《A Cultivation Story》Ch.11 The Journey p.3


After Heinrich and Connor set up the fire, the whole group, besides for Grave Warden Nikolas, sat down and ate.

Connor bit into his hardtack, almost immediately regretting his action. ‘Shit, this stuff is hard as a rock.’ Being more careful he started to nibble at the edges of the rock like biscuit. ‘I wish I’d brought something a little less likely to chip my teeth but oh well.’ Connor glanced around at the others surrounding the fire. ‘I wonder what they have?’

Heinrich, who sat next to him, was eating some sort of jerky. The flesh was extremely dark and tough by the way Heinrich had to tear at it.

Karl, who sat across from him at the other side of the fire, was eating various dried fruits and berries. ‘That looks like it actually has flavor, noted for next time.’ He drank from a waterskin and the liquid contained within glimmered a dark ruby red in the fire light.

Manfred, who sat on the other side of him, ate something that Connor couldn’t quite make out but gave off a horrid stench. ‘He gives me the creeps, he’s so silent and the way he moves is so unnatural.’ Manfred turned to look at Connor as if sensing his gaze.

Now that Connor had a clearer view, he could see a yellowish liquid stained the bandages around his mouth, scraps of rotting meat surrounded his lips and stained his bandaged hands. Manfred gave Connor an eerie small then returned to his meal.

Connor backed away from Manfred and focused back on his hardtack. Unfortunately he had lost his appetite. ‘I think I’m going to be sick.’ Taking another quick glance at Manfred he stared down at the ground. ‘He’s seriously eating rotting meat. That’s just… That’s… The only thing I can think of is just how disgusting that is.’ Glancing up again, this time at Heinrich and Karl he couldn’t help but wonder how they could stand that. ‘That’s just so beyond the pale.’


While Connor was freaking out the others had finished their rations and began setting up their bedding. “Remember Manfred, no chasing animals during watch. I don’t want a repeat of two weeks ago.” Karl said from his bedding.

Manfred nodded his head then moved so his back was facing the fire. Manfred sat in a very strange position almost like a beast with his arms and upper body leaning in between his legs. His knees almost touched his chest and shoulders making him look almost like a dog.

Connor laid his sack down, propping his head against it like a pillow and covered himself with his hemp blanket. ‘Tonight’s going to be a rough night, I just know it.’ He thought to himself before closing his eyes in the hope of a peaceful nights sleep.

What woke Connor wasn’t the light but the unbearable heat. ‘Is it morning already?’ Opening his eyes he saw a ball of fire falling towards the camp. ‘Why is the sun moving towards me?’ The ball of fire drew closer and closer, the heat grew hotter and hotter.

“Oh shit.” Connor quickly rolled out of his blanket and away from the incoming fireball. Completing his escape roll Connor watched as a dark red blob intercepted the fire ball, when the two balls met a tremendous “hiss” was heard as steam rapidly expanded from the collision. Along with the reek of iron and burnt flesh.

“Don’t just stand and stare, get up!” Karl yelled as he bounded towards the direction the fireball had come from. Streams of ruby red liquid floated around him and he carried his shovel in hand. Each leap carrying him unnaturally far almost as if he was floating.

Connor’s view of Karl was cut off as Heinrich moved in front of him, offering him a hand. “Get up, we can’t let them get you.”


Connor took his hand. “What do you mean get me?”

Heinrich nearly threw Connor onto his feet before turning around vigilantly. “No questions right now, just stay behind me.” Heinrich, now with a freed hand, held his scythe with both hands. A strange feeling of dread welled up in Connor as he stared at Heinrich’s back. It was as if his very being radiated danger and an impending doom.

Another loud “hiss” was heard in the distance along with a cloud of steam appearing in the forest. ‘That’s Karl but who is he fighting and why are they after me?’ Connor kept glancing around but the darkness prevented him from seeing too far.

“Snap” Connor glanced behind him and to his horror a fist was sailing towards him. Heated radiated from the fist as it drew closer, he tried to lean away from it but he could tell it wasn’t going to be enough. He Closed his eyes, ‘this is going to hurt.’ But the hurt never came, slowly opening his eyes, Connor was greeted by a cloaked figure slashing at the man who had tried to punch him.

Heinrich sweeped his scythe at the man who nimbly dodged back then quickly jumped forward with an explosive movement. A dull ring was heard as his fist made contact with Heinrich’s battle worn plate, Heinrich took a step back and took another sweeping swing at the fist fighter who again nimbly dodged Heinrich’s scythe. This time though Heinrich stepped forward following up with a jab, hitting the fist fighter with the haft of his scythe and sending him stumbling back.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Heinrich rushed forward swinging his scythe at the man’s side. The fist fighter barely recovered his footing before raising his arms to take the blow from the blade of the scythe. The blade made a solid gash in the fist fighter’s arm but missed any vital spots.

Now sporting a gash on his left arm the fist fighter cautiously circled away from Heinrich, trying to keep out of the reach of his scythe. The two men circled each other, one bleeding the other nearly unscathed. A look of determination crossed the injured man’s face and the air around him started to distort.

With only that as a warning, he again rushed at Heinrich. Heinrich met the man’s rush with the blade of his scythe but the man pushed passed, using his already injured arm to take the blow. Once he got in close he started to pound blow after blow into Heinrich forcing him to drop his scythe.

Heinrich’s armor rang like a bell but with stood the blows, Heinrich himself countered this rain of blows with blows of his own. The two men began to slug it out in an all out brawl neither of them quite having the upper hand. Their deadly dance of death was soon ended by another player entering the fray.

Manfred bounded in from behind the injured man, jumping onto his back like a monkey. He then proceeded to bite into the injured man’s neck, tearing out his throat and chance at victory.

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