《Accidental Time God》Chapter 00.25 - Time For a New Perspective


Pocket Watch PoV

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* The new king sure is a lovely kid, but he is a bit too energetic and sometimes I had to go back in time for a few seconds just to not let him hurt himself with a pathetic reason… well, I just did that while he was a kid and was learning how to walk. I didn’t want to see the kid dead before he matured, so until he was 3 years old I protected him from any harm like pointy and cutting things. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Today was his 15th birthday and it looks like he is going to receive the training to be able to lead people since his father, that was my previous owner, had already made his mind sharp from his training. That means that the royal family is now going to have a good mind in helping them solve problems without worries.

The boy’s name is William and he has two younger sisters, Berenice who is 12 years old and Celestia, 7 years. The trio would always be together and it is said that the princesses are going to be beautiful maidens. I still don’t really understand the concept of beauty of the Lifetime Marked beings. The things they say are beauty are ephemeral to me and I can’t see what they like in it. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* No problems so far this life. No wars, no problems with the kingdom, and the small problems were just like the ones they always had. Corrupted animals by impure mana, some bandits that want to steal a princess to become known… they could try to change their tactics and learn other things… just like always… but the lifetime of my owner is finishing and I have been passed on to his daughter.

She is a girl with good foresight and understood what I really am. A clock that can use a magic that was just for the gods. As such she decrees that I should have my own place to stay and be worshiped as one.

She gives orders to the workers to create the tallest and most beautiful clock tower possible. She first chooses one of the blueprints she liked the most and how much it would cost to prepare everything. Since the people have already seen some of my magic they didn’t think about denying the little Queen and happily accepted the job. Who wouldn’t be happy to be able to create the sanctuary of a deity? That was what they said as they started to work on it properly. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* They literally destroyed the previous palace that was in the middle of the city, but not before creating a new one a little farther from the center. The location of the old palace is where the tower would be built, though it would take some time to be able to complete since the production of steel and all is low. Well, they have tons of metal, but the magic things they are planning to create are difficult to be created with their weak bodies and I had to wait. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Again nothing happened and the last wish of the little girl was to continue the creation of the tower and her heir, my new owner and her daughter, said she would continue the project as well as try to make it faster.

My new owner worked hard to find new solutions and other things, but the one that gave her the answers was an old person, the head of the royal mages. She was the one that suggested to let the mages help in the construction since they could use magic and they would be able to speed the process a little more. Not only that, they could make it in a way that the mortals would find it such a majestic construction that no one would dare to laugh about the form of the Deity of Time that started to live in the watch.


My owner said that she wanted to think about it a little and in two days she accepted the help of the magicians in the construction site.*Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* The years passed and just a few incidents that I saw were good to mention as I continued to pass through generation and generation as the main heirloom of this kingdom. Today, year 1060, July 15th, I am going to be placed in my tower. The tower's structure and outside were already complete for a century but they didn’t have some of the internal things done, and the core they needed was not found until a few days ago. Now it is placed in the last room at the top, right in the place where they are going to put me.

Four giant clocks were placed, one on each wall, and they could be seen from any place in the city. The 10 story building was finally complete and the four clocks were all set at midday as that way would be easier to let me control them. Various bells were placed inside the top of my tower and with them I would be able to make various noises and create melodies to say what time it is.

The current king, my owner, is before the Clock Tower and everyone from the kingdom was here to see before them the tower where the new god is going to be placed. He was preparing to do a speech about my ‘past’, or probably a part of it because I myself do not know how I got to be myself… I just got some answers and nothing more. But the biggest question is, how did I get to be sentient? But let’s just hear what my last owner is saying. Today is a good day to give a speech… ‘And what is this that I am feeling? I never felt it before… could it be… happiness?’ I ask myself but I couldn’t talk to the people here or to my owner so I didn’t really understand what it is.

“Citizens of Ordaias, I, Miagorn Valsalles Drarrugius Ordaias the First, am here today to tell you all that we are finally able to complete the great Clock of Clocks!” The people before the tower shouted and would have made me deaf, if I had ears. I just looked at them, I had never seen so many people together, except when in war and it was not a good thing to wake up at that time… he continued his speech. “It took us 200 years to finally be able to see how beautiful this monument will be when completed, and today is the day that the Great God of Time will have a true place to live!” He proceeds walking to the stairs and the people wanted to follow him, but were all stopped by the guards.

“This place now is a sacred place and we don’t want anyone interrupting His Majesty in this delicate moment. The heirloom of this kingdom that appeared in the first great war is now going to be placed where it should always have been: a sanctuary where its power will be completely true. Out god will finally be able to be free himself from his improvised body.” I heard the man in white, who had accompanied my owner until now, saying those words. I just waited for it to finish.

“Do you know… every generation we never tried to ask what you wanted and just did what we thought was correct. I am lucky to see that you guided my family with your power until now. But I think it is time to let you go, to observe new places and people and finally be able to discover what you really want.” The king was crying and I couldn’t tell him anything…


‘I am not what you think I am…’ I wanted to say, but my own core wouldn’t allow me. It was like I was already a god since the beginning, not like I would always hear what they wanted so I ‘trained’ the royal family to not depend on my usage to be alive. Their lives are important to me… probably it is because I am a god, so I just listened to him while doing what I could do: mark the time with my ticking sound. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

“It looks like this is goodbye.” My owner says with a strange smile on his face. The same kid I have seen be born and grow into such a good man that would always work perfectly, never too cruel or merciful. Always in the correct place, a wise man who would always talk with me with a smile and a shine in his eyes… The time when he married the girl he liked, his first kid… everything flashed through me and a new thing appeared in my core. ‘Is this… sadness?’ I ask to the new thing I have discovered.

Today was a strange day, I discovered happiness and sadness and now they are merging together. I have the other one, as well, that I had discovered before and the one I felt the most in all my owners, rage.

“Let’s go. This is where you are going to be placed.” He walks and lets me see the room. It has nothing in it, just a BIG core. I say big because it is really huge! It is a perfect sphere as tall as my owner, 180cm, with a carving that was made to perfectly fit my watch inside it. “This is the place where you are going to live now. The door I have used will be sealed after I leave and no one will be able to enter this place.” He says and starts to take the chain out of my body and I look at his face. “Our god now is going to be in his new body, in his own domain, and may you bless us mortals with your guidance.” The king proceeds to place me in the carving on the core. I feel the surge of mana entering my body and I let myself quickly sink as my small body enters my new core, gaining more and more mana until the small watch stops in the middle of the core. Looking to the place where the carving should be I found that it had disappeared and now the sphere was perfectly made. I look once more to the king and find that he has kneeled.

“Our god has accepted his new body and now… I’ll leave you alone.” He stands up and wipes away his tears. When he leaves the door lifts itself and is closed shut. No one is going to be able to access this room and I had already understood all the structure of this place. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock*I spread my mana through the gears and with my knowledge I have gained I write the same enchantments I had in every gear and part of the tower that didn’t have it. I could see that I have shone when I completed it and the four clocks started to spin, setting the time; 17:50. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* And with a new mana circuit I set the bells to ring. A song that I have heard one of my owners sing and now it is my own lullaby. I am using it to show that I am ‘happy(?)’ with my new body.

I shift my sight to the outside of the tower and I can see everyone that was present in the Clock square kneeling and praying to their God of Time, asking for protection.

It is at this time that he appears, the last owner, the king that had finally accomplished the project left undone for many generations of kings and queens. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

The king walks back to his platform and says that they all should lift their bodies and have a good look at the sanctuary they constructed for the God of Time. “This is our new pride! This is the temple we created with our own hands and a symbol that our God will protect us if we act righteously!” The crowd cheers and I can hear their voices. I look at them and I look at the city. I could see anywhere if I feel like it. My magic now enclosed all the city and a few meters out of it. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* I continued to observe the mortals from different spots and I understood that they are not so good like I had thought. They uses others, treat each other with disrespect, enslave the prisoners of war, rape girls… too many other things… and it is then that I started to learn what the other emotions are.

I gained another two at the same time, boredom and loneliness. They both came after two days of looking at the city. I didn’t have anything to do now and no was here to talk to me… except the stupid priests… they are annoying and would always want to talk with their god and other things. Sometimes I would freeze their time and leave them waiting for a few minutes and it would make them become red. I also started to meddle with affairs in the city. It was a good way to stop my boredom and loneliness.

I would meddle whenever I would find that the mortals are treating each other with hostility, and it was then I learned that is possible to treat people like that and I had done it in the past… when I ‘killed’ some of my owners because of their behaviour.

Doubt, suffering, pity, gratitude, apathy, etc… I was learning how the emotions worked while I observed the mortals in my city that have started to develop more and more technology. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Year 1500, August 27th. An army appeared at the border of my city saying that my city had a rebellious god and needed to be killed or it would destroy the world. I just chuckle at their pitiful weapons and magic. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* “You want to defeat me with those things? You are 10,000 years too late! I am already the almighty God of Time and no one can ever try to kill me anymore!” I shout in my mind and it is at this time that I find my sin: PRIDE. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

Writer's Spot: Good to see you again, Time Travelers.

I am here once more bringing ths story of a strange watch... or should I call it clock now? This is not my problem!

It takes 'time' and I need to cover too much holes I left when I created the idea... so it is a little difficult to place everything with good timing and I thing I am doing a great work with it all.

If you have any idea, let me know, I will not promise that I'll use it, but who knows what can I use?

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