《The Never-Ending Search for Amusement》Pocket Dimension


I visited the planet once the deities had calmed down. Actually, now that they have names, I should give it one as well. How about...Earth! Yeah, that should do it. I watched it for a couple years, making little changes here and there, and by the end of it, multicellular organisms had arrived! I got bored waiting, and sped up their development, basically fast-forwarding a few million years. Earth is pretty diverse! It’s got plants, animals and a ton of different climates. I may have helped a bit, but Mother Nature is still good at her job.

I thought about fast-forwarding animals until they became sentient, but I figured I shouldn’t disrupt the natural balance too much. Although...once you’ve explored Earth, and seen it all, there isn’t really anything to do. Maybe I’ll do it later.

Actually, there’s something that I’ve wanted to try for a while that I could do now; making a pocket dimension. Seeing as there was nothing to do on Earth, and I had just visited the deities, it seems like a good time.

So, this is a DIY tutorial on how to make a pocket dimension:

Find an empty bit of space that you turn into the portal Empty it of everything (not a single atom) Create a small black hole and white hole in the area Be careful they occupy the same space but don’t merge, or bad stuff will happen (try using open-ended singularity barriers) Enter the black/white (gray?) hole Enjoy your pocket dimension

It’s actually a lot more complicated than that, but your mortal minds would explode from the sheer amount of information.

I entered the portal and found myself in...nothing. I guess this dimension didn’t have a Universe yet. Or maybe it hadn’t appeared yet. Who knows?

Wait, I know. I found this dimension’s Universe, all clumped up into a little ball. It’s really cute. Well, work time! If the first dimension is where I explore, make things and just...do stuff, this dimension is where I relax! Let’s see...for now, it’s just be a giant castle floating in space. And it has a lounge, and a snack bar, and a massage chair, and it’s awesome! I feel like I’m missing something, though...oh, right; a body to enjoy it all!


I never really thought about making myself a body before, but I’ll need one to fully utilize what my castle has to offer. I suppose I’ll just create a body, and stick myself in the brain. Whoa, that’s actually kind of creepy, like I’m a mind-controlling parasite. Oh, well. My body is 6 feet tall, humanoid, and genderless. It’s really just a bag of nerves and sensors. Let’s hop in!

Wow. So this is how you mortals feel. It’s...weak. I’ll definitely have to give it an upgrade later on, but for now, massage chair!

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