《I Live a Funny Life》Chapter 8: The Waiting game
"Mr.Mikhael, are you listening?"
"Of course sir, I'm all ears sir."
The Principal's office, the one room most student in this world don't want to end up going to, but here we are.
"Now, would you mind explaining to me what happened out there?"
"Yes sir, I'd be happy to."
Before I start to speak, I remember what Ishida told me before I went in, He said, just be honest.
Honest it is then.
"I was going to have my lunch, under the tree by the field, the one where the single bench is at..."
"And then I heard a commotion from nearby, not long after, I saw a group of seniors ganging up on a first year."
"The second years at the faculty office, yes?"
"Precisely sir."
"Based on what you saw, they were bullying?"
"Yes, I believe so."
"That's why you resorted to violence?"
"Not at all sir, with all due respect, I dare say I tend not to do violence unless necessary."
"So that was necessary?"
"At the time, yes it was."
"Because one of them punched me first."
"Really? Do you have any proof?"
Proof? now that's nonsense, that wasn't staged, there was no time for me to record anything...
"I'm sorry sir, but my testimony is all that I can provide."
"Any witness?"
"Well, there's that first year, but he ran away before the fight."
"Do you know who he is?"
"I'm afraid not sir."
Before the Principal can say another word, Ishida step up to say something.
"Sir, with respect I say, Please forgive Mikhael, he's just doing his duty as a member of the student council."
"Ishida, tell me, since when violence is a part of the student council?"
"They are a bunch of bullies that are pretty known in this school sir, with this, they might just have a change of heart."
"And if they don't? This would lead to violence again."
"But it's been done sir, at the end, he was just trying to save his fellow schoolmate."
Precisely old man! Why can't you understand such basic understanding?!
"I understand that much..."
Oh shit, you do?
"But like I said, if not handled properly, this would only lead to another violence."
"That's exactly why Mikhael reported this incident directly to the faculty sir, to prevent further accident."
The old man is thinking, better think hard old man, Ishida is pretty stubborn for a man his age.
Can't believe I'm about to be saved by his stubornness.
"For now, I'll accept this, but I don't want anymore unnecessary violence, understand Mikhael?"
"Sir, I understand Sir."
"Good, you two are dismissed."
We bow our head before heading out.
"Oh, and bring those hoodlums here after they are finish with the faculties."
"Of course Sir." Ishida Said.
We step out of the room, close the door, and Bam! It's finished.
"Whoa, that was intense." I said.
"Well, you're having it easy compared to what those second years are going to get."
"That's not our problem though."
"Thanks Ishida, you saved me back there."
"No problem, those bullies are giving us the Student council and Disciplinary committe troubles, so I appreciate it."
"Even though I used violence?"
"Like I said, what's done is done, the method we use may differ, but what matters is the outcome."
"Like the Principal said though, they might come back at me someday."
"Well, seeing you can beat the five of them no problem, I don't suppose that's a problem for you right?"
Might be different if they brought weapons with them, but I doubt that would happen.
No, don't say such things, might lead to unexpected turn of events...
"Anyway, just like we've discussed..."
"I know man, even though I helped with the bullies, I still need to get punished because I used excessive violence."
"Yes, Not that bad of a punishment, don't worry."
"So what is it?"
"You are suspended until next monday."
"What?! Suspended?!"
"Whoa, calm down, just until next monday, which is three days from now, it's weekend tomorrow anyway."
"That's not the problem here dammit!"
"Then what is?"
"It's the first week of my highschool, and I'm already suspended?! My record is stained on the first week?!"
"Reno, calm down, your punishment is off the record, it won't stain anything."
Oh, well...
"That's a relief..."
"The student council will explain this to your homeroom teacher, so you can go get your bag and go home now."
Fuck, and today is P.E, P.E for fuck's sake, I was excited for it.
"Like, right now, right now?"
"Now Reno, don't cause anymore trouble for yourself."
"Alright alright, chill dude..."
"Oh, and..."
Before we know it, we arrived at the faculty office already, I can clearly hear the second year bullies are getting an earful from the teachers.
Ha, suck on that bitches!
"I thank you on behalf of the student council, you cross a problem off our list on your first week of joining, which is impressive. And a hard one too."
"Eyy, no problem man, don't go formal one me now, kinda weird." I said. "But you're welcome, glad to help."
"Cheeky bastard, I'm just being polite." He adjust his glasses. "You should go now, If the teachers know you're here, they are going to call you in and prolong your stay."
"Yeah, see you next week though."
"Sure, if we need you, we'll contact you."
"Sure, I'm always available."
Man this sucks, getting suspended is one thing, but missing P.E because of this? Must be bad luck.
Anyway, I'm suppose to be out of the school ground already, let's not think about that depressing shit here.
I can only walk in silence, as silence as this hallway.
Well, everyone else are in class right now, studying.
Like i give a damn! P.E is all I wanted! I want to confirm all those "Girls in bloomers are the best" shit, and besides, showing off you physical prowess is one of many ways to impress the ladies.
But here I am, going to class just to go home.
I slide my classroom door open...
"Of course, no one is here..."
They are out there at the field having fun...
This is depressing.
"Stop! fuck me-"
That's right, Komiya said Suzuki wants to see me afterschool, what should I do about that I wonder?
"Should I go back to the school gate later or..."
Who am I kidding, we're neighbor stupid, I can just wait for her...
"That doesn't even make any sense if she's waiting for me by the gate..."
I'm not making any senses at all, what is wrong with me today?
Oh wait, that's right, I should get out of here, Ishida said so if I don't want to get in further troubles, but where should I go? Straight back home? Well duh, I want to change into casual clothes first...
Yeah, that's right, that's the plan for now...
As I walk down the hall leading to the front gate, I can feel that the air in the school somehow changed...
Maybe it's just me, but I don't know.
Let's hope that nothing happens because I kind of took care of those bullies back then.
"Again with the flag raising..."
After I change my shoes, right after I left the school gate, I open my phone to text Suzuki.
"Huh, there are three messages, who could it be?"
Maybe that first year that I saved back then?
"Yeah right, I bet he doesn't even know who I am..."
Well, yet...
"Let's see..." I unlock the screen "Two from Suzuki and one from..."
Mike? The hell did he want?
"Wait, that's not important dammit, Suzuki is."
The first thing that I should check is the time she sent this messages.
"Last night? What the hell? How come I didn't hear the phone ring?"
It's on silent...
"Bloody hell, so that's why Komiya conveys the messages from her, of course..."
Bravo dude, fucking bravo...
"I'll just text, Sorry my phone was on silent last night so I couldn't hear it, I'll be waiting by the school gate afterschool."
And send, next, Mike's message.
Hey Reno, afterschool today I need some help, call me right away afterschool.
"Sorry Mike, I already have plans for afterschool..."
And send...
Now, what should I-
"A new message, Someone's a fast reply."
Can't be Suzuki, she's in the middle of class right now, so must be Mike.
The text says, Don't be like that man, help me out here, you'll be paid.
"Hmm..., Tempting, but Suzuki is more important, looking back at the three messages, Suzuki should come first because she asked since last night."
I would if I could, that should suffice.
"Maybe a bit too vague for him, it's a girl, so I beg you to understand."
Send again, this time, I'll keep looking, it should arrive any second now...
Ha, Called it...
"Let's see..."
What the hell? Wait, why are you replying? Ditching class? If yes, then help me out right now, you'll be done before your date.
"Why are you so desperate Mike? This is suspicious..."
Tell me what you want...
Send and wait...
Brrrttt... Brrrttt...
Oh? He calls me instead of replying.
"Hey dude, you're free right?"
"More or less..."
"Not in your character to play hookey..."
"I'm not."
"Then why?"
"Long story short, I'm not allowed to be in school today."
"Shiiit, you got kicked out? Got caught red handed with-"
I can tell where this is going...
"Hold it right there punk, I'm not messing around with any chick at school alright."
"Whatever dude, your problem is not my problem, anyway-"
"Then why the fuck were you so curious?!"
"You had my curiosity, anyway, my favor comes first, let's leave your sad story for later-"
"Hey asshole, it's not just sad, it's tragic..."
"Like I said, save it for later..."
Fucking ass...
"You're a dick..."
"Yeah yeah, If I'm a dick, then what are you? we both know you're w-"
"Alright, stop, We're going nowhere here."
"Then stop distracting me you fuck!"
"I'm not! you kept getting sidetracked!"
"Anyway!" He clears his throat. "Since you're free, I need you to help me and my friends out, you will be paid for your trouble."
"I'm not going to help you guys pick up any chicks."
"Hey you fuck, stop changing the bloody subject!"
"Alright! Just joking, Christ dude, your sense of humor must be as big as your balls."
"Which is pretty b-"
"Stop! I don't want to hear that! So what kind of help?!"
"Go to the shopping district, we'll talk at the cafe called Silver Spoon."
Huh? That sounds very familliar...
"Where exactly dickwad? Give me the exact location."
"Go to the cafe area dude, you'll see, it's pretty crowded."
"If it's crowded, won't it be better if we talk somewhere else?"
"Nope can't do."
"I'll explain later goddammit, just get your fuckin ass over here already!"
"I'll be there in 20 minutes..."
"Why in 20 minutes?"
"I need to change first genius..."
"Oh right, uniform, then go."
"No need to-"
He hung up...
"I swear to god I'll sock your face someday..."
Well, no use complaining about it I guess, better to just go get change and head to wherever the fuck Mike is...
"Hmm? Another message?"
Mike you fucking impatient son of a-
Oh, wait a minute, it's not Mike...
"It's Suzuki, let's see..."
I might be a bit late, my club is having a quick meeting afterschool, is it okay if you wait a bit?
"Why not?"
And send...
"Wait, the hell did I just sent? Why not? That's it?!"
Come on man, be more creative!
"I mean, alright, I can wait, you can take your time."
There, hundred times better.
Brrrt... Brrrttt...
Another Call?
Now it's Mike.
"The fuck do you want Mike? Like I said, I'll be there in-"
"Reno you sneaky sack of shit! Your school's not the type that gives a rat's ass about their student going somewhere afterschool while still wearing their uniform!"
Huh? Shiit, he knows?
"Damn, how do yo-"
"My friend is an alumni from that school, he just told me, now get your ass over here!"
"Alright alright, you need to calm down dude..."
"I'll calm the fuck down after yo-"
End the call, nope, I already have my fill of his yelling voice for today.
I'll just text him, be there ASAP, omw right now.
"To the shopping district I go then..."
Then again, Silver Spoon just sounds too damn familliar...
"Silver, silver..."
"Of course! That cafe from this morning!"
Damn, I must be getting old...
"Well, this should be easy."
I've been there before, I kind of memorize the way there, of course I need to know the way if I plan to bring my date there right?
Getting lost while on a date is something that would displease the ladies.
"Besides, I don't want to get caught using that one love hotel as a checkpoint..."
Blegh, that would be embarassing as fuck.
"Might as well get my balls kick at broad daylight..."
But I got to wonder though, this whole business with Mike, he sounds desperate...
Maybe he's in trouble?
To tell the truth, in trouble or a mere asking for help, I don't really care.
Mike helped me before, so it's just common courtesy for me to pay him back, being a man of good manner, I am bound to do so.
So I keep on walking, heading towards the Silver Spoon cafe, the Cafe that I had my breakfast before.
I pass on that one love hotel I remember so clearly from before.
"This here is the place, and not far from here then..."
After walking for a while...
"Mike's right, it is pretty crowded..."
Huh, guess I'm not the only that is charmed by that place.
"Anyway, Mike should be inside, let's get this over with so I can meet up with Suzuki later."
Different from this morning, no one is standing outside of the store.
"Well, the store is more than half full so I guess there's no point on having someone to "fish" for customer."
I said that as I open the door, only to get greeted by the same guy from this morning.
"Welcome to Silver Spoon, table for one?"
"No, I'm sorry, but my friend is already waiting inside."
He looks at me with a bit of curiosity.
"I'm sorry, is there something on my face?"
"Are you Mike's friend?"
"Yes, I am actually, are you his friend too?"
"Yes I am, thank you for coming, Mike is at the table at the back."
"I see, thank you."
He said thank you for coming.
Thank you for what? I haven't done anything.
Whatever, Mike can explain to me better anyway.
So I walk pass several customer, busily chatting on their table with their companion, there at the back of the room, Mike's drinking something that's definitely not a cup of coffee.
"Are you drinking beer?"
"What?" He looks at me "Oh hey dude, took your sweet ass time huh?"
"Hey, I walk here as fast as I could."
"Sure you did."
"I don't appreciate sarcasm after I've honestly done my best."
"Hey, it wasn't one."
"Forget it, so what's this all about?"
"Still haven't figure it out?"
"Figure out what?"
"Follow me."
"To where?"
"For fucks sake, just follow me..."
"Alright alright."
I follow him without further question, to a door with a sign.
"Authorized personel only, what is this some kind of secret military base?"
"Haha, yeah right, A brothel is a far more convincing place to be a secret base."
"What do you know?"
"Sorry, What do YOU know?"
"I KNOW for a fact that you owe me an explanation."
"I won't explain anything to you."
"Mike, don't waste my fucking time dude..."
"But he will..."
A young man, no older than Mike, which is around 24, I guess, is sitting down behind a desk while sorting out papers.
"Oh hello Mike, is this him?"
"This is him alright."
"Thank you, I'll take it from here."
"Alright then, I'm off to do what I'm supposed to do, Later."
Wait, where the fuck do you think you're going?!
"Later dude, he'll fill you in on everything, fret not."
"I'm not afraid, lest this some illegal business of course."
"Ha, I'm a clean man, I won't do anything shady."
"Let's see about that."
"Anyway, Later dude."
"Yeah, whatever, Later."
Well, the whole "Mike will explain something" just walk out of the fucking door, now I'm stuck with a stranger.
"Reno, Was it? I'm sorry for the sudden call."
"Oh, it's actually nothing to be concerned of, I'm just confuse is all."
"Right, My name is Eric Inoue."
That's... a weird name.
No offense, just a humble and honest opinion.
"I can tell that you think my name is weird..."
"I'm terribly sorry."
He laughed a bit.
"It's okay, many people think so too, My father is a British, and my Mom is Japanese, Born and raised here in Japan, so even though I'm from a family with two different culture, and I look like a foreigner, I prefer to speak my Mother's language, is that okay with you?"
"Certainly, I have no qualms with it."
"Good, onto business then..."
"I'm sorry, business?"
"Yes, you see, my store is on rush hour right now, there was supposed to be two more part time to help out with the store, but there are some urgent business they have to attend so they can't come..."
"That's why you ask Mike to ask me for help."
"I like a smart man like you, fast to connect the dots."
"Thank you..."
"So, I need you to help around the store."
"You choose, can you cook? or are you more of a waiter kind of person?"
"I can cook, yes, but since I don't specifically know about the dish here, I'm afraid I might ruin the taste."
"So you'll go for the safer option."
"Yes, I'm taking the waiter position."
"Good, thank you, you can start now after changing into our uniform."
Oh, before I go.
"Almost forgot, Since Mike called me just after I made plans, I need to inform you that I have to leave before 5 P.M."
"Oh it's okay, I understand that we called you suddenly, so I can understand, we appreciate all the help you can provide."
"Okay then, I'll start now."
"You're not going to ask about payment?"
I totally forgot about that, I almost work for free here...
Fuck me...
"Oh, right..."
"You're eager to work it seems."
"uhh, something like that..."
"How about I pay you a hundred Yen per hour?"
A hundred Yen?
I don't know whether that's a good thing or not, this is the first time I'm working...
"Just pay as you would pay the other part timer, this is my first time working so I'm not too sure about payment."
"I see, then I should do as I would with the other part timer."
"Thank you, I'll be going now."
"Yes, work hard Reno, you can ask Kanji to show you the rope."
"Yes, thank you."
I'm not confuse as to who this Kanji is, I mean, he's the only one out there taking orders and greets the customer.
I head to the locker room and opens the one that The Manager told me to open, there's my uniform.
It's only a sleeved shirt and a black apron, with a pocket in front of it.
"Now this is something that I see in most cafe and restaurant, I thought it's going to be something different."
Wait, how could I? I mean, I came here this morning.
"Shiit, I'm already confuse before I even start working."
Allright, first thing first, ask Kanji about the basics.
I head out to look for him immediately, considering he's the only waiter beside me, he shouldn't be too hard too find.
"So, you took the job huh?" Kanji said
"Yeah, something like that, just this time probably."
"It's okay, we need all the help we can get."
"This will be my first time working, so I was hoping if you would show me the basics."
"Sure, it's simple really."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yep, just wait around for someone to call you, take their order, bring that order to Taka behind the bar there, let him take care of the rest, and bring the order to the customer..."
"I want to say you're explaining too fast, but it's so simple that I can understand it already."
"I know right?"
"What about the payment?"
"If a customer's asking for the bill, come see me, I'm behind the cashier."
"I see..."
"You good?"
"Of course."
"Right, so go on then, have fun waiting."
Waiting is not actually a "Fun" thing to do...
But it's part of my job, so what the heck...
Like he said, all I need to do for now is to wait, so wait I shall.
"Oh, and what's your name again?"
Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself.
"I'm sorry, my name is Reno."
"Allright, Reno, don't forget to smile."
"Simple enough."
"Sounds simple, but sometimes hard to do."
"Why is that?"
"Nothing in particular, for the first few hours yeah it's simple, but as the day go on and you're starting to grow tired, it's harder to do something as simple as that."
"Speaking from experience?"
"And I've been here for a long time."
"I see, thanks for the advice."
For the first couple minutes, I've done nothing but wait...
I gotta say, working as a waiter is actually pretty..., dull.
Not long after, I notice that someone is looking for a waiter, so without delay, I walk to their table.
"Welcome to Silver Spoon cafe, what can I do for you?" I said
It's a group of, what seems to be college girls?
Too old for highschool, yet too young to be housewives...
No way, no girls are too young to be housewives...
There's something wrong with that sentence.
Damn, focus on the job for now Reno!
"I'll have a cup of latte please."
"Espresso for me."
"I'll just have the special blend, thanks."
I write down their orders.
"Is there anything else?" I asked
"No, that's it for now."
"I'll be right back with your order."
I head to the bar and give the order to, who Kanji called Taka, he said come back in five minutes.
He said come back, but there's nothing else to do for me other than to wait.
"I'll just wait here."
"Okay then."
He turn around, doing his thing.
And I'm here doing my thing.
Which is nothing.
"Just because it rhymes, doesn't mean-"
"One latte, One espresso, and a special blend."
I turn around, and find three neatly placed cups of coffee.
"You do realize that's not even five minutes right?"
"Well, you're waiting there, I'd feel bad to make you wait."
"But that's my job, to wait."
"For customers, not me."
Good point.
"But are you sure these coffees are legit? You're so quick to make them."
"Been here for a while, I know some tricks to make them fast, but still good."
"What's the trick?"
"Later man, you have a job to do."
"Oh, right..."
I put those coffees on a tray, and walk back to their legitimate owner.
"Here are the coffe, please enjoy." I said as I place them down slowly.
The three of them said thanks almost in sync...
"Say, you're new here aren't you?"
"Yes I am..."
"No wonder you are so unfamilliar to us."
"I bet this cafe would be even more popular with you around."
"Hey hey, don't tease him like that, you might scare him away."
They laugh together...
I have a lot of questions, but I'll just keep them to myself.
Me? I can't do anything but laugh awkwardly...
Because I can't precisely understand the message of what she just said...
It's just something all college girls have in common, so hard to understand.
Or perharps, all kinds of women to be precise...
"Thank you, if you need my assistance again, please, feel free to call me again." I said as I smile, just as Kanji told me to do.
They are embarassed somehow...
See? So complicated, why are they embarassed? God knows why...
I keep repeating the same procedure over and over again as the day goes on.
It's not like I'm crazy, but I have the feeling that I'm being watched all the time.
It's a mix of good feeling, and unsettling.
The problem of a good looking young men...
"Mike will hit me for saying that..."
As the day goes by, this place only gets busier by the minute, until I notice a couple of Highschool students starts walking in.
Shit, school's out already?
What time is it?
I check my wristwatch, it says 4 PM.
"I need to ask Suzuki when we'll be meeting up..."
After I serve the remaining customers, I head to where the Manager is.
I knock on the door before going in.
"Excuse me boss, can I have a short brake?"
"Huh? Of course you can..." He pause "More like, you must, you haven't take a single break since you start..."
"Thank you, well I was busy."
"It gets busier..."
"With all due respect, tell me something I don' already know..."
"Haha, sorry sorry, go ahead then, enjoy your break."
"Thank you."
I head to my locker at the staff room, and immediately open my phone to text Suzuki.
When will you be out?
I just sit and relax as I wait for her reply.
Shouldn't take too long though.
"And there it is..."
Aroung six, sorry that I'm making you wait.
It's okay, see you at six then.
"Around six huh, still two more hours."
Might as well go all the way with the job then.
As I head out, I accidentally bump into the Manager.
"Oh, sorry boss."
"It's okay, still going to work?"
"Yeah, if it's okay, I'll continue working for another two hours."
"What happen to leaving before four?"
"There's a change of plan, I'll need to go before six."
"I see..."
He's thinking to himself.
Is it not okay?
"Of course it's okay, good to have you here to help out, thanks Reno."
Nice mind reading by the way...
"Thank you, I'll be going then."
"Sure, work hard."
"Work hard I will..."
And with that, I return to my post, which is besides the bar.
There are a couple of students from my school here, must've arrive when I was taking a break.
Apparently, Kanji already took their order.
So, it's waiting for me...
Do some cleaning, you might suggest.
Well, you see, I was supposed to take and bring the customers their order, while Kanji works behind the cashier and clean the tables.
I would love to help him clean up, but he seems to enjoy doing it, I'd feel bad if I intterupt him.
As I space out, Someone waves to me.
That's call of duty my friend, finally!
"What can I help you with?" I said.
"C-could it be...?"
I can hear them whispering to each other.
I don't know about you guys, but four-way whispering seems very hard to do, not the whispering part, but being as silent as possible part.
I mean, damn, they thought they are whispering, but I can hear them talking...
"Are you Reno? The first year from Summer's Hope?"
I've answered that question in my mind since minutes ago, I wasn't eavesdropping, swear to god I wasn't...
"Yes I am."
Oh man, here it comes...
"I knew it! You look familliar to us."
Well, I can't say the same to you girls though.
Let's not be rude and keep that to myself.
"Oh really?"
"I had to think twice because..."
There's silence...
"Are you working here?"
Should I expalin to them?
Nah, I don't think so.
"Well, only part time..."
I said it...
"Let's go here again tomorrow..."
Again, they are "whispering".
Dammit girl, lower your voice if you are trying to whisper.
"So, what can I help you with?"
"Oh, that's right, we want the bill please."
"I'll be right back."
I head to where Kanji is and ask for the bills, and soon after, I walk back to them.
"Here you go..."
One of them took it, scanning it for a moment.
I sure as hell can feel the other scanning me however...
"Here you go Reno."
I confirm whether the amount of money is enough or not, before letting them go.
Again, there's something wrong with that sentence...
"Thank you for coming, please come again." I bow my head.
"Thank you Reno, see you tomorrow!"
Tomorrow at school right?
I head to Kanji after they left, and give him the money.
"Hey Reno, the boss called for you."
"Oh, thanks Kanji."
"Don't mention it." He take the money and put it inside the cash register. "By the way, you seem to be good at this, how about working part time here?"
"I'll have to think about it, I'm pretty busy with school actually."
"Well, I hope you can work here, we need more staff."
"Don't worry, I'll think about it."
"Okay then, see you later, for now, go to the boss."
"Sure will."
Work here huh?
The only reason why I'm here today is because Mike asked for my help.
I don't have any problem with money, because, well you know, my parents are rich and they keep sending me money even though I never asked them to.
But working here is nice, and now that I think about it, extra pocket money sounds good too.
My dad said, nothing beats the feeling of receiving your pay after work.
"Decisions, decisions..."
I keep thiking about it, and before I know it, I arrive at the Manager's office.
"Excuse me, you wish to see me sir?"
"Ah yes, I want to say thanks for helping out today."
"No problem, It was fun actually."
"I see, then how about working part time here?"
"About that, I need time to think about it."
"It's okay, just take you time." He search around his desk for a moment. "Here you go."
He hands me an envelope, I assume that's my pay for today.
"Thank you."
"So you're going now?"
I check my watch, it says 4:30, still have an hour before the appointed time.
"If it's okay, can I stay to help for another hour? I volunteer, so you don't have to pay me, I don't have anything else to do at home and I'm meeting someone at six."
"No, not my girlfriend..."
"Haha, no need to be shy, you can be honest with me."
"Just joking, of course you can help."
"I-i see..., Then I'll contine where I left off, thank you."
"You're welcome Reno."
I bow before heading out.
Not long after, I return to my workspace, and to my surprise...
"The amount of customer is not dwindling at all, what the hell..."
This place is really popular huh, I wonder what makes it so...
I'll have to ask Kanji later.
But for now, I'll just help around a bit more.
For another hour, I continue my new routine, I help Kanji with the customers, sometimes he gets so busy that I handle the cleanings for him too.
Not that I mind really.
Still, this feeling of being watched just won't leave my back.
It goes on for an hour.
After that, I change back to my previous attire, bid farewell to the other staffs before going out.
I can see for a moment that some of the customer seems dissapointed.
I know for fact working here is going to be a heck of hard work, both mentally and physically.
But like I said, not that I mind the attention...
"Let's see, my payment, how much did I get?"
Wait, opening an envelope full of money while walking at the street is not a good idea, I don't want to get mugged by some asshole...
Then again, this area is pretty peaceful.
"But better be safe then sorry."
So I shove the envelope back to my pocket, and hasten my pace to school.
The sky changes color, it was bright blue, but now it's scarlet, not that many clouds can be found.
But the wind blows rather hard every now and again.
"Guess it's raining tonight huh?"
Hope I didn't forgot to put in my laundy...
As I arrive at the school gate, I text Suzuki to let her now.
She replies with, I'll be right there.
"Damn, can't the wind chill down a bit..."
All this waiting is tiring me out, I've done enough waiting for a day.
Come on Suzuki, where are you?
There she is...
I'm not impatient okay..., well, maybe I am, but it's just because I'm tired of waiting for today.
"Hey, you look tired." She said
"So are you, have you look at the mirror? you look like someone just make a slave out of you..."
"Well you know, I enjoyed myself too much while waiting for you."
"What'd you do?"
"I'll tell you some other time."
The wind blows again, maybe we shouldn't be talking here.
"Want to-"
She looks serious all of a sudden...
I don't like where this is going...
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news..." She pauses "But I need to tell you something."
I knew it...
It'll rain tonight for sure.
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The sun, with all its radiance, left this world long ago. In this land of savage beasts and unrestrained violence, contested zones rich with resources remain as the last bastions of mankind. Still, life was not well as small towns struggled to produce both the food and fuel necessary to sustain life. It was in one of these towns that Anya was born. Forced out of the only dwelling she had ever called home, the girl now must journey through the desolate wastes in search of purpose and a place where she may belong. Be warned, these lands show no mercy, not even to a sheltered child…
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Scales of Trust
Human and dragon alike must place their character upon the scales of trust. He has lost everything, she has only one thing left to lose. When Archos finds himself trapped in Ayente's world, the choice to help her and her stone age tribe in their time of need will change everything for everyone, not only in how they live, but in who lives at all.
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Restart (Reborn as a Reluctant Demon Lord, Book 2)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] This is book 2 of the series! If you haven't read book 1 (which you can find here https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/34776/new-game-reborn-as-a-reluctant-demon-lord-book) then you should probably do that first to avoid spoiling yourself in the synopsis. But that's just a suggestion. If you want to be confused, go ahead. Have I used enough space so that you can't see this in the preview yet? Okay, good. ----- For a [Demon Lord], not even death is the end. So, after death, I found myself revived once again in the world of Placeholder as a grotesque monstrosity. That was my first reincarnation, but it would not be anywhere near my last. Disillusioned with the admins and their quests, and wanting nothing more than to fix the mistakes of my past, I set out with a new goal in mind. To bring back the woman I loved. Or maybe... to ensure that she never died in the first place.
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The Marked Heroes
Zachary Bennet was the Leader of Unit Twelve, one of the thirteen elusive crime fighting teams across the country for those with 'special' gifts. When the country's most feared criminal enters the city, Zach becomes faced with a terrible secret that will shake the very core of his identity. And with it, he must make a choice. Next Update: March 31st! (There's been a delay due to an earthquake in Utah) COME WATCH ME WRITE ON YOUTUBE (Shenanigans ensue) Cross Posted On: Anthezar Website And a bunch others... xD
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Unbound Plane Traveler
The uncertain life of farming for the dubious privilege of living had always been the norm for Thom, a young man born the son of a farmer. Although his mother had given him and his siblings the gift of literacy, it had only served to make him realize how far-fetched his dead dreams were. His life was spent aimlessly and with few hope, until a starless night a girl crash-landed on his field.
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The Slump God (Stokeley Imagines)
Imagine that...
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