind him and prepared his scythe. The rustling from the forest grew stronger until a figure broke through the brush. Connor couldn’t quite make out the face of the figure because he was turned away from him but he was almost certain he was a man. The man was bald and covered in tattoos and burn marks. He wore painted leather armor and boots but that wasn’t the most striking thing about the man, no that title had to go to the fireballs circling him.

4 yellow fireballs with intense white cores circled him, the air shimmered like a mirage from the distorting heat. The man quickly leaped back using a jet of flame from the bottom of his boot to propel him. Quickly following the man was a familiar figure in a white button up and black dress pants carrying a shovel. Ruby red liquid floated around Karl forming streams and globs in the air as he perused the legion member.

The legion member pointed two fingers at Karl, sending one of the fireballs hurtling at him. Without pausing Karl countered with a ball of red liquid causing an explosion of steam to dissipate through the area.

“They’re too evenly matched.” Heinrich said. “Something needs to be done or Karl’s going to bleed himself dry.”

“What do you mean he’s going to bleed himself dry?” Connor asked.

“No time, I’ll tell you later but now,” Heinrich sighed, “I need to go save his ass.” Without further prompt Heinrich rushed at the legion member.

With his back turned it looked like Heinrich would get the drop on him. He slashed out with his scythe but the only thing he hit was the jet of flame used to propel the legion member to escape.

“They keep multiplying, no matter. They’ll all be cleansed by my righteous flame.” The legion member stated. Suddenly the fireballs that had been circling him stopped and shot towards them.

‘Heinrich’s too close, he won’t be able to dodge.’ Connor watched in horror as one of the fireballs closed in on Heinrich. “Heinrich, no!”

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